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My daily routine

I wake up at 5:30 am and then I get up at 5:40 am. I

take a shower and get dressed. I usually wear gray
pants, blouse in the summer and high shoes. I brush my
hair, put on my make-up, I pack my bag with all my
teaching materials, I have breakfast and leave the house,
after that I walk to the bus stop. I catch the bus at 6:25
am, and then I pay my fare and sit down. It takes about
90 minutes to get my destination. I get off the bus and
walk to work.

My shift starts at 8:00 am ends at 6:00 pm.

I have lunch at 12:30 pm. after work, I catch the bus at

6:10 pm and I go to my english classes, classes are from
7:30 pm to 9:00 pm.

At the end of classes, I take the bus and go to my house.

Then I make phone calls my boyfriend, we catch up on

our day, then I go on Fcebook, or watch TV until about
10:30, and at about 11 o' clock I go to bed.

And thats my daily routine!

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