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No Word

1 Aside

2 Commendable

3 Eavesdrop on


4 Vice president

Vice versa

Toward the side direction and can be used figuratively

Apart from or except for

Deserving praise

Listen secretly to what other people are saying

Bad Habit

A person who is a rank lower than or directly below the president

Used to say it is true in the opposite order


Please stand aside.

Can you move aside and let me pass.
U can take her aside and speak with her privately.
She pulled aside the curtains and opened the window.
Rewaa always threw her clothes aside.
The new manager is so excited to throw aside the old methods in favor of the new ones.

Such minor problems aside, he is a good man.

U dide a commendable effort.

Ur honesty or behaviour or bravery is commendable.

Smoking is his only vice.

He became the Vice president of the United States.

He doesn't trust her and vice versa.

No Word

1 Nutritious

Promoting good health and growth

No Word

1 Claim (v)

Say that something is true but you can't prove it and other people mayn't believe it

Ask for a legal right


He proudly claims he is an expert.

Uncle Nagah still claims there is no firm evidence linking smoking with lung cancer.
Ezzat claims he doesn't know anything about the robbery.

Both of them claimed credit for the idea.

No one ever claimed ownerrship for this land.
The terrorist group claimed responsibility for the recent attack.

You should claim compensation for the additional hours you have worked.
Don't forget to claim for ur travelling expenses after the interview.
He claimed asylum.
No heirs came to claim the inheritance.
No Word
No Word

1 Barometer

2 Blizzard



4 Chilly

Clear (adj)


Clear (v)

Cloud (n)


An instrument that is used to measure air pressure and predict changes in the weather

An indicator of or standard

A severe snowstorm with strong winds

A large amount of something that comes suddenly

A light and pleasant wind

Easy to do

Having light winds

Not concerned about or interested in something

Noticeably cold but not freezing

Feeling cold

Noticeably unfriendly

Obvious not allowing doubt or confusion

Not blocked or covered by anyting

Free of clouds or fog

Free of abnormal signs or symptoms

Free of planned or scheduled activities

Become clear

Evacuate or empty

Prove that someone is innocent or not guilty of a crime


A white or gray mass in the sky made up of many very small drops of water

A large amount of smoke or dust that hangs in air

A belief or feeling that a person or an organization did something wrong

Having a lot of clouds in the sky

Murky or not clear


The test is used as a barometer of student's reading level.

The survey is considered to be a reliable barometer of public opinion.
Wealth is not a barometer of happiness.
Economists use housing prices as a barometer of inflation.

I got stuck in a raging and a fierce blizzard for 10 hrs.

The blizzard conditions made the main roads almost impassable.

The audience confronted him with a blizzard of questions.

I wanna sit in the sun to enjoy the gentle sea breeze.

The breeze ripples water.
The breeze made the flags flap above their tents.
The breeze stirred the leaves lying on the path.
A sudden breeze turned off the candles and need to be lighted again.

U won't have any problems with the entrance test. It turned out to be a breeze.

It is a sunny and breezy day right for sailing.

He listened to their complaints with breezy indifference.

It is a chilly morning or day.

In the winter, the bathroom especially the toilet bowl gets chilly.

Last night I got chilly or felt chilly so I put on a jacket.

U must be chilly without a coat on.

Our relationship has become decidedly chilly after the last argument.

The theatrical show is a clear failure.

There are clear differences between the two candidates.
Mostafa has clear ideas about what he hopes to accomplish.

The aisles must be kept clear during the movie show.

U should keep ur working area clear of clutter.

You can see thousands of stars on a clear night.

All his tests are clear after treatment.

I'd like to keep my schedule clear on Friday afternoons.

The sky cleared gradually after the rain.
The water cleared after the mud had settled.
My skin cleared after I started to use the skin cream.
My head cleared after a good night's sleep.

The alarm cleared the room of people.

The police ordered the crowd to clear the area.
The guide cleared a path for us through the jungle.

The investigation cleared him officially of all the charges against him.
He isn't in the clear yet. The police still consider him a suspect.

Ur boss should clear the article for publication or to get it published.

The sun is shining without any clouds in the sky.

A cloud passed over the sun. The sun disappeared behind heavy clouds.
The sky is full of rainy clouds. Heavy clouds massed or loomed on the horizon.
It stopped raining and the sun poked through the clouds.

He puffed a cloud of cigarette smoke into my eyes.

The volcano spewed a huge cloud of ash into the air.
The police shot or fired a cloud of tear gas to force the crowd to clear the area.

A cloud of controversy or uncertainty or doubt hanging over the election.

He became under a cloud of suspicion since he was caught cheating.

It's a cold and cloudy day.

It is a dark and cloudy drink.


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