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The four of the ads represent with great accuracy how was the advertising in his specific age.

can see how at first the advertisers didnt use imagines, but with the time they start adding it, and
in the 80s it was an important thing because they start to realize that it was a better way to break
in to the minds of the people.

Also, we can observe the different reasons for why were been created the ads. For example, the
second ad. Is from 1769, and in the 1700s the advertising it was focused in stolen things and in sell
people, and we can see that the ad #2 is for sell slaves. Advertising made normalize the slavery,
this is the reason why the people started to saw the slavery like a common thing.

In the mid-1800s the advertising start to take a wrong way, and they exceed the line of the
creativity and start to use false announcement because they were adding addictive drugs in his
medicines and saying that it was good medicine. They took advantage of the Patent of royal
favor. Like the ad #3 in where announce that they were the cure for all the diseases, and is not
just an exaggeration is more like a lie. At this point is when we star to think about all the liberties
of the advertising, and start asking us what are the limits and if is necessary a regulation. This is
the type of events that makes the people think about a wrong perspective of the advertising, and
look the advertising like something wrong that was created just for sell and incentive the
consumption. Because in this case the advertising was used to create the desire of the consumers,
incentives to buy something that they dont need, in other words, they made the demand.

In the last one (the ad #4), we can see an announcement of a circus, in where there is an image of
a really big man, is an exaggeration and also, we can observe big letters with color red that attract
attention. Its the same style of ad that P. T. Barnum did, in where he exaggerated a history
because he understood that the people liked that, he added some more value to the show. That
was what we call puffery in advertising, is play between the line of the truth and deception, but
just work when is an exaggeration but not a lie (like the case of the patent medicines). Theres
people who can see this like the good way of the advertising, because is not that they are creating
the demand, the demand is already exist because people like to have things, is on his nature, but
need someone who create a little of excitement and someone who show us these things.

With these four announcements, is really clearly to see how advertising has changed over time,
but the centrality is always the same, reach people. Now in the 2000s the way of doing advertising
is also different and the advertisers are always innovating. And now theres people who is trying
to use the advertising to do a better world, like Valerie Davis

I think that the advertising is powerful, and will always maintain its influence
Con estos aspectos, Podemos ver como ha ido cambiando, evolucionando

Y que siempre ha mantenido su influencia.

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