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Entity Size
Nodes 1770
Elements 6220


Connectivity Statistics
TE4 6220 ( 100.00% )


Material User Material.1 : Steel

Young Modulus 2.1e+011N_m2
Poisson Ratio 0.28
Density 7700kg_m3

Thermal Expansion 1.17e-005_Kdeg

Yield Strength 6.2e+008N_m2

Static Case
Boundary Conditions
STRUCTURE Computation
Number of nodes : 1770
Number of elements : 6220
Number of D.O.F. : 5310
Number of Contact relations : 0
Number of Kinematic relations : 0

Linear tetrahedron : 6220

RESTRAINT Computation
Name: RestraintSet.1

Number of S.P.C : 87

LOAD Computation
Name: LoadSet.1

Applied load resultant :

Fx = -1 . 809e-016 N
Fy = -1 . 601e-016 N
Fz = -1 . 000e+002 N
Mx = -8 . 100e+001 Nxm
My = 2 . 713e-009 Nxm
Mz = 1 . 461e-016 Nxm

STIFFNESS Computation
Number of lines : 5310
Number of coefficients : 92826
Number of blocks : 1
Maximum number of coefficients per bloc : 92826
Total matrix size : 1 . 08 Mb

Restraint: RestraintSet.1

Number of local singularities : 0

Number of singularities in translation : 0
Number of singularities in rotation : 0
Generated constraint type : MPC

CONSTRAINT Computation
Restraint: RestraintSet.1

Number of constraints : 87
Number of coefficients : 0
Number of factorized constraints : 87
Number of coefficients : 0
Number of deferred constraints : 0

FACTORIZED Computation
Method : SPARSE
Number of factorized degrees : 5223
Number of supernodes : 1017
Number of overhead indices : 31911
Number of coefficients : 217083
Maximum front width : 81
Maximum front size : 3321
Size of the factorized matrix (Mb) : 1 . 65621
Number of blocks : 1
Number of Mflops for factorization : 1 . 160e+001
Number of Mflops for solve : 8 . 944e-001
Minimum relative pivot : 6 . 400e-005


Name: StaticSet.1

Restraint: RestraintSet.1

Load: LoadSet.1

Strain Energy : 4.820e-001 J


Applied Relative
Components Reactions Residual
Forces Magnitude Error
Fx (N) -1.8089e-016 -7.2742e-009 -7.2742e-009 3.7807e-012
Fy (N) -1.6009e-016 1.3623e-008 1.3623e-008 7.0804e-012
Fz (N) -1.0000e+002 1.0000e+002 1.3643e-007 7.0907e-011
Mx (Nxm) -8.1000e+001 8.1000e+001 9.4877e-008 6.0135e-011
My (Nxm) 2.7127e-009 -1.9691e-009 7.4356e-010 4.7128e-013
Mz (Nxm) 1.4614e-016 7.6641e-010 7.6641e-010 4.8577e-013

Static Case Solution.1 - Deformed Mesh

Display On Deformed Mesh ---- Display On Boundary ---- Over all the Model

Static Case Solution.1 - Von Mises Stress (nodal values)

---- Volume Elements ---- : Components : All

Display On Deformed Mesh ---- Display On Boundary ---- Over all the Model

Static Case Solution.1 - Deformed Mesh

Display On Deformed Mesh ---- Display On Boundary ---- Over all the Model

Static Case Solution.1 - Translational displacement magnitude

---- Volume Elements ---- : Components : All

Display On Deformed Mesh ---- Display On Boundary ---- Over all the Model

Static Case Solution.1 - Von Mises Stress (nodal values)

---- Volume Elements ---- : Components : All

Display On Deformed Mesh ---- Display On Boundary ---- Over all the Model

Static Case Solution.1 - Translational displacement component

---- Volume Elements ---- : Components : C1

Display On Deformed Mesh ---- Display On Boundary ---- Over all the Model

Static Case Solution.1 - Translational displacement magnitude

---- Volume Elements ---- : Components : All

Display On Deformed Mesh ---- Display On Boundary ---- Over all the Model

Global Sensors

Sensor Name Sensor Value

Energy 0.482J

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