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E. M.

Major Jordo Guerra- Trabalho de Ingls 3 Bimestre

Aluno (a): _______________________________________________ N: ______
Turma: 7 Ano II Data : ____ /____ / 2017 Valor: 5,0 Nota: ______
Prof: Erica P. Senra Ferreira

Chris, Megan and Jerry are posting about their routines.

1) Assinale apenas a alternativa que completa as frases de acordo com os textos.

a) Chris usually has lunch at: d) Chris goes to bed:

( ) home. ( ) before 9 p.m.
( ) a restaurant. ( ) at 9 p.m.
( ) school. ( ) after 9 p.m.

b) Megan always has: e) Jerry never:

( ) pasta and fruit for lunch. ( ) goes to the grocery store.
( ) past and juice for breakfast. ( ) goes to bed at 9:50 p.m.
( ) a hamburger and soda for lunch. ( ) studies at night.

c) Jerry has breakfast with: ( ) his teachers.

( ) his family.
( ) his friends.
2) Write T (true) or F(false) according to the text.

( ) Chris Stevens is from New Jersey.

( ) Megan lives in Australia.
( ) Jerry is an American boy.
( ) Megan wakes up at 8 a.m.
( ) Jerry goes to bed at 9 p.m.

3) Complete according to the text about Chris.

a) Chris gets up very early in the _________________ because school _____________ at 8:30.
b) Chris likes to have a nice _________________ before leaving home.
c) He usually has __________________ at school.
d) He has sandwiches, ____________ and ____________ for lunch.
e) His favorite class is ________________.
f) In the afternoon sometimes he ________ homework, ______________ or takes a nap.
g) He ____________ to bed at 9p.m.

4) Complete de acordo com o texto sobre Megan use os verbos na forma da 3 pessoa do

Megan Lee ______________ in Australia. She _____________ up at 7:45 a.m. She

____________ her hair and ____________an apple to eat on her way to school. Classes start at
9 a.m. and finish at 4p.m. She always _____________ on campus for lunch. She
_____________ lunch with her friends. Its the best part of the day. She always ____________
pasta and fruit. She ____________ to bed at 9:30 p.m. and _________ to some music for about
30 minutes. On Saturdays and Sundays she _________ out with friends.

5) Answer the questions according to the texts.

a) What are Chris, Megan and Jerry talking about?


b) What does Chris have for lunch?


c) It is Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. now. Where is Megan?


d) What does Megan do on Saturdays and Sundays?


e) Copy the part in which Jerry says how he helps his mother.

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