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Colégio de Aplicação Dom Hélder Câmara

Professor(a): Língua Inglesa Data: ___/___/___

Aluno(a): Turma:


Leia a tirinha e responda em português as perguntas 1 e 2.

1) Informe qual pronome pessoal o personagem Jon mais usa em suas falas. E explique por que ele usa
esse pronome.

2) Complete as frases com o Present Continuous..

a) Alice ________________________ a newspaper. (read)
b) Martin and Erick _______________________ (not - talk)
c) ______Philip and Sandra ________________ coffee? (drink)
d) Greg ________________________ to his MP3 player. (listen)
e) Ben _________________________ next to Alice. (stand)

3) Circule o verbo correto.

a) Jason talked to Mr. Ford when he is / was / were visiting The Louvre Museum.
b) My mom didn’t going / went / go to work because I was sick.
c) They was / were / are walking in the park when they met an old friend.
d) When she arrive / arrived / arriving at school, her friends were playing soccer.
4) Dê as respostas corretas para cada pergunta abaixo.

a) Does she play sports on the weekend?

No, _______________

b) Do you study Math at school?

Yes, _______________

c) Does Erick read newspaper?

No, ________________

d) Do they watch TV every day?

Yes, ________________

e) Does the dog sleep on the sofa?

No, _________________

5) Indique a alternativa correta.

a) Is Pamella dancing?
( ) Yes, she isn’t.
( ) No, she isn’t.

b) Do you study English?

( ) Yes, do.
( ) Yes, I do.

c) Are John and Frank at home?

( ) Yes, they are.
( ) Yes, they do.

6) Traduza.
a) My pen is new. 
b) His dog is black. 
c) Her sister is an architect. 
d) Our teacher is late.
e) Its fur is black.
f) Your backpack is beautiful.
g) Their parents are at home.

7) Considerando as regras de conjugação do Simple Present para a terceira pessoa do singular em

inglês,indique as formas verbais corretas que completam as frases a seguir:

a) My sister ________ (go) to school full time and ______(study) hard everyd day.
b) The cat ____________ (sleep) on that chair.
c) Mark ___________ (play) soccer every Sturday.
d) She ___________ (cry).
e) My brother _________ (study) in a High School.

8) Em que grau comparativo o adjetivo da frase a seguir foi usado? "My bedroom is less organized than

9) Desembaralhe as palavras e forme frases.

a) are/They/ to / going/ sleep.

b) He / going / eat a sandwich/ is /to


c) are not / TV / watch / going to /We


d) play a game ? / Is / going to / he


10) Preencha as lacunas abaixo com a conjugação correta do verbo entre parênteses.
a)The stores _________ (close/closes) at 6 p.m. on Fridays.
b) She __________ (wake up/wakes up) at 8 a.m. every day.
c) I don’t __________ (like/ likes) cheese.
d) ________ (Do/Does) she __________ (know/knows) the whole story?

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