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NAME: DATE: 13/10/22 CLASS: 5

1. Complete the sentences with the correct affirmative form of the present simple.

a) My cat ________ (sleep) all day.

b) Susan ________ (live) in a small flat.
c) Susan and Tom ________ (play) chess together.
d) My best friend ________ (walk) to school.
e) You ________ (love) videogames.
f) Alice ________ (read) Harry Potter books.
g) You and I ________ (study) English.
h) My neighbour’s dog ________ (jump) really high.

2. Conjugate the following verbs into the third person (he/she/it) of the present simple.

a) Carry → (He/she/it) ___________ d) Study → (He/she/it) _________

b) Play → (He/she/it) ____________ e) Finish → (He/she/it) _________
c) Watch → (He/she/it) __________ f) Fly → (He/she/it) ____________

3. Write these sentences in the negative form of the present simple (DON’T or DOESN’T).

a) I _________ like chicken.

b) My sister _________ eat pasta.
c) Cows _________ live in the sea.
d) Her friend _________ speak English.
e) It _________ run very fast.
f) My cat _________ chase mice.
g) They _________ play football.
h) This man _________ smoke.

4. Complete the negative present simple sentences with don’t or doesn’t and the verb given.

a) Charlie ______________ his room in the afternoon. (tidy)

b) Christine ______________ her homework after school. (do)
c) Tom and Charlie ______________ photos at the weekend. (take)
d) My dog ______________ in the park every day. (run)
e) Martha and John ______________ at one o’clock. (eat)
f) You and I ______________ orange juice. (drink)

5. Complete the gaps with Do or Does.

a) _________ cats play football?

b) _________ Daniela have blonde hair?
c) _________ you want to come with me?
d) _________ they like dogs?
e) _________ he sing in the shower?
f) _________ your grandmother have a dog?
6. Write the questions according to the answers given.

a) ____________________________________? Yes, I have one dog!

b) ____________________________________? No, they don’t play the guitar.
c) ____________________________________? Yes, Maria listens to pop music.
d) ____________________________________? No, we don’t do our homework.

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