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To express likes and dislikes
To describe oneself
To clarify ones own value

To clarify value
To talk about value differences
To write a description of oneself

Language Focus

Use est, most or least to compare three or more nouns or pronouns.
I value honesty the most.
My most favorite subject was history.
Circle the word that best describes yourself.
The least important value to me is personal wealth.
Melvin is the oldest child in the family and he is also the silliest.

Correct any error in these sentences.

Write C next to any correct sentence.
1. The most safest investments are in blue-chip companies.
2. Of all the reports, his is worst.
3. Hers is the beautifulest office I have ever seen.
4. She is the least popular of the two girls.
5. He is the younger of the three brothers.
6. He is the most handsomest man on the screen today.
7. Here is the most recent letter we have received.
8. The clay jar is the least valuable of all the antiques.
9. The secretarys typewrite is newest than the clerks.
10. This is the most good novel I have ever read.

Lets talk about it

Work with a group. Mark line closest to the word that best describes you. Then share with
your group.
I am ..........
Idealistic < ------------------- > Realistic
Morning Person < ------------------- > Night Person
Leader < ------------------- > Follower
Indoor Person < ------------------- > Outdoor Person
Outgoing (ramah) < ------------------- > Reserved (pendiam)
Uptight < ------------------- > Relaxed
Conservative (kolot) < ------------------- > Liberal (bebas)

Rank these values from most to least important. Shere with your group.
Important Values to Me
Individual Wealth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Helping Others 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Salvation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
World Peace 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Family Security 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Wisdom 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Life Excitement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Self-Actualization 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Inner Harmony 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Social Life 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Talking about School Subjects
What was your most/least favorite subject in high school? Below is a list of school subject
that students often take in high school. For each subject, decide if you liked it and/or if you
were good at it. Put a check (v) in the appropriate column and then write down a reason for
your answer.

Did you like...? Like? Good at?

Why or Why not?
Were you good at...? Yes No Yes No
Physical Education
World History x x I could learn about important events
National History
English x x It was an international means of
It is the universal language and most
books are written in English, so I want
to be able to read them.
Bahasa Indonesia
Computer Science
(Please mention)

I liked world History in high school because I could learn about important events.
I didnt. I prefered English because it was an international means of communication.


Fill in this journal. Describe a typical day in your life. What do you usually do? What do you
accomplish? What is the most important event on that day? Then share with a partner.
A Day in My Life

Highlights of the day:


Read the following text. Then find the synonyms for the following words or phrases.
a. Sleep
b. Outstanding
c. Passing time without purpose
d. Recognizing as beinf valid
e. Charges

Making The Best of College Days

By Eva Mary Marcus (11495013)

When I was in the first semester, my days went by as regularly as the thicking of a
grandfathers clock. I would go to campus at 6.45 every morning, attend my classes and by
13.00, I would be at home, savoring a huge repast for lunch. In the afternoon, I would lock
myself in my room, idling with my novel collection or falling into a deep slumber as the sun
sank down from the face of the earth. The bad thing was that I did not realize how
monotonous my days had been and how I had wasted my time. I used to do the same things
on the same time day by day, as if there was a fixed pattern of life that I should follow. All
that was in my head was that I had to finish my study soon, earn my degree, and get a decent
job. After taking the Public Relation class in the second semester, I learned that graduating
from college was not the only thing it took to get a good job. It was also essential that I gained
a practical skill and experience. Later on, I discovered that attending seminars and discussions,
joining Library Friends Club, and taking a part-time job in the library could be the best ways
to gain experience and making days less monotonous.
Trying to make my college days livelier and more useful, I began to attent seminars
and discussions held on campus regularly. For one thing, I could get some certificates
acknowledging my attendance in the seminars. I was sure that the certificates I had collected
could give me credits in looking for a job someday. More importantly, I could meet many
distinguished people presenting their brilliant ideas during the seminars, such as Kresnayana
Yahya, Gus Dur, and many others. By attending the conferences, I was able to broaden my
insight and knowledge in analyzing recent problems.
Another method I used to overcome my boredom of college days was joining Library
Friends Club. I began to improve my practical skills, especially in management, leadership and
social interaction. I learned how to manage an organization, how to cope with fellow
members, how to run a club project and many other things. Once, in celebrating its fifth
anniversary, the club devised a grand book exhibition on campus. I happened to be the
treasurer in the committee and so it was the first time for me to manage the sum of more
than fifteen million rupiahs. At that time, I felt very nervous, stressed and frustated for I had
to keep the balance stable. I tried hard to control the expenses and keep on filing every bill
that was paid. When I made mistakes in my accounting, the other fellow members would

gladly help me. Therefore, I enjoyed working with other fellow members. This cooperation
really tightened the bond among the fellow members.
Taking a part-time job in the library is a worthwhile effort in order to gain skills and
working experienced. First of all, not only I gain new skills; but also earn a favorable sum of
salary. Although it was small, I was proud of it because I earned it by myself. Secondly, as I
was accepted as a secretary, I could gain a whole lot of new experienced as a secretary. I came
to know how to answer a phone call politely, how to file archives, how to run a filing system,
how to compose and answer business letters and most of all, I became familiar with the
internet. Lastly, I enjoyed the businesslike atmosphere in my office. Sitting behind my desk, I
felt like a real professional secretary. I also tried to adjust myself with the other staffs, who
were much older than me, particularly on the way they talked. Thay always spoke with a brief
and urgent tone, yet never lost their sense of humor.
Having changed my daily activities, I found out that there was a different real world
out there from what I had learned in class. None of the knowledge I got from school would
do any good if I did not apply it in the society. I also managed to overcome my boredom of
monotonous daily activities and my college life became more exciting. In other words, going
to college is a matter of not only gaining knowledge but also seeking skills and experience.

Answer these questions.

1. Judging from the writers every day schedule in the first semester, do you think her
life was boring? Why?
2. What was wrong with the writers opinion about going to college?
3. Why did she change her opinion in the second semester?
4. What did she do to make her college days livelier and more useful?
5. What did she gain from attending seminars and discussions?
6. How could the experience she gained from joining the Library Friends Club help her
in her future life?
7. Why did she think taking a part-time job in the library was worth doing?
8. What did going to college mean to her?
9. How do you spend your college days? Have you made the best of your time?
10. What could you do to spend your time more wisely?

Lets Write

Write about yourself. You may use the words or phrases in the section. Use additional paper
if necessary.



Make a personal blog using wordpress/blogger. Make your first post about yourself. Send
the link via e-learning.

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