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Tower of YES

Blurb: Participants must transfer a stack of objects from a starting point to an end point.
Objects can only be moved one at a time, and larger objects must always be under smaller
objects. Discussion will focus on STEM principles, such as mathematical principles and
logical problem solving. Discussion will also focus on leadership, teamwork and

Topics/Skills: STEM, critical thinking, teamwork and strategy/planning

STEM Principals: Trial and error, patter identification

Purpose: To help participants use logical thinking to solve problems and create strategies.

Objective: To move objects from one point to another according to a specific set of rules.


To use STEM principles to logically figure out how to move objects according to a set
of rules.
To understand the importance of critical thinking, teamwork and strategic planning.

Time: 15-20 minutes


An assortment of objects can be used as long as they are different sizes and
stackable. Examples include
o Die
o Small Frisbee
o Large Frisbee
o Plate


1. Split participants in small groups.

2. Section off three zones for this activity. Zone 1 (Start), Zone 2, and Zone 3 (Finish)
3. Provide youth with objects. Tell them to stack the objects in the first zone with the
largest object being on the bottom and the smallest object being on the top.
4. Groups will be given a stack of objects stacked top to bottom by size with the biggest
object on the bottom and the smallest object on top.
5. The goal is to have all pieces stacked from largest to smallest in zone 3. Objects can
only be moves one at a time and smaller object must always be stacked on top of the
larger objects.
6. Participants should end with their stack of objects on the fourth piece of tape with
the stack ordered by size with the largest object on top and the smallest object on

1. Only one object can be moved at a time.

2. Objects may only be moved onto tape pieces. Objects may not be moved to other
parts of the floor.
3. Objects must always be stacked by size order with the largest object on the bottom
and the smallest object on top.

Closing: Large group discussion

Reflection topics could include:

Trial and error
Problem Solving
Identifying patterns

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