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Hello and congratulations on taking the first steps to become an Executive Board Member for Fall 2017 to

Spring 2018. This application is to become a Shadow for the entire Spring Semester. As a shadow you can
follow as many positions as you like to become better acquainted with how EBoard works and to finalize
the TWO (2) positions you want to run for. You will be paired with a current EBoard member and they
will teach you about the position and you will potentially work on projects with them. More information
about the Shadow Process will be discussed and answered at the MANDATORY Shadow Meeting on
March 26th at 8pm (Location TBA). After the meeting you are invited to stay to see the first EBoard
meeting of the semester. If you are unsure about running for a position I highly recommend you
participate in the shadow process. Just because you go thru the shadow process does not mean you have
to run for a position. The Shadow Process allows you to see if joining Dancin Gators Exec. is the right fit
for you. I applaud you on becoming more involved with Dancin Gators and I look forward to working
with you!

Expectations of Executive Board Members:

Must have 5 points as well as attend socials/outside events

Must attend weekly meetings
Must be in closer
Must attend Budget Meeting in Spring
Must be organized and hard working
Must be friendly to all members

The Election Process:

Elections will occur either at our 1st or 2nd Dress Rehearsal in April
Any member of Dancin Gators can run for TWO (2) positions
You do not have to be a shadow to be able to run for a position
o It is highly recommended however because you will be more prepared for the job
No member can run off the floor
o If no one is running for a position the newly elected executive board will appoint someone
to the position
o To be on the ballot you must send in your information to the President by the allotted time
Only members who have served on EBoard for at least 1 year can run for President or Vice
You must have choreographed for at least 1 year (2 semesters) to run for Head Choreographer
To run for any position you must be in Dancin Gators for 1 semester
You must be able to perform the duties of your position for the entire year (Fall 2015 Spring
On election day you have 90 seconds to give a speech on why you deserve the position and then
seniors will count the votes
If elected your duties happen as soon as the Spring Show is over

Executive Board Positions

**PLEASE NOTE: Starting Fall 2015 there will be nine (9) Executive Board Positions. This decision was
voted and made by the current EBoard members. **


As President you are in charge of the well being of the entire company. You act as the official
representative of the organization and must approve the use of the name Dancin Gators in any
event. You must run weekly EBoard meetings, create the agenda, and answer any questions your
fellow EBoard members may have. You are also in charge of the initial choreographer sign-up and
with help from the Head Choreographer you make the semester schedule. Along with
choreographer sign-up you are in charge of collected the music, making sure the songs are
appropriate, and giving the music to the Phillips Center in a timely fashion. You must set up and
attend the Budget Meeting and Tech Meeting at the Phillips Center. You are in charge of
registering the team at the beginning of fall semester and must make sure the Constitution is up
to date. Along with the Vice President and Head Choreographer you attend/conduct all Mid
Semester Reviews. Along with Vice President, Head Choreographer, and Costume director you
make the show order. You also make a weekly newsletter and send it out every Sunday. Lastly
you are the ultimate authority in making decision regarding the organization.

Vice President AND Costume Director

As Vice President you work closely with the President to ensure good standing for the
organization. You are responsible for organizing all outside performances, such as Disney
Performing Arts and Visa Talent Show. This includes overseeing practices and keeping close
relations with the event coordinators. Also attends the Budget and Tech Meeting at the Phillips
Center. Collects graduating senior information and overseas senior dance. Also attends all Mid
Semester Reviews. You are also responsible for keeping a running list of all points.
In addition the Vice President will now be in charge of gathering the choreographers costume
ideas and approving them. Approval is based on the budget and appropriateness of the costume.
You must also compile a master list and send this out to the company. You help in making the
show order.


Responsible for handling all funds and must keep a correct budget the entire time. Must keep
good connection with Student Government as well as our design company. Attends Budget
Meeting at the Phillips Center. You will make the yearly budget and will present this at the Budget
Meeting in front of Student Government. As Treasurer you will decide what merchandise will be
sold and the design for said items. Must be organized and timely when submitting SARs.

Secretary AND Facilities Director

Must attend all meetings so you can take minutes of important decisions. Responsible of getting
list of names from choreographers for the listserv, facebook, and programs. In charge of making
Senior Certificates and superlatives awards. Also in charge of creating ballots for the executive
board elections.
In addition the Secretary must also reserve all practice space for dances and keep good relations
with the Reitz, RecSports, and ODome. In charge of getting meeting rooms and finalizing our 1st
dress rehearsal space.

Head Choreographer

As Head Choreographer you are in charge of choreographing the companys closing number. You
must make sure you can choreograph and teach to all levels and make closer a fun/exciting
number. You will decide theme show ideas and present them to the EBoard to vote on. Along with
choreographing the closing number you might be asked to choreograph for outside events or an
opening number for the show. You must keep good relations with the choreographers and make
sure they are doing what they are supposed to. You must be able to answer any questions they
might have. You are in charge of Choreographers Showcase, the Rehearsals, and the Show. Making
sure they run smoothly and efficiently. Must run all Mid Semester Reviews and help in creating the
show order.

Publicity AND Web Director

As Publicity Director you are in charge of promoting the organization and gaining new members.
This includes setting up times to table, making and setting up the banner, and create promo videos
to put online. Not only are you in charge of promoting for new members but also for our show.
You are also in charge of creating the programs for our show and selling program ads to not only
to our members but also from businesses in the community.
Along with these duties you must also keep our website up to date with important information.
You will also be in charge of the listerv and make sure that the correct people are on it. Along with
this you are also in charge of the facebook page and the twitter account. You do not need to know
how to work websites or Photoshop for this position but it is encouraged.

Community Service Director #1

You are responsible for coordinating the participation and fundraising for community service
events. As Community Service Director #1 you organize March for Babies in Fall and Relay for Life
in the Spring. It is up to your discretion whether Dancin Gators participates in any other events
outside of these two. You are also in charge of picking the show philanthropy and advertising our
audience members to donate to the cause. You are in charge of setting up fundraising events such
as Tijuana Flats and Yogurtology.

Community Service Director #2

You are responsible solely for the participation and fundraising for Dance Marathon. You must
register our team in the Fall and update members on when to register. You are our DM Delegate
and are responsible for all things DM. You must keep in contact with your co-director. You are also
in charge of setting up fundraising events specifically for DM.
Historian AND Social Director

As Historian you are responsible for attending all outside events and taking pictures/video at
them. You are in charge of the DG Photos & Videos page and our Youtube Channel and make sure
its up to date. You must take videos at Choreographers Showcase and must quickly put them on
our youtube channel for out members. You are also responsible for taking video and pictures at
both dress rehearsals and our show. You are in charge of the Instagram account and must post
pictures and info on it weekly. You are also responsible for the movie that plays during the
beginning and intermission of our show.
As Historian you must also plan all socials for Dancin Gators. We try to have at least one big social
a month. Socials can range from potlucks, to seeing a game together, to Formal. You must allocate
a budget with the Treasurer before buying decorations.


**This application is due back to me, , no later than March 24th!**

Name: _____________________

Email: _________________________

Phone Number: (___) ___ - _____

Year in School: _________________

Semesters in DG:____________________

Dances youve choreographed (if any): ____________

Position (s) you want to shadow:

If shadowing more than two positions what do you think want to run for?

Will you be here for the entire year (2017-2018)? Y/N

Once again I want to applaud you on taking the steps to become an Executive Board Member. Please keep
in mind that joining EBoard is fun but it is also a large time commitment. You must be dedicated to your
position and be willing to put in the hours to get the job done. If you have any questions please direct
them straight to me at . Please get this application in by the 24th at midnight! I will
not accept any shadow application past that time.

Have a great week and I will see you on March 26st!

Sara Ericson

President of Dancin Gators 2016-2017

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