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Genre : romance and adventure
Director/author : Riri riza / Salman ariso, Riri riza, Mira lesmana
Producer : Mira lesmana
Production : Mizan MILES films
Year : 26 september 2008
Duration : 125 minute
Players : Cut Mini Theo ( mrs. Muslimah)
Ikranegara ( mr. Harfan),
Zulfanny ( Ikal )
Ferdian ( Lintang )
Verrys Yamarno ( Mahar)
Slamet Rahardjo ( mr. Zulkarnaen)
Tora Sudiro ( mr. Mahmud)
Lukman Sardi ( Ikal adult)
Ario Bayu ( Lintang adult)
Mathias Muchus ( Ikal father)
Rieke Diah Pitaloka ( Ikal mother)
Teuku Rifnu Wikana ( mr. Bakri)
Alex Komang ( Lintang father)
Jajang C Noer ( mr Harfan wife)
Robby Tumewu A Miauw ( A Ling father)
Yogi Nugraha ( Kucai)
M. Syukur Ramadan ( Syahdan)
Suhendri ( A Kiong)
Febriansyah ( Borek)
Suharyadi S Ramadhan ( Trapani)
Jeffry Yanuar ( Harun)
Dewi Ratih Ayu Safitri ( Sahara)
Marcella El Jolia Kondo ( Flo)
Levina ( A Ling)

A cinematic adaptation of the novel phenomenal Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata, which
takes place in the late 70's. Laskar Pelangi village is about 10 children in the village of Gantong,
Belitong Island, Sumatra.
They went to a SD Muhammadiyah which almost collapsed and the building at night to
corral. The school was almost closed when students are not up to 10 people. The first day of the
opening of a new class in elementary school Muhammadiyah became very stressful for the two
outstanding teachers, mrs Muslimah (Cut Mini) and mr Harfan (Ikranagara), and 9 students who
wait at the school, located in the village Gantong, Belitong. If only there was Aaron (Jeffry
Yanuar), a 15-year-old boy with mental retardation, is schooled by her mother to not only catch a
chicken at home, would never occur to this story. Muslim or Mrs. Mus and Mr. Harfan, two
people who continue to struggle this school. They want the poor children are entitled to reach the
ideals. A sense of surrender, despair, experienced Mr. Mus and Mrs. Harfan in the absence of
interest and costs for the poor to educate their children.
Understandably, for the lower classes, enroll their children means that committed
themselves to the burden of costs to be borne for years. Including the closing of the child the
opportunity to hire a full time basis to help reduce the heavy burden of life. But on the day of
Aaron, a student special rescue them. Thanks to Aaron, the number of students even be canceled
10 people and closed schools. Then, ten students were given the name of Laskar Pelangi by Mrs
Muslimah. Five years passed, Mrs. Mus, Mr Harfan and to ten students with a unique and
distinctive individual, struggling to keep going to school. Among the many challenges and
pressures to give up, Ikal (Zulfani), Lintang (Ferdian) and Mahar (Veris Yamarno) with talent
and intelligence emerged as the driving spirit of their school.
The film is filled with stories about the suburb, the story of the struggle of life reach the
dream of touching, and a beautiful friendship that saves human lives. As is known, this film
adaptation of the novel of the same, Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata. This is Andrea's first
novel. Reportedly, this novel is a memoir of her childhood and all the real culprit is. Laskar
Pelangi is your childhood friend Andrea while attending school in a poor village school in
Belitong. But, is not explicitly mentioned in the novel by Andrea Hirata that it is a true story.
After being appointed to the big screen, the film directed by Riri Riza managed to show the late
1970s setting. Beautiful and attractive scenery make this film is not boring to watch from
beginning to end. Adequately represent the content of stories portraying the spirit of the pursuit
of ideals.
The film was a success mixed up feelings of the audience. There is a serious seasoning,
funny, and sad. There is one scene that is funny when Ical fell in love with A Ling. Love the
monkey started to buy chalk. Next, Ical willing to do anything to be reunited with A Ling, though
for that he should share the lime to children Laskar Pelangi. Well, does this film fit your
imagination when reading the novel? Find the answer to direct his own watch. You will not be
satisfied if only to read the reviews film Laskar Pelangi.

Review film Laskar Pelangi

Posted by Andy Febrian

Film Laskar Pelangi adalah sebuah film yang dibuat oleh Riri Riza
berdasarkan Novel Laskar Pelangi karya Andrea Hirata. Bercerita tentang kehidupan anak-anak
miskin yang memiliki semangat yang tinggi untuk mengecap pendidikan dengan keterbatasan
yang melingkari kehidupan mereka di Pulau Belitong (Belitung), sebuah pulau yang berada di
lepas pantai timur Indonesia, dimana suku yang mendominasi adalah suku Melayu dan Tionghoa.

Berawal dari sebuah sekolah Muhammadiyah yang telah menjadi tempat anak-anak tersebut
terancam akan dibubarkan oleh Depdikbud provinsi setempat jika siswa tidak mencapai 10 anak.
Kemudian ketika upacara pembukaan, seorang ibu dengan anaknya yang bernama Harun
mendaftarkan diri di sekolah tersebut. Sehingga sekolah Muhammadiyah memiliki murid yang
genap 10 orang, dan akhirnya sekolah Muhammadiyah tidak jadi ditutup. Oleh karena itu Bu
Muslimah (guru yang mengajar di sekolah Muhammadiyah) memberikan nama kepada mereka
sebagai anak Laskar Pelangi.

Semua anak tersebut memiliki karakteristik serta kelebihannya masing-masing. Misalnya, si

Mahar. Meskipun perilakunya terkadang suka ngawur dan lucu, tetapi ia memiliki minat dan juga
bakat terhadap bidang seni, hingga akhirnya ia yang memberikan kemenangan untuk sekolah
Muhammadiyah pada pesta karnaval dengan tarian tradisional yang diciptakannya sendiri. Atau
si Lintang, seorang anak nelayan yang sangat jenius. Dimana ia memiliki cara tersendiri untuk
menciptakan rumus-rumus matematika dan juga telah menjadi bintang kejora di sekolah
Muhammadiyah pada lomba cerdas cermat. Sesuai lirik lagu Lintang, bahwa Lintang adalah
seorang anak yang sangat luar biasa. Kemudian ada Ikal, yang menyukai dan berbakat dalam
bidang sastra, dan anak-anak lainnya.

Persoalan demi persoalan yang harus dihadapi oleh pihak sekolah serta anak-anak tersebut dapat
memberikan kita sebuah perbandingan, bahwa ternyata masih banyak orang-orang yang
memiliki keterbatasan untuk menggapai impian. Seperti lirik yang dinyanyikan pada Soundtrack
Laskar Pelangi, sangat inspiratif. Apapun kendalanya, jika kita memiliki mimpi dan kemauan,
pasti ada jalan!

Bagi kamu yang sudah membaca novel Laskar Pelangi, sedikit banyaknya kamu pasti tahu
bagaimana kisah serta makna yang terselip dalam film ini. Unsur pendidikan sangat kental dalam
tema Laskar Pelangi. Sedangkan perbedaan antara Novel dan Film Laskar Pelangi menurut
saya hanya dari sisi visualnya saja. Kalau mau lebih detail sambil berimajinasi, mendingan baca
novelnya aja. Tapi kalau kamu males baca, solusinya ya nonton filmnya.

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