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A chemical plant has a 6-unit process; these processes require a certain amount of water needed for

cleaning, cooling, and processing. The company currently has 6 pumping stations that can supply each of
the unit process. The task is to minimize the company expenses for the pumping required for the unit
processes. Given below is capacity of the pumping station that can pump in cubic meter and the cubic
meter of water needed per unit processes. Also the pumping cost is also given below in Dollars. Solve
via least cost method

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 SUPPLY
S1 18 9 5 16 16 10 10
S2 13 7 7 16 8 12 15
S3 4 14 14 15 13 20 5
S4 6 11 9 9 9 3 8
S5 11 15 11 8 11 13 2
DEMAND 6 5 15 5 6 3
Via least cost method

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 SUPPLY
S1 18 9 10 5 16 16 10 10

S2 13 7 7 16 8 12 15
5 5 5

S3 5 4 14 14 15 13 20 5

S4 1 6 11 9 9 9 8 8
3 1 3

S5 111 15 11 2 8 11 13 2

DEMAND 6 5 15 5 6 3

Acceptability = m-n-1 =4 + 6 -1 = 10 allocations

From To Cubic meter supp Cost/ cubic meter Total cost ($)
S3 P1 5 4 20
S4 P1 1 6 6
S2 P2 5 7 35
S1 P3 10 5 50
S2 P3 5 7 35
S2 P5 5 8 40
S4 P4 3 9 27
S4 P5 1 9 9
S4 P6 3 8 11
S5 P4 2 8 16

Steping stone method

Water Squares NCC

S1P1 18-6+9-8+7 20
S2P1 13-6+9-8 8
S5P1 11-8+9-6 6
S1P2 =9-7+7-5 4
S3P2 14-11+6-4 5
S4P2 11-7+8-9 3
S5P2 15-7+8-9+9-8 8
S3P3 14-7+8-9+6-4 8
S4P3 9-9+8-7 1
S5P3 11-7+8-9+9-8 4
S1P4 16-5+7-8+9-9 10
S2P4 16-9+9-8 8
S3P4 15-9+6-4 8
S1P5 16-5+7-8 10
S3P5 13-9+6-4 6
S5P5 11-9+9-8 3
S1P6 10-3+9-8+7-5 10
S2P6 12-3+9-8 10
S3P6 20-3+6-4 19
S5P6 13-3+9-8 11

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