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His deep love for Jesus Christ and his

intellectual genius have led his steps towards
meaningful dialogue with
Chinese culture andsophisticated civilization.

China has a civilization that is much older than

most of ours and our relationship with China is a
relationship of equals in which neither.

Eight is a lucky number in Chinese culture and is

associated with good fortune and prosperity.
Writing is the spiritual basis of Chinese culture and at the same time its most visible aspect.

His works, thoughts and teachings bear supreme witness, in a manner transcending all
national, cultural and civilizational boundaries, to the sweet mysteries of divine truth.

En la cultura china ellos adoran a Jesucristo, suelen ser muy religiosos la mayora de la
gente. La relacin de China con otras civilizaciones suelen tratarse como iguales.
Su nmero de la suerte es el 8 es cual est asociado con la bonanza.
Su escritura es una manifestacin espiritual.
Sus trabajos y obras son parte importante de su cultura.

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