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Original Playscripts
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The Director and the Text

Pre-Blocking Exercise

1. Read the dialogue below.

2. Review the Stage Blocking Notation and Glossary Sheet.
3. Pre-Block the scene, marking the blocking on the side of the page using blocking notation.
4. In the blocking include:
(a) two crosses
(b) one entrance and one exit
(c) three different areas of the stage
(d) A sit or a stand
(e) One of "downstage of", or "upstage of"
5. Now, block the scene with live actors.
6. Write a response to the exercise: what changed when you moved from paper to actors? What stayed the same? Did
any problems come up? Were you able to see the scene on page?


CHRIS: What do you think you're doing? What are you doing?
FRANCIS: Your mom said I could use your table. What?
CHRIS: She didn't ask me.
FRANCIS: What's the big deal?
CHRIS: Maybe I want to use the table.
FRANCIS: Do you?
CHRIS: Not right now. But maybe I later.
FRANCIS: So I'll clean up when later comes. What's the big deal?
CHRIS: It's my table. Where are you going?
FRANCIS: I'm thirsty. Do you want a glass of water?
CHRIS: Oh, did my mom say you could drink our water?
FRANCIS: I didn't ask.
CHRIS: Just go ahead; use my table, use my water. Take the shirt off my back why don't you!

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