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26, 132140 (1997)

The Correct Use of Platinum in the XRF


David F. Lupton,* Ju rgen Merker and Friedhold Scho lz

W. C. Heraeus GmbH, Hanau, Germany

The use of crucibles and dishes made of platinum and its alloys in the preparation of samples has become an
essential feature of XRF analysis. The broad application of platinum results from its near-perfect oxidation resist-
ance and its excellent resistance to corrosive attack by metal oxide melts such as XRF uxing agents. However, a
few basic rules must be adhered to if platinum ware is to give satisfactory service. A number of platinum poisons,
which are commonly encountered in samples, can cause destruction within a few sample preparation cycles. These
poisons, the reasons for their corrosive eects and techniques for minimizing or eliminating their inuence are
outlined. ( 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
X-Ray Spectrom. 26, 132140 (1997) No. of Figures : 15 No. of Tables : 0 No. of References : 8

INTRODUCTION This eect is best demonstrated by the well known

reaction of arsenic with platinum. Figure 2 shows the
phase diagram of the PtAs system (all phase diagrams
Modern chemical analysis would be unthinkable are taken from Ref. 3). Platinum (m.p. 1769 C) reacts
without the wide range of platinum apparatus and with arsenic to form the compound As Pt (m.p.
laboratory ware that is currently available (Fig. 1). The 1500 C). This compound can then form a2 eutectic
range of products on the left have been specially devel- mixture with platinum containing 72 at.% Pt and
oped for the XRF laboratory. melting at only 597 C.
Platinum is used, of course, because it is essentially Reactions of this type generally take place at the
inert, does not contaminate the sample for normal ana- most reactive regions of the platinum, i.e. at the grain
lytical purposes and shows no signicant weight loss boundaries of the metal. Thus, the presence of even
even over prolonged periods of heating at temperatures small amounts of arsenic in a sample can lead to local-
over 1000 C in air. However, the full benets of using ized attack of the grain boundaries and disintegration of
platinum can only be achieved if a number of simple the platinum at temperatures as low as 600 C. Arsenic
basic precautions are observed in laboratory practice. is thus a particularly spectacular example of a platinum
The main risk is the corrosion of platinum which was poison. Other examples of poisons are phosphorus,
described in detail 20 years ago by Menzel.1 boron, bismuth, silicon, sulphur and a number of heavy
This summarizes the most important precautions and metals, e.g. lead, zinc, tin and antimony. Even if these
outlines a number of case histories resulting from inade- elements are only present at low concentrations they
quate caution in practice. For a more detailed treatment can diuse gradually into the grain boundaries of the
of this topic in the context of XRF analysis, the reader platinum, where they lead to a loss of high temperature
is referred to a book by Bennett and Oliver.2 strength, as shown by Fischer4 for platinum exposed to
phosphate glass melts.
A number of elements which do not form low-melting
compounds and eutectics with platinum can also have a
PLATINUM POISONS AND OTHER detrimental eect on the integrity of utensils. Metallic
HARMFUL ELEMENTS elements such as silver, copper and nickel form alloys
with the platinum, thus reducing both the melting point
The eect commonly referred to as platinum corrosion and the resistance to oxidation and corrosion. Further-
is not corrosion in the normal sense of aqueous corro- more, carbon can cause structural disintegration of
sion, rusting, etc. It is usually the reaction of platinum platinum at elevated temperatures.
with another element to form a compound with a lower The poisons and other harmful elements mentioned
melting point and the subsequent formation of a eutec- above are only detrimental to platinum in their elemen-
tic with an even lower melting point between the com- tal state. Their oxides are normally harmless. The essen-
pound and platinum. tial rule when preparing samples in platinum utensils is,
therefore, to ensure that the environment is sufficiently
oxidizing to prevent dissociation of any of the harmful
* Correspondence to : D. F. Lupton. oxides. Although it is usually adequate to carry out the
s Presented at the Durham Conference on X-Ray Analysis, 1821 sample fusion preparation by heating in air, there are a
September 1995. number of situations where additional precautions

CCC 00498246/97/03013209 $17.50 Received 17 October 1995

( 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Accepted 6 June 1996

Figure 1. Typical platinum laboratory ware.

should be taken. These will be outlined in the following ments or supporting trays. Figure 3 (upper left) shows
case histories. cracking in the base of a Pt5% Au crucible that had
been used for preparing cement samples. The micro-
CASE HISTORIES graph shows the internal surface of the cruciblethe
outside was covered with a large number of pits and
residues of samples and lithium tetraborate ux. The
Silicon carbide other parts of Fig. 3 show part of the crack at higher
magnication and the local distribution of silicon and
A common cause of damage to crucibles during sample carbon.
fusion preparation in a furnace is contamination of the The presence of silicon is not surprising, as it will be
surface with silicon carbide either from the heating ele- found at high concentrations in a large number of

Figure 2. Partial phase diagram of the Pt-As system.

( 1997 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. X-RAY SPECTROMETRY, VOL. 26, 132140 (1997)

Figure 3. Cracking in the base of a Pt5% Au crucible used for cement fusion showing Si and C concentrations.

samples, usually in the form of SiO . However, the silicon carbide heating elements. However, as these fur-
presence of carbon is a clear indication2that the damage naces are readily available and relatively economic, they
has been caused by unoxidized silicon from a silicon are commonly used in analytical laboratories. It is
carbide tray on which the crucible had been standing. important to ensure that platinum crucibles are posi-
Figure 4 shows the phase diagram of the PtSi system tioned well away from the heating elements and that the
with three low-melting eutectics. It can be seen that supporting tray is cleaned of carbide particles after
contact between platinum and unoxidized silicon can every fusion cycle.
cause melting at temperatures well below 1000 C. We Another example of corrosion resulting from SiC is
strongly recommend that platinum crucibles are never shown in Fig. 5, although it is not clear whether the SiC
placed on a silicon carbide tray. Alumina or fused silica came from the furnace or had been transferred acciden-
are greatly preferable. tally to the outside of the crucible because of inadequate
A further danger is spalling of silicon carbide heating cleaning after handling grinding media. The outer
elements. Small particles of silicon carbide adhering surface of the crucible base (Fig. 5, upper left) showed
either to the side of the crucible or accumulating on the numerous pits which, on closer examination (Fig. 5,
oor of the furnace can lead to the same eect. Of upper right), were found to be regions where localized
course, it would be best to avoid using furnaces with melting had occurred. Substantial concentrations of

Figure 4. Phase diagram of the Pt-Si system.

( 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. X-RAY SPECTROMETRY, VOL. 26, 132140 (1997)

Figure 5. Pitting and cracks in Pt5% Au crucible contaminated with SiC on the outer surface.

both silicon and carbon were found in these pits. of the base following the grain boundaries in the Pt5%
However, the actual cause of crucible failure was crack- Au alloy. It was not possible to ascertain whether the
ing, as shown in Fig. 5 (lower left). The cracks were also cracking was caused by the presence of carbon itself at
found to have initiated on the inside surface of the cru- the grain boundaries or by the reduction of platinum
cible and showed distinct traces of carbon contami- poisons in the sample.
nation (Fig. 5, lower right). It appears that carbon had Figure 6 shows a particularly dramatic case of local-
been released by the dissociation of SiC on the outer ized melting caused by SiC during sample preparation
surface and had then diused through the full thickness in a cement works. In this case, the crucible was heated

Figure 6. Catastrophic melting of a Pt crucible caused by localized SiC contamination on top rim.

( 1997 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. X-RAY SPECTROMETRY, VOL. 26, 132140 (1997)

in an induction coil. Traces of SiC had been present on vated temperatures. The carbon has diused into the
the rim of the crucible. When this part of the crucible grain boundaries, leading to grain boundary separation
exceeded the melting point of the PtPt Si eutectic and porosity. The mechanisms of this process are not
(830 C), the platinum started to melt. A large drop of truly understood, but the eect is also observed in plati-
molten PtSi eutectic, still containing particles of unre- num catalysts exposed to atmospheres containing
acted SiC, ran down the inside of the crucible and con- hydrocarbons.
tinued to melt the platinum as it descended. When the It is essential that platinum crucibles and other
molten drop reached the surface of the ux, it dispersed utensils should not come into contact with carbon, e.g.
to some extent and the SiC attacked a larger area on by placing them on a graphite plate. Contact with car-
the inner surface of the crucible (Fig. 6, right). However, bonaceous materials should be avoided as much as pos-
the silicon content of the platinum was still sufficient for sible or, if contact cannot be completely avoided, e.g.
the melting process to continue until the base of the during the ignition of organic materials, the platinum
crucible was reached. Metallographic examination of should not be exposed to unnecessarily high tem-
the base showed particles of SiC embedded in peratures until carbon combustion is complete.
resolidied platinum.

Carbon Phosphorus

In addition to its inuence in reducing oxides of plati- Phosphorous is one of the classical platinum poisons
num poisons, carbon itself can be severely detrimental with one of the lowest eutectic temperatures (588 C,
to the structural integrity of platinum. Figure 7 shows a Fig. 8). Fortunately, phosphorus in most samples is
platinum wire that had been exposed to carbon at ele- present as a phosphate rather than in its elemental

Figure 7. Disintegration of Pt wire exposed to carbon at high temperatures.

Figure 8. Partial phase diagram of the PtP system.

( 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. X-RAY SPECTROMETRY, VOL. 26, 132140 (1997)

These corrosive eects can be minimized in crucibles

for XRF sample preparation by ensuring that condi-
tions are highly oxidizing during the melting cycle, by
keeping the melt temperature as low as possible and by
mixing the sample with the ux in order to dilute the
phosphorus-containing sample before it contacts the
The ignition of cereals and other foodstus contain-
ing phosphorus is best carried out in dishes made of
Au10% Pt, which is not prone to phosphorus corro-
sion. However, this alloy has lower mechanical strength
and a considerably lower melting point than the
platinum-base alloys and it is recommended not to heat
it above 900 C.

Figure 9. Brittle, low-melting Pt phosphide at grain boundary of

platinum after exposure to a phosphate glass melt.5


state. Phosphates do not usually cause catastrophic cor- Whereas sulphur is relatively harmless in the form of
rosion but lead to a progressive surface roughening and sulphates, sulphides can cause serious embrittlement of
mechanical embrittlement : Figure 9 shows the forma- platinum crucibles. Figure 10 is a photograph showing
tion of brittle platinum phosphide at the grain bound- the bottoms of three crucibles. Crucibles 1 and 2 had
ary of platinum exposed to a phosphate glass melt.5 been used for the preparation of XRF samples of blast-
furnace slag containing 12% S with lithium tetraborate
ux. After 27 samples the crucible was still intact (No.
1), showing only an abnormal degree of roughness on
the inner surface. However, after 50 cycles the crucible
failed by brittle cracking over the whole base. Similar
crucibles used for low-sulphur samples, e.g. cement (No.
3) or steel slags, commonly achieve many hundreds of
Figure 11 shows localized melting of a platinum cru-
cible which was accidentally contaminated with sulphur
when the analyst did not expect this element in the
sample. The melting has been caused by the formation
of a PtS eutectic with a melting point of 1240 C (Fig.
12, left). As this temperature is considerably higher than
the melting points of the eutectics described above, it is
easier to avoid catastrophic corrosion failure by sulphur
Figure 10. Cracking of Pt5% Au crucibles caused by 12% of
sulphur in blast-furnace slag : (1) 27 slag samples, no cracking ; than in the case of other platinum poisons. We recom-
(2) 50 slag samples, severe cracking ; (3) 650 cement samples (no mend using separate crucibles for the fusion of samples
sulphur), no cracking. suspected of containing sulphur to minimize the risk of

Figure 11. Localized melting of Pt crucible due to accidental sulphur contamination.

( 1997 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. X-RAY SPECTROMETRY, VOL. 26, 132140 (1997)

Figure 12. Comparison of the eutectics in the Pt-S and Rh-S systems.

damage to crucibles which would otherwise be usable Some of the grain boundaries had separated in a
for very many sample preparations. manner which appeared initially to be brittle fracture
Platinum alloys containing rhodium are particularly (Fig. 13b, middle). However, closer examination showed
prone to corrosive attack by sulphur because the RhS the presence of a lm rich in copper at the grain bound-
eutectic melts at only 925 C (Fig. 12, right). aries which had melted during the fusion operations
(Fig. 13c, right).
A further problem with copper, and of course with
Copper other elements that can be taken into solid solution in
the platinum (e.g. iron, zinc and lead), is the danger of a
memory eect. Copper absorbed by the platinum in
Copper is not a platinum poison in the usual sense.
one fusion can be released into the sample during sub-
However, copper oxides have only limited thermodyna-
sequent fusions.2,6
mic stability and great care must be taken to ensure
that any copper present in samples is fully oxidized
during the preparation treatment. Figure 13 shows the
eect of inadequate copper oxidation. The sample prep-
aration had been carried out at a very high tem- Careless handling
perature, as can be seen from the coarse grain structure
in the base of the crucible, with grain boundaries across One of the most common causes of premature failure of
the whole thickness (Figure 13, left). platinum crucibles is careless handling. Figure 14 shows

Figure 13. Grain growth and local melting of Pt5% Au crucible after fusion of copper oxide samples with carbon contamination.

( 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. X-RAY SPECTROMETRY, VOL. 26, 132140 (1997)

Figure 15. Crucible charging for the fusion of ferro-alloy samples

according to Petin et al . 8

bles and dishes should only be gripped with platinum-

tipped tongs. Furthermore, the practice of heating
platinum in a Bunsen burner to clean it should be
avoided. Although platinum can be made to appear
clean in this way, the impurities on the surface tend to
diuse into the platinum, causing serious damage.


As the above case histories show, the most important

measure to achieve a long service life from platinum
utensils isapart from good housekeepingto ensure
sufficiently oxidizing conditions both outside and inside
crucibles and dishes.
For the outside of the crucible it is usually adequate
to prevent the platinum coming into contact with
unburnt gas in burner ames and to avoid contami-
nation with silicon carbide or carbon.
The inside of the crucible can, however, be more diffi-
cult to protect, especially if samples containing both
poisons and carbon have to be fused. Examples are
ferro-alloys (in particular ferro-silicon), carbides (in par-
ticular grinding media containing silicon carbide), active
charcoal and spent catalysts from oil reneries. A
Figure 14. Surface damage and cracking of Pt5% Au crucible number of procedures have been developed which
caused by careless handling. permit the preparation of XRF samples from these
materials in platinum crucibles7,8. Rutherford7
described a process for oxidizing and fusing ferro-alloys
in a furnace by rst forming a protective wall of lithium
pitting and cracking of a Pt5% Au crucible used for tetraborate on the inside surface of the crucible. The
the fusion of china clay samples. The samples contain nely ground sample is rst oxidized by treatment
no signicant quantities of platinum poisons and under owing air and then by addition of lithium car-
sample preparation was carried out under suitably oxi- bonate at temperatures below the melting point of the
dizing conditions at moderate temperatures (ca lithium tetraborate wall. Subsequently, the crucible is
1100 C). The damage in this case has resulted from transferred to a furnace at 1200 C to complete the
touching the crucible with bare hands, placing the cruci- fusion process.
ble on dusty surfaces and insufficient cleaning between Petin et al.8 describe an elegant technique for carry-
preparation cycles. Within a relatively small number of ing out a combined oxidation/fusion treatment. Figure
cycles the outer surface became covered with very many 15 shows the principle of this technique. A low-melting
rmly adhering lithium tetraborate droplets which oxidation mixture is prepared comprising 1.25 g nitrate
served as nuclei for pits and subsequent cracks. Cruci- mixture [60% NaNO ] 20% KNO ] 20% Sr(NO ) ]
3 3 32
( 1997 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. X-RAY SPECTROMETRY, VOL. 26, 132140 (1997)

] 2 g Na CO ] 1.5 g Li B O . The sample (250 mg) I use Pt-clad tongs ;

2 3 2 4 7
is mixed with this oxidation mixture and then added to I minimize mechanical damage to crucibles ;
the crucible on top of the lithium tetraborate. The oxi- I never heat in a Bunsen burner to clean ;
dation mixture is composed in such a way that fusion I use separate crucibles for samples containing known
starts and the particles of sample are encapsulated in a poisons (S, P, Pb, etc.).
layer of molten salt before the nitrates decompose, thus
protecting the platinum from contact with the sample.
The nitrates are chosen to decompose over a wide range
of temperature starting with NaNO at 380 C and con- CHOOSING THE BEST PLATINUM ALLOY
tinuing to Sr(NO ) at [1100 C to ensure that the
3 2
oxidant has not fully decomposed before the sample has
been oxidized and taken into solution in the lithium A range of platinum alloys are available for the various
tetraborate ux. applications in the analysis laboratory. The main points
Although techniques such as those described above to be considered in selecting the alloy are summarized
are only required for strongly reducing samples, they below :
demonstrate clearly that, with appropriate care, plati- I chemically pure Pt for simple routine preparations ;
num crucibles can be used reliably for the preparation I Pt5% Au for reducing wetting : the addition of gold
of a very wide variety of XRF samples. to platinum greatly reduces the wetting of the metal
surface by borate and silicate glass melts thus facili-
tating pouring and cleaning ;
THE MAIN PRECAUTIONS I Grain stabilized platinum alloys which contain a ne
dispersion of an oxide phase [e.g. Pt5% Au DPH
(dispersed phase hardened) with particles of ZrO ]
The main precautions to be observed when using plati- 2
have a higher mechanical strength than conventional
num utentils in the analysis laboratory are : alloys ; the dispersed phase essentially eliminates
I avoid reducing gas ames ; grain growth at high temperatures and thus reduces
I never place crucibles on SiC trays ; the likelihood of failure by grain boundary corrosion
I keep crucibles clear of SiC heating elements ; if the presence of poisons is unavoidable ;
I ensure strongly oxidizing conditions for samples con- I Au10% Pt if phosphorus is unavoidable, but the
taining carbon (ferro-alloys, carbides, etc.) ; temperature is limited to ca 900 C ;
I never touch crucibles with bare hands ; I never use Rh-containing alloys if sulphur is present.


1. D. Menzel, Pract . Metallog . 13, 211 (1976). 5. B. Fischer, Jena Advanced College of Technology, personal
2. H. Bennett and G. Oliver, XRF Analysis of Ceramics , Minerals communication.
and Allied Materials . Wiley, Chichester (1992). 6. K. Norrish and G. M. Thompson, X -Ray Spectrom . 19, 67
3. T. B. Massalski (Ed.), Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams , 2nd ed. (1990).
ASM International, Ohio (1990). 7. R. T. Rutherford, X -Ray Spectrom . 24, 109 (1995).
4. B. Fischer, Platinum Met . Rev . 36, 14 (1992). 8. J. Petin, A. Wagner and F. Bentz, Steel Res . 56, 215 (1985).

( 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. X-RAY SPECTROMETRY, VOL. 26, 132140 (1997)

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