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CVL 500: Introduction to Structural Engineering

Assignment No. 5
Due Date: Week of November 21 (During Tutorial Hours Only)

1- A typical cross-section of a reinforced concrete beam is shown below. The beam is

reinforced with 8 30M bars in the tension zone. Concrete and steel materials are given below.

fc = 30 MPa
Fy = 400 MPa
c = 0.65
s= 0.85

a) Determine if the beam is properly reinforced, over-reinforced or in balance condition.

b) Determine moment resistance of the beam if subjected to a positive bending moment.

2 A rectangular concrete beam is reinforced with 4 20M bars. The beam has an overall
depth of 700 mm and width of 500 mm. Assume the effective depth is 650 mm. The concrete
compressive strength is 20 MPa and yield strength of reinforcing bars is 400 MPa. Find moment
of resistance of the beam, if the beam is subjected to a negative bending moment.
3 - A typical cross-section of a reinforced concrete T - beam is shown below. The beam is
reinforced with 7 35M bars in the tension zone. Concrete and steel materials are given below.
Determine the factored moment resistance of the T beam section.

fc = 30 MPa
Fy = 400 MPa
c = 0.65
s= 0.85
4- A typical cross-section of a reinforced concrete beam is shown below. The beam is
reinforced with 4 25M bars in the tension zone and 2 25M bars in the compression zone.
For analysis purposes, use an effective depth (d) of 360 mm and d of 65 mm. Concrete and
steel materials are given below.

fc = 20 MPa
Fy = 400 MPa
c = 0.65
s= 0.85

a) Determine if the compression reinforcement has yielded or not?

b) Determine moment resistance of the beam section.

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