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A: Pictures of the day

Jeep /dip/ noun [countable] trademark

a type of car made for travelling over rough ground

Examples from the Corpus

Mike spends about 400 a month on running his car,
a JeepCherokee, and another 100 a month insuring it.
Grunt Six sped away in his Jeep among the thousand
tents that crowded the field.
The pilot, realizing that the Jeep was going to ram him, applied the cyclic and tried
to lift clear.
The Jeep stopped fifty feet away..

tractor /trkt $ -r/ noun [countable]

a strong vehicle with large wheels, used for
pulling farm machinery

Examples from the Corpus

That's about what you'd expect for a tractor of this size.
Carla Miller was widowed when a tractor rolled over on her husband.
It took two additional tractors to disinter the float and permit Hirt and Channing to go
on with the show.
We had to have waders and tractors to go through the streets.
B: Word of the day

Word family noun collapse, adjective collapsible, verb collapse

Related topics: Illness & disability

1 STRUCTURE [intransitive] if a building, wall etc collapses, it falls down suddenly, usually
because it is weak or damaged
Uncle Teds chair collapsed under his weight.

The roof had collapsed long ago.



component 1
/kmpnnt $ -po-/ AWL noun [countable]

one of several parts that together make up a whole machine, system etc SYN constituent

companies that make electronic components for computer productscomponent of

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