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Peacekeeping and Security Challenges in


Case Study of African Union Mission in

Somalia (AMISOM)

2017 - Rotary peace fellow finalist

Saeed Abdi Jama


05. Jan. 2017


This research plan will be divided into five parts including the bibliography. Each part will be
introduced on its own. The first part which is going to be the research paper design itself will start a
detailed explanation of the background of the study, which focuses on the issue of security in the
perspective of the post-colonial state formation in Africa. The study will discuss some of the main
historical factors that contribute to the problem of lack of insecurity in Africa as a continent and
Somalia as a case study.
The theoretical framework will be the next section; it will briefly highlight two main theoretical
underpinnings that I will take to fit it to the context in Africa. Primarily it will explain their basic
theoretical premises with regard to analysis the state formation process while I will make a link to
the issues of sovereignty and security.

I will outline the research problem followed by the scope and justification of the study, the main
objectives, research questions and the methodology that I will apply to conduct the research paper.
The research plan will end by indicating some of the limitations that I would face during the

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