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Regular -ar Spanish Verbs

Regular -ar verbs are the most common type of verb in the Spanish language. The following verbs are the most frequently
used regular -ar Spanish verbs that Spanish language students should learn and understand:

acabar: to complete, to finish gastar: to spend

aceptar: to accept gritar: to scream, to shout, to yell
afeitar: to shave gustar: to please, be pleasing
amar: to love hablar: to speak, to talk
ayudar: to help, to assist lastimar: to injure, to hurt
bailar: to dance lavar: to wash
baar: to bathe, to wash limpiar: to clean
besar: to kiss llamar: to call
cambiar: to change llevar: to take, to wear
caminar: to walk llorar: to cry
cantar: to sing mandar: to send, to command
casarse: to marry, to wed manejar: to drive
cenar: to eat dinner/supper mirar: to watch, to see, to look
cocinar: to cook molestar: to annoy, to bother
comprar: to buy nadar: to swim
cortar: to cut necesitar: to need
cuidar: to guard ocupar: to occupy
dejar: to leave olvidar: to forget
desayunar: to eat breakfast participar: to participate
descansar: to rest pasar: to pass time, to spend time
desear: to wish, desire pintar: to paint
dibujar: to draw planchar: to iron
disfrutar: to enjoy preguntar: to ask a question
disgustar:- to disgust preocuparse: to preoccupy, to concern
duchar: to shower preparar: to prepare
dudar: to doubt prestar: to lend, to borrow
enamorarse: to fall in love terminar: to terminate, to end
enfermarse: to get sick, to become ill tomar: to drink, to take
enojar: to anger trabajar: to work
ensear: to show, to teach usar: to use
entrar: to enter viajar: to travel
escuchar: to listen, to hear visitar: to visit
estudiar: to study voltear: to turn
fumar: to smoke vomitar: to vomit
ganar: to win

Regular -er Spanish Verbs

Regular -er verbs are the least abundant type of regular verb in the Spanish language. The following verbs are the most
frequently used regular -er Spanish verbs that students studying Spanish should learn and understand:

aprender: to learn correr: to run

barrer: to sweep deber: to owe, to ought to, should
beber: to drink depender: to depend
comer: to eat esconder: to hide
comprender: to comprehend, to understand poseer: to own, to possess
romper: to break toser: to cough
sorprender: to surprise vender: to sell, to vend
temer: to fear, to be afraid of

Regular -ir Spanish Verbs

Regular -ir verbs are the second most frequent kinds of regular verb in Spanish. The following verbs are the most
frequently used regular -ir verbs in the Spanish language that students learning Spanish should learn and understand:

abrir: to open escribir: to write

aburrir: to bore, to be boring existir: to exist
acudir: to attend, to answer a call insistir: to insist
admitir: to admit, to permit interrumpir: to interrupt
aplaudir: to applaud ocurrir: to occur
asistir: to attend permitir: to permit, to allow
cubrir: to cover prohibir: to prohibit, to forbid
decidir: to decide recibir recib- to receive
definir: to define subir: to rise, to climb
describir: to describe vivir: to live, to be alive
discutir: to discuss

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