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to open to go to bed to analyze

to calm down

cansarse buscar cASARSE cerrar

to calm down to search to get married to close

competir cortar derretirse discutir

to compete to cut to melt to argue
encender escribir gritar esperar
to turn on (light) to write to shout / yell to wait
jugar limpiar pegar
to play to clean to hit

to listen

cortar elegir elegir enviar

to cut to choose to choose to send

freír ganar impedir llamar

to fry to win to stop to call
lavar llorar llover oler
to wash to cry to rain to smell
peinarse pelearse pintar
to comb oneself to fight to paint

to ask

reír rezar sentirse mal temer

to laugh to pray to feed bad to be afraid
aprobar beber compartir conducir
to pass to drink to share to drive
correr despertarse enfadarse
to run to wake up to get angry

to fall in love

pesarse saludar secar servir

to weigh to greet to dry to serve

sonreír soñar unir valer

to smile to dream to unite, to join to cost, to be worth
vestirse viajar volar AMAR
to get dressed to travel to fly to love
abrazar bailar bañarse
to hug to dance to have a bath (UK) / to take a bath (US)

to drink

cenar cantar comer cocinar

to have a dinner to sing to eat to cook

desayunar descansar desnudarse dormir

to have a breakfast to rest to undress to sleep
estudiar ducharse leer hacer deporte
to study
to take a shower to read to do sport
nadar pagar regalar regalar
to swim to pay to give a present to think

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