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General comments to the authors

Thank you for the opportunity to review your article. The topic of the manuscript about the changes of
running economy related to different intensity, is very interesting and literature lacks of these assessment
methods in recreational athletes. I have not found particular criticisms in the procedures and, in my
opinion, only few minor revisions need to be addressed to the authors in order to have more clarity.

Consequentely there are several minor revisions that need addressing. If the authors are willing to do
this necessary work, according to the comments listed below ,I would encourage them to do so.

I have reported the specific comments below:


Avoid so many acronyms in the abstract and make the expanded form of an abbreviation available by
associating the expanded form with its abbreviation the first time it occurs within the test.

The 2nd sentences of the background, that is Due to a variety of assessment method [] recreational level
runners is limited, does not read well. Please rewrite it more clearly.

Please provide in the results section your findings about gender differences

Key Words:

Please do not use the same key words included in the title


pag.3 - line 89 Wide range" seems more natural than Broad variety

The reference (Fletcher, Esau, & MacIntosh, 2010; Shaw et al., 2014) in the 3rd paragraph should be
reported using uppercase number in accordance with the rest of the manuscript.

Pag 4 lines 70 and 83: please use that instead of which

pag.6 - line 86 use capital letters for Respiratory Exchange ratio

Statistical analysis:

Please provide Power analysis to calculate the minimum sample size required by your study, and to detect
an effect of a given size.


Please add the F-value of the ANOVA analysis performed between males and females.


Tables and figures:

the table and figure seems to be usefull, but they have a very small resolution. I don't know if the problem
is due to the low resolution of the figures or to the pdf-conversion process. Anyway, the data are now

difficult to read.

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