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TSU Minutes: Semptember 19th, 2017

President: Jessica Del Fierro

Secretary: Jordan Zanni

Motion to Open: 5:30

Motion passed: Dominique and Marina

Attendance: Nicholas Ree, Jess Del Fierro, Marina Buston, Maria Yanagisawa, Amanda Sum,
Sofie Milito, Garvin, Evan Medd, Nicola Rough, Dominique Hat, Montsy Videla, Linnea Perry,
Jordan Zanni.

Jessica Del Fierro (President):

No need to organize a clean-up of the lounge so far
Does anyone know any Mental Health experts? In regards to the Continuing
Conversation Salon, to be held in mid-October
o Montsy has leads, Marina will investigate avenues within the school (looking at
school mental health counsellors)
o Jess would like to delegate on the Continuing Conversations salon, and not do it
on her own
Vote In of Executives:
o Jess Del Fierro for President (14 yes)
o Evan Medd for Vice President (14 yes)
o Jordan for Secretary (14 yes)
o Marina Buston for Treasurer
o Montsy Videla for External Relations
o Dominique Hat for Gala/Events committee
o Kimi Clarke has dropped from organizing the Crit! We need someone to do this
o Alexa Fraser for Events Committee
o Nicholas Ree for Publicity media coordinator
o Paula Viitanen for Publicity media coordinator
Everyone has been voted in, and received the majority.
5 executives were present
Wishes to pursue diversity within the process of hiring Theatre Faculty professors,
because diversity exists among our student body population and should be reflected in
our professors
o Encourages students to advocate for the hiring of POC faculty members as Kugler
retires (has this been confirmed? Montsy will ask) Talk to Elsbeth! She listens to
us, and wants to aid our learning.
o Evan suggests we collect letters that are personal to the writers
o Signing petition specifically in regards to criteria we want to see within our profs,
exploring non-Eurocentric specifics and applicants. This could be easily
circulated amongst the ensembles.
o Needs someone to take minutes at the Salon.
Dominique suggests that we record it/make a list of deliverables
Bullet point piece of paper that is visual and can be displayed in our space.
Can keep the ideas up and constantly present. Nicola will make the paper
happen on the wall
We need to establish year reps
o Sofie Milito will be rep for the first year students
o Montsy Videla will be second year rep
o Jordan Zanni will be third year rep
o Dominique Hat will be fourth year and up rep
Bring up with your ensembles that we need a new Crit Organizer!

Marina Buston (Treasurer):

Motion to pay Emilee Bayrock for the filming she did during last school year (2016-
2017): Fall Mainstage 2016 ($100 from Trust) and Spring Blackbox 2017 ($100 from
Trust) for a total of $200 from Trust.
o Motion to pass: Evan, Dominique, Nicola
Buddies will be delayed. We need more first year applicants for this to work.

Dominique Hat (Events Coordinator):

Will talk to people doing the Fall Mainstage 2017 in order to organize their gala.

Nicholas Ree

Open Floor:
Nicholas Ree: Directing project auditions have been announced. Sign up!
Jess will put up a sign with her email for the TSU
Nicola would like to take the lead on becoming the Student Liason with teachers,
potentially on her own and potentially with others. Will find the dates via talking to
Montsy and Nicola are going to collaborate on potential Crit organizing. Will brainstorm
and get back to us for next meeting
Evan would like a list of his responsibilities as VP.

Motion to Close: 5:55pm by Evan, Jordan, Nicola, Amanda.

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