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Software Engineering Practice & Experience: Software Project Management

Fall 2017

McMaster University

Labs 5 and 61

1 Lab Overview
Lab 5 will be used to gain familiarity with the LaTeX software. All of the documentation deliv-
erables in 3XA3, except possibly your problem statement, will be written using LaTeX. All team
members are expected to commit to the repository, so all team members need to learn LaTeX.
Lab 6 will introduce GanttProject.
Note: Not completing the exercises detailed below will result in a penalty equal to
1% of the course grade. Show the work done for each item to your TAs to avoid it..

1.1 Lab5 Components

The lab session will consist of:

Introduction to LaTeX

LaTeX Exercises

1.2 Details:
Please review the following links in advance of your lab to learn about LaTeX:

An introduction to LaTeX :

LaTeX installation:

Official documentation:

LaTeX tutorials:

When using LaTeX, the typical approach for citations is to use BibTeX (
). Using BibTeX a database of reference (bib file) is processed by the bibtex command to generate
the references in the required format.
Revised: September 2017

1.3 Exercises
1. Find a random photo online (this can be of anything). Create a document with a photo in
it. Make sure to cite the photo correctly.

2. Reproduce the following table in your document:

Header1 Header2 Header3

Row1 cell1 cell2 cell3
Row2 cell1 cell2 cell3

Table 1: Product

3. You can use \section and \subsection to organize your documents. How many levels down
can you go? Does \subsubsection work? How about \subsubsubsection?

4. Create numbered sections (or subsections) in your document as well as sections without
numbers. Once you are comfortable with LaTeX, do the following tasks in your teams repo:

1. Create the 3XA3 folder structure from BlankProject (if you havent already done so.)

2. Convert your Problem Statement to LaTeX, if you havent already done so.

3. Create your Development Plan document in LaTeX, if you havent already done so.

4. Create the outline of you SRS document in LaTeX

5. Add a citation to your SRS.

6. Set-up your editor so that the text is hard wrapped at 80 characters.

1.4 Lab6 Components

The lab session will consist of:

Introduction to GanttProject

GanttProject Exercises

1.5 Details:
You can download GanttProject from Note: GanttProject
requires Java to run. Look at several example Gantt Charts to get an idea of how theyre used.

1. Follow along with the tutorial at:

Set up a GanttProject for your group.

1. Add deliverable milestones (these can be found in the course outline).

2. Break down each deliverable into workable chunks. Be as detailed as you can.

3. Allocate team members to work on each chunk. Make sure each team member is not allocated
more than 100

4. Continue to update your GanttProject file throughout the term. When you think you are
done, call your TA over to give you feedback on your Gantt Chart.

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