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i. Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b,c,d or e.

1. Teacher : Sherly, do you know what a chef does everyday?

Sherly : yes, of course. A chef .. food everyday.
a. Cooks
b. Prepare
c. Prepares
d. Has been cooked
e. Cook
2. Rita : what did you do last night? You didnt answer my call.
Ali : sorry, . I was tired after studying all day.
a. I slept
b. I sleep
c. I sleeping
d. I am sleeping
e. I sleeps
3. Rina : .. the door before we went to the school everyday?
Cika : sure.
a. Did you close
b. Had you closed
c. Are you closing
d. Had you been closed
e. Do you close
4. Luna : what do usually do at your house on holiday?
Maya : ..
a. I always doing my homework
b. I ussualy doing my home activities
c. I always do my homework
d. I usually go for a walk
e. I am always do my homework
5. Teacher :what is your plan after finishing your study in Vocantional High Schol?
Student : . Because my father doesnt have a lot money to send me to
a. I will go to Gajah MAda University
b. I will look for a lot of friends
c. I will go to around the world
d. I will look for a job
e. I will continue my study abroad
6. Rudi : I heard that joko got a job at the restaurant. What does he do?
Aulia : yes, right. Everyday he takes an order and on guests table.
A. Serve the food
B. Serve the food
C. Served the food
D. Serving the food
E. Have served the food
7. Boni : what do you usually do in your spare time? Tennis or soccer?
Agus : I usually go to Taruna Stadion. I like .
a. Play tennis to swim
b. Playing soccer than tennis
c. Playing soccer better than tennis
d. Play soccer better than swim in Kartika
e. Playing soccer to tennis
8. Lia : beni loves you.
Mia : does he? Are you sure
Lia : yes, ..
a. He told me that he loved you
b. He told me that he loves you
c. He told me that he has loved you
d. He told me that he isloving you
e. He told me that he love you
9. Fery : would you like to accompany me to attend my best friends wedding?
Erdy : . But Im afraid I cant because I have a test and I have to study.
a. Id love to
b. Im sorry, I cant
c. Lets go to the party
d. Sorry, Im busy. I have to go
e. I cant
10. Hanafi : novi, do you know the man. Is wearing red T-shirt?
Novi : sorry, I dont know him.
a. Whom
b. Who
c. Which
d. Whose
e. Of which
11. Man 1 : .. is a doctor, passed away in an accident.
Man 2 : Are you sure?
a. The student whom father
b. The student who father
c. The student which father
d. The student whose father
e. The student of which father
12. Anned : you look so beautiful with your new hair cut!
Sevy :
a. Congratulation
b. Im sorry to hear that
c. Thank you
d. Dont mention it
e. Youre welcome
13. Fahrudin : it was terribly concert last night? It was great performance, what do
you think of it ?
Ariyanto : . It was terribly concert because there were many people injured. I
dont like it.
a. I am with you
b. I dont think so
c. I agree with you
d. I suppose you are right
e. I dont know
14. Student 1 : do we need to obey the schools rule?
Student 2 : yes, we obey the rules of school.
a. May
b. Must
c. Can
d. Might
e. May not
15. Umi : Im hungry but I dont want to eat some foods in this caf because Im bored.
Ivan : .
Umi : thats good idea! Lets go !
a. Why dont you try the food in a new caf?
b. I dont have any idea
c. I agree with you
d. Ok, lets eat
e. Yes, of course
16. Mr. Indro : hey, Ms Esti looks so pale, what happened with her?
Mrs. Tri : oh, she has a stomachache, .. I think.
a. She should drink a soft drink
b. She should eat a lot of kinds of fruits
c. She should play badminton in the morning
d. She should see the doctor, take a rest and medicine
e. She should eat candy
17. Bayu : the candidates of president must concern the necessary and importance of
Bella : yeah, they also must be able to change the country better than previous
a. Youe absolutely right
b. I disagree with you
c. I dont know
d. Ok, I know
e. I dont agree with you
18. Receptionist : welcome to our hotel,sir. What can I do for you?
Guest : .
a. Can I book a table for to night,please?
b. Could I book a ticket for tonight, please?
c. May I reserve a double room for tonight, please?
d. I would like reserve a double room for tonight, please?
e. Can I stay here?
19. Mr. jadi : ardy, do you know that .. is vey dangeours for our healthy?
Ardy : yes, I know that, but I feel difficult to leave.
a. Smoke
b. Smoker
c. Smoking
d. Being smoker
e. Smokes
20. Eko : your house is . I think.
Prasetyo : really? Thank you.
a. Comfortable to me
b. Too comfortable to me
c. Comfortable enough for me
d. Not too comfortable for me
e. Not comfortable for me
21. Headmaster : the room is for many students like this. Lets the bigger one!
Teacher : yes, youre right, sir.
a. Too small
b. Small enough
c. So small
d. Enough small
e. Small
22. Cinta : I will celebrate my birthday tomorrow evening
Laura : with pleasure.
a. Can you visit me?
b. Could you leave me?
c. You must come there.
d. Would you like to come?
e. Will you?
23. Doctor : if you want your sister to be health, let her take a rest at home.
Dilla : yes, Doc, but she keeps on working her serious sickness.
a. Although
b. Inspite of
c. Despite of
d. Though
e. While
24. A man : what do you think of this painting?
A woman : wow ! it is .
a. So beautiful therefore I want to buy it
b. So a beautiful painting that I want to buy it
c. Such a beautiful painting that I want to buy it
d. Such a beautiful painting therefore I want to buy it
25. Nuraini : why does pipit look so unhappy?
Fajar : oh, she doesnt like this city to live. She .
a. used to living in a big city
b. is used living in a big city
c. used living in a big city
d. used to living in a big city
II. Essay
41. complete the dialogue !
Budi : are you sure all the garbage is easy to destroy?4
Dony : the garbage like plastics is difficult to destroy

42. nur : Alma, the reason why I called you to my office is to congratulate you on
becoming the new production manager

43. rewrite this sentences, adding the correct punctuation !

a. how far have you gone asked her father
b. really I cant believe it

44. Arrange the words below to be a good imperative!

Meal dont sleep after

45. Arrange the Jumbled sentences to makes a good paragraph!

a. fry the onion, garlic, chili and some salt into the wok
b. finally, put the fried rice onto a plate. Your meal is ready.
c. then, crush some red chili.
d. afterwards, put a plate of plain rice into the wok
e. next, put two spoonfuls of vegetable oil into the wok
f. first, chop some onion and garlic
g. mix it well for about seven minuts and then turn off the stove
Kewirausahaan kelas XI (sebelas)

1. rancangan mengenai kegiatan usaha yang dilakukan disebut .

a. Proposal
b. Rancangan
c. Susunan
d. Makalah
e. Kliping
2. Kelengkapan informasi yang utama dalam proposal mengenai .
a. Produk
b. Harga
c. Pesaing dan peluang
d. Promosi
e. Jumlah peduduk
3. Proposal harus dapat memaparkan kegiatan usaha secara jelas, ini merupakan definisi dari
a. Singkat
b. Lengkap
c. Benar
d. Jelas
e. Terperinci
4. Berikut ini yang bukan termasuk kegunaan proposal adalah ..
a. Pedoman pelaksanaan
b. Menenttukan kelayakan kegiatan usaha
c. Meyakinkan penanaman modal dan pemberi kredit
d. Menawarkan produk
e. Pedoman penilaian pelaksanaan kegiatan usaha
5. Pendapat para ahli, iklan, dan tanggapan masyarakat dalam kegiatan usaha tertentu
a. Pembuatan
b. Factor pendukung proposal
c. Factor penentu proposal
d. Data proposal
e. Sumber operasional
6. Proposal usaha yang dibuat harus singkat tanpa meluapkan kaidah-kaidah penulisan dan
tidak megurangi kejelasan dan kelengkapan proposal, hal tersebut menandakan bahwa
proposal harus .
a. Jelas
b. Singkat
c. Lengkap
d. Benar
e. Tidak kadaluwarsa
7. Hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam penyusunan proposal usaha sehingga kekurangannya
terjaga adalah .
a. Jenis produk
b. Selera masyarakat
c. Kemasan produk
d. Merek produk
e. Modul usaha
8. Sampel, kupon, premi, dan demonstrasi merupakan strategi promosi melalui
a. Media cetak
b. Media elektronik
c. Pamphlet
d. Sales promotion
e. Personal selling
9. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilaksanakan oleh produsen yang menghasilkan barang-
barang kebutuhan sehari-hari disebut
a. Studi kasus
b. Studi kepustakaan
c. Perbandingan
d. Interview
e. Sampel
10. Penyaluran produk dengan menggunakan sebanyak mungkin poutlet biasanya dilaksanakan
oleh produsen yang menghasilkan barang-barang sehari-hari disebut distribusi .
a. Selektif
b. Ekslusif
c. Intensif
d. Pedagang besar
e. Pengecer
11. Distribusi yang tepat digunakan untuk kendaraan bermotor dan mobil adalah distribusi
a. Intensif
b. Selektif
c. Ekslusif
d. Pengecer
e. Pedagang besar
12. Berikut ini yang termasuk dalam isi proposal kecuali .
a. Nama kegiatan usaha
b. Alas an pemilihan jenis usaha
c. Peluang usaha
d. Perhitungan pendapatan dalam berbagai alternative
e. Tingkat pesaing
13. Bagian dari kata pengantar adalah .
a. Manfaat umum
b. Jenis barang yang dibuat
c. Profil para konsumen yang dituju
d. Potensi dasar
e. Produk yang akan dipasarkan.
14. Kata administrasi dari bahasa latin, yaitu ad dan ministrate yang artinya .
a. Mencatat
b. Pencatatan
c. Pembukuan
d. Membantu
e. Menghitung
15. System pencatatan dimana semua jenis barang dibuatkan buku tersendiri disebut system
pencatatan .
a. Berkala
b. Tahunan
c. Terus menerus
d. Periodic
e. Bulanan
16. Dalam catatan perjanjian dagang mencantumkan..
a. Tempat
b. Isi perjanian
c. Produk
d. Harga
e. Jumlah pegawai
17. Syarat pertama berdirinya usaha adalah
c. Tanda registrasi perusahaan
d. Situ
e. Siup
18. Surat izin usaha dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah
a. Daerah Tingkat II
b. Daerah Tingkat III
c. Daerah Tingkat I
d. Pusat
e. Daerah
19. Sarana dalam adminitrasi perpajakan yang digunakan sebagai tanda pengenal diri atau
identitas digunakan bagi wajib pajak adalah .
d. Tanda registrasi perusahaan
20. Prosedur yang dicantumkan untuk membuka rekening bank adalah
a. Tanggal mulainya usaha
b. Jenis usaha
c. Nama saudara
d. Nama usaha
e. Jumlah kekayaan
21. Hasil studi mengenai lingkungan sebagai akibat aktifitas kegiatan usaha disebut .
d. Kartu registrasi
e. Rekening bank
22. Surat yang digunakan orang atau badan yang menyelenggarakan legiatan usaha bisnis
adalah ..
a. Surat pribadi
b. Surat bisnis
c. Surat dinas
d. Surat umum
e. Surat khusus
23. Kegiatan yang dicatat dalam perjanjian dagang adalah
a. Nama dan alamat dan jumlah pemasaran
b. Masalah yang berkaitan dengan kelancaran proses produksi
c. Dengan siap perjanjian dibuat, waktu pengiriman, dan keterangan yang lain.
d. Jenis, jumlah, arus keluar, dan masuk barang
e. Data dan identitas pegawai
24. Fungsi dalam oragnisasi perusahaan yang bertanggung jawab dalam proses dan operasi
pekerjaan disebut .
a. Administrasi keuangan
b. Administrasi perkantoran
c. Administrasi keuangan
d. Administasi perhotelan
e. Adminitrasi usaha
25. Berikut ini termasuk aktiva tetap, kecuali ..
a. Tanah
b. Gedung
c. Hak paten
d. Hak merek
e. Piutang
ii. Essay
1. Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan surat izin usaha ?
2. Sebutkan macam-macam surat izin usaha!
3. Sebutkan tujuan administrasi!
4. Sebutkan syarat-syarat proposal usaha!
5. Sebutkan sistematika penyusunan proposal usaha!

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