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Mark 14: 22-26 The Last Supper

In the evening Jesus and the twelve went through the

dark and narrow streets. They climbed upstairs in a
house. They went into the upper room and shared their
last supper together.

Place the white cloth on the floor/table in front of you. Place the
table, and place Jesus and the Apostles around it. Place the bread
and the chalice on the table.

After they had eaten everything they wanted to eat,

Jesus did something very strange. He took some bread,
gave thanks to God for it, broke it and shared it with
the disciples.

Pick up the bread and then place it back on the table.

As he did so Jesus said take this, this is my body.

Then he took a cup of wine, gave thanks to God for it

and shared it with them.

Pick up the chalice and then place it back on the table.

As he did so he said, this is my blood which is poured

out for many. Do this in memory of me.

Jesus then said to his disciples the next time I drink

this wine, and eat this bread will be in the new
Kingdom of God.


Wonder Questions:

I wonder, what part of they story did you like best?

I wonder, what part of the story was the most


I wonder whether we could leave out a part of the

story and still have all the story we need?

I wonder where in this story, you can see yourself?


Through any form of art or writing, whether that be a

drawing, comic, reflection, journal or acrostic poem, I
want you to respond to our Godly Play session. You will
have ____ minutes.

Teacher note- Do not discuss the items they have

drawn or written.

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