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1 % v/v = ml zat terlarut/ 1 L pelarut
2 % w/v = gram zat terlarut/ 1 L pelarut
3 % w/w = gram zat terlarut/ 100 gr pelarut
4 ( H/L) = hepar/ lien atau hati/ limpa
5 2A = NaCl 0,45% + dextrose 2,5%
6 3D-CRT = 3 D-conformal radiation therapy
7 4S = staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
8 5-FU = 5-fluorourasil
9 5P = pain, pallor, pulseless, paresthesia, paralysis
10 6-MP = 6-merkaptopurin
11 6P = pain, pallor, pulseless, paresthesia, paralysis, poikilotherm
12 a = Arteri
13 A/V/P = arteri / vena / perifer
14 AAA = abdominal aortic aneurysm
15 AABR = automated auditory brainstem response
16 Ab = Antibody
17 AB = Abortus
18 ABA = anti-brain antibody
19 ABAER = automated brainsistem auditory evoked response
20 ABC = Airway, Breathing, Circulation
21 Abd = Abdomen
22 ABI = ankle brachial index
23 ABI/ ABPI = ankle brachial index/ ankle brachial pressure index
24 ABM = alat bantu mendengar
25 ABNOM = acquired bilateral nevus of ota-like macules
26 ABP = arterial blood pressure
27 ABR = auditory brainstem response
28 AC = assist control
29 Acc = accepted/ disetujui
30 ACC = access to care and continuity of care
31 ACD = actinomycin D
32 ACE = angiotensin converting enzyme
33 ACE-i = angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor
34 ACFD = acquired coagulation factor deficiency
35 Ach = acethylcholine
36 ACL = anterior cruciate ligament
37 ACLE = acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
38 ACLS = advance cardiac life support
39 ACS = acute coronary syndrome
40 ACT = alternate cover test
41 ACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormone
42 ADD = Attention deficit disorder
43 ADDH = hyperaktif attension defisit disorder
44 ADE = antibody dependent enhancement
45 ADH = antidiuretic hormone
46 ADHD = Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
47 ADL = activities of daily living
48 ADO = amplatzer ductal occluder
49 ADP = adenosine diphosphate
50 ADR = adverse drug reaction
51 ADS = antidiphteria serum
52 AECB = Acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis
53 AEP = atopic eruption of pregnancy
54 AF = atrial fibrillation
55 AFLP = acute fatty liver pregnancy
56 AFP = alpha fetoprotein
57 Ag = Antigen
58 AGD = Analisis gas darah
59 AGEP = acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis
60 AH = Antihistamin
61 AHA = alpha hydroxy acid
62 AHC = acute hemorrhagic conjungtivitis
63 AHF = antihemophilic factor (faktor koagulasi darah VIII)
64 AI = aortic valve insuffiency
65 AI = Avian influenza
66 AIDP = acute inflammation demyielinating polyneuropathy
67 AIDS = acquired immuno deficiency syndrome
68 AIHA = acute idiopathic haemolytic anaemia
69 AINS = antiinflamasi nonsteroid
70 AKDR = alat kontrasepsi dalam rahim
71 AKE = arteria karotis eksterna
72 AKG = angka kecukupan gizi
73 AKI = acute kidney injury
74 AL = arterialline
75 Alb = albumin
76 ALI = acute limb ischemia
77 ALI = Acute lung injury
78 ALL = acute lymphoid leukaemia
79 ALP = alkaline phosphotase
80 ALS = amyotrophic laterial sclerosis
81 ALT = alanine aminotransferase
82 AMA = anti-mitochondrial antibody
83 AMB = angka metabolisme basal
84 AMI = acute myocardial infarction
85 AML = acute myelogenous leukemia
86 Amp = Ampul
87 AMT = Abbreviated Mental Test
88 AMVO = amplatzer muscular ventricular septal occluder
89 An. = anak
90 ANA = antinuclear antibodies
91 ANC = Ante natal care
92 ANCA = antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
93 Ant. = anterior
94 Ao = aorta
95 AOP = assessment of patients
96 AP = antero-posterior
97 APC = atrial premature complex
98 APD = alat pelindung diri
99 APG = antegrade pyelography
100 ApoA = apolipoprotein A
101 ApoB = apolipoprotein B
102 APP = apendisitis
103 AP-PA = anterior posterior - posterior anterior
104 APR = Abdomino perineal section
105 APR = achilles pee reflex
106 APS = anti phospholipid syndrome
107 aPTT = activated partial thromboplastin time
108 AR = aortic regurgitation
109 AR = Anterior resection
110 ARA-C = sitarabin
111 ARB = angiotensin receptor blocker
112 ARDS = acute respiratory distress syndrome
113 ARF = acute renal failure
114 ARIA = allergic rhinitis impact on asthma
115 ARMD = age related macular degeneration
116 ARV = antiretroviral
117 AS = Aortic stenosis
118 AS 6% = amino steril 6%
119 ASA score = American Society of Anesthesiologist score
120 ASC = anesthesia and surgical care
121 ASD = atrial septal defect
122 AsDI = asosiasi dietisien Indonesia
123 ASE = artherosclerosis extremities
124 ASHD = atherosclerotic heart disease
125 ASI = air susu ibu
126 ASKES = asuransi kesehatan
127 ASO = atrial septal occluder
128 ASSR = auditory steady state responses
129 AST = aspartate transaminase
130 AT = anti-trypsin
131 ATN = acute tubular necrosis
132 ATP = adenosine triphosphate
133 ATS = antitetanusserum
134 ATZ = achilles tendon lengthening
135 AUB = Abnormal uterine bleeding
136 AuD = autosomal dominant
137 AV = atrioventricular
138 AVB = akne vulgaris berat
139 AVM = artery venous malformation
140 AVN = avascular necrosis
141 AVNRT = atrio-ventricular nodal recipprocating tachycardia
142 AVR = atrio-ventricular regurgitation
143 AVRT = atrio-ventricular reciprocating tachycardia
144 AVS = akne vulgaris sedang
145 AVT = auditory verbal therapy
146 AZA = azelaic acid
147 b.a.c = bawah arcus costae
148 B3 = bahan berbahaya dan beracun
149 BA = benda asing
150 BAB = buang air besar
151 BAER = brainsistem auditory evoked response
152 BAJAH = biopsi aspirasi jarum halus
153 BAK = buang air kecil
154 BB = berat badan
155 BBB = bundle branch block
156 BBLR = bayi berat lahir rendah
157 BBLSR = bayi berat lahir sangat rendah
158 BC = buffycoat concentrate
159 BCIE = bullous congenital ichtyosiform erythroderma
160 BCPS = bidirectional cavo-pulmonary shunt
161 BCS = breast conserving surgery
162 BCT = breast conserving treatment
163 BCVA = best corrected visual acuity
164 BE = Bronchiectasis
165 BE = Breastengorgement
166 BED = biological effective dose
167 BERA = brainstem evoked response audiometry
168 BESF = bedah sinus endoscopic fungsional
169 BEV = beam eye view
170 BH = body height
171 BI = bacterial index
172 Bicnat = Natrium Bicarbonat
173 Bil D = Bilirubin Direk
174 Bil I = Bilirubin Indirek
175 BJ = bunyi jantung
176 BJH/ BAJ = Biopsy jarum halus/ Biopsy aspirasi jarum
177 BKB = batuk kronik berulang
178 BL = borderline lepromatous
179 BL/R = body left/ right
180 BMHP = bahan medis habis pakai
181 BMI = body mass index
182 BMK = besar masa kehamilan
183 BMP = bone marrow puncture
184 BMR = basal metabolisme rate
185 BMS = burning mouth syndrome
186 BNC = bladder neck contracture
187 BNI = bladder neck incision
188 BNO / KUB = blass nier overzicht / kidney ureter bladder
189 BNO IVP = blass nier overzicht - intravenous pyelography
190 BO = Blighted ovum
191 BOA = behavioral observation audiometry
192 BP = Bronchopneumonia
193 BPH = benign prostate hyperplasia
194 BPO = benzoyl peroxide
195 BPPV = benign paroxysmal position vertigo
196 BPSD = Behavioral and psychological symptom of dementia
197 bpx = bawah procecus xiphoideus
198 BRVO = branch retinal vascular occlusion
199 BS = bubur saring
200 BSA = body surface area
201 BSC = Bekas sectio cesarea
202 BSEF = Bedah Sinus Endoskopi Fungsional
203 BSI = blood stream infection
204 BT = bleeding time
205 BT shunt = blalock Taussig shunt
206 BTA = basil tahan asam
207 btg = batang
208 BTK = banyak terima kasih
209 btr = butir
210 BU = bising usus
211 BW = body weight
212 By. = bayi
213 C = sendok makan
214 c/p atau j/p = cor/pulmo atau jantung/paru
215 C3 = complement 3
216 C4 = complement 4
217 Ca = carcinoma
218 CABG = coronary artery bypass graft
219 CaCO3 = Calcium Carbonate
220 CaCx = carsinoma cervix
221 CAD = coronary artery disease
222 CAE = canalis acusticus externus
223 CAF = cyclophosphamide, adriamycin, 5-FU
224 CAH = chronic active hepatitis
225 CAMP = cyclic adenosine monophoshate
226 C-ANCA = cytoplasmic -antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
227 CAP = community acquired pneumonia (J18.9)
228 CAPD = continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
229 CAS = carotid artery stenting
230 CATHLAB = catheterization laboratory
231 CAVSD = complete atrio-ventricular septal defect
232 CB = cair biasa
233 CBC = complete blood count
234 CBD = common bile duct
235 CBDC = chronic bullous disease of childhood
236 CC = Common cold
237 CCK = cholecystokinin
238 ccl = compression class (kelas-kelas dalam level kompresi stoking)
239 CCLE = chronic cutaneous lupus erythematous
240 CD = cluster of differentiation
241 CDH = congenital dislokasi hip
242 CDT = clock drawing test
243 CEA = carcino-embryonic antigen
244 CEAP = clinical etiology anatomy patophysiology) sistem klasifikasi pada cvi
245 CF = cytology fluid
246 CGA = comprehensive geriatric assessment
247 Cgy = centi gray
248 CHA = congenital hypoplastic anaemia
249 CHB = complete heart block
250 CHD = congenital heart disease
251 CHF = congestive heart failure
252 CHL = conductive hearing loss
253 CI = cochlear implant
254 CIC = circulating immune complex
255 CIDP = chronic inflammation demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy
256 CISH = chromogenic in situ hybridization
257 CK = creatine kinase
258 CKB = cedera kepala berat
259 CKC = close kinetic chain
260 CKD = chronic kidney disease
261 CKD on HD = chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis
262 CK-MB = creatine kinase-mb fraction
263 CKR = cedera kepala ringan
264 CKS = cedera kepala sedang
265 Cl = chloride
266 CLI = critical limb ischemia
267 CLL = chronic lymphocytic leukemia
268 CLLM = cair low lactose milk
269 cm = sentimeter
270 CME = cystoid macular edema
271 CML = chronic myelogenous leukemia
272 CMML = chronic myelomonocytic leukemia
273 CMV = cytomegalovirus
274 CNS = central nervous system
275 Co-60 = cobalt 60
276 CoA = coarctation of the aorta
277 COD = cause of death
278 COP = care of patients
279 COPD/PPOK = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/ penyakit paru obstruktif kronik
280 COR = cedera olah raga
281 COX = cyclooxyangenase
282 CP = cerebral palsy
283 CPA = cyclophosphamide
284 CPAP = continuous positive airway pressure
285 CPB = cardiopulmonary bypass
286 CPD = cephalopelvicdisproportion
287 CPH = chronic portal hypertension
288 CPM = continuous passive movement
289 CPR = cardiopulmonary resuscitation
290 CPZ = chlorpromazine
291 Cr = creatinine
292 CRAO = central retinal artery occlusion
293 CRF = chronic renal failure
294 CRI = catheter related infection
295 CRO = cairan rehidrasi oral
296 CRP = c-reactive protein
297 CRRT = continuous renal replacement therapy
298 CRT = capillary refill time
299 CRVO = central retinal vein occlusion (H34.8)
300 CSME = clinically significant macular edema
301 CSR = central serous retinopathy
302 CSWS = cerebral salt wasting syndrome
303 CT = computed tomography
304 CTA = CT angiography
305 CTC = completion of treatment cure
306 CTEV = congenital talipes equino varus
307 CTG = cardiotocography
308 cth = sendok teh
309 CTM = Chlorpheniramine maleat
310 CTO = chronic total occlusion
311 CTPS = cairan tanpa susu
312 CTS = carpal tunnel syndrome
313 CUT = Corpus Uteri
314 CVA = cerebrovascular accident
315 CVC = central venous catheter
316 CVD = cerebrovascular disease
317 CVI = chronic venous insufficiency
318 CVP = central venous pressure
319 CVVH = continuous veno - venous hemofiltration
320 CVVHD = continuous veno - venous hemodialysis
321 CVVHDF = continuous veno - venous hemodialysis hemofiltration
322 CWD = canal wall down
323 CWP = Coal worker pneumoconiosis
324 CWU = canal wall up
325 CXR = chest X- ray
326 D/ = diagnosis
327 D/C = dilatasi/curetase
328 D10 = dextrose 10%
329 D40 = dextrose 40%
330 D5 = dextrose 5%
331 DA = dermatitis atopik
332 DA = Diare akut
333 DADB = Diare akut dehidrasi berat
334 DADR = diare akut dehidrasi ringan
335 DADRS = diare akut dehidrasi ringan sedang
336 DAP = duktus arteriosus persisten
337 DA TD = Diare akut tanpa dehidrasi
338 DB = demam berdarah
339 DBD = demam berdarah dengue
340 dbn = dalam batas normal
341 DBP = diameter biparietal
342 DC = drainage curetage
343 DC Bertingkat = Dilatasi dan kuretase bertingkat
344 DCR = dacryocystorhinostomy
345 DD = demam dengue
346 DD/ = diagnosis banding / differential diagnosis
347 DDS = diaminodifenil sulfon(dapson)
348 DE = disfungsi ereksi
349 DEM = doll's eye movement
350 Demam H-4 = demam hari ke-4
351 DES = Diethylstilbestrol
352 DEXA = dual energy x-ray absorptiometry
353 DEX/SIN = Dextra/ sinistra
354 DFG = dermatofat graft
355 DH = diet hati
356 DHD = dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring
357 DHF = dengue haemorrhagic fever
358 DIC = disseminated intravascular coagulation
359 DIEM = drug induced eritema multiforme
360 Diet DMRP = diet diabetes melitus rendah protein
361 Diet RG = diet rendah garam
362 Diet RL = diet rendah lemak
363 Diff count = differential counting
364 DIH = drug induced hepatitis
365 DJ = denyut jantung
366 DJ Stent = double J stent
367 DJJ = denyut jantung janin
368 DKA = dermatitis kontak alergi
369 DKBM = daftar komposisi bahan makanan
370 DKF = dermatitis kontak foto
371 DKI = dermatitis kontak iritan
372 DL = diet lambung
373 DLE = discoid lupus erythematosus
374 DM = diabetes mellitus
375 DM Tipe II = Diabetus Melitus Type II
376 DMG = diabetes mellitus gestational
377 DMP = dystrophiamusculorum progressiva
378 DMPA = depo medoksi progesterone acetate
379 DMSO = dimetyl sulfoxide
380 DMT-1 = duodenal metal transporter
381 DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid
382 DNAR = do not attempt resuscitation
383 DNR = do not resuscitate
384 DOA = death on arrival
385 Dobu = Dobutamin
386 DOC = drug of choice
387 DOLV = double outlet left ventricle
388 Dopa = Dopamine
389 DORV = double outlet right ventricle
390 DOTS = directly observed treatment strategy
391 DP = dermatitis purulent
392 DPJP = dokter penanggung jawab pelayanan pasien
393 DPL = darah perifer lengkap
394 DPMP = daftar permintaan makanan pasien
395 DPO = dalam pengaruh obat
396 DPOAE = distortion product oto-acoustic emission
397 DPT = difteria, pertusis, tetanus
398 DPTP = difteria, pertusis, tetanus, polio
399 DR = demam reumatik
400 DRM = departemen rehabilitasi medik
401 DRR = digitally reconstructed radiograph
402 DRT = departemen radioterapi
403 D/S = Dextra / sinistra
404 DS = dermatitis seboroik
405 DSS = dengue shock syndrome
406 DTT = desinfeksi tingkat tinggi
407 DUB = dysfuctional uterine bleeding
408 DVT = deep vein thrombosis
409 DX = Dekstra/ Kanan
410 Dx = Diagnosis
411 E = Emmetropia
412 e- = Electron
413 E.coli = Escherichia coli
414 EAC = erythema annularecentrifugum
415 EB = epidermolisis bulosa
416 EBD = epidermolisis bulosa distrofik
417 EBS = epidermolisis bulosa simpleks
418 EBUS = Endobrachial ultrasound
419 EBUS TBLB = Endobrachial ultrasound trans bronchial lung biopsy
420 EBUS TBNA = Endobrachial ultrasound trans bronchial needle aspiration
421 EBV = estimated blood volume
422 ec = et causa
423 ECCE = extracapsular cataract extraction
424 ECG/EKG = Electrocardiography
425 ECHO = Echocardiography
426 ECI = extracorporeal intradiation
427 ED = eye drop
428 EDH = epidural hematoma
429 EDTA = ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid
430 EDV = end-diastolic volume
431 EEA = eversion end-arterectomy
432 EED = erythema elevatum diutinum
433 EEG = Electroensephalografi
434 EF = ejection fraction
435 EF = Ekstraksi forcep
436 EFW = estimated fetal weight
437 EG = eosinophilic granuloma
438 EH = Epidermolytichyperkeratosis
439 EHDI = early hearing detection intervention
440 EHEC = enterohemorrhagicE.coli
441 EIA = enzyme immunoassay
442 EIEC = enterohemorrhagic E.coli
443 ELISA = enzyme-linkedimmunoassay
444 EM = eritema multiforme
445 EMG = Elektromiografi
446 EN = eritema nodosum
447 ENG = elektronistagmografi
448 ENL = eritema nodosum leprosum
449 EO = eye ointment
450 EOA = erupsi obat alergik
451 EoE = eosinophilic esophagitis
452 EP = evoked potential
453 EPID = electronic portal imaging device
454 EPO = Erythropoietin
455 ER = estrogen receptor
456 ERA = evoked response audiometry
457 ERCP = endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
458 ERG = Elektroretinografi
459 Eri = Eritrosit
460 ERP = emergency response plan
461 ER-PR = estrogen receptor-progesteron receptor
462 ES = electrical stimulation
463 ESBL = extended-spectrum beta lactamase
464 ESR = erythrocyte sedimentation rate
465 ESS = Epworth Sleepiness Scale
466 ESWL = extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
467 Et = Esotropia
468 ETEC = enterotoxigenic Escherichiacoli
469 ETF = early treatment failure
470 ETN = erythema toxicum neonatorum
471 ETT = endotracheal tube; ekokardiografi transthoracal
472 EV = ekstraksi vakum
473 EVD = External ventrikel drainage
474 EVLT = endovenous laser treatment
475 Ex-Fix = external fixation
476 Extr = Extremitas
477 F = Foton
478 FAM = fibroadenoma mammae
479 FAT = fluoroscent antibodies test
480 FC = Functional class
481 FD = feeding difficulty
482 FDJP = Fungsi dinamika janin plasenta
483 FDE = fixed drug eruption
484 FDP = Feto pelvic disproportion
485 FEES = flexible endoscopic evaluation on swallowing
486 FESS = functional endoscopic sinus surgery
487 FFA = fundus fluoresein angiography
488 FFP = fresh frozen plasma (plasma segar beku)
489 FFT = free field test
490 FiO2 = Fraksi inspirasi oksigen
491 FISHER-2 = fluorosence in situ hibridization her-2
492 fl = fles (botol)
493 flc = flacon
494 FMS = facility management and safety
495 FNAB = fine needle aspiration biopsy
496 FND = functional neck dissection
497 FOC = free of charge
498 Fr.tbk = fraktur terbuka
499 Fr.ttp = fraktur tertutup
500 Frek = Frekuensi
501 FTSG = full thickness skin graft
502 FTT = failure to thrive
503 FU = follow up
504 FUO = fever of undertermined origin / fever of unknown origin
505 FUT = fundus uteri
506 g = Gram
507 g% = gram persen
508 G6PD = glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
509 GA = general anesthesia
510 GABA = gamma amino butyric acid
511 Gakin = keluarga miskin
512 Gang Tumbang = Gangguan tumbuh kembang
513 GBM = glomerular basement membrane
514 GBS = Guillain-Barre syndrome
515 GCS = Glasgow coma scale
516 GCT = giant cell tumor
517 GD = gula darah
518 GDD = global delayed development
519 GDKH = gula darah kurva harian
520 GDM = gestational diabetes melitus
521 GDP = gula darah puasa
522 GDS = gula darah sewaktu
523 GDS = Geriatri depression scale (SMF Jiwa)
524 GE = gastroenteritis
525 GEA = gastroenteritis akut
526 GED = gastroenteritis dehydration
527 GERD = gastroesophageal reflux disease
528 GF = granuloma facial
529 GFR = glomerular filtration rate
530 GGA = gagal ginjal akut
531 GGK = gagal ginjal kronik
532 GGT = gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase
533 GH = growth hormone
534 GIR = glucose infusion rate
535 GIST = gastrointestinal stromal cell tumor
536 GIT = gastro-intestinal track
537 GLD = governance, leadership, and direction
538 gls = gelas
539 GMK = gingivitis marginalis kronik
540 GNA = glomerulonefritis akut
541 GNK = glomerulonefritis kronik
542 GnRH = gonadotropinreleasing hormone
543 GO = gonore
544 Gosmin = gosok minyak
545 GP = glikoprotein
546 GPA = gravida partus abortus
547 GSS = gangguan situasi sementara
548 GTP = gigi tiruan penuh
549 GTS = gigi tiruan sebagian
550 GTT = gutatae
551 GUT = genito-urinary tract
552 GV = ganti verban
553 H = Hodge
554 H I IV = Hodge I - IV
555 H2O2 = Hidrogen peroksida
556 H2RA = h2 reseptor antagonis
557 HAART = highly active anti retroviral therapy
HACEK = kelompok bakteri gram negatif; haemophilus species (haemophilus
parainfluenzae, haemophilus aphrophilus, and haemophilus
paraphrophilus), actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, cardiobacterium
558 hominis, eikenella corrodens, and kingella spesies
559 HAEM = herpes associated erytema multiforme
560 HAI = hospital acquired infection
561 HAP = hospital acquired pneumonia
562 HAP = Hemorragic ante partum
563 Hasil - = hasil tidak ada
564 Hasil+ = hasil ada
565 HAV = hepatitis A virus
566 HAV = hepatitis A virus
567 Hb = hemoglobin
568 HBV = hepatitis B virus
569 H.C = Hidrocephalus
570 HC = head circumference
571 HCAP = Health care associated pneumonia
572 HCM = hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
573 HCT = hidroklorotiazid
574 HCU = high care unit
575 HCV = hepatitis c virus
576 HD = hemodialysis
577 HDK = hipertensi dalam kehamilan
578 HDR = high dose rate
579 HEG = Hiperemesis gravidium
580 HELLP = hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets
581 Hep = heparin
582 HFN = high flow nasal
583 HG = herpes genitalis
584 HHD = hipertensive heart disease
585 HHL/R = head hanging left/ right
586 HIL = Hernia inguinalis lateralis
587 HIM = Hernia ingunalis menalis
588 Hiper PI = hiperpigmentasi pascainflamasi
589 Hipo PI = hipopigmentasi pascainflamasi
590 HIV = human immunodeficiency virus
591 HK = Hyperkeratosis
592 HL/R = head left/ right
593 HLHS = hypoplastic left heart syndrome
594 HLPY = Highest level past year
595 HMD = hyalin membrane disease
596 HN = hydronephrosis
597 HNP = hernia nukleus pulposus
598 HOCM = hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
599 HONK = hyperosmolar non-ketotic
600 HP = hypertrophy of prostate/ congenital of prostate
601 HPHT = hari pertama haid terakhir
602 HPP = haemorragia post-partum
603 HPS = hypertrophic pylorus stenosis
604 HPV = human papiloma virus
605 HQ = hydroquinon
606 HR = heart rate/ laju jantung
607 HRB = hiperreaktivitas bronkus
608 HRIG = human rabies immune globin
609 HS = hiperplasia sebasea
610 HSG = Histero salpingografi
611 HSC = Hans Sholler Christian disease
612 hs-CRP = high sensitivec-reactive protein
613 HSDR = hernia skrotalis dekstra reponibilis
614 HSP = Henoch Schonien purpura
615 HSSR = hernia skrotalis sinistra reponibilis
616 HSSS = hernia scrotalis sinitra strangulata
617 HSV = herpes simplex virus
618 Ht = Hematokrit
619 HTSOB = histerektomi salpingooferektomi bilateral
620 HTSOD = histerektomi salpingooferektomi dextra
621 HTSOS = histerektomi salpingooferektomi sinistra
622 HUR/L = head up right/ left
623 HZ = herpes zoster
624 I = Inspeksi
625 I:E = inspirasi : ekspirasi
626 I.F = Impresi Fraktur
627 I/O = intake output
628 IABP = Intra-aortic balloon pump
629 IADL = Instrumental Activity of Daily Living
630 IAS = interatrial septum
631 IB = indeks bakteri
632 IBD = inflammatory bowel disease
633 IBS = irritable bowel syndrome
634 IC = Intra cutaneus
635 ICA = Indeks cairan amnion
636 ICCE = intracapsular cataract extraction
637 ICD = International Classification of Diseases
638 ICH = Intra cerebral hematoma
639 ICH = intra cerebral haemorrhagic traumatic/ non traumatic
640 ICP = Intermittent catheterization program
641 ICU = intensive care unit
642 IDDM = insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
643 IDL = intermediate-density lipoprotein
644 IDT = intradermal test
645 IDT = Inter delivery time
646 IF = imunofluoresensi
647 IFA = indirect immunoflouresent assay
648 IFN (a,y) = interferon
649 IFP = imbang feto-pelvik
650 Ig = imunoglobulin
651 IgA = imunoglobulin A
652 IgE = imunoglobulin E
653 IGF (1,2) = insulin-like growth factor
654 IgG = imunoglobulin G
655 IgM = imunoglobulin M
656 IGNS = infeksi genitalia nonspesifik
657 IGRT = imaged guided radiotherapy
658 IH = induksi haid
659 IHD = ischemic heart disease
660 IHK = Imunohistokimia
661 IIP = infeksi intra partum
662 IIU = Infeksi intra uteri
663 IK = Instruksi Kerja
664 Ikt(-) = tidak ikterik
665 IL (1,6) = Interleukin
666 IL20% = intra-lipid 20%
667 ILD = Interstisial lung disease
668 ILI = influenza like illness
669 ILO = infeksi luka operasi
670 IM = Intramuscular
671 IMD = inisiasi menyusu dini
672 IMRT = intensity modulated radiotherapy
673 IMS = infeksi menular seksual
674 IMT = indeks massa tubuh
675 INH = isoniazid
676 INH = isoniazid
677 INJ = injeksi
678 INOS = infeksi nosokomial
679 INR = international normalized ratio
680 Insp = In-spekulo
681 IO = inferior oblique
682 IOL = intraocular lens
683 ION = ischaemic optic neuropathy
684 IOOA = inferior oblique over action
685 IP = iritasi pulpa
686 IPCN = infection prevention control nurse
687 IPPS = International Prostate Symptom Score
688 IPRI = identitas pasien rawat inap
689 IPRJ = identitas pasien rawat jalan
690 IPSG = international patien safety goals
691 IQ = Intelegensia quotien
692 IRDS = Idiopathic respirasi distress syndrome
693 IRIS = immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome
694 ISDN = isosorbid dinitrat
695 ISH EBER = in situ hibridisasi (Ebstein-Barr encoded RNA)
696 ISK = infeksi saluran kemih(N39.0)
697 ISMN = isosorbid mononitrat
698 Isotret = isotretinoin
699 ISPA = infeksi saluran pernapasan acute
700 ISR = infeksi saluran reproduksi
701 IT ratio = Immature to Total Neutrophil Ratio
702 ITP = idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura(D69.3)
703 ITS = idiopatic thrombocytopenic syndrome
704 IU/ UNT = unit internasional
705 IUD = intra uterine contraseptive device
706 IUFD = intra-uterine fetal death(P95)
707 IUGR = intra-uterine growth retardation
708 IUI = Intra-uterine insemination
709 IV = intravena
710 IVC = inferior vena cava
711 IVFD = intravenous fluid drip
712 IVFD 2Line = infus intra vena 2 line
713 IVF = In vitro fertilization
714 IVH = Intraventrikel hematoma
715 IVIG = intravenous immunoglobulin
716 IVP = intravenous pyelography
717 IVS = interventricular septum
718 IW = intermediate ward
719 IWL = insensible water loss
720 J/P = jantung/paru
721 JABFUNG = jabatan fungsional
722 JAMKESDA = jaminan kesehatan daerah
723 JAMKESMAS = jaminan kesehatan masyarakat
724 JBAC = jari bawah arcus costae
725 JBPX = jari bawah processus xiphoideus
726 JCC = Jackson croos cylinder
727 JNA = juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
728 JPBoTH = janin presentasi bokong tunggal hidup
729 JPKTH = janin presentasi kepala tunggal hidup
730 JRA = juvenile rheumatoid arthritis(M08.0)
731 JT = junctional tachycardia
732 JVP = jugular venous pressure
733 K = kalium
734 k/p = kalau perlu
735 K/ TK/ C/ J/ D = Kawin / tidak kawin / cerai / janda / duda
736 K3RS = kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja rumah sakit
737 KA = kondiloma akuminatum
738 KA = Kolporafi anterior
739 KAD = ketoasidosis diabetikum
740 Kal = kalori
741 Kaps = kapsul
742 KB = keluarga berencana
743 KBE = kompresi bimanual uterus eksterna
744 KBI = kompresi bimanual uterus interna
745 KCI = kalium chlorida
746 KDK = Kejang demam komplek
747 KDS = Kejang demam sederhana
748 KEK = kekurangan energi kalori
749 Kel. ut = keluhan utama
750 KEP = kekurangan energi protein
751 KET = kehamilan ektopik terganggu
752 Kg = Kilogram
753 KGB = kelenjar getah bening
754 KGDH = kontrol gula darah harian
755 KH = Karbohidrat
756 KHONK = koma hiperosmolar non-ketotik
757 KHS = kecepatan hantar saraf
758 KI = kontraindikasi
759 KIE = komunikasi - informasi - edukasi
760 KIL = kortikosteroid intralesi
761 Kinf = Konka inferior
762 KIV = keep in view (monitor)
763 KK = kaku kuduk
764 Kkal = kilokalori
765 KKM = Kelainan congenital mayor
766 KLB = kejadian luar biasa
767 KLR = kanker leher rahim
768 KMK = kecil masa kehamilan
769 KNC = kejadian nyaris cedera
770 KNF = karsinoma nasofaring
771 KOH = kalium hidroksida
772 KOM = kompleks osteo meatal
773 KORIF = Koreksi Impresi Fraktur
774 Korlit = koordinator penelitian
775 Koyanmas = koordinator pelayanan masyarakat
776 KPC = kondisi potensi cedera
777 KPD = ketuban pecah dini
778 KPKBSK = Kanker paru karsinoma bukan sel kecil
779 KPKSK = Kanker paru karsinoma sel kecil
780 KPR = knee patella reflex
781 KPR = Kolpoperinerafi
782 KS = keratosis seboroik
783 KS/CS = kompartemen sindrom/ compartment syndrome
784 KSB = karsinoma sel basal
785 KSS = karsinoma sel skuamosa
786 KTC = kejadian tidak cedera
787 KTD = kejadian tidak diharapkan
788 KTP = kartu tanda penduduk
789 KTS = Klippel Trenaunay Syndrome
790 KU = keadaan umum
791 KV = kapasitas vital
792 KVV = kandidosis vulvovaginosis
793 L = Liter
794 LA = left atrium
795 LAB = Laboratorium
796 LABA = long acting beta -2 agonist
797 LACI = lacunar anterior circulation infarction
798 LAD = linear IgA dermatosis
799 LAD - cath = left anterior descending
800 LAD - EKG = left axis deviation
801 LAM = lipo arabino manan
802 LAO = left anterior oblique
803 LAP = Laparotomi
804 LAP CHOLE = laparatomi cholelithiasis
805 LAR = Low interior resection
806 LASA = Look alike sound alike
807 LASER = light amplification stimulation emission radiation
808 Laser CO2 = laser carbondioxyde
809 Laser Er-Yag = laser erbium-ytrium aluminium gamett
810 Laser QS-Nd-YAG = laser quality-switch ytrium aluminium gamett
811 L-ASP = Leunase / L-asparaginase
812 L-Asp = l-asparaginase
813 LBBB = left bundle branch block
814 LBHB = left bundle branch hemiblock
815 LBP = low back pain
816 LC = Laringektomi
817 LCOS = low cardiac output syndrome
818 LCx = left circumflex artery
819 LDH = lactic dehydrogenase
820 LDL = low density lipoproteins
821 L-dopa = levodopa
822 LDR = low dose rate
823 LE = lupus erythematosus
824 LED = laju endap darah
825 Leu = leukosit
826 LGK = leukemia granulocytic kronik
827 LGS = lingkup gerak sendi
828 LGV = lymphogranuloma venerium
829 LH = limfoma hodgkin
830 LHF = left heart failure
831 LI = laringoskopi indirek
832 LILA = lingkar lengan atas
833 LIO = laser intraocular
834 LJ = laju jantung
835 LK = lingkar kepala
836 LL = Lepromatous
837 LLD = leg length discrepancy
838 LLK = leukemia lymphositik kronik
839 LLM = low lactose milk
840 LLQ = left lower quadrant=daerah abdomen kuadran kiri bawah
841 LM = lymphoma malignum
842 LMA = laryngeal mask airway
843 LMN = lower motor neuron
844 LMNH = limfoma maligna non-Hodgkin
845 LMS = left main stem
846 LMWH = low molecular weight heparin
847 LNapas = laju napas
848 LNH = limfoma non Hodgkin
849 LOA = lumbal osteoarthritis
850 LOLA = L-ornitin-L-Aspartat
851 LP = lumbar puncture
852 LPA = left pulmonary artery
853 LPI = laser perifer iridectomy
854 LPM = liter per menit
855 LPR = laryngopharyngeal reflux
856 LPT = luas permukaan tubuh
857 LRI = linear relaxing incision
858 LSK = liken simpleks kronis
859 LT = light therapy
860 LTF = late treatment failure
861 LTOT = Lung term oxygen therapy
862 LUTS = lower urinary track synptoms
863 LV = left ventricle
864 LVAD = left ventricular device
865 LVB = laser v-beam
866 LVEDD = left ventricular end-diastolic diameter
867 LVEDS = left ventricular end-systolic diameter
868 LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction
869 LVF = left ventricle failure
870 LVH = left ventricular hypertropy
871 LVOT = left ventricular outflow tract
872 m/OGT = minum per oral gastric tube
873 m/oral = minum per oral
874 MAP = mean arterial pressure
875 MAPCAs = multiple aorto-pulmonary collateral arteries
876 MAS = meconium aspiration syndrome
877 MBD = metastatic bone disease
878 MBO = mati batang otak
879 MC = makanan cair
880 MCI = myocardial infarction
881 MCI = management of communication and information
882 MCL = medial cruciate ligament
883 MDR TB = multi-drug resistance TB - TB kebal obat
884 MDS = myelodisplasia syndrome
885 MDT = multidrug therapy
886 ME = meningoencepalitis
887 ME TB = meningoencepalitis TB
888 MEA = Meningoencephalocele anterior
889 MED = minimal erythema dosc
890 MEP = meningoencephalocele posterior
891 mEq = mili-ekuivalen
892 MESA = microscopic epidydimal sperm aspiration
893 MeV = mega elektron volt
894 MF = malasesia folikulitis
895 MFH = malignant fibrous hystcicytoma
896 MG = miastenia gravis
897 mg = miligram
898 MH = morbus hansen
899 MI = mitral insufficiency
900 mI = mililiter
901 MIC = minimal inhibitory concentration
902 MIHL = music induced hearing loss
903 MLB = makanan lunak blender
904 MLC = multileaf collimator
905 MLPA = mycobacterium leprae particle aglutination
906 mm = milimeter
907 MMC = mitomycin C
908 mmHg = milimetres of mercury
909 MMP = mucous membrane pemphisoid
910 MMPI = Minnesota mutiphasic personality inventory
911 MMR = mumps, measles, rubella
912 MMSE = mini mental state examination
913 MMT = manual muscle test
914 MMU = medication management and use
915 MNA = Mini Nutritional Assessment
916 MND = motor neuron disease
917 mnt = menit
918 MO = medula oblongata
919 MOD = multiorgan dysfunction
920 MOF = multiorgan failure
921 mol = Molaritas
922 MPA = main pulmonary artery
923 MP-ASI = Makanan pendamping ASI
924 MPO = myeloperoxidase
925 MR = mitral regurgitation
926 MRA = magnetic resonance arteriography
927 MRCP = magnetic resonance cholangio-pancerathograpy
928 MRI = magnetic resonance imaging
929 MRM = modified radical mastectomy
930 MRND = modified radical neck dissection
931 MRS = magnetic resonance spectroscopy
932 MRSA = methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus
933 MS = mitral stenosis
934 MT = membran timpani
935 MTP = medial tibial plateau
936 MTX = Methotrexate
937 MU = monitor unit
938 MV = mega volt
939 MVP = mitral valve prolapse
940 MVR = mitral valve replacement
941 N = Nadi
942 N2 = NaCl 0,45% (1/2 NS) + dextrose 5%
943 N4 = NaCl 0,225% (1/4 NS) + dextrose 5%
944 N5 = NaCl 0,18% (1/5 NS) + dextrose 10%
945 N/A = not applicable
946 Na = Natrium
947 NAC = n-acetyl cysteine
948 NaCl = natrium chloride
949 NARES = non-allergic rhinitis eosinophilic syndrome
950 NASH = non-alkoholic steato-hepatitis
951 NB = neomisin basitrasin
952 NBCIE = non-bullous congenital ichtyosiform erythroderma
953 NC = nasal canulla
954 NCB = neonatus cukup bulan
955 NCB SMK SPT = Neonatus cukup bulan, sesuai masa kehamian, spontan
956 NCH = napas cuping hidung
957 NCP = nutrition care process
958 NCT = non-contact tonometry
959 NCV = nerve conduction velocity
960 NE = nasoendoscopy
961 NEC = necrotizing enterocolitis
962 NET = nekrolisis epidermal toksik
963 NF = noise floor
964 NFR = not for resuscitation
965 NGPP = Neisseria gonorrhoeae penghasil penisilinase
966 NGT = naso-gastric tube
967 NGU = Non gonococcal urethritis
968 NH = Nifas Hari
969 NHS = newborn hearing screening
970 NICU = neonatal intensive care unit
971 NIDDM = non-insulin dependent diabetes melitus
972 NIHL = Noise induced hearing loss
973 NKB = neonatus kurang bulan
974 NL = nasi lunak
975 NLB = neonatus lebih bulan
976 Nn = nona
977 NNRTI = non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
978 NO = nitric oxide
979 NOE = naso orbito ethmoid fracture
980 NOK = neoplasma ovarium kistik
981 NOP = Neoplasma ovarium padat
982 NORUM = nama obat rupa mirip
983 NOt = neuro-otologi
984 NP = nekrosis pulpa
985 NPC = nasopharingeal carcinoma
986 NPDR = non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy
987 NPH = neuralgia pasca-herpes
988 NPO = nothing per oral
989 NRM = nomor rekam medis
990 NRTI = nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
991 NS = Nephritic syndrome
992 Ns = Nurse
993 NSAIDs = non-steroid antiinflamatory drugs
994 NSCLC = non-small cell lung cancer
995 NSTEMI = Non ST elevation myocardial infarction
996 NTG = nitrogliserin
997 NU = narkose umum
998 NUG = necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
999 NUP = necrotizing ulcerative periodontiks
1000 NUS = necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis
1001 NVP = nevirapin
1002 Ny. = nyonya
1003 OA = Osteoarthritis
1004 OAB = overactive bladder
1005 OAE = obat anti-epilepsi
1006 OAINS = obat anti-inflamasi non-steroid
1007 OAK = obat anti-kejang
1008 OAT = obat antituberkulosis
1009 Obs = Observasi
1010 OCT = ocular coherence tomography
1011 ODHA = orang dengan HIV-AIDS
1012 ODNL = obstruksi duktus naso lakrimal
1013 OE = otitis eksterna
1014 OED = Otitis ekterna Duffusion
1015 OGT = oral gastric tube
1016 OGTT = oral glucose tolerance test
1017 OH = oral hygiene
1018 OHO = obat hipoglikemik oral
1019 OI = osteogenesis imperfecta
1020 OK = operatie kamer (kamar operasi)
1021 OKC = open kinetic chain
1022 OM = obtuse marginal (branch)
1023 OMA = otitis media akut
1024 OME = otitis media efusi
1025 OMI = old myocardium infarction
1026 OMP = otitis media purulent
1027 OMSK = otitis media supurativa kronik
1028 OOP = osteopenia of prematurity
1029 Op = operasi
1030 Opday = operation day
1031 OPH = obat penyelamat hidup
1032 OREF = Open reduction & external fixation
1033 ORIF = open reduction & internal fixation
1034 OSA = obstructive sleep apnea
1035 OSAS = obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
1036 Osb = orang sakit baru
1037 OT = orang terlantar
1038 OTT = overall treatment time
1039 OZM = orbitozyangomatie fracture
1040 P = Pernapasan
1041 P. acnes = Propionibacterium acnes
1042 p.i. = post iktal
1043 P2S = perdarahan pasca-persalinan sekunder
1044 P3 = perdarahan pasca-persalinan primer
1045 P3G = pengkajian paripurna pasien geriatri
1046 PA = patalogi anatomik
1047 PACG = primary angle closure glaucoma
1048 PACL = partial anterior circulation infarction
1049 PaCO2 = pressure arterial carbondioxide
1050 PAD = peripheral artery disease
1051 PAF = platelet activating factor
1052 PAGT = proses asuhan gizi terstandar
1053 PAI = plasminogen activator inhibitor
1054 PaO2 = pressure arterial oksigen
1055 PAOD = peripheral artery occlusive disease
1056 PAOP = pulmonary artery occlusion pressure
1057 PAP = pintu atas panggul
1058 PAPVR = partial anomalous pulmonary venous return
1059 PASI = pendamping air susu ibu
1060 PAT = paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
1061 PB = panjang badan
1062 PBF = pulmonary blood flow
1063 PBP = penicilin binding protein
1064 PC = pressure control
1065 PCI = percutaneous coronary intervention
1066 PCI = prevention and control of infections
1067 PCL = posterior cruciate ligament
1068 PCM = protein calorie malnutrition
1069 PCNL = percutaneus nephrolithotripsy
1070 PCO2 = oxygen partial pressure
1071 PCR = polymerase chain reaction
1072 PCS = pelvic congestion syndrome
1073 PCT = procalcitonin
1074 PCWP = pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
1075 PD = peritoneal dyalisis
1076 PDA = patent ductus arteriosus
1077 PDD = percentage depth dose
1078 PDMO = pemeriksaan dalam di meja operasi
1079 PDR = proliperative diabetic retinopathy
1080 PE = pericardial effusion
1081 PE = Pulmonary embolism (RSP)
1082 PEB = preeklampsia berat
PEDIS = perfusion, extent, depth, infection, sensation (klasifikasi untuk diabetic
1083 foot)
1084 PEEP = positive end expiratory pressure
1085 PEGA = pustulosis eksantematosa generalisata akut
1086 PEM = Protein energy malnutrisi
1087 PEP = polymorphic eruption of pregnancy
1088 PER = pre-eklamsia ringan
1089 PESA = percutaneus epidydimal sperm aspiration
1090 PF = pemeriksaan fisis
1091 PFE = patient and family education
1092 PFO = patent foramen ovale
1093 PFR = patient and family right
1094 PG = prostaglandin
1095 PGL-1 = phenolic glicolipid-1
1096 PGRS = pelayanan gizi rumah sakit
1097 PH = Pneumonitis hippersensitif
1098 PHA = polyhydroxy acid
1099 PHBS = perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat
1100 PHD = pulmonary heart disease
1101 PHPV = persistent hyperplasy posterior vitreus
1102 PHS = penyakit akibat hubungan sexual
1103 PI = pulmonary infarction
1104 PICC = percutaneus intravenous central catheterization
1105 PID = pelvic inflamatory disease
1106 PIN = prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
1107 PIP = peak inspiratory pressure
1108 Pit Ros = pitiriasis rosea
1109 PITC = provider initiated testing and counseling
1110 PJB = penyakit jantung bawaan
1111 PJK = penyakit jantung koroner
1112 PJR/ RHD = penyakit jantung rematik/ rheumatic heart disease
1113 PJT = pertumbuhan janin terhambat
1114 PK = persalinan kala
1115 PKM = penyuluh kesehatan masyarakat
1116 PK-PD = pharmacokinetik-pharmacodynamic
1117 PKRS = promosi kesehatan rumah sakit
1118 PL = paket limfoma
1119 PLC = pityriasis lichenoides chronica
1120 PLEVA = pityriasis lichenoides acuta
1121 PLL = promyelotic leukemia
1122 PLR = Placenta letak rendah
1123 PLSVC = persisten left superior vena cava
1124 PMA = progrresive muscular athropy
1125 PMK/ KMC = perawatan metode kangguru/ kangaroo mother care
1126 PMN = polimorfonuclear
1127 PMT = pemberian makanan tambahan
1128 PMTCT = prevention mother to child transmision
1129 PN = pielonefritis or pielonefrosis chronic
1130 PND = post nasal drip
1131 PNET = primitive neuro-ectodermal tumor
1132 PNH = paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
1133 PO = peros; peroral
1134 PO2 = carbon dioxide partial pressure
1135 POAG = primary open angle glaucoma
1136 POBA = plain balloon only plasty
1137 POD = post-operative day
1138 POS = pembantu orang sakit
1139 Post = Posterior
1140 PP = penicillin procain
1141 PPDS = Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis
1142 PPDU = Program Pendidikan Dokter Umum
1143 PPG = psoriasis pustulosis generalisata
1144 PPHN = persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn
1145 PPI = proton-pump inhibitor
1146 PPIRS = pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi rumah sakit
1147 PPJ = pembesaran prostat jinak
1148 PPM = permanent pacemaker
1149 PPM = Placenta Previa Marginalis(RSP)
1150 PPOK = penyakit paru obstruktif kronik
1151 PPS = post phlebitic syndrome
1152 PPT = placenta previa totalis
1153 PR = pulmonic regurgitation
1154 PRC = packed red cell
1155 Premed = Premedikasi
1156 PRP = pan retinal photocoagulation
1157 PRP = pityriasis rubra pilaris
1158 PRUG = Prurigo
1159 PS = Pelvic score (RSP)
1160 PS = pulmonary stenosis
1161 PSA = prostate specific antigen
1162 PSAD = prostate specific antigen density
1163 PSG = Polysomnography
1164 PSIMV = pressure synchronized intermitttent mandatory ventilation
1165 PSN = pemberantasan sarang nyamuk
1166 PSP = paralytic syndrome
1167 PSS = progressive systemic sclerosis
1168 PSSW = pedikel screw sublaminar wires
1169 PSV = positive support ventilator
1170 PT = prothrombin time
1171 PTA = percutaneus transluminal angioplasty
1172 PTBD = percutaneous transbiliary drainage
1173 PTBV = percutaneous transluminal ballon valvuloplasty
1174 PTCA = percutaneous transluminal coronary angiography
1175 PTFE = polytetrafluoroethylene (bahan salah satu jenis graft vaskular)
1176 PTG = penyakit topoblastik ganas
1177 PTH = parathiroid hormone
1178 PTK = petugas teknik khusus
1179 PTMC = percutaneous transluminal mitral commissurotomy
1180 PTS = post thrombotic syndrome
1181 PTT = penarikan tali pusat terkendali
1182 PTU = Propiltiourasil
1183 PUFA = polyunsaturated fatty acid
1184 PUGS = pedoman umum gizi seimbang
1185 PUJO = pelvico ureteric junction obstruction
1186 Puka = punggung kanan
1187 Puki = punggung kiri
1188 Puskesmas = Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat
1189 PUVA = psoralen dan ultraviolet A
1190 PV = pityriasis versicolor
1191 PVD = posterior vitreus detachment
1192 PVR = proliperative vitreoretinopathy
1193 PW = posterior wall
1194 PWS = port wine stain
1195 PZA = Pyrazinamide
1196 Qb = Quick blood (laju aliran darah tubuh pasien ke dialiser)
1197 Qd = Quick dialisat (laju aliran dialisat ke dialiser)
1198 QPS = quality improvement and patient safety
1199 R/ = Recipe
1200 R/H/Z/E/S = Rifampisin, Isoniazid, Pirazinamid, Ethambutol, Streptomisin
1201 RA = rheumatoid arthritis
1202 RAD = right axis deviation
1203 RADS = Reactive airway disfunction syndrome
1204 RAO = right anterior oblique
1205 RAPD = relative afferent pupilary defect
1206 RBBB = right bundle branch block
1207 RC = refleks cahaya
1208 RCA = right coronary artery
1209 RCC = renal cell carcinoma
1210 RCL = refleks cahaya langsung
1211 RCS = red carpet services
1212 RCTL = refleks cahaya tak langsung
1213 RCTSU = release carpal tunnel syndrome unilateral
1214 RD = respiratory distress
1215 RDS/HMD = respiratory distress syndrome/hyalin membrane disease
1216 RE = radiasi eksterna
1217 Renpra = rencana perawatan
1218 RF = rheumatoid factor
1219 RFC = release from control
1220 RFL = rinofaringolaringoskopi
1221 RFS = reflux finding score
1222 RFT = release from treatment
1223 RGE = refluks gastroesofageal
1224 RGP = rigid gas permeable
1225 RI = Resistensi Indeks (RSP)
1226 RI = regular insulin
1227 Riw TK = tumbuh kembang
1228 RL = Ringers Lactate
1229 RLQ = right lower quadrant = daerah abdomen kanan bawah
1230 RM = rekam medis
1231 RMS = Rhabdomyosarkoma
1232 RND = radical neck dissection
1233 Ro = Rontgen
1234 ROM = range of motion
1235 ROP = retinopathy of prematurity
1236 RPD = riwayat penyakit dahulu
1237 RPG = retrograde pyelography
1238 RPR = rapid plasma reagin
1239 RPS = riwayat penyakit sekarang
1240 RR = recovery room
1241 RRS = ruang rawat singkat
1242 RS = rumah sakit
1243 RSCM = Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo
1244 RSUPN = Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional
1245 RSI = reflux symptom index
1246 RSTL = relaxed skin tension lines
1247 RT = rectal toucher
1248 RTA = renal tubulus acidons
1249 RT-PCR = reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction
1250 RUL = Left upper quadrant=daerah abdomen kuadran kiri atas
1251 RUQ = right upper quadrant=daerah abdomen kanan atas
1252 RV = right ventricle
1253 RVH = right ventricular hipertrophy
1254 RVOT = right ventricular outflow tract
1255 RVT = recto-vaginal toucher
1256 S = Suhu
1257 S 1-8 = Schuffner 1-8
1258 S laten = sifilis laten
1259 S.KV = status kardiovaskuler
1260 S1 = sifilis stadium 1
1261 S2 = sifilis stadium 2
1262 SA = sino-atrial
1263 SAD = source axis distance
1264 SAH = subarracnoid hemorrhage
1265 SAL = sensoryneural acuity level
1266 SaO2 = saturasi oksigen arterial
1267 SAPS = simplified acute prognostic score
1268 SAR = stomatis aftosa rekuren
1269 SARS = severe acute respiratory syndrome
1270 SB = scleral buckle
1271 SBE = subacute bacterial endocarditis
1272 SBP = spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
1273 SBT = spontaneous breathing trial
1274 SBU = Segmen Bawah Uteri
1275 SC = sectio caesaria
1276 SCC = squamous cell carcinoma
1277 SCLE = subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
1278 SCN = special care nursery
1279 SCVN/SVKS = superior caval vein syndrome/ sindrome vena kava superior
1280 SD = seborrhoeic dermatitis
1281 SDAU = Sistolik Diastolik Areeri Umbilikus
1282 SDH = Subdural Hematoma
1283 SDS = speech discrimination score
1284 SDT = speech detection threshold
1285 SDKPO = sukar dinilai karena pemberian obat-obatan
1286 SE = sleep endoscopy
1287 SEM = systolic ejection murmur
1288 SF = sulfas ferrosus
1289 SFJ = sapheno femoral junction
1290 SFOAE = Stimulus frequency oto accoustic emission
1291 SGA = subjective global assessment
1292 SGOT = serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
1293 SGPT = serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase
1294 SHI = simple head injury
1295 SHR = skin health restoration
1296 SHU = sindrom hemolitik uremik
1297 SI = stroke iskemik
1298 SICS = small incision cataract extraction
1299 SIDA = sindrom imunodefisiensi aids
1300 SIM = sistem informasi manajemen
1301 Simetris +/+ = Simetris untuk sisi kanan dan kiri
1302 SIMV = synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation
1303 Sin = Sinistra / kiri
1304 SIO = surat ijin operasi
1305 sir = Sirup
1306 SIRS = systemic inflammation response syndrome
1307 SIS = Saline Infusion Sonografi
1308 SISI = short increment sensitivity index
1309 SJP = surat jaminan pelayanan
1310 SKTM = surat keterangan tidak mampu
1311 SL = sensation level
1312 SLE = systemic lupus erithematosus(M32.9)
1313 SM = simple mask
1314 SMA = smooth muscle antibody
1315 SMK = sesuai masa kehamilan
1316 SMRS = sebelum masuk rumah sakit
1317 SN = sindrom nefrotik
1318 SNAD = sepsis neonatorum awitan dini
1319 SNAL = sepsis neonatorum awitan lambat
1320 SND = selective neck dissection
1321 SNHL = sensory neural hearing loss
1322 SNNT = struma nodosa non-toksik
1323 SNP = sodium nitroprusside
1324 SNR = signal to noise ratio
1325 SO = salpingoooferektomi
1326 SOAE = spontaneous oto accoustic emission
1327 SOB = salphingoovarectomy bilateral
1328 SOD = salpingo orferektomi dekstra
1329 SOHND = supra omohyoid neck dissection
1330 SOL = space occupying lesion
1331 Sop/ SOPOR = Soporus
1332 SOS = salpingo-ooforektomi sinistra
1333 SP = synergi platform
1334 SPD = subcorneal pustular dermatoses
1335 SPECT CT = single photon emission computed tomography-computed
1336 SPJ = sapheno popliteal junction
1337 SPL = sound pressure level
1338 SPN = Sinus paranasal
1339 SPO = standar prosedur operasional
1340 SPT = skin prick test
1341 SQE = staff qualification and education
1342 SRS = stereotactic radio surgery
1343 SRT = stereotactic radiotherapy
1344 SS = stereotactic surgery
1345 SSD = source skin distance
1346 SSI = surgical site infection
1347 SSJ = sindrom Stevens Johnson
1348 SSPE = subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
1349 SSS = sick sinus syndrome
1350 SSSS = staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
1351 STEMI = ST-elevation myocardial infarction
1352 stqa = status quo ad antem; artinya sama dengan sebelumnya
1353 STSG = split thickness skin graft
1354 Sup = Supositoria
1355 Susp = Suspect
1356 SVC = superior vena cava
1357 SVCS = superior vena cava syndrome
1358 SVO2 = saturasi oksigen mixed venous
1359 SVO2 = saturasi oksigen mixed venous
1360 SVT = supraventicular tachycardia
1361 TA = tonsillo-adenoidektomi
1362 TAA = thoracic aortic aneurysm
1363 Tab = Tablet
1364 TACI = total anterior circulation infarction
1365 TAK = tidak ada keluhan / tidak ada kelainan
1366 TAO = thromboangitisobliterans/ Buerger's disease
1367 TAP = tidak ada persediaan
1368 TAPP OF = tappering off
1369 TAPSE = tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion
1370 TAPVR = total anomalous pulmonary venous return
1371 TASC = Trans-Atlantic Society Consencus untuk PAD
1372 TAUS = Transabdominal ultrasonography
1373 TB = tinggi badan
1374 TB = Tuberculosis
1375 TBC = Tuberculosis
1376 TB BTA (+) = Tuberculosis basil tahan asam positif
1377 TBD = temporal bone dissection
1378 TBJ = taksiran berat janin
1379 TBLB = Transbronchial lung biopsy
1380 TBNA = Transbronchial needle aspiration biopsy
1381 TBW = tension band wiring
1382 TC = thrombocyte concentrate
1383 TCC = transitional cell carcinoma
1384 TcO2 = transcutaneus oxymetry
1385 TD = tekanan darah
1386 TE = toxoplasma encephalitis
1387 TEA = thrombo end-arterectomy
1388 TEE = trans-esophageal echocardiography
1389 TEOAE = transient evoked oto acoustic emission
1390 TESE = testicular sperm extraction
1391 TEWL = Tran-epidermal water loss
1392 TFA = tonsilofaringitis akut
1393 TFU = Tinggi Fundus Uteri
1394 TGA = transposition of the great arteries
1395 Tgl = Tanggal
1396 Th/ = Terapi
1397 THD = thyrotoxicosis hypertyroidism
1398 THR = total hip replacement
1399 TI = tricuspid insufficiency
1400 TIA = trancient ischemic attack
1401 TIK = tekanan intrakranial
1402 TILUT = Tinggi lutut
1403 TIO = tekanan intraocular
1404 TJO = tunggu jadwal operasi
1405 TKPI = tabel komposisi pangan Indonesia
1406 TKR = total knee replacement
1407 TKTP = tinggi kalori tinggi protein
1408 TLS = total leg strength
1409 TM DEX/SIN = Tumor mamae dekstra/ sinistra
1410 TMJ = Temporo-mandibular joint
1411 TMP = Transmembrane pressure
1412 Tn. = Tuan
1413 TNE = Trans-nasal esophagoscopy
1414 TNM = tumor node metastasis
1415 TNPM = transient neonatal pustular melanosis
1416 TOF = tetralogy of fallot
1417 TOGA = tanaman obat keluarga
1418 TON = traumatic optic neuropathy
1419 Topo 1 = lokasi penyakit
1420 TOS = thoracic outlet syndrome
1421 TP = taksiran partus
1422 TPA = tempat penampungan air
1423 TPHA = Treponema pallidum hemaglutination assay
1424 TPM = temporary pacemaker
1425 TPM(ma) = tetes permenit makro
1426 TPM(MI) = tetes permenit mikro
1427 TPN = total parenteral nutrition
1428 TPS = tanpa protein susu
1429 TR = tricuspid regurgitation
1430 TRALI = Transfusion related acute lung injury
1431 Tromb = Trombosit
1432 TRT = tinnitus retraining therapy
1433 TRUS = transrectal ultrasonography
1434 TS = teman sejawat
1435 Tsk = tricuspid regurgitation
1436 TSS = Trombosit
1437 TT = Toxoid tetanus
1438 TTA = trauma tumpul abdomen
1439 TTB = Transthoracal biopsy
1440 TTD = tertanda
1441 TTH = tension type headache
1442 TTN = transistory tachypnea neonatus
1443 TTNA = Transthoracal needle aspiration biopsy
1444 tts = Tetes
1445 TTV = tanda vital
1446 TU = Tumor
1447 TUL = Transurethral
1448 TUNA = transurethral needle ablation
1449 TUR = transurethral resection
1450 TUR B = trans uretra resection buli
1451 TUR P = transuretral resection of the prostate
1452 TUTD = Tidak usah tunggu dokter
1453 TV = tidal volume
1454 TVH = Total Vagina Histerektomi
1455 TW = terapi wicara
1456 UAP = unstable angina pectoris
1457 UC = ulcus cornea
1458 UCVA = uncorrected visual acuity
1459 UDT = undescended testicle
1460 UFH = unfractioned heparin
1461 UFG = ultra filtration goal
1462 UG = usia gestasi
1463 UK = usia koreksi
1464 UKBM = upaya kesehatan berbasis masyarakat
1465 UL = urine lengkap
1466 UMK = uang muka kerja
1467 UNHS = universal newborn hearing screening
1468 UNS = uretritis nonspesifik
1469 UPPP = Uvula palatopharyngealplasty
1470 URI = upper respiratory infection
1471 URS = Ureterorenoscopy
1472 URT = ukuran rumah tangga
1473 URTI = upper respiratory tract infection
1474 USG = Ultrasonography
1475 USG Doppler = ultrasonography doppler
1476 UTI = urinary tract infection
1477 UUB = ubun ubun besar
1478 UUK = ubun ubun kecil
1479 UV = Ultraviolet
1480 UVA = ultraviolet A
1481 UVB = ultraviolet B
1482 UYHD = uang yang harus dipertanggungjawabkan
1483 V/U = vulva dan urethra
1484 V-1 = varian 1
1485 VAP = ventilator-associated pneumonia
1486 VAP = Ventilation acquired pneumonia./ pneumonia akibat pemakaian ventilato
1487 VAR = vaksin antirabies
1488 VAS = visual analog scale
1489 VB = vaginosis bacterial
1490 VBAC = Vaginal Birth After Caesarean
1491 VBI = vertebro basilar insufisiensi
1492 VC = vital capacity
1493 VCR = Vincristine
1494 VCS = visual comfort scale
1495 VCT = voluntary counseling and testing
1496 VD = veneral diseases
1497 VE = varises esofagus
1498 VEGF = vascular endhotelium growth factor
1499 VeR = visum et repertum
1500 Vert C = vertebrae cervikal
1501 Vert L = vertebrae lumbal
1502 VES = ventricular extrasystole
1503 VF = ventricular fibrillation
1504 VIP = vasoactive intestinal polypeptide
1505 Vit = vitamin
1506 VLDL = very low density lipoprotein
1507 VMA = vanilly mandelic acid
1508 VMT = voluntary muscle test
1509 Vol = volume
1510 VP.Shunt = ventriculo-peritoneal shunt
1511 VEGF = vascular endhotelium growth factor
1512 VeR = visum et repertumvisum et repertum
1513 Vert C = vertebrae cervikal
1514 Vert L = vertebrae lumbal
1515 VES = ventricular extrasystole
1516 VF = ventricular fibrillation
1517 VIP = vasoactive intestinal polypeptide
1518 Vit = Vitamin
1519 VLDL = very low density lipoprotein
1520 VMA = vanilly mandelic acid
1521 VMT = voluntary muscle test
1522 Vol = volume
1523 VP.Shunt = ventriculo-peritoneal shunt
1524 VPC = ventricular premature contraction
1525 VPI = velopharingeal imcompetence
1526 VPS = Ventrikulo peritoneal shunt
1527 VRA = visual reinforcement audiometry
1528 VRE = vancomysin resistant Entrococus faecium
1529 VRT = vertigo retraining therapy
1530 VSD = ventricular septal defect
1531 VT = Vaginal Toucher (RSP)
1532 VT = ventricular tachycardia
1533 VTE = venous thrombo-embolism
1534 VTE/ Kg = Volume tidal ekspirasi/ Kilogram
1535 VTP = ventilasi tekanan positif
1536 VUR = vesicoureteral reflux
1537 VV = varicose vein (varises)
1538 VW = viral warts
1539 VZIG = varicella zoster immune globulin
1540 VZV = varicella zoster virus
1541 WB = whole blood (darah lengkap)
1542 WBC = white blood (cell) count
1543 WC = waist circumference
1544 WD/ = working diagnosis
1545 WFDT = worth four dot test
1546 WFI = water for injection
1547 WL = woods lamp
1548 WPW Syndrome = Wolf Parkinson White syndrome
1549 WSD = water sealed drainage
1550 WT = wound toilet
1551 X(T) = Eksoforia
1552 x/mnt = kali per menit
1553 XLD = x-linkage dominant
1554 XLR = x-linkage resessive ichtyosis
1555 XT = Eksotropia
1556 XVI = x-ray volumetric imaging
1557 Yth. = yang terhormat
1558 yl = yang lalu
1559 YMRS = Young mania rating scale
1560 ZDV = Zidovudin
1561 ZN = ziehl neelsen
Daftar Singkatan yang Tidak Boleh Digunakan

Singkatan Maksud Singkatan Misinterpretasi Wajib Gunakan

g Mikrogram Disalahartikan sebagai mg Tuliskan mikrogram
AD, AS, AU Telinga kanan, telinga kiri, Disalahartikan sebagai OD, Tuliskan telinga
masing-masing telinga OS, OU (mata kanan, mata kanan, telinga kiri,
kiri, masing-masing mata) masing-masing
OD,OS,OU Mata kanan, mata kiri, Disalahartikan sebagai Tuliskan mata
masing-masing mata AD,AS,AU (telinga kanan, kanan, mata kiri,
telinga kiri, masing-masing masing-masing mata
cc Centimeter kubik Disalahartikan sebagai u Tuliskan ml
IN Intranasal Disalahartikan sebagai IM Tuliskan intranasal
atau IV
HS Half-strength (setengah Disalahrtikan sebagai pada Tuliskan half-
kekuatan) waktu tidur strength atau waktu
Hs Hours of sleep (pada waktu Disalahartikan sebagai setengah tidur (bedtime)
tidur) kekuatan
IU International Unit Disalahartikan sebagai IV Tuliskan International
(intravena) atau 10 (sepuluh) Unit atau Unit
o.d atau OD Satu kali sehari (once Disalahartikan sebagai mata Tuliskan satu kali
daily) kanan (OD: Okular Dekstra), sehari
menyebabkan obat oral
diaplikasikan pada mata
Per os Melalui mulut, per oral OS disalahartikan sebagai Tuliskan PO,
mata kiri (Okular Sinistra) melalui mulut, atau
per oral
q6PM, dan Setiap pukul 6 malam Disalahartikan sebagai setiap Tuliskan pukul 6
singkatan 6 jam malam setiap hari
SC,SQ, subq Subkutan SC disalahartikan sebagai SL; Tuliskan subkutan
SQ disalahartikan sebagai 5
setiap; q pada sub q
disalahartikan sebagai setiap
(contoh: heparin diberikan
sub q 2 jam sebelum operasi
disalahartikan sebagai heparin
diberikan setiap 2 jam
sebelum operasi
U atau u Unit Disalahartikan sebagai Tuliskan unit
angka 0 atau 4
menyebabkan overdosis
pemberian obat hingga 10
kali lipat (contoh: 4U
disalahartikan sebagai 40,
atau 4u disalahartikan
sebagai 44).

Dapat juga disalahartikan

sebagai cc sehingga obat
diberikan dalam volume
bukan unit (contoh: 4u
disalahartikan sebagai 4 cc)
2. Penulisan Dosis yang Tidak Boleh Digunakan
Penulisan Dosis Maksud penulisan Misinterpretasi Koreksi
Angka 0 di belakang 1 mg Disalahartikan sebagai Tidak boleh menulis
koma (contoh: 1,0 mg) 10 mg angka 0 setelah
koma (1 mg)
Angka 0 di depan koma 0,5 mg Disalahartikan sebagai Tidak boleh
pada penulisan desimal 5 mg menghilangkan angka
(contoh: ,5 mg ) 0 di depan koma (0,5
Penulisan dosis dan obat Inderal 40 mg Disalahartikan sebagai Tempatkan spasi
langsung digabung tanpa Tegretol 300 mg Inderal 140 mg dan antara nama obat,
spasi (contoh: Tegretol 1300 mg dosis, dan satuan
Inderal40mg, dosis
Penulisan jumlah dosis 10 mg Huruf m sering Tempatkan spasi
dan satuan dosis 100 ml disalahartikan sebagai antara jumlah dosis
digabung (contoh: 10mg, angka 0 dan satuan dosis
Penulisan satuan dosis Mg Tanda titik sering Tidak menggunakan
dengan tanda titik di mL disalahartikan sebagai titik setelah penulisan
belakangnya (contoh: mg. angka 1 jika cara satuan dosis
mL.) penulisan buruk
Penulisan dosis yang 100.000 unit Disalahartikan dengan Menggunakan koma
besar tanpa penempatan 1.000.000 unit jumlah yang berbeda yang tepat pada
tanda koma yang benar jumlah dosis 1.000
(contoh: 100000 unit, unit atau lebih.
1000000 units) Dapat juga
menggunakan kalimat,
contoh: 100 ribu dan
1 juta sehingga lebih
mudah dibaca

3. Penulisan Singkatan Nama Obat yang Tidak Boleh Digunakan

Singkatan nama obat Maksud singkatan Misinterpretasi Koreksi
AZT Zidovudin Disalahartikan sebagai Ditulis dengan
azatriopin atau zidovudin
HCl Asam klorida Disalahartikan sebagai Ditulis dengan
kalium klorida lengkap
HCTZ Hidroklorotiazid Disalahartikan sebagai Ditulis dengan
hidrokortison hidroklorotiazid

4. Penulisan Nama Obat yang Dipendekkan

Penulisan nama obat Maksud penulisan Misinterpretasi Koreksi
Nitrodrip Infus nitrogliserin Disalahartikan sebagai Ditulis dengan infus
infus natrium nitrogliserin
Norflox Norfloksasin Disalahartikan sebagai Ditulis dengan
Norflex norfloksasin
IV Vanc Vankomisin intravena Disalahartikan sebagai Ditulis dengan
Ivanz vankomisin IV
5. Penulisan Simbol yang Tidak Boleh Digunakan

Penulisan simbol Maksud simbol Misinterpretasi Koreksi

< dan > Lebih kecil dan lebih < disalahartikan Tuliskan lebih dari
besar dari sebagai L dan > dan kurang dari
disalahartikan sebagai
/ Memisahkan 2 dosis Disalahartikan sebagai Tuliskan per untuk
atau menyatakan per angka 1 (contoh: 25 memisahkan dosis
unit/10 unit dibaca daripada
sebagai 25 unit dan menggunakan tanda
110 unit) garis miring.
@ At Disalahartikan sebagai Ditulis at
angka 2
& Dan Disalahartikan sebagai Ditulis dan
angka 2
+ Tambah atau dan Disalahartikan sebagai Ditulis dan
angka 4
Jam Disalahartikan sebagai Ditulis dengan jam
angka 0 (misal: q2o
dibaca sebagai q 20)

Singkatan yang tercantum dalam Bab ini tidak boleh digunakan dalam bentuk huruf besar atau kecil,
dengan atau tanpa titik. Misalnya untuk singkatan QD, maka singkatan untuk qd, Q.D. juga dilarang
karena akan membingungkan dan dapat disalahartikan.
Daftar ini berlaku untuk seluruh instruksi dan seluruh dokumentasi terkait medikasi yang tertulis (termasuk
entry tulisan di komputer) atau pada formulir yang telah dicetak.
Pengecualian: Angka nol di belakang koma dapat digunakan untuk memastikan akurasi nilai tertentu
misalnya hasil laboratorium, pemeriksaan radiologi untuk pengukuran lesi, atau ukuran kateter / selang.
Angka nol di belakang koma tidak boleh digunakan pada peresepan dan dokumentasi terkait medis
Hasil pengukuran diikuti dengan satuan. Bila satuan tidak dituliskan, maka hasil pengukuran sesuai
dengan berikut:

Hemoglobin g/dL
Hematokrit vol%
Eritrosit /uL
Leukosit /uL
Trombosit /uL
Hitung jenis %
Laju endap darah mm/jam
SGOT unit/L
SGPT unit/L
LDH unit/L
Bilirubin (direk/indirek) mg/dL
Kolesterol mg/dL
Ureum mg/dL
Kreatinin mg/dL
Asam urat mg/dL
Na mEq/L
K mEq/L
Cl mEq/L

Analisis Gas Darah Arteri

PCO2 mmHg
PO2 mmHg
HCO3 mEq/L
BE mEq/L
Saturasi %
Berat badan kg
Tinggi/panjang badan cm
Lingkar kepala, dada, perut, lengan atas cm
Lingkar dada, perut, lengan atas cm
Bilirubin (direk/ indirek) mg/dL
Kolesterol mg/dL
Ureum mg/dL
Kreatinin mg/dL
Asam Urat mg/dL
No Simbol Arti Simbol No Simbol Arti Simbol

Bahaya lain
berupa gas
1 Mudah Meledak 9
(pressure gas)

Pengkosidasi Kemasan B3
2 10
(Oxydizing) kosong

Mudah Menyala Berbahaya bagi

3 11
(flammable) lingkungan

4 Racun (Toxic) 12
penimpanan B3

Berbahaya Limbah
5 13
(harmful) infeksius

Limbah benda
6 Iritasi (irritant) 14

7 Korosif (corrosive) 15

8 teratogenik dan 16

Laki laki Perempuan

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