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1. Abscess=
2. Ache=
3. Acid reflux=
4. Acne=
5. Acute=
6. Acute Pancreatitis=
7. Adenoids=
8. Adenoma=
9. Airway=
10. Allergies=
11. Alzheimer's disease=
12. Amniotic Fluid=
13. Analgesic=
14. Anaphylactic shock=
15. Anesthesia=
16. Anesthesiologist=
17. Aneurysm=
18. Angina=
19. Ankle=
20. Anomaly=
21. Anorexia nervosa=
22. Anti-inflammatory=
23. Antibiotic=
24. Antibody=
25. Anticoagulant=
26. Antioxidants=
27. Antiseptic=
28. Aorta=
29. Aortic Valve=
30. Appendicitis=
31. Arthritis=
32. Ascending Colon=
33. Asthma=
34. Atrophy=
35. Auditory Nerve=
36. Autism=
37. Axillary Artery=
38. Axillary Vein=
39. Baby Blues=
40. Back labor=
41. Barrier methods=
42. Benign=
43. Biopsy=
44. Birthmark=
45. Birth certificate=
46. Bladder cancer=
47. Blood Pressure=
48. Blood Pressure Cuff=
49. Blood Pressure monitor=
50. Blood clot=
51. Bloody stool=
52. Bone marrow=
53. Bowel movement=
54. Braxton Hicks contractions=
55. Breast self exam=
56. Bronchitis=
57. Bruise=
58. Burn unit=
59. Bursitis=
60. Calf=
61. Cancer=
62. Carcinogen=
63. Cardiac Arrest=
64. Cardiovascular disease=
65. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome=
66. Catheter=
67. Cavity=
68. Celiac disease=
69. Cervical Spine=
70. Cervix =
71. Chickenpox=
72. Chills=
73. Cholesterol=
74. Chronic=
75. Chronic Pain=
76. Clinical trials=
77. Coagulate=
78. Cold=
79. Collarbone=
80. Colonoscopy=
81. Colorectal cancer=
82. Colostrum=
83. Coma=
84. Complex carbohydrates=
85. Compound fracture=
86. Congenital Abnormalities=
87. Congestive heart failure=
88. Contraceptive=
89. Contractions=
90. Contusion=
91. Cornea=
92. Coronary heart disease=
93. Cough=
94. Crohn'sdisease=
95. Cyst=
96. Cystic Fibrosis=
98. Cystitis=
100.Deep vein thrombosis=
103. Dentures=
104. Depression=
105. Dermatitis=
106. Descending Colon=
107. Diabetes=
108. Dialysis=
109. Digestion=
110. Dilation=
111. Disabilities=
112. Discharge=
113. Dispensing=
114. Diuretic=
115. Diverticulitis=
116. Dose/ Dosage=
117. Down Syndrome=
118. Dull Pain=
119. Ear Canal=
120. Ear Drum=
121. Ear Infections=
122. Eating Disorders=
123. Ectopic pregnancy=
124. Edema=
125. Efficacy=
126. Elbow=
127. Electrolytes=
128. Embolism=
129. Encephalitis=
130. Endocarditis=
131. Endometriosis=
132. Endoscopy=
133. Episiotomy=
134. Esophagus=
135. Estrogen Replacement=
136. Extraction=
137. Eyelid=
138. Eyesight=
139. Fallopian tubes=
140. Family Planning=
141. Fecal transplant=
142. Female=
143. Femur=
144. Fetal monitoring=
145. Fever=
146. Fibromyalgia=
147. Fibrosis=
148. Flu=
149. Forearm=
150. Formulation=
151. Gallbladder=
152. Gallstone=
153. Gangrene=
154. Gastroenteritis=
155. Generalized Anxiety Disorder=
156. Generic Drug=
157. Gestational Diabetes=
158. Glucometer=
159. Glucose=
160. Gonorrhea=
161. Gout=
162. Groin=
163. Gum Diseases=
164. Hearing Aid=
165. Heart Failure=
166. Heart murmur=
167. Heat Stroke=
168. Heel=
169. Hematoma=
170. Hemoglobin=
171. Hemorrhage=
172. Hemorrhoids=
173. Hepatitis=
174. Hernia=
175. Herniated Discs=
176. Herpes simplex=
177. High Blood Pressure=
178. High risk pregnancy=
179. Hives=
180. Hormone replacement=
181. Hydrocephalus=
182. Hypertension=
184. Hyperthyroidism=
185. Hypotension=
186. Hypothyroidism=
187. Hysterectomy=
188. Immunizations=
189. In remission=
190. Indigestion=
191. Infectious Diseases=
192. Infertility=
193. Influenza=
194. Injury=
195. Inpatient=
196. Instep=
197. Iron deficiency anemia=
198. Irritable bowel syndrome=
199. Jaundice=
200. Joint Pain=
201. Juvenile Diabetes=
202. Kidney Stone=
203. Kidney disease=
204. Kidneys=
205. Lactation=
206. Laxative=
207. Lesion=
208. Leukemia=
209. Lumbar=
210. Lump=
211. Lumpectomy=
212. Lungs=
213. Lyme disease=
214. Lymph Nodes=
215. Malignant=
216. Mammogram=
217. Mastectomy
218. Measles=
219. Meningitis=
220. Menopause=
221. Metastasis=
222. Migraine=
223. Miscarriage=
224. Mole=
225. Mononucleosis=
226. Multiple sclerosis=
227. Mumps=
228. Muscle strain=
229. Nausea=
230. Necrosis=
231. Nephritis=
232. Non verbal=
233. Noninvasive=
234. Nostril=
235. Numbness=
236. Obesity=
237. Ointment=
238. Optic Nerve=
239. Oral contraceptives=
240. Osteoarthritis=
241. Osteoporosis=
242. Outpatient=
243. Ovarian cancer=
244. Over the Counter Medication=
245. Overdose=
246. Pacemaker=
247. Pain=
249. Panic attack=
250. Pap smear=
251. Paraplegic=
253. Pericarditis=
254. Pertussis=
255. Pharmaceutical Care=
256. Placenta=
257. Placenta previa=
258. Pleurisy=
259. Polycystic ovary syndrome=
260. Polyp=
261. Post Partum=
262. Postpartum Depression=
263. Pre eclampsia=
264. Prescription=
265. Prognosis=
266. Prolapse=
267. Prostate=
268. Prosthesis=
269. Proteinuria=
270. Pulmonary Vein=
271. Pupil=
272. Pus=
273. Rash=
274. Relapse=
275. Retina=
276. Rheumatoid arthritis=
277. Rhinitis=
278. Ruptured Appendix=
279. Salivary Glands=
280. Scabies=
281. Scrotum=
282. Seizure=
283. Septic shock=
284. Sharp pain=
285. Shot record=
286. Sickle Cell Anemia=
287. Side effects=
288. Sleep apnea=
289. Sleep study=
290. Spasm=
291. Specialty Drugs=
292. Spine=
293. Spleen=
294. Sprain=
295. Steroids=
296. Stethoscope =
297. Stool culture=
298. Strep Throat=
299. Stroke=
300. Suppository =
301. Sutures=
302. Syringe=
303. Tachycardia=
304. Tear Duct=
306. Tetanus shot=
307. Therapeutic=
308. Thrombosis=
309. Tonsillitis=
310. Tonsils=
311. Toxicology=
312. Traumatic brain injury=
313. Tubal Ligation=
314. Ulcer=
315. Ultrasound=
316. Urinary Incontinence=
317. Urine Analysis=
318. Uterine bleeding=
319. Vaginal Infection=
320. Vaginal Yeast Infection=
321. Vaginal discharge=
322. Vasectomy=
323. Vertebrae=
324. Vertigo=
325. Vitamins=
326. Vitiligo=
327. Wheezing=
328. Windpipe=
329. Wound=
330. Yeast Infection=
1. Absceso= 1. ADD
2. Dolor 2. ADHD
3. Reflujo ácido= 3. AIDS
4. Acné= 4. BM
5. Agudo= 5. BMI
6. Pancreatitis aguda= 6. CPR
7. Adenoides= 7. CBC
8. Adenoma= 8. COPD
9. Vías respiratorias= 9. CT SCAN
10. Alergias= 10. CAT SCAN
11. Enfermedad de Alzheimer= 11. DNR
12. Líquido amniótico= 12. DNA
13. Analgésico= 13. DPT
14. Shock anafiláctico= 14. D&C
15. Anestesia= 15. EEG
16. Anestesista= 16. EKG
17. Aneurisma= 17. EMG
18. Angina= 18. EMS
19. Tobillo= 19. ENT
20. Anomalía= 20. ER
21. Anorexia nerviosa= 21. G-TUBE
22. Antiinflamatorio= 22. GERD
23. Antibiótico= 23. GI
24. Anticuerpo= 24. HIV
25. Anticoagulante= 25. HPV
26. Antioxidantes= 26. ICU
27. Antiséptico= 27. IUD
28. Aorta= 28. IV
29. Válvula aórtica= 29. L&D
30. Apendicitis= 30. MG
31. Artritis= 31. ML
32. Colon ascendente= 32. MRI
33. Asma= 33.MS
34. Atrofia= 34. NICU
35. Nervio auditivo= 35. NPO
36. Autismo= 36.OCD
37. Arteria axilar= 37. OR
38. Vena axilar= 38. OT
Depresión postparto 39. PACU
40. pain in your lower back that begins during labor 40. PAP TEST
41. Métodos de barrera= 41. PCP
42. Benigno= 42. PMS
43. Biopsia= 43. PT
44. Marca de nacimiento= 44. PTSD
45. Certificado de nacimiento= 45. POST-OP
46. Cáncer de vejiga= 46. PRE-OP
47. Tensión arterial= 47. SIDS
48. Manguito de tensión arterial= 48. STD
49. Tensiómetro= 49. STREP
50. Coágulo de sangre= 50. T&A
51. Heces sanguinolentas= 51. TB
52. Médula ósea= 52. UTI
53. Movimiento intestinal=
54. Contracciones de Braxton Hicks=
55. Autoexploración mamaria=
56. Bronquitis=
57. Moretón, contusión, magulladura
58. Unidad de quemado=
59. Bursitis=
60. Pantorrilla
61. Cáncer=
62. Carcinógeno=
63. Paro cardíaco=
64. Enfermedad cardiovascular=
65. Síndrome del túnel carpiano=
66. Catéter=
67. Cavidad=
68. Enfermedad celíaca=
69. Columna cervical=
70. Cérvix =
71. Varicela=
72. Escalofríos=
73. Colesterol=
74. Cronico=
75. Dolor crónico=
76. Ensayos clínicos=
77. Coagular=
78. Frío=
79. Clavícula=
80. Colonoscopia=
81. Cáncer colorrectal=
82. Calostro (Colostro)
83. Coma=
84. Carbohidratos complejos=
85. Fractura compuesta=
86. Anomalías congénitas=
87. Insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva=
88. Anticonceptivo=
89. Contracciones=
90. Contusión=
91. Córnea=
92. Enfermedad coronaria=
93. Tos=
94. Enfermedad de Crohn=
95. Quiste=
96. Fibrosis quística=
98. Cistitis=
100.Trombosis venosa profunda=
103. Dentaduras=
104. Depresión=
105. Dermatitis=
106. Colon descendente=
107. Diabetes=
108. Diálisis=
109. Digestión=
110. Dilatación=
111. Discapacidad=
112. Alta=
113. Dispensación=
114. Diurético=
115. Diverticulitis=
116. Dosis/ Dosage=
117. Síndrome de Down=
118. Dolor sordo=
119. Canal auditivo=
120. Tímpano=
121. Infecciones de oído=
122. Trastornos alimentarios=
123. Embarazo ectópico=
124. Edema=
125. Eficacia=
126. Codo=
127. Electrolitos=
128. Embolia=
129. Encefalitis=
130. Endocarditis=
131. Endometriosis=
132. Endoscopia=
133. Episiotomía=
134. Esófago=
135. Sustitución de estrógenos=
136. Extracción=
137. Párpado=
138. Vista=
139. Trompas de Falopio=
140. Planificación familiar=
141. Transplante fecal=
142. Mujer=
143. Femur=
144. Monitorización fetal=
145. Fiebre=
146. Fibromialgia=
147. Fibrosis=
148. Flu=
149. Antebrazo=
150. Formulación=
151. Vesícula biliar=
152. Cálculo biliar=
153. Gangrena=
154. Gastroenteritis=
155. Trastorno de ansiedad generalizada=
156. Medicamento genérico=
157. Diabetes gestacional=
158. Glucómetro=
159. Glucosa=
160. Gonorrea=
161. Gota=
162. Ingle
163. Enfermedades de las encías=
164. Audífono=
165. Insuficiencia cardíaca=
166. Soplo cardíaco=
167. Golpe de calor=
168. Talón=
169. Hematoma=
170. Hemoglobina=
171. Hemorragia=
172. Hemorroides=
173. Hepatitis=
174. Hernia=
175. Hernias discales=
176. Herpes simple=
177. Hipertensión arterial=
178. Embarazo de alto riesgo=
179. Urticaria=
180. Sustitución hormonal=
181. Hidrocefalia=
182. Hipertensión=
184. Hipertiroidismo=
185. Hipotensión=
186. Hipotiroidismo=
187. Histerectomía=
188. Inmunizaciones=
189. En remisión=
190. Indigestión=
191. Enfermedades infecciosas=
192. Infertilidad=
193. Gripe=
194. Lesión=
195. pacientes hospitalizados
196. Empeine
197. Anemia ferropénica=
198. Síndrome del intestino irritable=
199. Ictericia=
200. Dolor articular=
201. Diabetes juvenil=
202. Cálculo renal=
203. Enfermedad renal=
204. Riñones=
205. Lactancia=
206. Laxante=
207. Lesion=
208. Leucemia=
209. Lumbar=
210. Bulto
211. Lumpectomía=
212. Pulmones=
213. Enfermedad de Lyme=
214. Ganglios linfáticos=
215. Maligno=
216. Mamografía=
217. Mastectomía
218. Sarampión=
219. Meningitis=
220. Menopausia=
221. Metástasis=
222. Migraña=
223. Aborto=
224. Lunar
225. Mononucleosis=
226. Esclerosis múltiple=
227. Paperas=
228. Distensión muscular=
229. Nausea=
230. Necrosis=
231. Nefritis=
232. No verbal=
233. No invasivo=
234. Fosa nasal
235. Entumecimiento=
236. Obesidad=
237. Ungüento=
238. Nervio óptico=
239. Anticonceptivos orales=
240. Osteoartritis=
241. Osteoporosis=
242. Ambulatorio=
243. Cáncer de ovario=
244. Medicamentos sin receta (Med. de venta libre)
245. Sobredosis=
246. Marcapasos=
247. Dolor=
249. Ataque de pánico=
250. Prueba de Papanicolaou=
251. Parapléjico=
253. Pericarditis=
254. Tos ferina=
255. Atención farmacéutica=
256. Placenta=
257. Placenta previa=
258. Pleuresía=
259. Síndrome de ovario poliquístico=
260. Polipo
261. Postparto=
262. Depresión posparto=
263. Pre eclampsia=
264. Prescripción
265. Pronóstico=
266. Prolapso=
267. Próstata=
268. Prótesis=
269. Proteinuria=
270. Vena pulmonar=
271. Pupila
272. Pus=
273. Erupción=
274. Recaída=
275. Retina=
276. Artritis reumatoide=
277. Rinitis=
278. Ruptura de apéndice=
279. Glándulas salivales=
280. Sarna, escabiosis
281. Escroto=
282. Convulsion
283. Shock séptico=
284. Dolor agudo=
285. registro de vacunas =
286. Anemia Falciforme=
287. Efectos secundarios=
288. Apnea del sueño=
289. Estudio del sueño=
290. Espasmo=
291. Medicamentos especializados=
292. Columna vertebral
293. Bazo=
294. Esguince=
295. Esteroides=
296. Estetoscopio =
297. Coprocultivo=
298. Faringitis o Amigdalitis Estreptocócica=
299. Stroke=
300. Supositorio =
301. Suturas=
302. Jeringa=
303. Taquicardia=
304. Conducto de lágrimas=
306. Vacuna antitetánica=
307. Terapéutico
308. Trombosis=
309. Amigdalitis=
310. Amígdalas=
311. Toxicología=
312. Traumatismo craneoencefálico=
313. Ligadura de trompas=
314. Úlcera=
315. Ultrasonido=
316. Incontinencia urinaria=
317. Análisis de orina=
318. Hemorragia uterina=
319. Infección vaginal=
320. Infección vaginal por hongos=
321. Flujo vaginal=
322. Vasectomía=
323. Vértebras=
324. Vértigo=
325. Vitaminas=
326. Vitiligo=
327. Sibilancias=
328. tráquea=
329. Herida=
330. Infección por levaduras=
Attention Deficit Disorder Trastorno por déficit de atención
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida
Bowel Movement Movimiento intestinal
Body Mass Index Índice de masa corporal
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Reanimación cardiopulmonar
Complete Blood Count Recuento sanguíneo completo
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica
Computerized Tomography Scan Tomografía Computerizada
Camputerized Axial Tomography Scan Tomografía Axial Computerizada
Do Not Resuscitate No reanimar
Deoxyribonucleic Acid Ácido desoxirribonucleico
Diphteria, Pertussis and Tetanus Difteria, tos ferina y tétanos
Dilation and Curettage Dilatación y legrado
Electroencephalogram Electroencefalograma
Electrocardiogram Electrocardiograma
Electromyogram Electromiograma
Emergency Medical Service Electrocardiograma
Ear, Nose and Throat Otorrinolaringología
Emergency Room Servicio de Urgencias
Gastric Tube Sonda gástrica
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Enfermedad por Reflujo Gastroesofágico
Gastrointestinal Gastrointestinal
Human Inmunodeficiency Virus Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana
Human Papilloma Virus Virus del Papiloma Humano
Intensive Care Unit Unidad de cuidados intensivos
Intrauterine Device Dispositivo intrauterino
Intravenous Intravenoso
Labor and Delivery
Milligram Miligramo
Milliliter Mililitro
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Esclerosis Múltiple
Multiple Sclerosis Esclerosis múltiple
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales (Neonatologi
Nothing By Mouth (Nulla Per Os) Nada por la boca (Nulla Per Os)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Trastorno obsesivo compulsivo
Operating Room Quirófano
Occupational Theraphy Terapia ocupacional
Postanesthesia Care Unit Unidad de cuidados postanestésicos
Pap Smear Test Prueba de Papanicolaou
Primary Care Physician Médico de Atención Primaria
Premenstrual Syndrome Síndrome premenstrual
Physical Therapy Fisioterapia
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Trastorno de estrés postraumático
Post-Operation Postoperatorio
Pre-Operation Preoperatorio
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Síndrome de muerte súbita del lactante
Sexually Transmitted Disease Enfermedad de transmisión sexual
Streptococus Streptococus
Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy Amigdalectomía y adenoidectomía
Tuberculosis Tuberculosis
Urinary Tract Infection Infección urinaria
Allopurinol Alopurinol Zyloprim
Alprazolam Alprazolam Xanax
Amlodipine Amlodipina Norvasc
Amoxicillin Amoxicilina Amoxil
Amoxicillin/Potassium Clavulanate Amoxicilina/Clavulanato deAugmentin XR
Amphetamine/Dextroamphetamine Anfetamina/Dextroanfeta Adderall
Atenolol Atenolol Tenormin
Atorvastatin Calcium Atorvastatina Calcica Lipitor
Azithromycin Azitromicina Zithromax
Bupropion Bupropión Wellbutrin
Carvedilol Carvedilol Coreg
Citalopram Citalopram Celexa
Clopidogrel Clopidogrel Plavix
Cyclobenzaprine Ciclobenzaprina Flexeril
Duloxetine Duloxetina Cymbalta
Escitalopram Escitalopram Lexapro
Fenofibrate Fenofibrato Tricor
Fluoxetine Fluoxetina Prozac
Fluticasone Fluticasona Flonase
Furosemide Furosemida Lasix
Gabapentin Gabapentina Neurontonin
Hydrochlorothiazide Hidroclorotiazida Microzide
Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen Hidrocodona/AcetaminofeLortab
Levothyroxine Levotiroxina Synthroid
Lisinopril Lisinopril Prinivil
Lisinopril/HCTZ Lisinopril/Hidroclorotiazid Zestoretic
Losartan Losartán Cozaar
Losartan Potassium Losartan Potasico Cozaar
Meloxicam Meloxicam Mobic
Metformin Metformina Glucophage
Methylprednisolone Metildprednisolona Medrol
Metoprolol Metoprolol Lopressor
Metroprolol ER Metoprolol ER Toprol XL
Montelukast Montelukast Singulair
Omeprazole Omeprazol Prilosec
Pantoprazole Pantoprazol Protonix
Potassium Chloride Cloruro de Potasio Klor-Con
Pravastatin Pravastatina Pravachol
Prednisone Prednisona Deltasone
Rosuvastatin Calcium Rosuvastatina Calcica Crestor
Sertraline Setralina Zoloft
Simvastatin Simvastatina Zocor
Tadalafil Tadalafilo Cialis
Tamsulosin Tamsulosina Flomax
Tramadol Tramadol Ultram
Trazodone Trazodona Oleptro
Venlafaxine Venlafaxina Effexor
Salbutamol (Albuterol) Salbutamol (Albuterol) Ventolin
Warfarin Warfarina Coumadin
Zolpidem Zolpidem Ambien
1. ADD
4. BM
5. BMI
6. CPR
7. CBC
11. DNR
12. DNA
13. DPT
14. D&C
15. EEG
16. EKG
17. EMG
18. EMS
19. ENT
20. ER
21. G-TUBE
22. GERD
23. GI
24. HIV
25. HPV
26. ICU
27. IUD
28. IV
29. L&D
30. MG
31. ML
32. MRI
34. NICU
35. NPO
37. OR
38. OT
39. PACU
41. PCP
42. PMS
43. PT
44. PTSD
46. PRE-OP
47. SIDS
48. STD
50. T&A
51. TB
52. UTI
Attention Deficit Disorder
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Bowel Movement
Body Mass Index
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
Complete Blood Count
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Computerized Tomography Scan
Camputerized Axial Tomography Scan
Do Not Resuscitate
Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Diphteria, Pertussis and Tetanus
Dilation and Curettage
Emergency Medical Service
Ear, Nose and Throat
Emergency Room
Gastric Tube
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Human Inmunodeficiency Virus
Human Papilloma Virus
Intensive Care Unit
Intrauterine Device
Labor and Delivery
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Multiple Sclerosis
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Nothing By Mouth (Nulla Per Os)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Operating Room
Occupational Theraphy
Postanesthesia Care Unit
Pap Smear Test
Primary Care Physician
Premenstrual Syndrome
Physical Therapy
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Sexually Transmitted Disease
Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy
Urinary Tract Infection
Trastorno por déficit de atención
Trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad
Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida
Movimiento intestinal
Índice de masa corporal
Reanimación cardiopulmonar
Recuento sanguíneo completo
Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica
Tomografía Computerizada
Tomografía Axial Computerizada
No reanimar
Ácido desoxirribonucleico
Difteria, tos ferina y tétanos
Dilatación y legrado
Servicio de Urgencias
Sonda gástrica
Enfermedad por Reflujo Gastroesofágico
Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana
Virus del Papiloma Humano
Unidad de cuidados intensivos
Dispositivo intrauterino

Esclerosis Múltiple
Esclerosis múltiple
Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales (Neonatologia)
Nada por la boca (Nulla Per Os)
Trastorno obsesivo compulsivo
Terapia ocupacional
Unidad de cuidados postanestésicos
Prueba de Papanicolaou
Médico de Atención Primaria
Síndrome premenstrual
Trastorno de estrés postraumático
Síndrome de muerte súbita del lactante
Enfermedad de transmisión sexual
Amigdalectomía y adenoidectomía
Infección urinaria
Neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by excessive amounts of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity
Neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by excessive amounts of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity
Chronic, potentially life-threatening condition that interferes body's ability to fight infection and disease
Last stop in the movement of food through the digestive tract
A person’s weight in kilograms (or pounds) divided by the square of height in meters (or feet).
Emergency lifesaving procedure performed when the heart stops beating to manually preserve intact brain function until fu
Blood test used to evaluate your overall health and detect a wide range of disorders
Disease that is characterized by persistent respiratory symptoms like progressive breathlessness and cough
Computerized x-ray imaging procedure in which a narrow beam of x-rays is aimed at a patient and quickly rotated around th
The old name given to a CT scan, still widely used despite being deprecated
Surgical procedure in which the cervix is opened and a thin instrument is inserted so that the uterine lining can be scraped
Medical directive that means to not bring someone back to life or consciousness in the event they become unresponsive.
Self-replicating material that is present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrie
A combined vaccine given to small children. Might also appear as T-DAP
Test that detects electrical activity in the brain using small, metal discs (electrodes) attached to the scalp
Records the electrical signals in the heart. It's a common and painless test used to quickly detect heart problems and monito
Diagnostic procedure to assess the health of muscles and the nerve cells that control them (motor neurons)
This term refers to the medical professionals who respond to 911 calls and treat and transport people in crisis health situati
An ear, nose, and throat doctor (ENT) specializes in everything having to do with those parts of the body. They’re also called
Medical treatment facility specializing in emergency medicine, the acute care of patients who present without prior appoint
A surgically placed device used to give direct access to a child's stomach for supplemental feeding, hydration or medication
Chronic digestive disease where the liquid content of the stomach refluxes into the esophagus, the tube connecting the mou
Relating to the stomach and the intestines.
Weakens a person’s immune system by destroying important cells that fight disease and infection. Causes AIDS.
A group of viruses that infect the skin or moist areas of the body. This results in warts on various parts of the body.
Special department of a hospital or health care facility that provides intensive care medicine. They cater to patients with sev
Small, often T-shaped birth control device that is inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy
Administration of fluids into a vein by means of a steel needle or plastic catheter
Process of childbirth. Contractions of the uterus and changes in the cervix (the opening of the uterus) prepare a woman's bo
Unit of mass or weight equal to 1/1000 of a gram
Unit of volume equal to 1/1000 of a liter
Medical imaging technique used in radiology to form pictures of the body, using strong magnetic fields, magnetic field gradi
A disease that affects the central nervous system. The immune system attacks the myelin, the protective layer around nerve
Intensive care unit (ICU) specializing in the care of ill or premature newborn infants. Neonatal refers to the first 28 days of li
Patients who should not receive fluid or solids by mouth
Mental and behavioral disorder in which an individual has intrusive thoughts and/or feels the need to perform certain routi
A special room in which people are operated on in a hospital
Use of assessment and intervention to develop, recover, or maintain the meaningful activities, or occupations, of individual
A specialty unit in a hospital for giving postanesthesia care (care of patients recovering from anesthesia and intravenous sed
Screening test that tests for precancerous or cancerous cells in the cervix
Physician who provides both the first contact for a person with an undiagnosed health concern
Physical and emotional symptoms experienced days before a woman’s period. This results in mood swings, carving for food
The treatment of disease, injury, or deformity by physical methods such as massage, heat treatment, and exercise rather th
Mental health condition that develops following a traumatic event characterized by intrusive thoughts about the incident, r
Relating to, occurring in, or being the period following a surgical operation
Preparation and management of a patient prior to surgery
Sudden, unexplained death of an infant younger than one year old.
A disease caused by infection passed through unprotected sexual contact.
Bacterium of a genus that includes the agents of souring of milk and dental decay, and haemolytic pathogens causing variou
A tonsillectomy is surgery to remove the tonsils, while an adenoidectomy is surgery to remove the adenoids. If done togeth
A contagious infection caused by bacteria that mainly affects the lungs but can also affect any other organ including bone, b
Infection of any part of the urinary system, including kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra.
mal bodily functions
Allopurinol Alopurinol
Alprazolam Alprazolam
Amlodipine Amlodipina
Amoxicillin Amoxicilina
Amoxicillin/Potassium Clavulanate Amoxicilina/Clavulanato de Potasio
Amphetamine/Dextroamphetamine Anfetamina/Dextroanfetamina
Atenolol Atenolol
Atorvastatin Calcium Atorvastatina Calcica
Azithromycin Azitromicina
Bupropion Bupropión
Carvedilol Carvedilol
Citalopram Citalopram
Clopidogrel Clopidogrel
Cyclobenzaprine Ciclobenzaprina
Duloxetine Duloxetina
Escitalopram Escitalopram
Fenofibrate Fenofibrato
Fluoxetine Fluoxetina
Fluticasone Fluticasona
Furosemide Furosemida
Gabapentin Gabapentina
Hydrochlorothiazide Hidroclorotiazida
Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen Hidrocodona/Acetaminofeno
Levothyroxine Levotiroxina
Lisinopril Lisinopril
Lisinopril/HCTZ Lisinopril/Hidroclorotiazida
Losartan Losartán
Losartan Potassium Losartan Potasico
Meloxicam Meloxicam
Metformin Metformina
Methylprednisolone Metildprednisolona
Metoprolol Metoprolol
Metroprolol ER Metoprolol ER
Montelukast Montelukast
Omeprazole Omeprazol
Pantoprazole Pantoprazol
Potassium Chloride Cloruro de Potasio
Pravastatin Pravastatina
Prednisone Prednisona
Rosuvastatin Calcium Rosuvastatina Calcica
Sertraline Setralina
Simvastatin Simvastatina
Tadalafil Tadalafilo
Tamsulosin Tamsulosina
Tramadol Tramadol
Trazodone Trazodona
Venlafaxine Venlafaxina
Salbutamol (Albuterol) Salbutamol (Albuterol)
Warfarin Warfarina
Zolpidem Zolpidem
Augmentin XR
Toprol XL
Synthetic drug which inhibits uric acid formation, used to treat gout and related conditions.
Used in short-term management of anxiety disorders, panic disorders, and nausea due to chemotherapy.
Calcium channel blocker medication used to treat high blood pressure and coronary artery disease.
Antibiotic used to treat a number of bacterial infections. These include middle ear infection, strep throat, pneumonia, skin i
Combination medicine used to treat many different infections caused by bacteria, such as sinusitis, pneumonia, ear infectio
Amphetamine and dextroamphetamine combination is used to treat (ADHD) and narcolepsy.
Beta blocker medication primarily used to treat high blood pressure and heart-associated chest pain.
Used along with a proper diet to help lower "bad" cholesterol and fats (such as LDL, triglycerides) and raise "good" choleste
Antibiotic medication used for the treatment of a number of bacterial infections.
Bupropion is an antidepressant used to treat a variety of conditions, including depression, other mental/ mood disorders, a
Medication used to treat high blood pressure, congestive heart failure (CHF), and left ventricular dysfunction in people who
An antidepressant of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor class. It is used to treat major depressive disorder, obsessive
Prescription medication used to prevent heart attack or stroke.
Medication used for muscle spasms from musculoskeletal conditions of sudden onset.
Medication used to treat major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain and centra
Antidepressant from the group of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and is used to treat certain typ
Oral medication of the fibrate class used to treat abnormal blood lipid levels.
Used as antidepressants in the treatment of major depressive disorder, anxiety disorders, and other psychological condition
Liquid to spray in the nose. Used to relieve hay fever, and other allergy symptoms, or nonallergic rhinitis,
Synthetic compound with a strong diuretic action, used especially in the treatment of oedema.
First-line medication for the treatment of neuropathic pain caused by diabetic neuropathy, postherpetic neuralgia, and cent
Diuretic medication often used to treat high blood pressure and swelling due to fluid build up.
Combination medicine used to relieve moderate to moderately severe pain.
Used to treat hypothyroidism, including Hashimoto's disease and a severe form known as myxedema coma. It may also be u
Used to treat high blood pressure, heart failure, and after heart attacks. For high blood pressure it is usually a first-line treat
Lisinopril works by relaxing blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily. Hydrochlorothiazide is a diuretic that causes y
Medication used to treat high blood pressure. It is also used for diabetic kidney disease, heart failure, and left ventricular en
Medication used to treat high blood pressure. It is also used for diabetic kidney disease, heart failure, and left ventricular en
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to treat pain and inflammation in rheumatic diseases and osteoarthritis.
Main first-line medication for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, particularly in people who are overweight. It is also used in
Primarily prescribed for its anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects. It is either used at low doses for chronic illne
Beta-blocking drug related to propranolol, used to treat hypertension and angina.
Beta-blocker that affects the heart and circulation. Used to treat angina and hypertension.
Medication used in the maintenance treatment of asthma. It is generally less preferred for this use than inhaled corticostero
Medication used in the treatment of GERD, peptic ulcer disease, and Zollinger–Ellison syndrome. It is also used to prevent u
Proton pump inhibitor used for the treatment of stomach ulcers, short-term treatment of erosive esophagitis due to GERD,
Common means to treat low blood potassium, although it can also be given intravenously.
Used for preventing cardiovascular disease in those at high risk and treating abnormal lipids.
Synthetic drug similar to cortisone, used to relieve rheumatic and allergic conditions and to treat leukaemia.
Anti-inflammatory agent, a CETP inhibitor and a cardioprotective agent.
Antidepressant of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) class
Used along with exercise, diet, and weight loss to decrease elevated lipid levels. It is also used to decrease the risk of heart p
Medication used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED), benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and pulmonary arterial hypertension
Medication used to treat symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and chronic prostatitis and to help with the passa
Opioid pain medication used to treat moderate to moderately severe pain.
Antidepressant medication. It is used to treat major depressive disorder, anxiety disorders, and difficulties with sleep.
Antidepressant medication of the serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) class. It is used to treat major depress
Medication that opens up the medium and large airways in the lungs. Used to treat asthma, including asthma attacks, exerc
Commonly used to prevent blood clots such as deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, and to prevent stroke in pe
Medication primarily used for the short-term treatment of sleeping problems.

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