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High yield topics of pharmacology

General pharmacology
1. Different routes of drug administration
2. Bioavailability of drug
3. Transdermal drug delivery system
4. Drug antagonism
5. Therapeutic index of a drug.
6. P- drug.
7. Drug tolerance
8. First pass effect
9. Volume of distribution.
10. Orphan drug.
11. Essential drugs.
12. Clinical trial.
13. Plasma half life.
14. Loading dose.
15. Plasma protein binding drugs.
16. Partial agonist and inverse agonist, receptor antagonist
17. Drug synergism.
18. Pharmaco vigilance.

Autonomic nervous system

1. Organophosphorus poisoning
2. Glaucoma.
3. Hyoscine is preferred in the treatment of vomiting due to motion sickness.
4. Atropine sulphate is not used in acute congested glaucoma.
5. Beta blocker are contraindicated in peripheral vascular disease
6. Pyridostigmine in myasthenia grinds.
7. Pralidoxime is used in organo phosphorus poisoning.
8. Adrenaline injection is given in anaphylactic shock.
9. Phenoxybenzamine is used in management of pheochromocytoma.
10. Neostigmine is preferred over physostigmine in myasthenia gravis.
11. Metoprolol is preferred over propranolol in hypertensive patients with diabetes
12. Tamsulosin in benign hypertrophy of prostate.
13. Dopamine in carcinogenic shock.
14. Autacoids and related drugs
15. Meclizine as antiemetic drug.
16. Aspirin not used in children with fever
17. Triptans in migraine.
18. Antihistamines in motion sickness.
19. N acetyl cysteine in paracetamol poisoning.
20. Indomethacin for treatment of patent ductus arteriosus
21. Allopurinol
22. Methotrexate.
23. Sodium chromoglycate.
24. Levo- cetirizine.
25. Misoprostol.

Respiratory system
1. Bronchial asthma
2. Nebulised salbutamol
3. Theophylline.
4. Leukotriene antagonist.

Hormones and related drugs

1. Enumerate the drugs used in niddm
2. Enumerate anti thyroid drugs
3. Enumerate glucocorticoids. Mention therapeutic uses and adverse effects of
4. Management of diabetic ketoacidosis
5. Therapeutic uses of insulin
6. Recombinant parathyroid hormone
7. Iodide is used prior to thyroid surgery
8. Clomiphene citrate is indicated in the treatment of infertility
9. Alfacalcidiol is effective in renal rickets
10. Mifepristone
11. Carbimazole as antithyroid drug
12. Raloxifene in post menopausal osteoporosis
13. Combined oral contraceptive
14. Bisphosphonates
15. Insulin resistance (definition, treatment).
16. Tamoxifen (use with reasons).
17. Emergency contraceptive.
18. Magnesium sulphate.

Peripheral nervous system

1. Local anaesthetic is sometimes combined with adrenaline
2. Lignocaine.
Central nervous system
1. Antiepileptic drugs.
2. Treat parkinsonism
3. Prazosin.
4. Non depolarizing muscle relaxants.
5. Dissociative anaesthesia.
6. Pre-anaesthetic medication.
7. Propofol.
8. Use of carbamazepin
9. Lithium carbonate.
10. Sodium valproate
11. Levodopa.
12. Naloxone in morphine overdose
13. Succinyl choline as muscle relaxants
14. Trihexyphenidyl is used in the treatment of drug induced extrapyramidal
15. Methadone is used in morphine withdrawal
Cardiovascular system
1. Chf
2. Antihypertensive drugs
3. Hypolipidemic drug
4. Losartan.
5. Amlodipine.
6. Propranolol is contraindicated in variant angina.
7. Telmisartan as antihypertensive.
8. Thiazide diuretics may be prescribe in diabetes insipidus.
9. Alteplase is preferred over streptokinase in acute myocardial infarction.
10. Low dose aspirin is used as anti platelet agents.

1. Frusemide
2. Spironolactone
3. Solifenacin in symptomatic treatment of increased frequency of micturition.
4. Ace inhibitors induces cough.
Gastrointestinal system
1. Classify & enumerate drugs used for peptic ulcer.
2. Omeprazole.
3. Ondansetron.
4. Lactulose in hepatic encephalopathy
5. Sucralfate in the treatment of peptic ulcer
6. Mosapride is prokinetic agent

1. Desferrioxamine is used in thalassemia
2. Vitamin k is used in over dose of oral anticoagulant.
3. Lmh heparin is superior to conventional heparin.
4. Iron therapy is contraindicated in thalassemia.
5. Iron and folate supplementation are recommended during pregnancy.
6. Cyanocobalamin as haematinic agent.
7. Clopidrogrel as anti platelet agent.
8. Erythropoietin
Anti microbial & anti cancer agents
1. Malaria.
2. Pulmonary tuberculosis
3. Antiretroviral
4. Multi drug therapy in leprosy
5. Interferons
6. Anti – snake venom.
7. Ketoconazole.
8. Meropenem.
9. Azithromycin.
10. Albendazole.
11. Ciprofloxacin.
12. Chemoprophylaxis
13. Post exposure prophylaxis in hiv
14. Monoclonal antibody
15. Itraconazole
16. Antibiotic resistance.
17. Lepra reaction.
18. Amphotericin b.
19. Lamivudine.
20. Β lactam antibiotics.
21. Metronidazole.
22. Rifampicin
23. Amikacin.
24. Super infection.
25. Chloroquine.

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