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1. Paracetamol and aspirin

2. Heparin and warfarin
3. Losartan and enalapril
4. Erythromycin and azithromycin
5. Ampicillin and amoxicillin
6. Atropine and scopolamine
7. Lignocaine and procaine
8. Phenobarbitone and diazepam
9. Atropine and hyoscine
10. Dopamine and dobutamine
11. Furosemide and hydrochlorothiazide
12. Tetracycline and doxycycline
13. Succinyl choline and d-tubo curarine
14. Physostigmine and neostigmine
15. Benzodiazepines and barbiturates
16. Adrenaline and salbutamol
17. Thiopentone and ketamine
18. Ketamine and fentanyl
19. Vigabatrin and gabapentin
20. Verapamil and nifedipine
21. Neomycin and gentamicin
22. Hydrocortisone and dexamethasone
23. Furosemide and amiloride
24. Nitrous oxide and halothane
25. Natural penicillin and streptomycin
26. Histamine and adrenaline
27. Hydrochlorothiazide and frusemide
28. Atropine and acetylcholine
29. Salbutamol and theophylline
30. Cimetidine and ranitidine
31. Ibuprofen and piroxicam
32. Succinylcholine and pancuronium


1.Enumerate opioid analgesics. Pharmacological actions, A/E and contraindications of morphine.

2. Classify corticosteroids. Discuss their pharmacological actions, A/E and therapeutic effects.

3. Classify beta lactam inhibitors. Briefly state the antibacterial spectrum, therapeutic usesand A/E of
penicillin G.

4.Define bioavalaibility.Describe the factors influencing the bioavailabity of the drugs.

5.Classify drugs used in peptic ulcer. Discuss the mechanism of action and A/E of any two groups.

4.Classify sympathomimetic drugs based on their clinical use. Explain the therapeutic uses and A/E of
beta blockers.
6.Classify antimicrobial agents based on their MOA. Explain the therapeutic uses and A/E of any two
first line drug of anti tubercular drugs. Describe the standard regimen for the treatment f

7.Classify cephalosporin. Explain the MOA, pharmacological actions and therapeutic uses of third
generation cephalosporins.

8.Classify beta blockers. Describe therapeutic uses and A/E of propranolol.

9.Classigy anticholinergic drugs. Discuss the pharmacological action, therapeutic uses and A/E of

10.Classify nitroimidazoles. Discuss MOA , therapeutic uses and A/E of any one of them.

11.Classify drugs in hypertension. Describe the MOA, uses and A/E of ACE inhibitors.

12.Classify drugs in bronchial asthma. Describe MOA, uses and A/E of salbutamol.

13.Classify LA. Describe the MOA, pharmacological actions, A/E of lignocaine. Add a note on
different techniques of LA.

14.Classify NSAIDS. Describe the MOA, pharmacological actions, uses and A/E of aspirin.

15.Classigy flouroquinolones. Describe the MOA, spectrum, A/E and uses of ciprofloxacin.

16.Classify GA. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of halothane.

17.Classify penicillins. Discuss the MOA, A/E and therapeutic uses of amoxicillin.

18.Classify sympathomimetics. Describe the therapeutic uses and A/E of adrenaline.

19.Classify anti hypersensitive drugs. Write the uses and A/E of CCB.

20.Classify beta lactam antibiotics. Explain the MOA, uses and A/E of benzyl Penicillin.

21.Classify glucocorticoids. Write therapeutic uses ad A/E of glucocorticoids.

22.Explain the factors modifying drug actions.


1.First pass metabolism.

2.Treatment of anaphylactic shock.

3.Uses and A/E of ACE inhibitors.

4. Flourides.


6.Extended spectrum penicillin




10.Explain the MOA and A/E of ranitidine.

11.Outline of management of status epilepticus.

12.Role of flourides in dentistry.

13.Drugs used in treatment of glaucoma. Explain the MOA of any one.

14.Explain the MOA and uses of metformin.



17.Preparations of insulin and their A/E.

18.Second generation antihistamines.

20.Vitamin C



23.Potassium sparing diuretics.

24.Oral hypoglycaemic drugs

25.Phenytoin sodium



28.Plasma protein binding

29.Pro- kinetic drugs

30.Sodium valproate.


32.Drugs used in dental plaque.

33.Drug synergism.


35.Vitamin D



38.Uses and A/E of beta adrenergic blockers.

39.Mummifying agents.




44.Management of organophosphorus poisoning.

45.Parenteral iron preparations

46.Selective COX-2 inhibitors.

47.Drug interactions.


49.Highly selective COX inhibitors

50.Hypersensitivity reactions to drugs

51.Plasma expanders

52.Dissociative anaesthesia

53. H1 blockers.


55.Treatment of cardiogenic shock.

56.Newer insulin preparations and their advantages.


58.Anti platelets drugs





63.Systemic anti fungal drugs


1.Drugs producing gingival hyperplasia

2.Explain the rationale of furosemide and triamterene.

3.Two drugs for oral candidiasis.

4.Two drugs for used in pre anaesthetic medication with its rationale.

5.Rationale of clavulanic acid and amoxicillin rationale

6.Advantage of cetirizine over diphenylhydramine.

7.Four low molecular weight heparins.

8.Regimen for post exposure prophylaxis of HIV infection

9.Dental chemoprophylaxis
10.Why adrenaline is combined with LA?

11.Two first generation antihistamines.

12.Two indications for parenteral iron therapy.

13.Why tetracycline is contraindicated in children.

14.Treatment of oral candidiasis.

15.Techniques for LA.

16.What is prodrug. Two examples.

17.Four styptics

18.Two opioid antagonists with their therapeutic uses.

19.Explain why consumption of ethyl alcohol is to be avoided in patients on treatment with


20.Two chelating agents with their therapeutic uses.

21.Ethanol in methanol poisoning

22.Mention two drugs used in treatment of tuberculosis and one important A/E of each drug.

23.Four antifungal drugs

24.Four second generation antihistamines.

25.Disadvantages of oral route.

26.Four anticoagulants.

27.Four common properties of aminoglycoside antibiotics

28.Define agonist, antagonist, partial agonist, and drug

29.Four anticancer drugs.

30.Four tetra genic drugs


32.Four first line anti tubercular drugs

33.Explain the rationale of adding the adrenaline and lignocaine.

34.Two selective COX-2 inhibitors with its advantage.

35.Four antiseptics and disinfectants in dental practice.

36.Advantes of LMWH over conventional heparin.


38.Treatment of anaphylactic shock.

39.Uses of neostigmine.
40.Treatment for septic schock


42.Explain the pharmacogenetics and two examples

43.Drug with its route of administration used in acute angina. Explain the rationale for the use of the

44.Mention two classes of anti secretory drugs with its example used in peptic ulcer and what is the
rationale for the use of antaacid combinations.



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