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1. Describe with suitable examples:

a) Methods of prolonging drug action
b) Parenteral routes of drug administration
2. Describe briefly the following giving suitable examples:
a) Factors modifying absorption of drugs
b) Drug Interactions
3. Enumerate the following:
a) Four drugs given by Sublingual Route
b) Four drugs which are stored in the tissues
c) Four examples of Enzyme Inhibitors
d) Various pathways of Biotransformation with one example of each
4. Write short notes on:
a) Transdermal Drug Delivery system
b) Therapeutic index
c) Enzyme Induction
5. Differentiate between:
a) Bio-availability and Bio-equivalence
b) Zero order and First order Kinetics
c) Idiosyncratic and Iatrogenic Reactions
d) Physiological and Pharmacological Antagonism
6. Name 2 drugs for each of the following:
a) Metabolized by acetylation
b) Mainly excreted in Bile
c) Readily cross the Blood brain barrier
d) Highly plasma-protein bound
e) Showing therapeutic window phenomenon
f) Contraindicated in G-6 PD deficiency state
g) Acting by Enzyme Inhibition
h) Obtained from Human source
7. Write short notes on ( 2 marks each)
a) Drug use in elderly population
b) Essential drugs
c) Volume of distribution of drugs
d) Therapeutic drug monitoring
e) Half life(t1/2)
f) G protein coupled receptors
g) Dose response curve
h) Therapeutic index
i) Plasma half life of drugs
j) Antagonisms
k) P-drug concept
l) Pharmacogenetics
m) Drug Metabolism
n) First pass metabolism
o) Prodrugs
p) Physiological or functional antagonism
q) Non competitive drug receptor antagonism
r) Plasma protein binding of drugs
s) Receptor up and down regulation
t) G-proteins
8. Discuss Competitive antagonism with suitable examples (4)
9. Comment briefly on Drug action vs Drug effects (4)
10. Define the following givimg suitable examples (2 marks each)
a) Therapeutic Index
b) Plasma T ½ of a drug
c) Iatrogenesis
d) Bioavailability
e) Supra additive Synergism
f) Physiological Antagonism
g) First dose phenomenon
11. Write briefly on: (4 marks each)
a) Absorption of drugs
b) Pharmacogenomics
c) G-Protein coupled receptors
d) New drug development
e) Drug usage in Pregnancy
12. Explain why irritant substances cannot be injected subcutaneously (2)
13. Write briefly on Bioavailability of drugs (2)
14. Enumerate the various routes of drug administration. Compare and contrast the
advantages of Oral vs I.V. drug administration (6)
15. Discuss Biotransformation of Drugs (6)
16. Discuss the clinical significance of: (2 marks each)
a) Microsomal enzyme induction
b) Zer-order kinetics
c) Plasma protein binding of a drug

1. Discuss mechanism of action of Drugs used in Glaucoma
2. Write notes on Beta Agonists
3. Discuss the pharmacological basis for use of: ( 2 marks each)
a) Adrenaline in Anaphylaxis
b) Adrenaline but not Nor-adrenaline is used in anaphylactic Shock
c) Timolol and not Propranolol is used in the treatment of Glaucoma
d) Tamsulosin on Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
e) Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors in Glaucoma
f) Finasteride in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
g) Neostigmine in Myesthenia Gravis
h) Neostigmine in the reversal of Neuromuscular blockade by non-depolarising
i) Atropine in Organophosphate poisoning
j) Pralidoxime in Organophosphorous poisoning
k) Pilocarpine in Glaucoma
l) Atropine and Neostigmine in Myaesthenia Gravis
4. Describe briely the drug treatment of a) Acute Congestive Glaucoma
5. Explain why Adrenaline is used in Anaphylactic Shock?
6. Explain why: (2 marks each)
a) Neostigmine is considered better than Physostigmine for management of
Myasthenia Gravis?
b) Beta Blocker alone should not be given in Pheochromocytoma
c) High Oral: Parenteral Dose Ratio exist for Propranolol
d) Physostigmine and not Neostigmine is useful in atropine poisoning
e) Phenoxybenzamine is slower acting than phentolamine
f) Adrenaline is not effective orally
g) Physostigmine is used in Atropine poisoning
h) Edrophonium is used to differentiate between Cholinergic crisis and Myasthenia
i) Adrenaline is used in Anaphylactic Shock
j) Propranolol should be avoided in diabetic patients
7. Describe in brief Therapeutic status of
a) Prazosin in treatment of Benign Prostate Hypertrophy
b) Oximes in Organophosphate Poisoning
8. Discuss advantages of Dobutamine over Nor-adrenaline in the treatment of Cardiogenic
9. Write Therapeutic uses & side effects of: (2 marks each)
a) Centrally acting alpha 2 adrenergic agonists
b) Atenolol
c) Propranolol
d) Celiprolol
10. Enumerate therapeutic uses and mechanism of action of Prazosin (2)
11. Discuss the management of Acute congestive glaucoma (2)
12. Discuss rationale for use of : (2 marks each)
a) Alpha blockers in patient with pheochromocytoma (2)
b) Cartiolol in Glaucoma
13. Role of Prazosin in Prostatic Hypertrophy (2)
14. Adverse effects of Beta Blockers (2)
15. Comment briefly on Physostigmine vs Neostigmine (4)
16. Short note on: (2 marks each)
a) Timolol
b) Carvedilol
c) Dopa decarboxylase Inhibitors
d) Organophosphorus Poisoning
e) Physostigmine
f) Atropine Substitutes
g) Prazosin
17. Write briefly the mechanism of action and therapeutic uses of (2 marks each)
a) Atropine
b) Propranolol
18. Write the contraindications of: (2 marks each)
a) Atropine and like drugs
b) Propranolol
c) Non selective beta adrenergic blockers
19. Write briefly on alpha adrenoceptor antagonists (4)
20. Classify drugs used in Myasthenia Gravis and describe the management of the same (6)
21. Write briefly on Beta blocker use in Glaucoma (2)
22. Outline the Pharmacological basis of management of Anaphylactic shock (3)
23. Classify Beta Blocking agents. Describe the pharmacological actions, therapeutic uses
and adverse effects of Propranolol (6)
24. Discuss the drug treatment of: (2 marks each)
a) Glaucoma
b) Organophosphate poisoning
25. Short note on cardioselective beta blockers (3)
1. Describe drug treatment of Migraine
2. Discuss the pharmacological basis of
a) Allopurinol in Gout
b) Probenecid in Gout
3. Discuss the Therapeutic uses of Prostaglandin analogues
4. Write Therapeutic uses & side effects of: ( 2 marks each)
a) H1 Histamine receptor antagonists
b) Nimesulide
5. For the given conditions write down the names of two commonly used therapeutic
agents and the mechanism of action of any one of them:
c) Acute attack of Gout
6. Six therapeutic uses & four contraindications to the use of Aspirin
7. Discuss rationale for use of Colchicine is preferred in acute gout (2)
8. Short notes on Drugs useful in Medical termination of Pregnancy (2)
9. Explain why: (2 marks each)
a) Aspirin is used in Coronary Artery disease
10. Mechanism of action of Salicylates (4)
11. Mechanism of action and therapeutic uses of Paracetamol (4)
12. Short note on Uses of Prostaglandins (4)
13. Short note on 5HT Antagonists (4)
14. Enumerate Non Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) and discuss their
mechanism of action, therapeutic uses and adverse effects (8 marks)
15. Classify Antihistaminics. Describe important actions, therapeutic uses and adverse
effects of newer antihistaminics. (6 marks)
16. Write briefly on Sumatryptan (2)
17. Explain why Methotrexate is used in Rheumatoid arthritis (3)
18. Classify Non Steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics and antipyretic drugs. Describe
their important therapeutic uses and adverse effects (6)


1. Describe drug treatment of Bronchial Asthma

2. Write short notes on Mast Cell Stabilizers
3. Discuss the rationale for the use of Beclometasone in bronchial asthma (2)
4. Management of Chronic Bronchial asthma (2)
5. Explain why Atenolol is preferred to isoprenaline in Bronchial asthma (2)
6. Write note on Inhaled steroids in Asthma (2)
7. Describe the pharmacotherapy of Bronchial Asthma (6 marks)
8. Outline the Pharmacological basis of management of Status Asthmaticus (3)
9. Short note on Non opioid antitussive drugs (2)
10. Write an account of Leukotriene receptor antagonists (2)
11. Discuss pharmacological basis of Sodium Chromoglycate in Chronic bronchial asthma
12. Discuss the drug treatment of acute attack of Bronchial Asthma (2)

1. Discuss mechanism of action of ORAL CONTRACEPTIVS

2. Describe drug treatment of THYROTOXICOSIS
3. Discuss briefly the Mechanism of action, indications & adverse effects of Sulfonyl
4. Discuss the pharmacological basis for use of (2 marks each)
a) Sulfonyl Ureas in Diabetes Mellitus
b) Potassium supplementation in diabetic ketoacidosis
c) Bisphosphonates in Osteoporosis
d) Pioglitazone in Diabetes Mellitus
5. Write short notes on ( 2 marks each)
a) Radioactive Iodine
b) Somatostatin
c) Anti-Estrogens
d) Calcitonin
e) Methimazole
f) Anabolic Steroids
g) Phosphodiesterase inhibitors ( see anti adrenergics chapter)
6. Discuss briefly the pharmacotherapy of Premenopausal Breast Carcinoma (2)
7. Contraindications of Glucocorticoids (2)
8. Uses of Anabolic Steroids (2)
9. Contraindications of Tocolytics (2)
10. Explain why: ( 2marks each)
a) PZI ( protamine Zinc Insulin) has a long duration of action
b) Progesterone is not added in hormone replacement therapy in women undergone
c) GnRH analog can be used as agonist and antagonist
d) Oxytocin is used in Labour
e) Oxytocin is preferred to Ergotamine for augmentation of labour
f) Ergometrine is used for post partum hemorrhage (3)
11. Discuss the management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis (2)
12. Give the rationale for use of
a) Ergemetrine in Post-Partum Haemorrhage (2)
b) Thiazolidinediones in diabetes mellitus (2)
13. Give the rationale for use of Propranolol in Throtoxicosis (2)
14. Discuss mechanism of action, side effects and therapeutic uses of
15. Discuss the mechanism of action and adverse effects of Hormonal Contraception in
Women (4)
16. Enumerate adverse effects of GLUCOCORTICOIDS. How do you reduce the risk of
adverse effects? (4)
17. Management of Diabetic Coma (2)
18. Short notes on Drugs useful in Medical termination of Pregnancy (2)
19. Write briefly on Oral Contraceptives (2)
20. Discuss adverse drug reactions and measures to reduce risks of Oral Hypoglycemic
drugs (4)
21. Discuss briefly the management of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (2)
22. Adverse Drug Reactions of Carbimazole (2)
23. Contraindications for the use of Combined Oral Contraceptives (2)
24. Write briefly on Myxoedema Coma (3)
25. Write briefly on pharmacological effects of oxytocin (2)
26. Elaborate on effects of Insulin on metabolism (2)
27. Describe the post menopausal hormone replacement therapy and state the
contraindications (6)
28. Short note on Sulfonyl ureas (3)
29. Short note on Oestrogen receptor antagnosis (3)
30. Short note on Oral Contraceptives (2)
31. Short note on Thyrotoxic Crisis (2)
32. Short note on Oral hypoglycemic agents (3)


1. Write notes on LIGNOCAINE

2. Describe Mechanism of action of Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs
3. Write Therapeutic uses & side effects of Skeletal Muscle Relaxants
4. Advantages and Disadvantages of a combination of Lignocaine and Adrenaline as a
local anesthetic agent
5. Therapeutic uses and adverse effects of Atracurium (2)
6. Enumerate the toxic effect of D-Tubocurare (2)
7. Describe the pharmacological basis for the use of the Lignocaine as Local anesthetic
along with important adverse effects (2)
8. Write an account of: (2 marks each)
a) Spinal anaesthesia
b) Baclofen
c) Dantrolene Sodium

2. Discuss the pharmacological basis of (2 marks each)
a) L – DOPA in Parkinsonism
b) Levodopa but not Dopamine is used in Parkinsonism
c) Valproic acid in Epilepsy
d) Atropine in Preanesthetic medication
e) Ropinirole in Parkinsonism
f) GABA agonists/ facilities in Seizure control
g) COMT inhibitors in Parkinson’s disease
h) Sodium Valproate in Seizures
3. Describe in brief Therapeutic status of
a) Carbamazepine
4. Discuss briefly the Mechanism of action, indications & adverse effects of
5. Give a brief account of I/V General Anaesthetics
6. Explain why Morphine is contraindicated in Head Injury?
7. Explain why Phenobarbitone is used in Neonatal Jaundice?
8. Describe briefly the Mechanism of action of Phenytoin in Epilepsy
9. Describe briefly the drug treatment of
a) Parkinsonism
b) Status Epilepticus (2)
c) Maniac-Depressive Psychosis
10. Discuss Mechanism of action, therapeutic uses & adverse effects of Carbamazepine
11. Write Therapeutic uses & side effects of : (2 marks each)
a) Bromocriptine
b) Benzodiazepines
c) Amitryptyline
d) Fexofenadine
12. For the given conditions write down the names of two commonly used therapeutic
agents and the mechanism of action of any one of them:
a) Maniac depressive illness
13. Two advantages & two disadvantages of Ketamine
14. One agonist, one antagonist and one use each of Dopaminergic receptor
15. Four differences between Morphine & Pentazocine
16. Advantages & Disadvantages of Ether over Halothane
17. Explain why: (2 marks each)
a) Cheese should be avoided in a patient on Mao-Inhibitor
b) L-Dopa is combined with Carbidopa in the treatment of Parkinsonism
c) Ethyl alcohol is useful in the treatment of Methyl alcohol Poisoning
d) Diazepam is preferred to Phenobarbitone for treatment of Insomnia
e) Trihexyphenidyl is preferred over atropine in parkinsonism
f) Benzodiazepines are preferred over barbiturates as sedative hypnotic agent
g) Fluoxetine is not prescribed to patient with Mao inhibitor
h) Selegilline is used in Parkinsonism
i) Bromocriptine is effective even after Levodopa fails in Parkinsonism
j) Diazepam is used in Status Epilepticus but not in the routine treatment of Grand
k) Opioids are not given in patients with head injury
l) Anti cholinergic drugs are preferred over Dopaminergic drugs in drug induced
m) In acute Myocardial Infarction, Morphine is preferred
18. Write short notes on: (2 marks each)
a) Thiopentone Sodium
b) Sodium Valproate
c) Fluoxetine
d) Alprazolam
e) Selegiline
f) Morphine de-addiction
g) Flumezinil
h) Atypical antipsychotics
i) I.V. general anaesthesia
j) Opioid receptors
k) Ketamine
l) Naltrexone
m) Resperidone
19. Discuss the rationale for the use of Sodium Valproate in absence seizures (2)
20. Discuss the rationale for the use of Morphine in acute left ventricular failure (2)
21. Write briefly the mechanism of action and therapeutic uses of Buprenorphine (2)
22. Write briefly about the drugs used in the treatment of Parkinsonism (8 marks)
23. Contraindications of Morphine (2)
24. Mechanism of action of Benzodiazepines (4)
25. Enumerate the toxic effect of Levo-DOPA (2)
26. Enumerate the toxic effect of Barbiturates (2)
27. Therapeutic uses of: (2 marks each)
a) Diazepam
b) Codiene
c) Bromocryptine
28. Pharmacological actions and ADR’s of: ( 4 marks each)
a) Carbamazepine
b) Morphine
29. Enumerate drugs used in Sleep disorder. Discuss their mechanism of action and side
effects (8 marks)
30. Discuss treatment modalities available for Epilepsy (8 marks)
31. Discuss briefly the management of Acute Left Ventricular Failure (2)
32. Describe the pharmacological basis of the use of the following drugs along with
important adverse effects: (2 marks each)
a) Imipramine in depression
b) Morphine in Acute left ventricular failure
33. Classify Benzodiazepines and describe their mechanisms of action and therapeutic uses
34. Classify Preanaesthetic medications giving justification of their use (6)
35. Define Diffusion Hypoxia with examples (2)
36. Enumerate the various drugs used in the treatment of Epilepsy. Discuss the mechanism
of actions, adverse effects of Phenytoin (6)
37. Classify Anti Parkinsonian drugs. Describe mechanism of action and adverse effects of
Levo-DOPA (6)


1. Discuss pharmacological basis for use of (2 marks each)

a) Digitalis of CHF
b) Beta blockers in angina
c) Thiazides in Hypertension
d) Combined therapy with Enalapril & Triamterene is contraindicated
e) Vasodilators in the treatment of Congestive Heart failure
f) Aspirin in unstable angina pectoris
g) ACE inhibitors in CHF
h) Beta blockers in Hypertension
i) Nimodipine in Sub-arachnoid haemorrhage
j) Atenolol in Hypertension
2. Describe in brief Therapeutic status of
a) Calcium Channel Blockers
3. Describe briefly the Mechanism of action of:
a) Beta adrenoceptor antagonists in Hypertension
4. Discuss 2 indications & 2 adverse efeects of Amlodipine
5. For the given conditions write down the names of two commonly used therapeutic
agents and the mechanism of action of any one of them:
a)Acute attack of Angina Pectoris
6. Discuss the Pharmacotherapy of Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (2)
7. Enumerate therapeutic uses and mechanism of action of: (2 marks each)
a) Lisinopril
b) Nifedipine
8. Explain why: (2 marks each)
a) Guanethidine is not preferred as an antihypertensive agent
b) Short acting Calcium channel blocker is not preferred in ptients with
hypertensive emergency
c) Digitalis toxicity can be aggravated by Thiazide diuretics
d) Nifedipine can paradoxically aggravate angina in some patients
e) Use of ACE inhibitors is associated with dry cough
f) Propranolol should be avoided in diabetic patients

9. Give the rationale for use of Vasodilators in CHF (2)

10. Classify Anti Hypertensive drugs. Write the mechanism of action, therapeutic uses
and side effects of beta adrenergic blocking agents (8 marks)
11. Short note on Losartan (2)
12. Give the rationale for use of beta blockers in CHF (2)
13. Classify Antianginal drugs. Mention important preparations and clinical uses of
14. Short notes on Lidocaine as anti-arrythmic (2)
15. Describe the role of ACE inhibitors in CHF (2)
16. What happens if Digitalis is given with Thiazides (2)
17. Discuss the following with suitable examples:
a) Drugs and Renin-Angiotensin system (4)
18. Classify Antihypertensive drugs and give treatment of Hypertensive emergency (8
19. Mechanism of action and uses of Digoxin (4)
20. Write the treatment of Congestive Heart Failure (2)
21. Discuss the rationale of use of : (2 marks each)
a) Nitrates in Cyanide Poisoning
b) Losartan in Hypertension
c) Vasodilators in CHF
22. Describe briefly the management of Cardiogenic Shock (2)
23. Uses of Calcium channel blockers (2)
24. Write treatment of Myocardial Infarction and side effects of drugs used (8 marks) (also
see CNS and BLOOD for this question)
25. Write briefly on Captopril (3)
26. Discuss the role of Renin Angiotensin mechanism in Antihypertensive (8 marks)
27. Write drugs used for the treatment of CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE. Describe the
mechanism of action & adverse effects of ACE inhibitors (8 marks)
28. Write drugs used for treatment of Hypertension. Describe the mechanism of action and
adverse effects of Calcium channel blockers (8 marks)
29. State the clinical indications of Beta Adrenoceptor blocking drugs in Cardiovascular
system and how presence of Diabetes Mellitus may make their use hazardous (8 marks)

1. Discuss pharmacological basis for : Combined therapy with Enalapril & Triamterene is
2. Write short notes on Potassium sparing Diuretics (2)
3. Complications of High ceiling diuretics (2)
4. Discuss Mechanism of action, side effects and therapeutic uses of Thiazide Diuretics (4)
5. Therapeutic uses and adverse effects of Furosemide (2)
6. Explain why action of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors is self limiting (2)
7. Short note on High Ceiling Diuretics (2)
8. Short note on desmopressin (2)
9. Short note on Mannitol (2)
10. Explain why Elimination of weakly acidic drugs is enhanced in Alkaline urine (2)
11. Write briefly on Acetazolamide (2)
12. Short note on Thiazides (3)


1. Give a brief account of Antiplatelet Drugs

2. Describe briefly the Mechanism of action of Desferroxamine in Thallasaemia
3. Write short notes on (2 marks each)
a) HMG CoA inhibitors
b) Low molecular weight Heparins
c) Thrombolytic drugs
d) Erythropoietin
e) Parenteral Iron Therapy (3 marks also)
4. Name two Fibrinolytic agents, one therapeutic use, one adverse effect and one antidote
of each
5. Discuss Mechanism of action, side effects and therapeutic uses of HMG Co-A
Reductase inhibitors (4)
6. Give the rationale for use of Streptokinase in Myocardial infarction(2)
7. Role of Thrombolytics in Acute Myocardial Infarction (2)
8. Mechanism of action and uses of Alteplase (4)
9. Describe the role of Lovastatin in Hyperlipoproteinemia (2)
10. Write the treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis (2)
11. Explain why (2 marks each)
a) Undiagnosed case of megaloblastic anemia should not be treated with Folic acid
b) Streptokinase is given within 6 hours of attack in patients of Myocardial
infarction (3)
30. Discuss in brief the pharmacological basis for the use of Heparin in acute myocardial
infarction (2)
31. Discuss briefly the management of: (2 marks each)
d) Acute Lymphatic Leukemia
e) Acute overdose poisoning with iron
32. Write briefly on Urokinase (3)
33. Write briefly on Streptokinase (2)
34. Briefly discuss Anti Platelet drugs (3)
35. Short note on Tissue plasminogen activators (3)
36. Short note on Atorvastatin (2) – see STATINS

1. Write notes on METRONIDAZOLE

1. Discuss the pharmacological basis of
b) Lansoprazole in Zellingerellison Syndrome
2. Discuss in brief therapeutic status of METRONIDAZOLE
3. Write short notes on (2 marks each)
a) Prokinetic Drugs
b) Omeprazole
c) Ondansetrone
d) H2 receptor blockers
4. Discuss Mechanism of action, therapeutic uses & adverse effects of Insulins Frusemide
5. Write therapeutic uses and adverse effects of: (2 marks each)
a) Omeprazole
b) Metronidazole
6. Discuss the rationale for the use of: ( 2 marks each)
a) Prostaglandin in peptic ulcer
b) Sucralfate in NSAIDS induced Gastric ulcer
7. Contraindications of Purgatives (2)
8. Enumerate the toxic effect of Metoclopramide (2)
9. Therapeutic uses of Ranitidine (2)
10. Mechanism of action & therapeutic uses of Ranitidine (4)
11. Discuss pharmacotherapy of Peptic Ulcer (2)
12. Explain why: (2 marks each)
a) Antibiotics are now used for treating peptic ulcer
b) Domperidone is preferred to Metoclopramide in L-dopa induced vomiting
13. Discuss in brief the pharmacological basis for the use of Misoprostol in Peptic Ulcer (2)


1. Describe drug treatment of SYPHILIS

2. Give a brief account of Extended Spectrum Penicilline
3. Discuss drug management of Intestinal amoebiasis
4. Explain why: ( 2 marks each)
a) Tuberculosis is always treated with a combination of antimicrobials.
b) Use of Norfloxacin is mainly limited to Urinary & GIT infections
c) Sulphamethoxazole is preferred in fixed dose combination with Trimethoprim
d) Terfenadine and Erythromycin should not be given concomitantly to patients
e) Ciprofloxacin should not be administered to infants and children
f) Clavulinic acid is combined with Amoxycillin
g) Sulbactam is combined with Ampicillin
h) Multidrug therapy is recommended in Tuberculosis
i) Aminoglycosides can potentiate the action of Pancuronium (3)
5. Discuss the Pharmacotherapy of: (2 marks each)
a) Enteric fever
b) Cerebral malaria
6. Enumerate therapeutic uses and mechanism of action of Fluconazole (2)
7. Write therapeutic uses and adverse effects of: (2 marks each)
a) Ciprofloxacin
b) Dapsone

8. What happens if: (2 marks each)

a) Terfanidine is given with erythromycin/ ketoconazole
b) Rifampicin is given with oral contraceptives
c) Probenecid is given with ampicillin
9. Write short notes on: (2 marks each)
a) Zidovudine
b) Carboxypenicillins
c) Rifampicin
d) Acyclovir
e) Monobactams
f) Mebendazole
g) Mefloquine
h) Linezolid
i) Gatifloxacin
j) Albendazole
k) Gentamycin
l) Ketoconazole
m) Co-amoxiclav (see Penicillins)
10. Discuss the management of ( 2 marks each)
a) Extra intestinal amoebiasis
b) Hook worm infestation
c) Lepromatous Leprosy
11. Discuss rationale for use of: (2 marks each)
a) Multiple drug therapy in tuberculosis
b) Combination chemotherapy for treatment of tuberculosis
12. Discuss mechanism of action, side effects and therapeutic uses of Penicillins (4)
13. Role of combination chemotherapy in treatment of leprosy (2)
14. Discuss briefly the Management of: (2 marks each)
a) Acute attack of malaria due to P. Vivax
b) Management of Tubercular Meningitis
c) Community acquired Pneumonia
d) Fresh case of Pulmonary Tuberculosis ( Category-1)
15. Describe the role of : (2 marks each)
a) Primaquine in relapsing Malaria
b) Dilloxanide furoate in intestinal amoebiasis
16. Write the treatment of: (2 marks each)
a) Trichomonas Vaginitis
b) Shortest course for Tuberculosis
17. Discuss briefly different generations of Cephalosporins with their pharmacological
activity, therapeutic uses and adverse effects (8 marks)
18. Uses of Tetracyclines (2)
19. Discuss in brief the pharmacological basis for the use of Rifampicin in Leprosy (2)
20. Write briefly on treatment of Trichomoniasis (3)
21. Write treatment of multibacillary Leprosy and side effects of drugs used (8 marks)
22. Write briefly on Antipseudomonal Penicillins (3)
23. Write briefly on treatment of Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus infection (2)
24. Write briefly on Mechanism of Antiviral action of Zidovudin (2)
25. Classify drugs used in Tuberculosis. Describe the mechanism of action, adverse effects
and use of Isoniazid in different forms of Tuberculosis (8 marks)
26. Briefly discuss (3 marks each)
a) Extended spectrum Penicillins
b) Albendazole
c) Topical anti-fungal agents
d) Zidovudine
e) Stiboglyconate Sodium
f) Benzimidazoles
27. Write the treatment of Chloroquine resistant Malaria. Discuss the pharmacological
actions and adverse effects of Quinine (8 marks)
28. Justify the use of: (3 marks each)
a) Clavulonic acid with Amoxicillin in treatment of Staphylococcal infections
b) Pyridoxin with Isoniazid in tuberculosis
29. Outline the mechanisms involved in the antibacterial action of antibiotics and write drug
treatment of Enteric fever (8 marks)
30. Give explanation: (3 marks each)
a) Sulfamethoxazole is combined with Trimethoprim
b) Use of Chloramphenicol results in Grey baby syndrome


1. Discuss briefly the Mechanism of action, indications & adverse effects of Methotrexate
2. Explain why Folinic acid and not Folic acid is used with high doses of Methotrexate
3. Write therapeutic uses and adverse effects of Thalidomide (2)
4. Short note on Thalidomide (2)
5. Describe the role of Thalidomide in ENL reaction (2)
6. Discuss adverse drug reactions and measures to reduce risks of Anti Cancer drugs (4)
7. Discuss in brief the pharmacological basis for the use of Thalidomide in Lepra reaction
8. Write briefly on Methotrexate (3)


1. Write short notes on (2 marks each)

a) Penicillamine
b) Iron-chelators
c) Immunosuppressant agents
d) Fat soluble vitamins
e) Vitamins as Hematinics
f) Vitamin B12
g) Desferrioxamine
2. Discuss the following with suitable examples:
a) Chelation of heavy metals (4)
3. Write therapeutic uses and adverse effects of:
a) Trientine (2)
4. Give the rationale for use of Cyclosporin in Organ Transplant (2)
5. Discuss briefly the management of: (2marks each)
a) Pediculosis (see chapter 63)
b) Acne Vulgaris (see chapter 62)
6. Explain why Pyrodoxin (Vit. B6) is given along with Isoniazid (2)
7. Write briefly on Chloroxylenol(3)
8. Write briefly on Drug interactions involving Vit. B6 (2)
9. Write briefly on Adverse consequences of topical antibiotic use (2)


1. When Warfarin sodium and Phenytoin sodium are given in combination

2. Digitalis is given with Thiazides
3. Terfanidine is given with erythromycin/ ketoconazole
4. Rifampicin is given with oral contraceptives
5. Probenecid is given with ampicillin

For Bacterial Conjunctivitis (3) see the EYE BOOK of 3rd year

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