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1. harry and bsl were together in oxford, they are friends. harry is a rich man and bsl is an artist.

bsl painted a
portrait very beautiful, his portrait were about a beautiful young man. harry said "you must shown it in a gallery"
but bsl said "i do not want that". harry asked "who is the young man in the portrait?" , bsl said the story about
how met Dorian Gray and he.
2. harry and dorian gray meet at bsl's house, bsl said to Dorian than harry were a bad influence in the persons. bsl
painted a portrait life-sized of Dorian. Dorian an Harry talked and harry said "dorian, you must enjoy the life, you
are a young and beatiful man"
3. bsl ended the portrait, dorian gray was sad and angry because the portrait always would beautiful but he would
old, wrinkled and ugly. Dorian said "I want than the portrait get older and I am always be young"
4. harry and Dorian talk, dorian said "I fell in love" harry asked "who are she?" so Dorian said "she is an actress, I
met she in a play, she was Julieta. I saw that play for three weeks and finallyed I speak whit she. I want than you
meet she this night." Harry said "yes"
5. the Sibyl Vanes Family were fright with the arrival of "prince charming", Sibyl was fall in love and his mother
and brother they did not agree with that.
6. BSl, harry and Dorian went to the theater to see Silby, Dorian said "she is a great actress" the play started and
when Silby go out she was the baddest actress at the world. in that night Dorian ended their relationship with
7. the Doran's Wishes they came true, he would always stay young and beautiful. He decided never see harry again
and marry with Silby so he wrote a letter love
8. harry knocks Dorian's door but he does not want to open, he finally opens it and harry tells him that sibyl died,
committed suicide after the play
9. Dorian asks his servants to put his picture in the attic because he does not want anyone to see it, he closes the
attic with a key and he stays with that key that is unique
10. Dorian kept the painting seventeen years old and he still looked like a handsome young man of 20 although bad
things were said about him
11. Basil sees Dorian in the street and speaks to him, basil tells him that the gentle man who painted him no longer
exists, that he is now someone else
12. Dorian killed Basil, tries to forget that but can not, anything he does reminds him of basil. Dorian painted and
wrote poems and all had to do with basil
13. Dorian meets sibyl's brother and he wants to kill him but Dorian tells him about his curse of being young forever
and does not kill him
14. Dorian used to shoot guns and one day among the trees was Silby's brother, who spied on Dorian, and sibyl's
brother received a bullet and died
15. Dorian decides to die, breaks his portrait with a knife and he falls to the dead ground looking like the old and
ugly man that should be, the portrait becomes beautiful again

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