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Water moves from a place where it is concentrated to a place where it is less concentrated.

Hypertonic has lower water potential/ greater solute potential

Hypotonic greater water potential/ lower solute potential

Facilitated diffusion
Unidirectional transport from high to low along gradient
NO energy but use proteins
i.e. water uses aquaporin

Active transport
Transport against gradient (low to high) using energy from ATP hydrolysis primary active
i.e. sodium potassium pump
Charge gradient secondary active transport
Symport 2 things move in same direction Na/ Glucose pump
Sodium moves from high charge to low charge, this movement creates energy from glucose to

ANTIport2 things move in opposite direction Na/K pump

The movement of ions helps the membrane establish a potential by establishing an ion gradient
Electrochemical gradient a gradient composed due to charge and concentration
Proton pump functions in the stomach

Cotransport proton pump helps bring in sucrose

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