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Hello! (Merhaba)
Hi! (Selam)
Hey! (Hey!)
Hi there! (Merhaba)
Hello there! (Merhaba)
Good morning! (Gnaydn)
Good afternoon! (Tnaydn)
Good evening! (yi akamlar)
Good night! (yi geceler)


How are you? (Naslsn?)

How are you doing? (Naslsn?)
How is it going? (Nasl gidiyor?)
How are things? (Durumlar nasl?)
What's new? (Ne haber?)
What's up? (Ne var ne yok?)
What's going on? (Neler yapyorsun?)
Where have you been? (Nerelerdesin?)
Where have you been hiding yourself? (Nerelerde gizleniyordun?)
Are you doing OK? (yi misin?)
How are you feeling? (Kendini nasl hissediyorsun?)
How's the world treating you? (Hayatla aran nasl?)
How's business? (ler nasl?)
What's happening? (Hayatnda ne olup bitiyor?)
How's everything (Vaziyet nasl?)


Thanks, I am fine (Saol, iyiyim)

Fine (yiyim)
Great! (Harika)
All right (Fena deil)
I am OK (yiyim)
Cool! (Bomba gibiyim)
I am cool! (Harikaym)
Could be better (Daha iyi olabilirdi)
Not bad (Fena deil)
So so (Eh, yle byle)
Not so great (O kadar da iyi deil)
Not so hot (Pek iyi saylmaz)
I've been better (Daha iyiydim)
I've running around (Koturup duruyoruz)
Keeping busy (Urap duruyoruz)
No complaints (Bir ikayetim yok Allaha kr)
Same as usual (Her zamanki gibi)
I've seen better days (Daha iyi gnlerimiz de oldu)
I'm snowed under (ok younum)
Not a moment to spare (Boa harcayacak bir dakikam yok)
No time to breathe (Nefes almaya vaktim yok)
There aren't enough hours in a day (Yirmidrt saat yetmiyor)


Good-bye (Allahasmarladk)
Good day (yi gnler)
Good evening (yi akamlar)
Good night (yi geceler)
Good-bye until later (Bir dahaki sefere kadar hoakal)
See you (Grrz)
See you soon (Yaknda grrz)
See you later (Sonra grrz)
I'll see you real soon (ok yaknda grrz)
I'll catch you later (Seninle sonra grrz)
See you tomorrow (Yakn grrz)
See you next time (Bir dahaki sefere grrz)
Let's get in touch (Grelim)
It was good to see you (Seni grmek gzeldi)
Don't forget to call (Aramay unutma)
Let's write (Yazalm)
I'll be in tocuh (Temas halinde olacam)


This is my friend Jack (Bu arkadam John)

I'd like you to meet my friend John (Sizlere arkadam John'u tantrmak istiyorum)
Mary, this is Jack. Jack, Mary (Mary, bu Jack. Jack, bu Mary)
Let me introduce you my friend Michael (Size arkadam Michael' tantrym)
Have you met before? (Siz daha nce tanmmydnz?)
Jack, do you know Mary? (Jack, Mary'yi tanyor musun?
Do you know eachother? (Birbirinizi tanyor musunuz?)
Mary, shake hands with the president (Mary, bakanla el sk)
Have you two been introduced? (Sizi tantrdlar m?)
Jack, this is the man I was telling you about (Jack, bu sana bahsettiim kii)
Let me introduce you myself (Size kendimi tantym)


Nice to meet you (Tantmza memnun oldum)

Good to meet you (Tantmza memnun oldum)
Nice meeting you (Sizinle tanmak ok ho)
It's a great pleasure to meet you (Sizinle tanmak byk zevk)
Glad to meet you (Tantmza memnun oldum)
It's a great pleasure to have finally met you (Sonunda sizinle tanabilmek byk zevk)
How nice to meet you (Sizinle tanmak ne kadar gzel)
How do you do (Memnun oldum)
A pleasure (Sizinle tanmak bana zevk verdi)

Food and Drink



Would you like smoking or nonsmoking? (Sigaral blm m sigarasz blm m?)
How many in your party? (Ka kiisiniz?)
Do you have a reservation? (Rezevasyon yapmmydnz?)
I'll have a table ready in two minutes (ki dakika iinde masanz hazrlyorum)
Would you like to see the menu? (Meny grmek istermiydiniz?)
Are you ready to order? (Sipari iin hazrmsnz?)
Let me tell you our specials today (Bugnk spesiyallerimizi syleyeyim)
May I take your order, please? (Sipari alabilir miyim?)
What will it be? (Ne alrdnz?)
Can I get you something to drink with that? (Yannda iecek birey istermiydiniz?)
Would you care for a dessert? (Tatl istermisiniz?)
Is there anything I can get for you? (Yardmc olabileceim birey var m?)
Let me show you the dessert tray? (Size tatl tepsisini gstereyim)
For here or to go? (Burada m, paket mi?)
Here or take away? (Burada m, paket mi?)
Do you want that to go? (Paket mi istiyorsunuz?)
Here you go (Buyurun)
Here is your order (Sipariiniz hazr)
Thank you and come again (Teekkrler, tekrar bekleriz)
Would you like to start with a coctail? (Bir kokteylle balamak istermiydiniz?)
Would you like coffee? (Kahve ister misiniz?)
Cream or sugar? (Krema, eker?)
I am sorry we are out of that (Kusura bakmayn, ondan kalmad)
Sorry, it's all gone (zr dilerim, hepsi bitti)
How would you like that prepared? (Nasl hazrlamam istersiniz?)
Do you need any napkins? (Peete ister misiniz?)
Would you like some salt and pepper? (Biraz tuz ve biber istermiydiniz?)


A table for two, please (ki kiilik bir masa ltfen)

I'd like a non-smoking table for four (Sigara iilmeyen blmden drt kiilik bir masa lften)
I have a reservation (Rezervasyon yaptrmtk)
Do you have a non-smoking section? (Sigara iilmeyen blmnz var m?)
Another party will be sitting here? (Buraya bir grup daha gelecek)
Excuse me, can you come here for a second? (Afedersiniz, bir saniye bakar msnz?)(
Could I see menu please? (Meny grebilir miyim ltfen?)
We haven't decided what to order yet (Henz ne sipari edeceimize karar vermedik)
We need more minutes to decide (Karar vermek iin birka dakikaya ihtiyacmz var)
We're ready to order (Sipari verebiliriz)
Can you take our orders, please? (Sipari alabilir misiniz ltfen?)
What are the specials? (Spesiyaliteler neler?)
What would you suggest? (Ne yememizi nerirsiniz?)
What's the soup of the day? (Gnn orbas ne?)
Do you have vegetariam dishes? (Vejeteryan yemekleriniz var m?)
May I have a burger and fries? ( Hamburger ve patates kzartmas alabilir miyim?)
Give me a hot dog with the works (Hereyi yannda bir sosisli ltfen)
I'll have a burger with everything (Hereyi yannda bir hamburger)
Can I have a small soda, please? (Bir ufak soda alabilir miyim ltfen?)
No ketchup (Ketap olmasn)
No onions (Soan koymayn)
Go easy on the onions (Soan fazla koymayn)
Take it easy on the ketchup (Ketap fazla olmasn)
To go please (Paket olsun, ltfen)
For here, please (Burada yiyeceim)
I'll eat it here (Burada yiyeceim)
I'd like an espresso (Bir espresso istiyorum)
I'd like a mineral water (Bir maden suyu istiyorum)
Just coffee for the moment (imdilik bir tane kahve)
Can you get me a glass of water? (Bir bardak su getirebilir misiniz?)
What kind of dressings do you have? (Ne tr soslarnz var?)
I'd like my steak well done (Bifteimi ok pimi istiyorum)
I'd like my steak rare (Biftek az pimi olsun)
I'd like my steak medium (Biftek orta pisin)
Can I get it rare? (Az pimi olabilir mi?
Could I have some more bread, please? (Biraz daha ekmek alabilir miyim ltfen?)
This meat is too fatty (Bu et ok yal)
The meat is too tough (Et ok sert)
This meal isn't fresh (Bu yemek taze deil)
This soup is cold (Bu orba souk)
Could I speak to the manager, please? (Yneticiyle grebilir miyim?)
I couldn't eat this. Could you wrap it, please? (Bunu yiyemedim. Paket yaparmsnz lften?)
I'd like to take the rest (Geri kalann gtrmek istiyorum)
Could I have the bill, please? (Hesab alabilir miyim?)
Check, please? (Hesap, ltfen)
Seperate checks, please? (Hesab ayr aln)
All together (Hepsini birlikte aln)
Do I pay you or the cashier? (Size mi deyeceiz, kasaya m?)
May I have a receipt, please? (Fi alabilir miyim ltfen?)
There seems to be a mistake (Bir yanllk var gibi gzkyor)
Does this include the tip? (Bunun iinde bahi dahil mi?)
Keep the change (st kalsn)
Is there somewhere we could wash our hands? (Ellerimizi ykayabileceimiz bir yer var m acaba?)


I'm hungry (Ben am)

I'm starving (Alktan lyorum)
I'm so hungry that I could eat a horse (yle am ki bir at yiyebilirim)
I'm dying of hunger (Alktan lyorum)
I'm famished (Karnm zil alyor)
When do we eat? (Ne zaman yiyoruz?)
What's for supper? (Yemekte neler var?)
What are we having? (Ne yiyoruz?)
Dinner is ready (Akam yemei hazr)
It's time to eat (Yemek zaman)
Shall we say grace? (Dua edelim mi?)
Could you pass me the salt please? (Tuzu uzatabilir misin, ltfen?)
Would you care for some cheese? (Biraz peynir ister misin?)
Could I have seconds, please? (Biraz daha alabilir miyim?)

Making Friends
(Arkadalk Kurma)

We're like brothers. (Karde gibiyiz.)

He's my closest friend. (O benim en yakn arkadam.)
She's my best friend. (O benim en iyi arkadam.)
She's like a sister to me. (O benim bacm gibidir.)
We're the closest friend. (En yakn arkadalarz.)
We're pretty tight. (Olduka yaknz.)
He's a dear friendb. (O deerli bir arkadatr.)
What a character! (Ne tip ama!)
Ahmet is one of a kind. (Ahmet trnn tek rneidir.)
We're cut from the same cloth. (Ayn hamurdan yorulmuuz.)
We're like two peas in a pod. (Tpatp birbirimize benzeriz.)


May I join you? (Size katlabilir miyim?)

Mind if I join you? (Size katlmamda bir saknca var m?)
Care to join us? (Bize katlmak ister misin?)
Is this seat taken? (Bu sandalye bo mu?)
Could I buy you a drink? (Size bir iki alym m?)
What are you drinking? (Ne iersiniz?)
Would you like to dance? (Dans edermisiniz?)
Could I have the next dance? ( Bir sonraki dans bana ltfeder misiniz?)
What's your sign? (Burcunuz nedir?)
Do you come here often? (Buraya sk sk gelir misiniz?)
Do you have a light? (Ateiniz var m?)
Need a lift? (Sizi arabayla brakaym m?)
Are you going my way? (Yolumuz ayn m?)
Going my way? (Yolumuz ayn m?)
Where have you been all my life? (imdiye kadar nerelerdeydiniz?)


May I help you? (Yardmc olabilir miyim?)

Can I help you find something? (Birey bulmanza yardm edebilir miyim?)
Can I show you with something? (Size birey gsterebilir miyim?)
Are you being helped? (Size bakan var m?)
Is there anything I can help you with? (Yardmc olabileceim bir konu var m?)
If you need me, I'll be around (Bana ihtiyacnz olursa, ben civardaym)
If I can help you, just let me know (Eer yardm gerekirse haberim olsun)
What are you interested in? (Ne bakmtnz?)
Are you looking for something in particular? (Belirli birey mi aryorsunuz?)
Do you have something specific in mind? (Aklnzda zel birey var m?)
What size do you need? (Ka beden istiyorsunuz?)
Do you know what size you are? (Bedeninizi biliyor musunuz?)
That's on sale this week? (O bu hafta indirimde)
I've got just your size (Tam sizin bedeninize uygun bireyimiz var)
Can I suggest this? (Size bunu nerebilir miyim?)
Do you need anything to go with that? (Bununla gidecek birey ister misiniz?)
That looks nice on you (zerinizde gzel durdu)
That looks great on you (zerinizde harika durdu)
That's your colour (Tam sizin renginiz)
This is you (Sizi ok at)
How would you like to pay for this? (Bunu nasl demek isterdiniz?)
Will that be cash or credit? (Nakit mi, kredi kart m?)
We don't have that in your size (Bunun size gre olan bedeni yok)
Whe don't have it in that colour (Bu renkte yok)


When are you open? (Ne zaman aksnz?)

When do you open? (Ne zaman ayorsunuz?)
What are your hours? (alma saatleriniz nelerdir?)
I'm looking for something for my father (Babam iin birey bakyordum)
It's a gift (Hediye olacak)
I don't know his size (Bedenimi bilmiyorum)
Can you measure me? (Bedenimi lebilir misiniz?)
Thank you, I'm just looking (Saolun, sadece bakyorum)
I'm just browsing (Sadece bir gz gezdiriyorum)
I can't make up my mind (Kafam toparlayamyorum)
Do you have this shirt in yellow? (Bu tirtn sars var m?)
Do you have these shoes in suede? (Bu ayakkabnn seti var m?)
Have you got something less expensive? (Daha uzuz bireyiniz var m?)
It it on sale? (Bu indirimde mi?)
Do you have a t-shirt to match this? (Buna uyacak bir tirtnz var m?)
Where is the fitting room? (Elbise deitirme kabini nerede?)
I'd like to try this on (Bunu denemek istiyorum)
It's too tight (Bu ok dar)
It's too loose (Bu ok geni)
It's a little bit expensive (Bu biraz pahal)
It's a little pricey (Bu biraz tuzlu)
Can you hold it for me? (Bunu benim iin saklayabilir misiniz?)
Can I get it gift-wrapped? (Hediye paketi yapabilir misiniz?)
Would you please gift-wrap that? (Ltfen hediye paketi yapabilir misiniz?)
How much is it? (Ka lira?)
How much does it cost? (Fiyat ne kadar?)



Do I have to change planes? (Aktarma yapmam gerekecek mi?)

Is it direct? (Direk uu mu?)
How many items of carry-on luggage are permitted? (Yanma ne kadar el bagaj alabilirim?)
How much luggage can I carry on? (Ne kadar bagaj alabilirim?)
Is there a layover? (ki sefer arasnda bekleme var m?)
How long is the layover? (Bekleme sresi ne kadar?)
There is a one-hour layover in Ankara (Ankara'da aktarma bir saat srecek)
When does the next flight leave? (Bir sonraki uu ne zaman?)
What's the departure time? (Hareket saati ne zaman?)
When does the plane get here? (Uak buraya ne zaman varr?)
What's the arrvial time? (Var ne zaman?)
When will I make my connection? (Ne zaman aktarma yapacam?)
I have to cancel my flight (Uuumu iptal etmek zorundaym)
I lost my luggage (Bagajm kaybettim)
My luggage is missing (Bagajm kayp)
The flight has been delayed (Uu iptal edildi)
The flight has been moved to gate M2 (Uu M2 kapsna ynlendirildi)
The flight is overbooked (Uakta koltuk saysndan fazla yolcu var)
May I see your boarding pass? (Bini kartnz grebilir miyim?)


Are you bringing anything into the country with you? (Yannzda lkeye birey sokuyor musunuz?)
How much currency are you bringing into the country? (lkeye ne kadar para getiriyorsunuz?)
Do you have anything to declare? (Gmre tabi bireyiniz var m?)
May I see your passport? (Pasaportunuzu grebilir miyim?)
Do you have your visa? (Vizeniz var m?)
Please place your suitcases on the table (Ltfen antalarnz masann stne koyun)
We should examine your purse (Czdannz incelememiz gerekiyor)
What's the nature of your trip? (Seyahatinizin ierii nedir?)
What's the purpose of your visit? (Ziyaretinizin amac nedir?)
How long do you plan on staying? (Ne kadar kalmay planlyorsunuz?)


Is it direct? (Direk mi?)

Is there a layover? (Mola var m?)
Is there a dining car? (Yemekli vagon var m?)
Is the train on time? (Tren zamannda hareket edecek mi?)
What's the arrival time? (Var ne zaman?)
Are there seats available? (Bo yer var m?)
Stand clear of the doors (Kaplardan uzak durun!)
Please move away from the doors (Ltfen kaplarn yanndan uzaklan)
Please have your tickets ready for the conductor (Ltfen kondktr gelmeden biletlerinizi hazrlayn)
Is this seat occupied? (Bu koltuk bo mu acaba?)
Can you crack the window, please? (Cam aralayabilir misiniz ltfen?)
How many stops are there before we reach the end of the line? (Son duraa ka durak kald?)
When is the next stop? (Bir sonraki durak ne zaman?)


Is it direct? (Direk mi?)

Is there a layover? (Mola var m)
Do we stop for the meals? (Yemek molas verilecek mi?)
Can I check my baggage through? (Bagajm emanete brakabilir miyim?)
Can I reserve a seat in advance? (nceden yer rezervasyonu yapabilir miyim?)
Is the bus on time? (Otobs zamannda hareket edecek mi?)
Is anyone sitting here? (Burada kimse oturuyor mu?)
What is the fare? (cret ne kadar?)
Could I have a transfer, please? (Bir transfer bileti alabilir miyim?)
Does this bus go to downtown? (Bu otobs ehir merkezine gidiyor mu acaba?)
How far does this bus go? (Bu otobs nereye kadar gidiyor?)
Could you let me know when we get to Aksaray? (Aksaraya geldiimizde bana haber verebilir misiniz
Can you tell me where to get off? (neceim yeri bana syleyebilir misiniz?)
Move to the rear, please? (Arkaya ilerleyin, ltfen?)

Where to? (Nereye?)
Where to, buddy? (Nereye abi?)
Where to, lady? (Nereye bayan?)
I am not on duty (u an almyorum?)
Mind if I smoke? (Sigara imemin bir sakncas var m?)
It's rush hour. I can't go to the airport now. (u an trafik ok kt. Havaalanna gidemem)
To the airport and please be quick! (Havaalanna gidiyoruz, ltfen ok acele edin!)
The train station and make it quick! (Tren istasyonuna ek ve acele et!)
Slow down! (Yavala!)
There is no need to hurry (Acele etmemize gerek yok)
Please drive safely (Ltfen arac emniyetli bir ekilde sr)
Is smoking allowed? (Sigara iiliyor mu?)
I'm allergic to smoke (Sigaraya kar alerjim var)
Do you have change for twenty? (Yirmi dolar bozuun var m?)
Keep the change! (st kalsn)
I want a receipt (Fi istiyorum)
Watch out! (Dikkat et!)
Look out! (Dikkatli ol!)
We've missed the exit (k kardk)
We're lost (Kaybolduk)


I need a room please? (Bir oda rica edecektim?)

I need a room with a single bed. (Tek yatakl bir oda istiyorum.)
I need a room with a double bed. (ift kiilik bir oda istiyorum.)
Do you have any singles? (Tek kiilik odanz var m?)
Do you have any vacancies? (Bo yeriniz var m?)
A double, please? (ift kiilik bir oda ltfen?)
A room with a bath, please. (Banyolu bir oda ltfen)
Can I reserve a room? (Bir oda ayrabilir miyim?)
Can I book a room? (Bir oda ayrabilir miyim?)
I have a reservation. (Rezervasyon yaptrmtm.)
Double occupancy, please. (ki kiilik bir oda ltfen.)
I need a room with two single beds. (ki ayr yatakl bir oda istiyorum.)
I need a room with a double bed. (ki kiilik yatakl bir oda istiyorum.)
We will need a crib for the baby. (Bebek iin bir karyola istiyoruz.)
Would you like a room with a view of the swimming pool? (Yzme havuzu manzaral bir oda istermiy
Would you prefer a non-smoking room? (Sigara iilmeyen bir oda ister miydiniz?)
I'd like a room at the front. (n tarafa bakan bir oda istiyorum.)
I'd like a room at the rear. (Arka tarafta bir oda istiyorum.)
I'd like a room with a view of the sea. (Deniz manzaral bir oda istiyorum.)
I'd like a room for the week. (Haftalk bir oda istiyorum.)
I'd like a wake-up call, please. (Uyandrma servisi istiyorum.)
Where is the ice-machine? (Buz makinesi nerede?)
Do you have a pool? (Havuzunuz var m?)
What are the rates? (cretler nasl?)
Is there a restaurant? (Lokanta var m?)
Are pets allowed? (Evcil hayvanlar kabul ediliyor mu?)
When's the check-out? (Oday ne zaman boaltrsnz?)
I need to check out. (Ayrlmak istiyorum.)
I'd like a receipt. (Makbuz rica edebilir miyim?)


I have to study. (Ders almam lazm.)

I have got a midterm tomorrow. (Yarn ara snavm var.)
I have got a big test tomorrow. (Yarn byk bir snavm var..)
Could you explain that again? (Bunu tekrar aklayabilir misiniz?)
I still don't understand. (Hala anlamyorum.)
I don't understand your English. (ngilizce konumanz anlamyorum.)
When's the final exam? (Genel snav ne zaman?)
When is the midterm? (Ara snav ne zaman?)
What will the test cover? (Snavda neler kacak?)
What's on the test? (Testte neler sorulacak?)
Can you tell me what grade I'm getting? (Ka aldm syleyebilir misiniz?)
What's the grading curve? (Not ortalamas nasl?)
Can I talk to you about my grade? (Sizinle notum hakknda konuabilir miyim?)
When will we have to turn our homework? (devimizi ne zaman teslim etmemiz gerekiyor?)
Will there be a quiz? (Yoklama olacak m?)
What text are required? (Hangi kitaplar gerekiyor?)
How can I help my kid with the homework? (ocuuma devle ilgili nasl yardmc olabilirim?)
She's having a hard time with the homework. (devleri yaparken ok zorlanyor.)



She looks like a million bucks. (ok salkl grnyor.)

I feel like a million dollars. (Kendimi ok iyi hissediyorum.)
I'm fresh as daisy. (Kendimi ok zinde hissediyorum.)
He's healthy as a horse. (Salk durumu ok iyi)
You are fit as a fiddle. (Turp gibisin.)
She looks tired. (Yorgun gzyyor.)
You look like a hell. (Berbat grnyorsun.)
He's a sight. (Pasakl grnyor.)
You look like you've been to hell and back. (ok paspal grnyorsun.)
Are you all right.? (yi misin?)
Do you feel all right? (Kendini iyi hissediyor musun?)
You look flushed. (Heyecanl grnyorsun.)
You look pale. (Solgun grnyorsun.)
You are white as a ghost. (Hayalet gibi grnyorsun.)
I am allergic to dogs. (Kpeklere alerjim var.)
I am allergic to polen. (iektozlarna alerjim var.)
I have hayfever. (Saman nezlem var.)
My nose is stuffed up. (Burnum tkal.)
I can't breathe. (Nefes alamyorum.)
Bless you. (ok yaa)
My eyes are puffy. (Gzlerim imi.)
I am sick. (Hastaym.)
I am sick as a dog. (ok fena hastaym.)
I feel terrible. (Kendimi ok berbat bir halde hissediyorum.)
I feel sick to my stomach. (Midem bulanyor.)
I feel nauseous. (Midem bulanyor.)
I have a headache. (Bam aryor.)
I have a migraine. (Migrenim var.)
I am so dizzy. (Bam ok fena dnyor.)
I need a nap. (Biraz ekerleme yapmam lazm.)
My head is pounding. (Bam zonkluyor.)
Is it caching? (Bulac m?)
Does it hurt when I touch? (Dokunduumda acyor mu?)
Have you had this problem before?
How long have you had this problem? (Ne zamandr bu ikayetiniz var?)
I have a pain in my back. (Srtmda bir ar var.)
My ankle is swollen. (Bileim i.)
I am bleeding. (Kan kaybediyorum.)
I feel weak. (Kendimi gsz hissediyorum.)
It hurst after I eat. (Yemekten sonra aryor.)
I have been throwing up. (Kusuyorum.)
I lose my dinner. (Kusuyorum.)
I am really sleepy. (ok uykusuzum.)

(Para Meseleleri)


I'd like to apply for a loan. (Kredi iin bavurmak istiyorum.)

I'd like to mortgage my home. (Evimi ipotek ettirmek istiyorum.)
I'd like a variable interest rate mortgage. (Deiken faiz oranl ipotek istiyorum.)
Do you provide balloon loans. (Balon kredileriniz var m?)
I'd like to open a savings account. (Tasarruf hesab atrmak istiyorum.)
I'd like close out my savings account. (Tasarruf hesab kapatmak istiyorum.)
I'd like to purchase a certificate of deposit. (Yatrm belgesi almak istiyorum.)
Where is teh automatic teller machine? (Bankamatik nerede?)
Press your PIN number here. (PIN numaranz buraya girin.)
Enter your personal identification number. (Kiisel kimlik numaranz girin.)
Tens and twenties please. (Onluk ve yirmilik olsun ltfen.)
I'd like to cash a check. (Bir ek bozdurmak istiyordum.)
I'd like to make a deposit. (Mevduat yaptrmak istiyorum.)
I'd like to transfer money into my savings account. (Tasarruf hesabma para havale etmek istiyorum
I'd like to make withdrawal. (Para ekmek istiyorum.)
What is the interest rate? (Faiz oranlar nedir?)
I'd like to buy some foreign currency. (Biraz dviz almak istiyorum.)
Do you have bank by mail? (Posta yoluyla ilem yapabilir miyim?)
Can you give me a new banking card? (Bana yeni bir banka kart verir misiniz?)
I need some change. (Biraz bozuk paraya ihtiyacm var.)
I need a roll of quarters. (25 centlik bozuk para istiyorum.)
You are overdrawn. (Hesabnzdaki miktardan daha fazla para ekmisiniz.)

(I Meseleleri)


Name (sim)
Phone (Telefon)
Address (Adres)
Preious occupation (nceki i)
Income level (Gelir dzeyi)
Sex (Cinsiyet)
Gender (Cinsiyet)
Religion (Din)
DOB (Doum tarihi)
Place of birth (Doum yeri)
SSN (Sosyal gvenlik numaras)
Marital status (Medeni durum)
Account number (Hesap numaras)
Race (Irk)
Ethnic gruop (Etnik grup)
Age (Ya)
What is the salary (Maa ne kadar)
Is it part time or full time? (Tam gn m yoksa yarm gn m?)
What are the benefits? (Yan demeler nasl?)
What are the hours? (alma saatleri nelerdir?)
What are your qualification? (Ne gibi zellikleriniz var?)
What is your degree in? (Dereceniz nedir?)
May I see your resume? (zgemiinize bakabilir miyim?)
Why did you leave your last job? (Son iinizden niye ayrldnz?)
I'd like to file a complaint. (Bir ikayette bulunmak istiyorum.)
I know the work from A to Z. (le ilgili hereyi biliyorum.)
It is not in my job description. (Bu benim i tanmmn iinde yer almyor.)
On the telephone


Hello (Alo)
Michael residence (Michael'in evi)
This is John Black. (Ben John Black)
Mary, may I help you. (Ben Mary, yardmc olabilir miyim?)
Mary speaking. (Ben Mary)
Who do you want to talk to? (Kiminle konumak isterdiniz?)
Who do you want to speak with? (Kiminle konumak istiyorsunuz?)
May I tell her who is calling? (Ona kimin aradn syleyebilir miyim?)
Whom shall I say is calling? (Kim aryor diyeyim?)
Let me page her. (Onu araym.)
Just a second, I have another call. (Bir saniye, hatta baka biri var.)
Hang on a moment. (Bir saniye bekleyin.)
Hung on a second. (Bir saniye bekleyin.)
For whom are you holding? (Kiminle konumay bekliyordunuz?)
Are you being helped? (Size yardm ediliyor mu?)
He is not in, would you like to call back? (u an burada deil, tekrar aramak ister miydiniz?)
He isn't available. Can I take a message? (Burada deil. Not alabilir miyim?)
Could I take a message? (Not alabilir miyim?)
I really have to go now. (Kapatmam lazm)
Can I call you back? (Seni daha sonra arayabilir miyim?)
Can we continue this later? (Konumaya daha sonra devam edebilir miyiz?)
What is the area code for New York? (New York'un blge kodu nedir?)
I can't get through this number. (Bu numaraya balanamyorum.)
This telephone is out of order. (Bu telefon almyor.)
There is a probelem with the lines. (Hatlarda bir problem var.)
The number is busy. (Numara megul)
The number can't be reached at the moment. (Numaraya u an ulalamyor.)

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