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Journal of Psychology CES

ISSN 2011-3080
Volumen 8 Issue 1 January-June 2015 pp. 1-20 Research Article

Crisis intervention strategy for

attempted suicide in children and
adolescents: interactionist
Estrategia de intervencin en crisis para el intento de suicidio
en nios y adolescentes: perspectiva interaccionista
Juan Carlos Jaramillo Estrada 1, Alejandra Escobar Zuluaga 2, Andrs Felipe
Camacho3, Daniela Gonzlez Londoo3
CES University, Medelln, Colombia
Citation: Jaramillo, J.C., Escobar, A. Camacho, A.F. & Gonzlez L., D. (2015). Crisis intervention strategy for attempted suicide in children and
adolescents: interactionist perspective. Journal of Psychology CES, 8(1), 1-20.

An intervention strategy is presented for suicide attempt in children and adolescents during the crisis period,
based on the approach of symbolic interactionism. Using a qualitative approach and hermeneutic
methodology, 18 in-depth interviews were analyzed of children and adolescents with at least one suicide
attempt and of psychiatrists, psychologists and general practitioners who have treated this type of cases. Two
types of drive to suicide surged, each with two subtypes: The anomic type with "ambivalent" and "desperate
subtypes. The exalted type with subtypes: "matchstick" and "matchstick in gasoline." For each type were defined
specific intervention strategies. It is necessary to discriminate the various types and subtypes of drive to suicide
as an essential aspect to make appropriate interventions adapted to the needs of each case.

Keywords: Suicide Attempted, Symbolic Interactionism, Crisis Theory, Children, Adolescents.

Se presenta una estrategia de intervencin para el intento de suicidio en nios y adolescentes durante el
periodo de la crisis, fundamentada en el interaccionismo simblico. Con enfoque cualitativo y metodologa
hermenutica, se analizaron 18 entrevistas en profundidad a nios y adolescentes con al menos un intento
de suicidio y a psiquiatras, psiclogos y mdicos generales que han atendido casos de intento. Emergieron
dos tipos de empuje al suicidio, con dos subtipos cada uno: El tipo anmico, con subtipos ambivalente
y desesperado. El tipo exaltado, con subtipos: fosforito y fosforito en gasolina. Para cada uno de ellos
se definieron estrategias de intervencin especficas y claramente definidas. Es necesario discriminar los
diversos tipos y subtipos de empuje al suicidio como aspecto imprescindible para realizar intervenciones
pertinentes y ajustadas a las necesidades de cada caso.

Palabras claves: Intento de suicidio, Interaccionismo Simblico, Teora de la Crisis, Nios, Adolescentes

Master in Psychology. Psychologist. Teacher Researcher CES University
Psychologist. Young Investigator Colciencias-University CES. Link Professional School of Psychology, CES - CES Clinic
Undergraduate Psychology Students, University CES.
Juan Carlos Jaramillo Estrada, Alejandra Escobar Zuluaga, Andrs Felipe Camacho & Daniela Gonzlez Londoo

Introduction The perspective of suicide in Colombia

shows suicide rates of 5.02 per 100 000
According with the World Health inhabitants, making it the fourth leading
Organization (WHO, 2012), every year almost cause of violent death in the country
a million persons commit suicide in the (National Institute of Legal Medicine and
world, which supposes a global mortality Forensic Sciences, 2014). Rates of incidence
rate of 16 persons for every 100.000 and prevalence of the problem have
inhabitants, or a death every 40 seconds. increased in recent years, responding to the
Likewise, it reports that every day there is an pattern of global growth of the phenomenon
average of almost 3.000 persons who end reported by the WHO from 60% in the last 45
their life, and at least 20 persons try to years. (WHO, 2012).
commit suicide for each one that does it.
The National Study of Mental Health 2003
Suicide ranks today among the top three shows that 12.3% of Colombians presented
global causes of death in people 15-44 years
suicidal intentions at any point in their lives,
old and the second cause in the group of 10-
4.1% have carried out suicide plans and 4.9%
24 years old, which is now regarded as the
have made suicide attempts. By
highest risk group in a third part of the
differentiating the data by age group, one
countries (WHO, 2009 ). In persons 15 to 19
observes that the greater prevalence of
years old, it has global rates of 8.0 to 9.5 per
100,000 inhabitants and 0.6 per 100,000 suicidal behavior throughout life is among
inhabitants between 5 and 14 years old. the group of 30-44 years old, but if one
(WHO 2010). considers only the year 2012, the prevalence
was greater in youngsters between 18-29
WHO calculates that for year 2020, the years old. (Posada-Villa, Rodriguez, Duque &
magnitude of suicide will grow in 50 per cent, Garzon, 2007)
that is to say, it will reach 1.5 million deaths
per year. Although traditionally the greater In Colombia, about 200 youngsters under 18
rates of suicide have been registered among year old kill themselves every year, that is
males of advanced age, the increase of why suicide has been recognized as a
incidence and prevalence is a worrisome problem that specially affects the youngest
problem in young people, as shown in the population, particularly people between 15
statistics. That is why this group is
and 24 years old (CES University, Ministry of
considered the greatest risk in almost all the
Health of Medellin; Harvard - WHO
countries of the world, and it is recognized
Consortium of Psychiatric Epidemiology,
as a public health problem. (WHO, 2013,
2012). Between January and July 2013, the
country reported 948 cases of suicide; of
For the WHO (2014b), the intervention of which 768 were men and 180 women. The
suicide is one of its priorities, as shown in its age range in which more cases were recorded
Action Plan on mental health 2013-2020 and for both sexes was 20 to 24 years old, with
included in one of its objectives. Objective 128 cases of men and 25 women. According
3: To apply promotion and prevention to the department, Cundinamarca ranks first
strategies related to mental health" (pg.17), with 139 records followed by Antioquia with
with a clearly stipulated goal for the same 132 and, in third place, Valle del Cauca with
one: "World goal 3.2: the rate of suicides will 93 cases (National Institute of Legal
diminish in 10 % in the countries(p.18). Medicine and Forensic Sciences, 2013).

Journal of Psychology CES ISSN 2011-3080 Volumen 8 Issue 1 January-June 2015 pp.1-20
Juan Carlos Jaramillo Estrada, Alejandra Escobar Zuluaga, Andrs Felipe Camacho & Daniela Gonzlez Londoo

Added to the above, the suicide attempt and further aspect, it is possible to point out that
suicide in children and adolescents involves considering the time frame of the strategy,
one of the highest rates of incidence and as that determined by the theory of the
prevalence in the Western world (WHO, crisis, does not make it relevant to the health
2009). That is why; one can understand the workers and other significant persons that
enormous need for new intervention are directly related to the child or
strategies that positively influence the adolescents. Besides, it potentiates the
situation in a timely, innovative and relevant effect of interventions to maximize the
way. optimal time (gold time) that from this
theory is defined for them (up to eight weeks
Although traditionally intervention after the suicide attempt).
strategies on attempted suicide have been
placed in the perspective of risk factor Thus, this strategy responds to the need to
(Carmona, Tobon, Jaramillo & Areiza, 2010a; find alternative interventions that respond
Rojas, 1984), the strategy presented below is to the high incidence and prevalence of
based on the approach of symbolic attempted suicide in children and
interaction. This perspective allows an adolescents, through the creation of a
approach to the phenomenon of suicidal relevant and contextualized strategy in the
behavior, and specifically to the suicide realities of children, adolescents and their
attempt. It is different from the traditional, families, and that tends to adequate care,
since it facilitates understanding the act welfare oriented, to mitigate the high risk of
from the logic of the actors, starting with the re-incidence. A third part of the people who
meanings assigned to these and from there consummate it had previous suicide
offers the essential foundations that allow attempts (Kaplan, cited by Londoo & Zea
the design and implementation of 2001). It is important to point out, that this
contextualized and relevant interventions for proposal is articulated with other
each situation. While one thought, that it researches, which in this line have been
might be useful for health workers who takes carried out in Luis Amigo University
care of children and adolescents with suicide Foundation, University of San Buenaventura
attempt, the strategy is part of a specific (Medellin, Colombia) and the Pontifical
psychic space, the one of the crisis. This Catholic University of Puerto Rico, since
aspect is especially important when you 2008. They are based in the same theoretical
consider that during the "window of the corpus, which lets you create a reference and
crisis", four to eight weeks after the suicide intervention framework that addresses the
attempt the best conditions exist to phenomenon from different perspectives,
generate substantial changes to those and fostering of solidly supported
aspects that form, from the interactionist interventions.
theory, the drive to suicide (Slaikeu, 1988).
Precisely, as a response to the ongoing
Also, to locate yourself in this approach research it intends to create an intervention
implies that no standardized, linear or strategy for the period of the crisis (up to
predetermined interventions for taking care four weeks after suicide attempt) proposed
of children and adolescents who attempted by the theory of crisis and based on the
suicide but, on the contrary, a symbolic interaction under the program
comprehensive framework is offered from "Young researchers and innovators from
which conditions may determine that in Colciencias CES University" for the period
each case, have led the drive to suicide. As a 2013-2014.

Journal of Psychology CES ISSN 2011-3080 Volumen 8 Issue 1 January-June 2015 pp.1-20
Juan Carlos Jaramillo Estrada, Alejandra Escobar Zuluaga, Andrs Felipe Camacho & Daniela Gonzlez Londoo

Conceptual Aspects Linked to the interactionist perspective is

the role theory (Sarbin, 1996), which serves
The symbolic interaction arises in the fourth as an essential basis for the intervention
decade of the twentieth century from the strategy presented. This theory is developed
work of George Mead (1999), with Herbert with input from several authors, but mainly
Blumer its main and most recognized thanks to the proposal developed by Erving
theorist. In 1937 he coined the term Goffman (1991, 2001a, 2001b, 2006), who
symbolic interactionism to name a theory uses the drama to explain the analogical
which he considered a direct extension of interaction of people and what is
the ideas of Mead (Garrido & Alvaro, 2007). constructed from these. Compares life to a
Apart from this author, Blumer picks up scenario in which people interpret some
input from John Dewey, Charles H. Cooley, parts called roles that present in the
interaction. Each person can develop one or
William I. Thomas and Erving Goffman,
several roles in his daily lives, but always
among other sociology and social
trying to prioritize, consciously or
psychology representative theorists for the
unconsciously, the actions of one of them.
construction and definition of this
The roles will give him a social identity and
theoretical approach (Ritzer, 1997; Alvaro serve to set him in a position or status in
Garrido & 2007; Blumer, 1982). front of the rest of the society, which would
be the recipient of the performance of these
Blumer (1982) proposes three basic roles.
premises from which one can understand
the phenomena associated with humans The performance of a role, whatever it is,
beings; these are: involves a series of actions and individual
and associated attitudes, which are usually
1. Human act about things based on the predetermined by society (audience, in the
meanings these things have for them, or analogy of Goffman) and therefore the
what is the same, people act based on the actors, will be judged according to that
meaning attributed to objects and situations expectation, depending on whether there is
around them. correspondence with what was expected of
2. The significance of these things surges their "performance." Such specific actions
from the social interaction that an individual and attitudes of each role are learned
has with other actors. through the interaction with the members of
3. These meanings are used as an the reference groups belonging to people,
interpretation process made by the person known as "role-set" or other generalized,
in his relationship with things they find and other organized and other significant, from a
are modified through such process. more interactionist perspective.

From the role theory, which involves an

This view resembles the perspective interaction between actors, one understands
postulated years ago by Durkheim (1982) on and proposes the suicidal behavior, a way to
suicide, which he describes as a socially intervene over it, to obey to the same
constructed act and points out each society interactionist logic, conceiving the actor and
engenders a different kind of drive to suicide, those around him as it is suggested by
different depending on the dynamics and Blumer (1982). Those dynamic and active
specific characteristics that surge from the processes take advantage of the ability the
same. actor has to change the meaning in
interaction with others.

Journal of Psychology CES ISSN 2011-3080 Volumen 8 Issue 1 January-June 2015 pp.1-20
Juan Carlos Jaramillo Estrada, Alejandra Escobar Zuluaga, Andrs Felipe Camacho & Daniela Gonzlez Londoo

The modern crisis intervention started from during the "window of crisis" because it is a
the study undertaken by Eric Lindemann and period during which they have great
his colleagues at the reaction of people in potential for transformation that, if is used
the fire of Coconut Grove nightclub in positively will contribute decisively to
Boston, United States, on November 28, prevent any further attempt (Rocamora,
1942 (Bellak, 1980; Slaikeu, 1988; Roberts, 2012).
2000). From those sources, Gerald Caplan
(1996) concluded that it is necessary to As for suicidal behavior, which includes
prevent crises in the early stages of suicidal ideology, the suicidal crisis and
development, treating them efficiently, attempt, it is possible to point out that is a
because otherwise they can lead to highly complex behavior and somewhat
disorganization and even mental illness. vague in its definition. Thus, there can be
different conceptual models to address it,
Slaikeu (1988) developed the main among which are highlighted the
assumptions of the crisis theory, in which he categorical, dimensional, etiologic and
says it is possible and necessary to identify multidimensional models (Rocamora, 2012).
the trigger event and it may be due to some
specific event (pregnancy, birth, home- The categorical models are based on the
school transition, disease, etc.) or the description and observation of symptoms
transition between stages of development. and from them, reach a diagnosis that allow
In addition, the author points out that some appropriate interventions. These models
of these events are universally devastating seek universality in its conceptualization and
such as death or rape, while others do not strategies of approach trying to facilitate
facilitate the crisis for themselves but must from there the approach of the phenomena.
be viewed in the context of total Manuals as DSM V and CIE 10 are examples
development of the individual. Thus, the of them.
impact of these events will depend on the
time, intensity, duration, sequence and The dimensional models carry out a
degree of interference with other qualitative analysis of what is considered
developmental events. healthy from ill, with global approaches that
take into account the etiology of the suicidal
The purpose of crisis intervention then, behavior, the clinical, biographical aspects
includes the integration of the event with the and the real context.
life of the individual, in order to suggest that
there is solution of the situation. The event The etiological models include different
and its consequences must eventually take explicative trends of the suicidal behavior
their place along other events, as part of a among them are counted the biological-
developing experience. This solution is genetic theory that suggests organic
made possible thanks to the material, alterations that predispose the
personal and social resources that allow psychological based on the analysis of the
each individual to face in a different way, the basic psycho-pathological readings that
adverse situations. definitely, determine it. These are
sociological theories of Durkeim as its main
It is precisely this feature that allows us to representative that locate in a social
understand the importance of adequate behavior the basic conditions of the suicidal
intervention with children and adolescents behavior and understand it as surging from
who have committed a suicide attempt them, more than an individual matter.

Journal of Psychology CES ISSN 2011-3080 Volumen 8 Issue 1 January-June 2015 pp.1-20
Juan Carlos Jaramillo Estrada, Alejandra Escobar Zuluaga, Andrs Felipe Camacho & Daniela Gonzlez Londoo

Finally, the multidimensional models criteria set out in Resolution 8430 of 1993
pretend to explain the suicidal behavior and with the approval of the relevant ethics
from the perspective that integrate different committees CES University and CES Clinic.
views, among which are the biological,
social, individual and psycho-pathological. General practitioners who work or have
worked in emergency care in cases of
The complexity of the phenomenon allows attempted suicide in children and
consideration of the multiplicity of adolescents were selected. General and
perspectives, which can strengthen its child psychiatrists with experience in
approach if done with a flexible, primary care or in consultation with children
comprehensive and critical look and avoid and/or adolescents who had committed a
other dogmatic reductionist type, or at the suicide attempt. Psychologists with
other end, eclectic. experience in dealing with cases of
attempted suicide among children and
adolescents, especially in the third level of
Methodology intervention, and children or adolescents
between 11 and 18 years old, who had had at
The aim of the project was "To design a least one suicide attempt in a span included
strategy for intervention of attempted among the last four to eight weeks and had
suicide in children and adolescents during psychotherapeutic support at the time of the
the period of crisis, based on symbolic interview. Inclusion criteria for all of them,
interaction". The methodology is part of the was the acceptance of the ethical
qualitative approach to hermeneutics considerations of the project.
methodology. As a technique for data
analysis was used the based theory. In-depth The unit of analysis used was called "The
interviews were conducted because they are Suicide Role" and the categories of analysis:
the best means to know in detail the "Construction of the idea", "Attempted
experience of the interviewed, who were suicide", "Emergency Care", "Therapeutic
directly related with experience or attention process", "Perspective", "Previous training",
of an attempted suicide in children and Social Security System in Health" and
adolescents and, therefore, actors and main "Strategy".
informants to nourish, from their
perspective, the development of the strategy
proposed in the objective. Results

Eighteen in-depth interviews were carried Some general aspects that should be
out with general practitioners, psychiatrists, considered by those undertaking an
psychologists, children and adolescents that intervention with a child or adolescent with
at that moment were linked to a process of suicide attempt during the period of crisis
therapeutic care. According to the were found. Furthermore, two kinds of drive
interactionist perspective, interviews were to suicide emerged, clearly different and that
carried out in a natural environment for each divide in two subtypes.
of the groups. They were done at home, in
the doctors office or in the institutions that General Aspects
provide health services in which they live or
work, guaranteeing anonymity and The general aspects of the intervention with
confidentiality for both patients and a child or adolescent who presents a suicide
professionals interviewed, according to attempt are:

Journal of Psychology CES ISSN 2011-3080 Volumen 8 Issue 1 January-June 2015 pp.1-20
Juan Carlos Jaramillo Estrada, Alejandra Escobar Zuluaga, Andrs Felipe Camacho & Daniela Gonzlez Londoo

Health staff awareness about the human with suicide attempt, which disorient and
situation that involves a suicide attempt generate intrusive interventions and on
many occasions harmful, due to false
It is the first element to be considered in the assumptions upon which they are based.
process of care of a suicide attempt, and Some of the most popular myths are
even more when it is a child or adolescent. It (Carmona et al, 2010b):
is the essential axis, from which they may or
may not be achieved relevant, innovative - Those who attempt suicide do not want to
and timely interventions. If you do not feel die, they are just bragging or manipulating.
the other as a dignified person who is living - He who wants to kill himself does not say,
a very serious problem in his existence and that who says it does not do it.
(perhaps the most serious, questioning of - If he really wanted to kill himself, he would
his existence), it will be difficult to do
have done something more serious; he
something positive for him.
would have thrown himself to the train or
have jumped from the tenth floor.
Qualification of health personnel with regard
- Suicide cannot be prevented, as it always
to the requirements of care of a suicide
attempt, beyond the organic aspects happens on impulse.
- Talking about suicide with someone who is
If awareness is crucial to good care, it defines at risk, may encourage him to do it (p. 34,
the personal qualities of those who are 35).
responsible for it, the qualification points to
how to it, and because of it is an essential Relevant reading of a warning to who
complement to achieving good care. Beyond performs a suicide attempt
the theoretical model implemented, it is
crucial that health staff have a basic theory It is of paramount importance to take into
and strategy, from which to intervene. account the call of attention of children and
adolescents, just as this, the desperate call
Recognition of the personal aspects involved of attention of a person, so much so that he
in the care may even risk his life to demand being heard.
Therefore, one should not confuse the wake-
Understanding that the person attending is up call with a tantrum or act without
the means by which patient care is done. It importance because it is precisely the
is important to consider the personal issues opposite.
that may emerge from the relationship with
children or adolescents with suicide "Then, turning to meaning as the act, then we
attempt: feelings such as anger, fear, find that on one hand is an act of despair, which
helplessness, avoidance are of frequent
is like a wake-up call that is also found in the
occurrence and, as they are acknowledged
investigation, and so we put it. Call the
and controlled, can contribute to improve
attention means: "Come that I have problems,
patient care and welfare of the treated
please listen to me" True. It is not the attention
call "ignore me" which many people have, but
Recognition of the myths associated with rather, "Listen to me, "I need you to look at
suicide me, I need to change this, I need life to
If the staff is sensitized and trained, it will
tend less to be swayed by myths associated

Journal of Psychology CES ISSN 2011-3080 Volumen 8 Issue 1 January-June 2015 pp.1-20
Juan Carlos Jaramillo Estrada, Alejandra Escobar Zuluaga, Andrs Felipe Camacho & Daniela Gonzlez Londoo

Basic conditions of care Anomic Drive to Suicide Type

Some basic elements to consider are the site Type in which the child or adolescent is
where care is performed (lighted and aired), lonely, abandoned, lost, undervalued.
their safety conditions, the chances of Support networks do not offer him security
maintaining confidentiality, of having and he feels no solid supports on which to
sufficient time to attend and not have rely when needed. This type of drive to
distractions during the interview, among suicide is consistent with that described by
others, ensure the trust and confidence of Durkheim.
the patient to express himself.
It is caused by the fact that their activity
Inclusion of the family in the intervention [the peoples] is disorganized and that
process therefore they suffer. Because of its origin,
this last species will be called anomic
While the drive to suicide has always had a
suicide [...]. In anomic suicide, [the
crucial family element, inclusion of them in
society] lacks from the proper individual
the intervention process is essential if you
passions, hereby leaving him the with no
want to modify such a drive. If they are left
brake that regulates the passions (1982, p.
aside, the conditions that led to the attempt
probably will remain the same and will
generate a new attempt in the near future.
When children or adolescents live in a
The problem of opportunity situation in which the rules and limits are
relaxed, relative or ambiguous or do not
Since the crisis theory considers a period of have the accompaniment, appreciation and
4-8 weeks within which significant changes support of other significant or organized
can operate in the person that lives it, it is persons. The conditions for a drive to suicide
very important to consider this situation in are generated of the anomic type,
order to take advantage of this "window of pretending, through this intent, to occupy a
the crisis", to generate changes that allow new place in the reference group, a place
variations in the drive to suicide effectively. where they are recognized and valued or
through which they can "be felt and heard"
The golden time after so long of being silenced.

Linked to the above, the attending staff For the anomic type, the call for attention is
should be aware that every minute spent centered in a desperate search for other
with the patient, every action you make is a (generalized, organized, and significant
unique opportunity to intervene positively, persons) that allow him to feel accepted,
to create conditions for change that in the protected, valued and guided by a support
future, are oriented toward wellness through network. It is an anguished cry that demands
changing roles. Therefore, every moment feeling obligated or sentenced to face to the
should be assumed as if it were the only way world alone, without clear rules to follow to
to help in the best possible manner. achieve success without guidelines about
the limits that may or may not transgress in
Types of drives to suicide his relationship with others and with
Two types of suicide drives were found, himself:
which in turn, are divided into two subtypes:

Journal of Psychology CES ISSN 2011-3080 Volumen 8 Issue 1 January-June 2015 pp.1-20
Juan Carlos Jaramillo Estrada, Alejandra Escobar Zuluaga, Andrs Felipe Camacho & Daniela Gonzlez Londoo

"About eight months later, the child, after we younger children, its characteristics are
came here, was sad because he started living agitation and irritability, very typical of
those statements with psychologists of what childhood depression.
had happened. The boy began to decline in
his studies, knowing that the whole family "When the boy found out, he had a very
began to turn against us, because the strong crisis, I went out after him, Mom I do
relationship with my family, with my mother, not think I will be able to recover my family,
my brothers. My brother was the only one that was my hope (...) He dropped
supporting us and all at once, he stopped everything, no study, no responsibility and
supporting us. Those hearings started, and lower and lower. "
then I do not know what my mom did, so that
no one contacted us. This got the child into a Damaged self-scheme: It is common to find
depression, just to see that he would no that the self-image, self-concept, self-
longer have his cousins that he was not going efficacy and self-esteem are quite
to be invited to the parties and all that." deteriorated, especially in the subtype of the
"overly broad network nodes" (hopeless
Thus, the suicide attempt in the anomic type anomic) because the feeling of being
results in a search for support, abandoned to their fate and that the calls for
accompaniment and help, a call to feel part help do not receive a positive, continent
of a network which gives affection, response get to undermine each of these
appreciation and containment. It is also a dimensions of self-schemes, with the
claim for clear guidelines about what can aggravating circumstance that in these
and cannot do, what should be done or cases, while the drive to suicide stays,
should not done, with an active confirming the anomic message, "the self-
accompaniment during the learning process fulfilling prophecy is fulfilled", making
of those limits. increasingly difficult to implement change
strategies through the emergence of new
I do four or five visits a day including roles.
Saturdays because with these youngsters,
one thing I forgot to tell you is that most of Insecurity: the lack of clear boundaries,
these children are very lonely, they have no ambivalence, relaxation and inconsistencies
mother, no father, and with whom they live is in the rules and limits generate in children
the grandmother. She works in a family home and adolescents issues around security in
and the only day that she rests is on Saturday themselves and the world surrounding them.
afternoon. Then, that day is when I should do Everything can be and not be, everything is
the visit, it is my moral and professional worth and not worth, and everything is
responsibility, then I have no time to write." presented before his eyes tinged with a
feeling of ambivalence and doubt. They have
Psychopathology Associated with Anomic company but it does not work or think they
Type have company when in fact they do not have.
Therefore, they grow up, immersed in this
It is common to find in the anomic type anomic world, which essentially offers
some distinctive psychopathological elements that feed their insecurities.
characteristics that should be evaluated and
intervened, in case that they appear. These However, on many occasions anomia is so
include: strong that even in the absence of pathology,
the drive to suicide is imminent:
Depressive symptoms: with consequent
indifference, anhedonia, apathy, loss of "One often does not see psychopathology in
sense of life. In some cases, especially in them, but one sees a family network, and you

Journal of Psychology CES ISSN 2011-3080 Volumen 8 Issue 1 January-June 2015 pp.1-20
Juan Carlos Jaramillo Estrada, Alejandra Escobar Zuluaga, Andrs Felipe Camacho & Daniela Gonzlez Londoo

say to yourself: 'As this is, next week he will Intervention Strategies of Health Personnel
return to do the same with this terrible family
dysfunction." - Building trust: which is easier if you
understand the state of confusion, anxiety,
Ambivalent Anomic Subtype guilt and/or failure in which the child or
adolescent finds himself, and from there is
In this subtype, are evident that the promoted an empathetic and caring
ambivalence in teaching and approach, focused on listening and avoiding
implementation of limits and rules in other blaming or judging the event.
significant, organized and generalized, which
configures the specific anomic condition. - Tolerating rejection: we must consider the
This implies a form of relationship with attended child or adolescents during the
himself and the world in which "anything period of the crisis is faced with the failure of
goes", as there is no clarity around the their attempt, reason by which he might
references that could provide coherent and have a rejection attitude of health personnel
consistent lines of direction from which the in charge of assisting him. This should not
child or adolescent can compare his be taken as a personal matter, but as part of
performances. That responds, on many the process of adapting to the situation,
occasions, to forms of relationship in which avoiding to confront him or to abandon him
he is given what he wants or is allowed to do to his fate since if he does not want my help
what he wants, to go next to situations of let him go to hell."
inflexibility and very high demands that are
combined again with those lax and relaxed, - Pose short and attainable goals: it is a very
prompting a huge insecurity in him also useful strategy to restore damaged self-
mediated by an optic in which comes first scheme and also to strengthen the
yes-but-no, I do it but I do not do it, all right, therapeutic bond as focused efforts on
but it is wrong, causing huge confusion and attainable goals that may be accompanied in
anxiety in him referred to must be and even their management by attending health
to being. personnel.

"So many times it like fathers do not assume - Value and highlight the small goals of
that such breakage or lack of communication children and adolescents: the tunnel vision
affects children and adolescents and focus
is characterized by a focus on the negative
more on solving their own problems. I do not
aspects and becomes an element that
say that is not important, but how to solve
your own pain of divorce and are not so encourages the drive to suicide, by
worried about the boy, who also has confirming the negative or defeatist
emotions about that." perspective of the child or adolescent. While
small achievements are valued, progressive
Thus, although the persons in charge of training will be carried out, held, by
providing limits and rules to the child or deviating the attention focus from the
adolescent may be present in his life, they negatives aspects and thus, diminishing in
are unable to take a firm and secure position. this way, the negative perception of himself,
This creates conditions in which the child or of others and of the situation.
adolescent does not have security around
what he should do or should not do. Thus, - Know what limits and rules are negotiable
providing a notion of "support network that and which are not: thus, avoiding that he
does not control because of excessive laxity". believes that he may do whatever he wants

Journal of Psychology CES ISSN 2011-3080 Volumen 8 Issue 1 January-June 2015 pp.1-20
Juan Carlos Jaramillo Estrada, Alejandra Escobar Zuluaga, Andrs Felipe Camacho & Daniela Gonzlez Londoo

"because if you say no, he will kill himself", "I had the opportunity for example one that
but also to avoid limiting and controlling told me: "A psychiatrist told me that if I was
him the maximum "because he does not going to kill myself I should not take this; but
have the opportunity to kill himself." It is next time I should take that one that is really
necessary to find a balance between the deadly" and obviously, the next time he took
protection and caring of children and that ... How the hell did this man say such a
adolescents and maintaining their thing?"
autonomy capacity, as much as
circumstances permit it. Hopeless Anomic Subtype

- Return the sense of coherence: if the child In this subtype there is a marked absence of
or adolescent is distressed, he feels lost and people, institutions (family, school) or even
does not know what to do, the attending other generalized (religion, culture)
personnel should convey peace and security, responsible for providing a network of strong
as well as clarity about what should and support based on clearly established limits
should not be done. To get involved by the and rules. Thus, there is a strong sense of
anguish of the child or adolescent and their loneliness and abandonment as no networks
family can be a factor of decisive drive to provide an active support, because the child
suicide because it confirms everything that or adolescent feels he is not cared, attended
has led up to this decision. or protected, giving him a clear message in
which he feels living amid a "Support
- Include other significant persons: that may network that does not contain because of the
be supportive from this communicative logic excessive amplitude between its nodes."
and link. You must pay attention to the Therefore, this role can be defined in a very
significant others who can restore security specific way from the logic of "learned
and consistency to the world of children and helplessness".
adolescents and encourage their presence
during the period of crisis. They may be close "And they were the ones that said: It is very
to people, pets and even objects, it is hard to see little girls alone, that their mother
told them in front of us: The next time you do
important that they are meaningful to him
it, do not bother my life with your problems,
and help him to regain a sense of control and
if you do not want to be alive, die"; Girls
support of others in his life. absolutely alone that are not visited by
anyone or that someone comes to nag them
- Address the communicative style, and tell them:" Look, Look I do not have any
especially the wording: Sometimes health money and now I have to pay a co-payment
personnel serving the child or adolescent for you.
rebukes him for having attempted suicide,
prompting him on how he should do it. While children and adolescents are
Examples are "if you are going to jump, do it immersed in this subtype, the linking
from an eighth floor, from a third one, see features of it can make them look as nice and
what happens." We must be extremely quiet, but with a melancholy phase and
careful with it, because it is a time of high constant references to his worthlessness or
weakness and easily suggestible and that little or no chance to get out of that
comment can become a trigger for an situation, even though those who come near
effective suicide. them say, "you know that none of that will

Journal of Psychology CES ISSN 2011-3080 Volumen 8 Issue 1 January-June 2015 pp.1-20
Juan Carlos Jaramillo Estrada, Alejandra Escobar Zuluaga, Andrs Felipe Camacho & Daniela Gonzlez Londoo

"When it is because there is a depression in - Pay attention to other significant persons

between ... see ... it seems to me that I am as drive and support: detect those other
among those who believe that one as a father significant persons that offer support,
has to be aware of children and as a father you backing and positive engagement, especially
know that they are changing. So I questioned
those that can break the tunnel vision.
myself when ... when you tell them there is a
depression, there is an anxiety disorder okay?
I had not noticed, 'I did not know'; I say that, - Propose small achievable goals: if the
but didnt you realize that he was not worth and confidence of the child or
sleeping, he was not eating, he was irritable, adolescent are damaged, an alternative to
and he was coming in too late, that he began foster containment in the day to day and
escaping, that his grades stared going down; future projection is to propose attainable
'Oh yes!, but I thought it was adolescence.' goals that will strengthen this trust, as they
feel that they can really achieve them.
"So many ... sometimes one says, sometimes
one takes side with the parents, with the pain - Strengthen the notion of future when it
and the whole story of the impulsive boy, and appears, but not impose it: it is frequent that
sometimes one takes the boys side saying,
in front of fear for the possible recurrence of
'Hey! !Open your eyes!, he's hurting,
suicide attempt the child or adolescent are
depressed, he is crying for help.
offered different intervention alternatives for
Thanks to them, they may be people "easy to the future through which one seeks that they
approach and that clearly understand what cling to life. However, this can backfire
because, paradoxically, it can confirm the
happens", which can lead to a confusion
difficulties that have led them there, instead
while the despair that drives to say "yes to
of modifying them. It is preferable to start
everything because we know that nothing
building that perspective with him,
will change" is not equivalent to the
accompanying him in the process, and
adherence to treatment.
making sure that it is his own perspective
that one that is showing the way out of the
Intervention Strategies of Health Personnel
- Recovery of value as a line of work: This is - Recognize the feelings aroused by
the basic center of the intervention strategy, attention (poor little thing or desperate): the
since around it; all the other actions are tied. attitude of the child or adolescent can
A clear and transparent relationship on part arouse intense feelings of pity or rejection
of the treating person that focuses primarily from the health personnel. You must pay
on the positive aspects of the child or attention to them, in order not to repeat the
adolescent, without forgetting his limited relational models that have led them there,
autonomy potential is a first step to restore and offer a loving but firm bond that is
his worth. betting on the emergence of an autonomous
and able being, who does not have to
- Try not to blame, do not judge: they are two generate pity or rejection of others in order
aspects that contribute substantially to the to be himself.
recovery worth. You should be careful not to
use any of these alternatives in the Drive to Exalted Suicide Type
intervention with children or adolescents
while they are very irrelevant for Type in which the others (organized,
containment and drive enhancer. generalized and significant persons) form a

Journal of Psychology CES ISSN 2011-3080 Volumen 8 Issue 1 January-June 2015 pp.1-20
Juan Carlos Jaramillo Estrada, Alejandra Escobar Zuluaga, Andrs Felipe Camacho & Daniela Gonzlez Londoo

net from which the child or adolescent learns anxiously for alternatives that allow them to
that he can and must assume a position in find a place in the world, where they are
which to be recognized as subject, he must acknowledged and valued, and that is not
attack, insult or behave in an active and mediated by aggression. Thus, through the
impulsive way. The role that drives to suicide attempts they look for alternative to release
is divided into two subtypes: the exalted pressure that they feel not only from the only
"matchstick" and another associated with way they know to do that -aggressive- but
the consumption of substances, the exalted also by the only way validated and permitted
"matchstick in gas. by the others around him, inasmuch as
through it they recognize their identity.
In the exalted type, the drive to suicide is
formed in an interactionist context in which "Most of the children do it more ... I mean, get
others generate crash situations, hurt or hurt themselves for an impulsive story
or under the effect of substances".
confrontation or discomfort in front of which
the child or adolescent finds no resolution
It is in this context that the attitude of the
alternative mediated by reflection, control of exalted type child or adolescent must be
impulse or sublimation. Therefore, it read, after he has committed an attempt, he
assumes the role of a rebellious person who will probably be more aggressive, less
finds a place in front of the other, as long as reflective and more "problematic" for the
it is characterized by rebelliousness or emergency services. Since the way to resolve
aggression, traits that become his identity what he wants to change, will always be
against the other, keeping the dynamic link marked by the role assigned to him, and all
that drives to suicide. intents for change, paradoxically will be
marked by such characteristics.
"She started with a pencil until she made
wounds and started bleeding profusely. One
day, I told her: be careful that tip is going in and Psychopathology Associated to the Exalted
who will stop that, but when we started looking, Type
it was not that she wanted to die, in quotes, it
was a game and always did it when she had You will often see some distinct
tantrums, she did it when she exploded in psychopathological features in this type,
anger and the whole story was about which should be evaluated and intervened,
something that she felt they did not let her do in such case that they appear. These include
or that she felt she could not do. the following:

Sometimes, and as a part of the role Difficulties in self-regulation: the child or

assumed, the consumption of drugs appears adolescent is unable to expect gratification
as an additional element that increases the and, therefore, before the invasive feeling of
problems, while facilitating the loss of frustration for waiting, he acts impulsively,
inhibitory control, it deepens the in a desperate and reckless manner, without
characteristics of the expected role and a calculated analysis of the situation and an
accentuates the drive to suicide providing assessment of the consequences of the act.
the child or adolescents a "tool" that allows Problems with self-regulation are
them to be what they should be (or at least specifically evident through low impulse
what they believe or are expected to be). In control and poor frustration tolerance.
the exalted type the call for attention
becomes a desperate cry of the children or Poor impulse control. Generally they are
adolescents, by means of which they look children or adolescents who find it difficult

Journal of Psychology CES ISSN 2011-3080 Volumen 8 Issue 1 January-June 2015 pp.1-20
Juan Carlos Jaramillo Estrada, Alejandra Escobar Zuluaga, Andrs Felipe Camacho & Daniela Gonzlez Londoo

to wait, "be patient" and not act under the impulsive actions. This leads them to be
pressure of their desires. The poor impulse classified as aggressive (colloquially) or
control is evidenced when the child or disruptive (as a diagnostic category) and
adolescent responds or acts impulsively and addressed or treated as such.
thoughtlessly without considering the
consequences, motivated and directed by "Yes, and that made me furious, the truth is
overflowing emotions. Phrases like "I told that I first went to cry in the basement, to be
you not to catch it." Cant you wait?" alone because I had a fight with my parents,
"Coming, coming ..." illustrate the mediation they said I was not a good son, they did not
deserve to have a son like me. The two of
by adults with this type of behavior.
them were lying because it was late, it was
about 11 or 12 at night, then I ran and went to
"Well, what I remember of children and
the basement, then my mom came to get me
adolescents who have had a suicide attempt,
at the basement, I said I wanted to be alone
they are impulsive and very, very much of the
and went to the terrace and already I had the
impulsive type. I do not remember that I had
thoughts if I should jump or not. "
one, like a psychotic patient or a patient with
an established mental illness that is
unbalanced and so that is the reason for the However, it considers that his attitude
suicide attempt, no; they have been more responds to the logic of a role, reason why
impulsive ". the actions focused on individuals and
specifically in their ability to control
Low tolerance for frustration: frustration themselves without an intervention in the
tolerance is directly related to the ability of role, that drives them to do it, it will be at
the child to tolerate those situations in least insufficient.
which things "do not go as he wanted and
when he wanted," delaying or denying the "Matchstick" Exalted Subtype
gratification of his desires; very rare feature
in children or adolescents with a drive to In this subtype, children or adolescents
suicide of the exalted kind. respond in a reactive way to discomfort
through the passage to the act without there
Projection as a defense mechanism: It is being any kind of containment or reasoning.
characterized because the person assumes Generally, it occurs after they are abused,
that everything that happens to him is the battered, attacked or a limit has been
fault of others, without taking personal imposed on them that they consider
responsibility for their actions. The existence unacceptable.
of projection in the exalted type must be
taken into account while the interventions The type of link established in the
by health workers are mediated, hindering, "matchstick" exalted subtype involves a great
at least initially, the psycho-educational deal of distress and aggressiveness for which
actions and all those that promote self- there are no discharge pathways mediated
reflection about the consequences of the act. by reason or the word, and they respond
more to an instrument of the act than a real
Thus, children and adolescents who assume metacognitive process. Therefore, when the
this role find it very difficult to accept and child or adolescent speaks, he is really
tolerate failure. They do not translate into hitting with his words; more acting through
learning but as a source of intense them than trying to communicate with them,
frustration and, therefore, seek to address to express his anger or his subjective
their discomfort immediately through experience.

Journal of Psychology CES ISSN 2011-3080 Volumen 8 Issue 1 January-June 2015 pp.1-20
Juan Carlos Jaramillo Estrada, Alejandra Escobar Zuluaga, Andrs Felipe Camacho & Daniela Gonzlez Londoo

"Interviewer: Let's talk about that time that Thus, the type of bond that is proposed in
the two of us know, when you go to the terrace this subtype is paradoxical, as it is through
and look out to the emptiness, because of the aggression (against himself or against
fact that you've taken a picture means you others) that it is established and like this, it
looked at it. What led you to do that on this should be assumed initially, if you want to
day? encourage some sort of change. This implies
a large demand for the health personnel,
That day I talked with XXX and had a real bad reason for which they should evaluate not
conversation which made me feel very bad, only their way of bonding, but also their
then I started to fight with my parents, then
capacity for tolerance and waiting
came XXX, and being with him made me feel
(something which he will have to have,
bad because I remembered what he did to me,
then why do I have to keep being there and instead of the patient), while the patient is
she had talked to me about him." able to initiate ways of linking.

This way of acting of aggressive type can be Intervention Strategies of Health Personnel:
seen both in an active way (which has
already been noted) as passive, in which the - Do not respond in an exalted way to an
deep and prolonged silences, unable to look
exalted bond: in face of frustration and
intense discomfort that can generate the big
straight at the eye or rebel against any
difficulties of attention associated with this
guidelines given by the treating persons, are
type, it may be possible that the attending
clear expressions of it.
person responds in the same way the child
or adolescent, getting carried away by the
It is very important to take into account that discomfort that this generates. It is of
this is and has been the way the child or utmost importance to avoid this type of
adult has found to have an identity and response as it only confirms the type of bond
although this supports in "being aggressive", that has driven him to suicide, increasing in
"being a bad person," "being violent" or that way the risk of another incidence.
"being rude and mouthy" it does not fail to
be his identity. As such, it is formed through - Set non-negotiable limits (hopefully few)
an interactionist process that, finally allows and others that are flexible: It must be
him to feel the sensation of being someone defined very clearly and precisely what are
in front of others, even though these seems those non-negotiable limits, such as
to be problematic to them. attention under the influence of drugs or
alcohol and which may be flexible, for
"Then there, referring to this I have seen a lot, example, schedules and places of care. This
as they generate them, without wanting, but will help set minimum standards conditions
generate blame, that is, speaking bad about for the therapeutic relationship and
the other parent and how it has been painful emotional restraint.
for them the process, they overload the child.
The child often do not know what to feel, does - Find alternatives of emotional release
not know how to say it and what he does is different from aggression: such as sports,
what is manifested through his behavior: that
walking, writing or drawing, which must be
they punish, criticize, sanction him more;
chosen according to the characteristics of
then it gradually becomes a snowball, until
the child cannot take anymore and ends up each child or adolescent. Either way, the
doing something against himself." important thing is to find alternatives for
release that release him from some
emotional pressure.

Journal of Psychology CES ISSN 2011-3080 Volumen 8 Issue 1 January-June 2015 pp.1-20
Juan Carlos Jaramillo Estrada, Alejandra Escobar Zuluaga, Andrs Felipe Camacho & Daniela Gonzlez Londoo

- Detect other organized or generalized the drive to suicide by inhibiting impulse

significant things that drive and contain control and low tolerance to frustration,
suicide: such as it has been suggested in already altered.
other types, it is necessary to detect the
other significant things that contain or drive "Then there are substance consumption, that
to suicide in order to potentiate the unbalances them completely, or then in that
presence of the first and to limit the seconds case, if there is an acute intervention, he can
to its maximum. with the psychiatrist and general practitioner,
but it almost always is because of difficulties
at the family level or academic pressures or
- Mediate time of presence: although
social or environmental situations, then they
traditionally they have established more or can be managed in the field of outpatient or
less fixed the times and frequency of external consultation, which is basically what
therapeutic processes in this type of drive to is done."
suicide it may be important to make flexible
the duration and frequency of consultations, In addition to the already mentioned for the
reducing the first and increasing the second. "matchstick" exalted subtype, the subtype
This could make easier the establishment of link with the exalted "matchstick in gas"
a positive rapport and planning of becomes problematic as to altered states of
appropriate intervention strategies to the consciousness, the first action that should
logical linking of children or adolescents. be performed before any intervention of
therapeutic type is detoxification, after
- Use more clarification than confrontation: which you can conceive the contact.
given his impulsive and reactive
characteristics, it is preferable to use less "It's a group that is very complex and is
confrontation and more clarification. This already having alcohol, it has substance
may gradually promote insight ability and consumption, a group that begins to have a
lower the barrier of defense mechanisms, problem, which is that under the influence of
without the therapist getting to be as alcohol potentiate many of these family
threatening, altering the therapeutic bond. situations or those these emotional
situations or personal situations that lead
- Implement impulse control and frustration him to this "
tolerance strategies: they must be clear,
precise, concrete and plausible so the child However, even if the detoxification can be
or adolescent can reach them. They should achieved, there are elements that may
suggest a progressive, orderly and feasible complicate the way to build links. The first is
way so that they strengthen confidence in the possible existence of a withdrawal
himself and in the treating person. syndrome, to which any figure appearing in
the picture will be on second or third level of
Matchstick in gas Exalted Subtype importance, in as much as the only valid and
necessary link for the child or teen in these
This subtype is characterized by a response conditions is the drug. Therefore, whatever
to problematic situations mediated by the patient says or does will be directed to
impulsive acts, but potentiated by getting drug, to meeting this need,
consumption of substances. Thus, the "clouding" the bond as it may appear quite
configuration of exalted subtype is added an subdued and reflective around his situation,
external factor that potentiates recognizing all that the treating person
exponentially the risk of death by increasing wants, as long as he "leaves him alone" or

Journal of Psychology CES ISSN 2011-3080 Volumen 8 Issue 1 January-June 2015 pp.1-20
Juan Carlos Jaramillo Estrada, Alejandra Escobar Zuluaga, Andrs Felipe Camacho & Daniela Gonzlez Londoo

"discharges him" and he can return to be directed towards these factors of organic
continue consuming, or he can attack him nature to later assess them relative to the
and abuse him in order to fight against that emotional spectrum.
which limits his access to consumption.
- "In hell it is cold": keep in mind that some
"So alcohol control, control of such things, of these children and adolescents are willing
mostly alcohol. The others not so much, yes to say anything as long as they are
the alcohol, the alcohol is the number one
discharged or left alone.
trigger, especially since, terminations of
dating, fights with mom and dad, end ... for
example, it is a time when they did not do well - Form networks for information and
in school. They are not able to cope it in front containment triangulation: if possible, do
of the house, they go and have a few drinks, not stay only with the version of the child or
and dad and mom have already threatened adolescent, and contrast it with the family,
them. Teenage pregnancy, when they suspect parents or friends.
to be pregnant it is another thing, it is a
double risk, because one also has, you always - Control the environment: watch out for
will have, to evaluate and watch as it is with those aspects of the environment that may
drinks and without drinks. And even if without drive the suicide attempt to generate
drinks one does not have much risk, you are
strategies that allow containing, avoiding or
at high risk of consuming drink again, since
modifying these conditions.
you have an addiction so to speak. If you are
very well without drinks, you will have to keep
in mind that you will drink and you will
relapse; such patients are high risk and still Conclusions
very difficult."
The symbolic interaction provides an ideal
Finally, other complications may occur framework for the foundation of an
related to the link and are those that have to intervention strategy in attempted suicide in
do with the level of cognitive or emotional children or adolescents during the period of
impairment in the child or adolescent, crisis, in a contextualized and relevant
because of consumption. Sometimes it is so manner in case to case that allows to get
deep, that it becomes very difficult to choose near, from the perspective of the actors, from
interpretative interventions, limited to those the symbolic logic which has generated the
characteristic of support, including drive to suicide. Since that reading it is
placement in specialized institutions. possible to distinguish different types and
subtypes of drives, each of which include its
Intervention Strategies of Health Personnel: own characteristics and, with them, specific
intervention strategies that optimize and
- Recognize the communicative style: it is
potentiate the results.
important to remember that if the link and
communication style are located in the
aggressive spectrum, the confrontation the This is especially important if you consider
fight with the child or adolescent proposes, that strategies have centered their
should be avoided. intervention focus on the lapse within the
period of the crisis, which requires that the
- Consider the possible cognitive actions taken by both the health personnel
impairment or withdrawal syndrome: and by significant others of the child or
initially assessment and intervention should adolescent, respond to the premise of

Journal of Psychology CES ISSN 2011-3080 Volumen 8 Issue 1 January-June 2015 pp.1-20
Juan Carlos Jaramillo Estrada, Alejandra Escobar Zuluaga, Andrs Felipe Camacho & Daniela Gonzlez Londoo

"golden time". Therefore, it is strengthened alternatives of being and getting in touch

by reading the drive to suicide, through with the world.
types and subtypes clearly described,
defined, and limited by intervention It is essential to include the family in the
strategies defined for each of them. process of intervention of attempted suicide
with children or adolescents. Even though
Awareness of health personnel is an aspect they are and important part in the drive to
of vital importance if we want to have suicide, they are in the process of change.
adequate interventions in the attempted
suicide in children or adolescents. From this The golden time for intervention is one of
perspective, it is not enough to have the basic criteria for good care: the small
information on how, but to emphasize on period you have to talk to children or
what and from where it is going to intervene, adolescents who have had a suicide attempt
including in this reflection the related is a unique opportunity that treating persons
personal aspects. are going to have to generate any change in
the drive. Therefore, doing it well,
The type of drive to anomic suicide has great consciously, well informed and with much
similarities with the anomic type already love, make the difference between life and
described by Durkheim in 1982 and with that death of a person.
one surging from the research done by
Carmona, Tobon, Jaramillo and Areiza However, the benefits of the strategy, one of
(2010a). Such intervention is based on the its limitations is related to the lack of
restoration of trust and confidence, through knowledge of the health personnel of this
interactions that promote the consolidation theoretical perspective -the symbolic
of other stable person (from the interactionism, its interpretative
interactionist perspective) to allow the child possibilities and intervention. Thus, the
or adolescent recovery of a sense of "value need to qualify the health personnel,
for others" and "to have a clear place in the especially emergency services in the
world. conceptual and interventional framework
that is based is essential.
The type of drive to exalted suicide requires
of a form of quiet link that facilitates spaces It is important to include in for future
of controlled discharge, reestablishing research the perspective of nurses, as they
sublimation possibilities and changing the are essential in the care of the suicide
drive through the encouragement of the attempt as caregivers responsible for the
redefinition of the others (interactionist containment of children or adolescents, at
perspective), that rather than blaming, the same time that as bond with their
judging or assaulting a child or adolescent families and the rest of treating health
tend to recognize him as a subject, with personnel.


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Received: October 24-2014 Revised: April 4-2015 Accepted: May 5-2015

Journal of Psychology CES ISSN 2011-3080 Volumen 8 Issue 1 January-June 2015 pp.1-20

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