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The Ephemeral Esoteric Encyclopaedia of Legend League

Document name as above:

The Ephemeral Esoteric Encyclopaedia of Legend League

The Ephemeral Esoteric Encyclopaedia of Legenderino Leaguerino.
The Ephemeral Esoteric Encyclopaedia of League

Do not wait to start a game! Finding a new moment to play is retalively simple and will happen
sooner then expected

Do not wait for games. Finding a new moment to play is retalively simple and will happen
sooner then expected

The pussy is never yours, it's just your turn

If you had an inch of your dick inside of your mom in front of you and your dad has a inch of
his dick in your ass. Would you move forward of backwards?

Me: Has anything happened?

Just curious
Kazwa: no he dont wanted to send pic
Me: He could have just opened his internet browser find a picture of a human randomly. Save
it on desktop, rename it and upload it, as it was him
He didn't do nothing
0 commitment
Kick him from the club

Preface Chatter
Why this document?
Well it all started with something innocent; I just found some short funny jokes online to copy in
ingame chat. I have heard millions of jokes in my life, but if you ask me to tell one, I will have a
hard time actually telling one. In addition to that, I cannot memorize shit, my brain is fucked and
my memory is just bad in general. Therefore, this document helped me a little with not
forgetting these shitty lines. First, the use was more of a sticky note. After a period of time it
grew and became 3, 4, 5 pages. Then after finding some websites with actual League of Legends
related jokes, I expended the list. Later on, I found some nice clever offensive lines to use in
chat to immediately shut down a potential flamer kid who had the intention to suck all the fun
out the remaining 30 minutes of the game. I pass for that, fuck off. Almost without any effort, I
could show the flamer that we didn't have any time for him -and him spamming his typical
unoriginal bullshit-. Five pages quickly became 10, 20, then 30 and now were at around 80+
pages. You might say it got a little bit out of hand over the years. Do not get intimidated by that
number though, you will find out most of it are lists which rapidly increase the amount of pages.

If you don't know me, haven't met or played with me or just want to cut the crap? I
recommend NOT reading the following "wall of text" as it is just an introduction and probably
all bullshit to you.

I shared this document with some people online by sending it thru mail. I have not uploaded it
to any community as it is quite an embarrassing (and highly autistic) document to be honest.
I was around the age of 16 when I started playing League of Legends and I am now 26 years old.
The reason for sharing this is just a simple "why not?". I know for a fact that at least 1 or 2,
maybe even a few more of you can appreciate parts from this piece of straight up pure
autistism. Besides that, I wasted so many hours in this game, it would be a waste not to share
this for the time spent. After thinking about it for a few seconds, I guess I can say that the main
goal here is to entertain (!!); it would bring me joy if some of you get a laugh out of it. Please

keep that in mind if you judge and think this document is 0/10 pure aids. I am moving on and
thus leaving the Summoner's Rift forever (about time, you should do so too!). You can say that
this is my way of returning something to the community.

Me? I always liked playing support in ranked games 24/7 and ARAM. I am Dutch, so from the
Netherlands. My main champion is and always has been Thresh. I am glad I am not totally
retarded, but I could have had a large full colour Thresh tattoo on my forehead by now. It is
nothing but love for him. I find him very fascinating and appealing and Thresh can be played
game after game without getting extremely bored. In addition, you can easily make
gamechanging plays. Thresh has always been a solid pick in every meta.
Fun fact, he is one of the fewer champions that has all of his skills being peeling-abilities. In
short, a great support. He is a damn classy motherfucker and badass as fuck. Anyways why the
hell did I start a lecture here trying to convince you of his potential? You probably know this
already. However, to be honest, if you don't own him in your champion pool, you should be
ashamed and consider killing yourself. Some stuff might be very uninteresting to read, as parts
are related to Thresh and/or playing support only. Because you do not have to worry about last
hitting for CS, we can probably all agree that support is the most suitable role to abuse your
freedom of speech (read: spread cancer in chat). I really loved the League of Legends
community and gained interest in the chatting with normies, but also autistics and retards. I see
a positive side of everything, so I also enjoyed all the aids I experienced and that was thrown at
me over the years in ranked games. I have seen some insane remarkable funny as hell- shit.
I learned how to get joy out of the absolutely unnecessary full capslock flaming and/or raging
messages (you should too as it unavoidable in ranked). As long as it was original or semi-funny
and did not gave away in the first seconds reading it that you were an unreasonable cunt.

I did NOT execute a spelling check or made it 'internet-ready' at all. I have not deleted the
excessive text that should not be in here. Pieces of text you cannot really understand being
sober or without any context may appear randomly throughout the document, just ignore or
delete it. Furthermore, do not bother posting/sharing this on sites like Reddit, as it will be
deleted for encouraging negative behavior and flaming.

This document includes such things as:

General jokes (usually oneliners, some are good, some are sad as fuck)
League of Legends-related short jokes
Everyday common chat banter
Funny(?)/semi-offensive oneliners
Some very offensive chat lines (hardcore flaming, I do not recommend using this, but it
might be a fun read anyways)

Random chat lines (all sorts of categories, from weird trash talk to dirty or sexist stuff
and more)
A list of 'cool' summoner names (most of them are related to the botlane, some might
be used, test it out)

Note: do not expect to climb the ladder as support, I know you dream, believe and have high
hopes doing it, but believe me as I am speaking from years of experience. The road to climb to
Platinum, Diamond or even higher is such a fucking long grind. A waste of time. I really wish I
spent all these hours in the gym or reading books, which is truly considered time well spent. I
accepted the fact of not getting to a rank like stated above. I was content with the thought of
not reaching that goal and was very satisfied figuring that out. Saved me a lot of wasted hours
and headaches for sure.

Add inhoudsopgave
Add design (the standard blue one?)

The power of silence.

The power of keeping your mouth shut. Be silent. When in doubt? Do not talk.
<Explaination why being silent is a powerful tool to use, especially in League of Legends here>
(Quick example: to maintain having a positive teammorale). No one improves playing after
being judged. It is like some people get super surprised when a teammate died. As if they won
all their 1000 previous games with 35 0 teamscores. Dying is a part of the game, deal with it.
Do not highlight the negative stuff that is happening, you cunt. At this point, you should

seriously ask yourself if you are having fun playing at the moment. A fun clip from
MagikarpUsedFly (called something like: Actual Game Spotlight League of Legends, youtube it)
reminds me of this. He mentioned the faces of playing people League of Legends, as example he
said: 'Film yourself (face for expressions) during a full match of League of Legends. Notice how
you don't look happy. Another quicker way is to go to and select a random League of
Legends streamer. Choose one with a lower viewcount, so he or she does not talk too much for
interaction with donations or chat and is focused on the game. Anyways, I'm drifting away from
the topic. TL;DR Shut the fuck up if you add value to others with the comment you wanted to
share. Be silent. It's more powerful then you might think. It is also the best way to get flaming
spammer quiet without muting him. Don't feed the 14 years old attention whore.

Why jokes/flame
teach me how to flame master
but sometimes in ranked there is this, annoying little kid. that has to put in place instantly
before he ruins the rest of the game
so me having this ready to copy, me instantly responding clever to standard lame flame
make me a king
and leader, then i tell my teammates, to mute the kid and play on
and they tend to do it, because of the respect you just got

Legend League

League Of Legends
Do you play........ too?! My man!
Le Legenderino Leaguerino
League of Faggots
League of Salt
Legend League
League of Llemons
League of Legions
League of Insanity
League of Lowbobs
League of Lego's

Before you press the accept button/reminders

Be better at the game

Not dying is more important than making kills

Use mute button
No stress in tf, keep calm
Don't tilt, only gj in chat
Learn from mistakes
More confidence
Get control
Watch your map:
Know your role
Don't wander18
Don't trust mobafire 100%.
Have an objective
Maximize teamfight wins
Minions not required:

Look at the minimap more

Knowledge is power
> cant climb, u have 1 mechanic not fully under control
so many different paramaters, knowing them all is already worth noticing.
>to be a using them all on high level is whole other story, only achievable when making lots of
hours gaining experience.

Banning Thought Process

Which champions could the enemy team pick that would really screw my team over?
Which champions could the enemy team pick that would really screw ME over?

Also this: The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

Current meta
Draven Fiora Zac Kayn Caitlyn Yasuo Blitzcrank Yi Miss Fortune Tryndamere Warwick Jhin Twitch

The more knowledge you have of your own picks, your team composition, and the enemy
composition, the less useful these recommendations are. They originally come from best bans
sites who calculated on win-, pick and banrate, which can aids helpfull information to a certain
extend. Example: if your teamcomp contains champions with high amounts of (hard)
crowdcontrol (CC), it's not smart ban Yi, as there are way better options and bigger treats for
you. Acting as Yi is weak to the CC and he will perform significantlyless versus a hard-CC team
getting stopped easily. For instance if your team picks Malphite top, Amumu jungle, Lissandra
mid, and a Leona support, all AoE CC champions, strong in teamfighting, you would be better off
by banning splitpush champions (like: Tryndamere, Nasus, Jax). They look kind of the same in
general stats speaking, but there are big differences. It's for you to find out how it all works.

ts of different ways to CC anyone, lik you don't have to ban Yi for the enemy. As he is allergic
too it.

5 stages of salt

1. Denial and Isolation - you are here

2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance - you'll accept the tilt and recover in time


Let me say this one more time bro's. Cause I still seem to encounter rival people who don't understand
that from now we are teammates, let's even go for FRIENDS for the next 45 minutes?!

It's so sad seeing people reduce the chance of our team winning beforehand by being unusually
unrespectfull to eachother.

Like Y U Do dis?!

My Champion Pool

leona/thresh biggest weakness/when not to pick

The botlane kill triangle

> Kill > sustain > poke >

My Support Pool
Thresh - good vs Blitzcrank Lux Karma Lulu Annie Sona Bard Malphite Soraka Nautilus
- weak vs Brand Janna Alistar Zyra ZileanMorgana

Leona -wait level 1.- good vs Blitzcrank Sona Annie Bard Karma
Malphite Lux Brand Karma
- weak vs Morgana Janna Alistar Thresh
Lulu - good vs Leona Thresh Lux Karma Tahm Kench
- weak vs Aggro support(?) Blitzcrank Janna Sona

Janna - good vs Karma Morgana Vel'Koz

- weak Thresh Sona Blitzcrank

Brand - good vs
- weak vs

Sona - good vs Lux Morgana Karma Annie Malzahar Bard

- weak vs Talon Zed Akali /bad kill lanes Blitzcrank Leona Thresh
Nautilus Brand

Blitzcrank - good vs Lux Velkoz Brand

- weak vs Alistar Leona Braum Thresh(?)

Nautilus - good vs Karma Velkoz Lulu

- weak vs Janna Brand Zilean Thresh

Morgana - good vs Rakan Leona Blitzcrank Lux

- weak vs Janna Sona Zyra

Taric - good vs Blitzcrank Thresh Zilean Tahm Kench Karma

- weak vs Janna Sona Morgana Bard?

Malphite -good vs AD Sion

- weak vs AP Brand Sona Leona

Sion - good vs Melee supports; Blitzcrank

- vs weak Nami Sona Brand Zyra

Lux - good vs
- weak vs

Annie - good vs
- weak vs

Karma - good vs
- weak vs

Velkoz - good vs Taric Braum Leona Alistar Janna Brand and Malz
- weak vs Thresh Blitzcrank Nami Bard Soraka

YoungBrackmann - good tip

I see you use Fearless instead of Insight. 18-0-12. Reasoning behind it?

Cause I almost always take 15% reduce summoner spells on squishy

champions, I feel it saves me more than the 10% increase of resistances
for 2 seconds, since burst champions usually stack lethality anyway.

Support helper
Reddit user made - fishy not up to date
1. You push your lane.
3. Pursue favorable matchups.
4. Deny till you die.
5. Don't Die.
As a support protect your adc, even from themselves,
6. Know your match up.
7. Lane rotation yasuo top? 2 mid?

Be mature and mute. Happy fraggin'

Here, enjoy this one in the loading screen ;)

Interesting internetlinks/urls:

How to Carry in Solo Queue: Guides and Tips in different subjects.

In-Depth Support Guides: How to Carry in League of Legends

How to win as Support

How to Carry as Thresh #1

How To Carry Botlane in High Elo || Thresh

I fucked this retarded chick last night. I wanted my first time to be special.
What do you call a singing computer?

Screw world peace, I want a pony

"Give it to me! Give it to me!" she yelled, "I'm so wet, give it to me now!" She could scream all
she wanted to. I was keeping the umbrella.

"So the other day my girlfriend called me a pedophile. I said 'that's a pretty big word for a 10
year old!'"

My uncle works for a car dealership, He is always Lee Sin out cars

Why do girls like high elo players so much?

Because Diamonds are a girl's best friend.

Wanna Know Why League Is Gonna Last So Long?

Salt is a natural preservative.

A woman walks into a library and asked if they had any books about paranoia.
Librarian: "They're right behind you!!".

I have a Polish friend who's a sound technician. Oh, and a Czech one too. Czech one too. Czech
one too.

When you look really closely, all mirrors look like eyeballs.

My friends say there's a gay guy in our circle of friends... I really hope it's Todd, he's cute.

What's the difference between a hippo and a zippo?

One is really heavy, and the other is a little lighter.

What do we want?
Low flying airplane noises!
When do we want them?

A dyslexic man walks into a bra

Knock knock whos there grandpa stop the funeral

My friends say there's a gay guy in our circle of friends... I really hope it's Todd, he's cute.

Hey <CHAMP NAME> want to hear a joke?

Your KDA

I Was Gonna Make A Gay Joke.. Butt Fuck It

The worst part about being a pedophile is trying to fit in.

How do astronomers organize a party? They planet.

I wonder how police on bikes arrest people. "Alrighty then, get in the basket."

"An enemy has been swain"

I hate it when I forget to turn my swag off at night and I wake up covered in bitches..

What's a bagel that can fly?

A plain bagel

Dont do drugs
stay in school
eat your teeth

Do you guys know why jews are terrible junglers?

Because they always get executed at camps



"Hey guys lets all work together and have fun, okay?"

I need more armor resist!

No heart feelings

Wanna see an impression of my dad?

*<player> has quit*

I am now on three dating sites because you can never get enough rejection.

May the right sock you are wearing, rotate so it's uncomfortable

I can't drunk, I'm too carry.

"It was worth it, because I said so in chat"

"May all the meals for the rest of your life be missing a key ingredient."

You're so fat, you could sell shade.

You're slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter.

"<CHAMP>, you miss more than Stormtroopers"

Those of you who think you know it all are damn annoying to those of us who do!


Sorry guys I'm French

Noc noc! Who's there? DARKNESSSSSSS

Two fish are in a tank. One turns to other and says, "how do you drive this thing?"

A photon checks into a hotel and the porter asks him if he has any luggage. The
photon replies: No, Im travelling light.

Why can't a blonde dial 911?

She can't find the eleven.

Jokes related to League of Legends

AH! - White shirt! - Gray screen! - Empirical data suggests this is a QTpie stream.

What seperates good players from hardstuck bronzies?

The Pacific Ocean.

What do you call an AFK Shyvana?

A statikk Shyv!

Why did Nami fail her final year at school?

All her grades were under C!

How long does it take to save up enough money for a Locket?


Why cant Gangplank play cards?

Because hes always standing on the deck!

Whats Lee Sins favorite game mode?
Blind pick!

Did you know that Alistar is dyslexic?

He always goes oom!

How do you troll players in League of Legends?

Yorick roll them!

How does Sona charge her phone?

With a Power Chord!

Where does Fiora water her plants?

En garden!

What's the Virtuoso's favorite drink?

Jhin and Tonic

What kind of computer does Yasuo use?


He's a jhinius. Now imajihn if he had a real weapon

My team once reported me for being afk because i was hit by morgana binding.

Omg that loadingscreen allmost took as long as Morg' Q stun itself

But how does one come up with such amazing jokes? Hmm, must be Jhinetics...

Fun fact #1337: Mordekaiser really hates airport security.

Why BRAND is happy?

Because he have a BRAND new skin.

Gangplank jokes
What button does Gangplank usually have his ult?
His Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
What do you build against Gangplank?

What do you call a GP that's 0/10 by 10 minutes?


What do you call a GP that's 0/10 by 10 minutes?

You call him Garrrrrrbage

How do you call a that always stays in bushes?


Gangplank he's, you know, just chillin'?


Gangplank when he's throwing someone off his ship?

Walk The Plankplank

What about a Gangplank in prison?


Successful business-man Gangplank?


Gangplank who likes to smoke?


What do you call a gangplank that masturbates a lot?


My uncle works for a car dealership, He is always Lee Sin out cars
I don't think you heard me; you should LeeSin better.

Ahri Starting anytime soon? I'm getting bored

Your moma's so fat she's twice the size of Gragas

Yo momma so fat, Fiddlesticks drained her and got diabetes!

Yo momma so fat, when she recalls all 3 lanes say missing!

How many bronze players does it take to change a light bulb?

None, they can't climb the ladder.

Not raging is considered rude and a reportable action

What's Thresh's favorite music?

Hangs myself

Why did Fizz fall off his pole? Because he's unbalanced!
Argh, Volibear is always telling jokes, to be honest I really can't bear them

What's Vaynes favourite website? Tumblr

What joke should I say? I have a Zilean of them.

Why does Katarina look so fit? Because she likes spinning

What is it called when you wake up and play League? Ryze and Shen.
Why does Malphite play Jungler? Because he is too stoned to last hit.
What do you call Alistar With a Red Buff? Red Bull

I tried to make a pun, but i cant think of annie... lol

If karma and morde had a kid, it'd be a Metal Fan
What is Garen's favorite game show? Wheel of Fortune
Yorick walks into a bar, there is no counter
Man, all of these puns. I'm very talonted.
Yo momma so fat, when cho feasted on her, he got 6 stacks
If you are having trouble with Zed, go to options. Turn off shadows.

So proud of you! I'll support you from a distance tonight.

Why does Soraka throw bananas? Because Shes the only support that cant peel.. Why does
Viktor make a great support? Because he always has a spare helping hand.

Short Good Bad Jokes

What is brown and sticky?
A stick.

What's also brown and sticky?
My Beyonce calendar.

What do you get when you cross a tyrannosaurus rex with fireworks?
What do you do with a sick boat?
Why is there no gambling in Africa?
Too many Cheetahs!
What do you call it when a dinosaur crashes his car?
Tyrannosaurus Wrecks
How does an octopus go to war?
Who does a pharaoh talk to when he's sad?
His mummy.
Why did the skeleton go to the party alone?
He had no body to go with him!

Compliments Longer Compliments

You're doing God's work, son. You're an awesome teammate.
Cheers You're more helpful than you realize.
Well played You've got all the right moves!
Well done Hanging out with you on the Rift is always a
Good job
Like dude. You're better than a triple-scoop
Nice ice cream cone. With sprinkles!
Hot damn! You should be thanked more often. So
Woaa slow down there, you're making them thank you!!
upset for sure Being around you is like being on a happy
Impressive little vacation.
Great shield (use when no shield has been Any team would be lucky to have you on it.
used ofc) Son, Im proud of you.
Youre a risk worth taking.

I don't have a favourite champion or skin, it's pretty much whatever you are wearing.
>Le god

You know what's awesome? The fact I'm having a great time now, on a ranked game! Oh and

you, you are awesome too!.
The person who raised you deserves a medal for a job well done.
Your attitude and decision-making are proof, good and fun teammates still show up in games like these.

I had this similiar thing like a few days ago too, but dunno who the guy was who I told about it..
30% chance it's you. But anyways: So I was working my ass off with recovering all these precious
tabs, fixing problems, making sure they were saved right hurr durr. . I had this tab open
somewhere, playing some League video(again?) but a lot of them crashed this afternoon
(heat?).. So my PC was laggy all day long as I couldn't ctrl alt delete it and lose it all.. and I
couldn't find that tab making sound (the audio crashed too, creating this this annoying audio
loop of +- 15 seconds) which played all day long (legit last 4-5 hours for sure).. so I couldn't
listen to music normally without hearing "TRIPLE KILL! .. QUADRA KILL! .. TRIPLE KILL! .. QUADRA
KILL!" every-fuck-ing-10-seconds. Damn hypnotysing/brainwashing stuff for real

Tilting or provoking someone

Why question? Why report?

/all "sorry about your feeder"

Champion select invading enemy jungle

Let's invade!
Be ready when the game starts, don't be afk pls
INVADE! So let's go!
Good luck

Well my older sister and mother just came walking in for a Sunday visit haha, my

roommate still checking out these pictures/instagrams on his second monitor

like it's the most normal/common thing in the world XD awkward as fuck.
I could literally hear him shout things out loud from the other room as:

'Omg this one is really damn nasty!! Here check this' .. to his fucking Teamspeak
friends. What fcktard

Fuck me, I was asking DAT Prodigy (random Dutch guy of the club) if he could
confirm my few of the girls here

If only your jungler ganked once, you would've won the botlane for sure - Herp
stomp lane and then blame their jungler for not ganking
"You guys would win if your jungler actually ganked lol".

"Lol, check out this bronze 5 nooblord:"

If someone all chats on the enemy team "Report X for X" ask them why.
Allchat "I think X may be trolling" after getting first blood on enemy

"Lol.. I can't believe someone actually wrote a book based on the Lord of the Rings movies"

"Guys, don't rage please, its my first time Thresh."


'You bring everyone a lot of joy, when you stop using your keyboard to type.' oh.k
That is some strong cancer right there. NP guys <3
Play - Tilt - Eat - Repeat
Haha killed by a E-girl gamer

Play - Max W last - Win - Repeat

Eat sleep rave repeat

Im talking tilted easier than the titanic.

More words related to tilt:

Going Catawampus, insane to the brain, psycho, shizo, schizoid, go ballistic, go bananas, going bonkers,
go beserk, going ape, having a breakdown, going balls to the walls - all in, he's having kangaroos in one's
top paddock (Australian)

You guys better get a pregnancy test because you just got legitimately raped
"I thought they made it illegal to own people like this."

Enemy team says: ''GG report my team''

"An enemy of my enemy is my friend"

'Better Lux next time"

I'm not forfeiting you deserve to lose time


Why can't a blonde dial 911?

She can't find the eleven.

UnTILTintin teammates
By flaming, you are completely destroying your chances of winning.
Just count to 10 and continue
One does not simply act normal
"Hang in there pal! We all have bad games!"

How to cheer up in 2 easy steps. Garenteed success

1: Whisper "BEEP BOOP' to yourself. 2: repeat until not sad.
Or Try and say bubbles in the angriest voice you can.

I'll respect your opinion as long as your opinion doesn't disrespect anybodies existence!

Dear heavenly blessed beauty, please remain wonderfull from the inside throughout the outside

Keep calm and be strong for mother

General BM
Ayy lmao, so lucky

I just pretend I know what I'm talking about 150% of the time. Hurr durr

*Blows kiss*

The first step of change is to become aware of your own bullshit.

But if you think that .. What is then Lana backwards?!

"Can u guys stfu plz unless u have somthing inteligant to say"

"Me, carry? Haha, quite likely." - Thresh

We asked you to show us a level 2 power spikes not the level 2 power drops.

Get out of our lane Kha'

Ive seen this Kha' more times than I've seen my own father

My daddy touches me

Good things you can do for the team

Make sure to say "hi" to your team. It helps build a connection if you ackknowledge your

I suggest/Prefer you grow up into an Adulterino and stop trollerino

Sometimes you have to give up on people. Not because you don't care, but because they don't

Play as a team, win as a team!

Bad things you can do for the team

Arguing with teammates is the fastest way to ensure defeat, even if you were winning
Sometimes it's better to just die, so you have enough time to buy stuff in shop

Speaking to troll/flaming player

Enough of your douchebaggery
It's him - The one player who ditches team morale faster then a AP Kogmaw does mana
A god like me shouldn't have to deal with so much bullshit just let me sit on my throne in
botlane while you try your hardest to play the game and not get emotional in the meanwhile.
We got a deal?

When you just got to work and the toplaner is already starting with this bullshit
This might be confusing, maybe even upsetting for you, but .. -
Our goal here > Your bullshit. Comprendez?

When you're drowning in options to get back to work but all you care about is provoking
teammates and ruining a good time

The talk is cheap, but's okay. You do you.

Remember, when 1 of us asked for your opinion? Neither do we.

When they BM each and everyone till the cancer is irreversible inevitable
When they decide to go full fucktard and spread their cancer in every direction
If your goal was to torment us with your shite, you did good.
Let me remind you that the chat function is only to share things of strategic value
"For you to insult me, I must first value your opinion."
If you were half as good at Lol as you good as you are at insulting your team

mates, we would have won by now.
"Trundle please.."
Making typo's on purpose.

Are u retadred? Do you rugrat it? Retad

Complaining in a video game is just another way of saying you failed.
Moo when they say their flame101 shit again
At everything they say yell "LIAR" or
Your one of them!
Lol, that poor caps button just got raped by your fatty scrub fingers
Think of a number. Double it. Add 6. Half it. Take away the number you started
with. Mute chat.
AFK, NOOBS, SURRENDER. Point made. Move on, compredez
Humans are parasites and they deserve to know it. I frequently wish cancer upon
my enemies.
To the hand you, because listening I am not - Yoda being tired of your crap.

They burned the bridge, then ask why I don't visit.

I've spotted him guys - The teammate that is gonna be all-day-erryday pessimistic
discouraging about stuff that don't matter.

When you're fully aware of the unnecessary self destructive bullshit you're doing
but you cant bring yourself to anything to stop it.

The reason why I die in League - 'Fucking noob fucktard teammates who never
*into full herp-derp*..'. I rest my case.

Some people just want to be upset more than they want to be happy. Pathetic. I
have better things to spend energy on

Everyone has bad games. Everyone. Do not be discouraged by a bad play and the
flame of your team mates.

The first step of change is to become aware of your own bullshit.

"You didn't help carry me to victory, so I demand you stop enjoying this
game!" - Unidentified League player

'stop beinging emotional and focus on winning'

You being this negative is making you as useless as a concrete parachute at this

"There is already two rivers in this map and you want to create another one with
your crying?"

I'm gonna ask you to be respectful here

Thresh is getting tired of your crap
I used to hate people like you.
If you were a potato, you would be a bad potato.
I hope the rest of your day is as pleasant as you are.
"You make sunny days less bright."
You look like you struggle with simple tasks.
"Its cute when you get all mad like this"
"Brush your teeth boy"
Your tries to 'communicate' with us are unwanted and horrible to handle.
You bring everyone a lot of joy, when you stop using your keyboard to type.
Hey you kiddo, go and try to open a bag of chips quietly, for an hour.


Wise words little improvement?

Flaming just expresses rage and is not even entertaining.
Typical Flaming consists of various arrangements of the words "noob" "feeder" "fck" "omg"
"omfg" "report" "u" "ursself" "gg"and "motherfckr". With these words you are able to cover
80-90% of the flame. It may look like this:
OMFG feeder report u"
OMFG fck urself MOTHA****r"
note that capslock is not necessarily needed but often used.
So just remember its a game that has 0 impact on your real life.
The most important measure of how good a game I played was how much better I d made my
teammates play.

"Some days you tame the tiger. And some days the tiger has you for lunch." --Tug

its better that 5 people go for a questionable play rather than 1 or 2 go for the
right play

Showing character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you.

Finish that kid > flame attack

It's better to cross the line and suffer the consequences than to just stare at
that line for the rest of your life.

Making a big life change is pretty scary. But know what's even scarier? Regret.
The secret to change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old but on
building the new
It's a shame that the very people who you protect are the first ones to turn there
backs on you.
I'm gonna ask you to be respectful here
Thresh is getting tired of your crap

Random chat - Bullshit

If someone ever insults you, read it in imaqtpie's voice. Works wonders.
How to avoid getting hit by any skillshots
Just kill the enemy before they fire the skillshot
"I named my iPod titanic, so each time I boot up itunes it says "syncing titanic"
Good vision can easily decide the winners of a fight.

Killing the enemy Nexus grants you 50 gold. It helps put you ahead and the game usually ends
shortly after someone destroys the nexus

Be strong Clarence. Be strong for mother
Don't let them see you cry
Get Flaymed
Get Outflayed

We q, they qq.

Go up to random people at the mall, hold up your ID and yell to their face, 'HAVE YOU SEEN

Boner of Command. My favorite item.

aa " A
Bard without his R is just Bad a"a" '


haven't lost my virginity because i never lose
Without ME, its just AWESO.

Shrek Swag Mlg 2 dank 4 FazeClan 420 Blaze It Up Optic Swaglord

Great minds discuss ideas; small minds discuss people.

Ganking without pinging is like changing lanes without turning your blinkers on.

420 Blaze It - When you blazin blunts so hard you never stop. 5m0k3 W33d 3rryd@y - I
smoke them trees

I just injected 5 whole marijuanas

I'm not as think as you stoned I am!
How do fish party? Seaweed
How do you know you have smoked enough pot? When you start looking around for the
directions on how to use the lighter.
How high are you? Yes
What is the difference between a drunk guy and a stoner at a stop sign? The drunk guy runs it
and the stoner waits for it to turn green.
Don't get high......Stay high!
I stay high cause I like the view.

I don't know what happened to your weed. By the way, you're out of Pringles

Time to durr my hurr

"Wait -"
I've got new socks on!
Never finish your
Being a pessimist is great I'm always either right or pleasantly surprised.
the #optimistic look on #pessimism

Is your refrigerator running?

Good, mine too, I will see you at the refrigerator race tomorrow

The moment you're so stoned you hunt for midnight snacks and come back with a bottle of
She kept screaming, 'No... No...'
Her-ass-meant? Yes! Yes!!
*poops blood*
"What the heck I haven't eaten blood in weeks"
WALK UP TO THE CLUB LIKE WHAT UP I HAve- social anxiety & I want to go home
If you say "rise up lights" you'll sound like an Austrailian saying "razor blades" my life will
never be the same
Try and keep up. My brain is movin' a mile an hour
I just woke up to my wife's cat staring me down. When I looked at him he pretended like he was
just looking around the room #WhatsHePlanning
me as a therapist.
patient: i dont feel well
me: okay well i have it worse also didnt ask
List of words containing "meow": meow, meowed, meowing, meows, homeowner
If youre a little agitated , throw it all out by saying the word bubbles angry
99% Classy 1% Trashy 100% Railing Yo Ass In

She said 'Wrong hole.'

But she never said 'Stop'.

But what if Swaglord was not kill?

Check yourself, before you, SHREK yourself


Like this comment - if this ^ makes you cry errytaim

Yes. This is Dog.

Me: I'm not gonna get mad it's just a video game
Alter Ego: Tell him he's trash and he should uninstall

Its true, shrek is not drek.

I'm trying to break my personal record for days without dying.

---Do Not Read The Next Sentence----

You little rebel, I like you...


R u Chinreze?
You Farm or you Famiry Die
Have you ever been to Antarctica?
Me neither! We have so much in common!
Summoners, beware! The consequences of feeding the opponent can be quite Sivir!
Illuminati confirmed. Get rekt.

Its on like donkey kong

I have this idea. I don't have kids. I will hire a babysitter anyway. Saying my kid is asleep upstairs
and must not be disturbed. On return I ask where my child is

Please Be Patient, I Have Autism

Gayer than eight guys blowing nine guys
I get in the zone when I'm playing anything fried.

You're (almost) all invited to a party for non-time-travelers!



I put instant coffee in a microwave and nearly went back in time.

What's the difference between a duck?
Cool as the other side of the pillow
He looks about as happy as a penguin in a microwave
Last night I drunk dialed my mom and told her that I love her but that we can never be together.

Boycott shampoo. Demand real poo.

List of words containing "meow": meow, meowed, meowing, meows, homeowner


just remember its a game that has 0 impact on your real life.

Things you can say in response to literally anything.

As the prophecy foretold
But at what cost?
So let it be written; so let it be done.
So.. it has come to this
Is this why fate brought us together?
There is no escape from destiny
That's what the government wants you to think...
Wait... don't let go just yet
That'll do pig
Everytime I poop, I think of you
Mother told me it would be like this
I've been expecting you to say that
What's new?



Brainbusters / Let that sink in boii

The midget fortune teller who kills his customers is a small medium at large.

I won't take a bullet for anyone because if I have time to jump in front of a bullet, you have time
to move

Hey have you guys ever realized

The brain named itself

what if our use of emoji's gradually becomes so extensive that we actually circle back to writing
in hieroglyphics

If you had room with absolutely nothing in it and the walls ceiling and floor were made of mirror
what would the room look like in the mirrors?
Answer: nothing - there's no light

While you wait for the waiter to come. In that moment. Do you not become the waiter?

Can a ghost and a zombie come from the same person?

A magician was walking down the street and turned into a grocery store.
A non-premade teammate honored you, unlucking loading screen flair for you next game purple
As honest as a man who says he likes Hooter's for the food
Gayer than aids
I'm there faster than a fat kid at a cake buffet
Describing something difficult to do: lowbob your skills are more like

It's more like u r playing darts with spaghettiit ,m getting emberrasing now ,.

Persons aim sucks: couldnt hit the ocean from a boat

He has no game: If he fell into a barrel full of tits he'd come up sucking his thumb.
He has no game: he couldn't get laid with a fistful of cash in a whorehouse
Trrying to explain something and they just don't get it: "It's like speaking Chinese to a Mexican."
People who look like hell: "You look like ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag."
It's like winning a gold in the special olympics, you're still just beating up a bunch of retards.
soo bad it's good
so good it's disgusting
On the other hand, you have different fingers.
42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.

Toxic Flame
"It's called Mystic Shot, not Miss The Shot."

I am reporting every Yasuo on sight, just fyi.

Because you are autistic that's why

1v1 me IRL fgt lettuce?

what the fuk u said u little shit

/all "sorry about your feeder"

CY@ ya boosted bonobo kappachino flamingo.

I hope you get crocs for Christmas.

I strongly get the feeling you're also a Nidalee main who buys Rabadon's Deathcap first item
because that is most effective.

You're so ugly, you scared the crap out of the toilet.

"You're more annoying than a vuvuzela"

Give me your address so I can come and ejaculate on your door.

Has anybody ever told you that you are incredibly average?
Are you always this negative and toxic or is today's match a special occasion?

Oopsie, this little fellow forgot to pay his brain bill before joining!
He's not stupid; he's possessed by a retarded ghost. He tries to act normal, I guess..
I hear what you're saying but I just don't care.
I thought of you all day today. I was reading these dank meme's earlier about this thing called
'elohell' and it's embarrassing players
Come on, go fuck a landmine fast
Go play on the freeway kid, unwanted here
You are the person I'd like to nominate you for the lava bucket challenge
"I hope your day is as pleasant as you are"
"I have found the key to happiness: stay away and mute the assholes"
"Be yourself, unless you're an asshole, then be someone else"

Easy champion Master Yi, 0 skill
Stop feed idiot

After dying a few times 'haha u noob tell me who's your daddy and why is it me'

On a scale of 1-10, how much are you already done with this guy's bullshit?
You Poopdick Keyboardwielding Cunt Commando
You're not funny, but your life, now that's a joke.
What are you doing here? Did someone leave your cage open?
Roses are red, violets are blue, I have 5 fingers, the 3rd ones for you.
I wasnt born with enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel about you.

After dying a few times 'haha u noob tell me who's your daddy and why is it me'
I had a nightmare. I dreamed I was you.
Even if you win, victory is temporary, the bronze is forever haha get owned nooblord
"The fail of a noob can be measured by his KDA, and his responses in chat." - Olaf
Why would you like fries with that?

HTTP 404 Brain Not Found. Please

try the following: Mute chat
'haha u noob tell me who's your daddy and why is it me'
Who's your daddy?
And why is it me
'lol noob'
'lol noob go replay tutorial'
'tell me who's your daddy and why is it me'
'haha I

Youre so dumb, your dog teaches you tricks.

Are you always an idiot, or just when you play a game in the Rift?

Youre a legend in your own mind. Right here? You are just another toxic kid who has no chill.
You are a sad, sorry little man and you have my pity.
Youll never need birth control with a personality like that.
"This is why people hate to play with you, don't you ever learn anything?"

Palindrome - drawer & reward, desserts & stressed, they are words you could switch just like for
example it works with: retard
Dont dislaik me caz Im better than u are and more proer. Thnx thnx

I am the salt in the defeat. I pledge my keyboard to the chat of Legend League,

I notice the Need to Feed at toplane?
How did you do that? .... The Mental Retardation
Oohhh the Mental Retardation is strong with this one
Oohhh this is some first class Mental Retardation right here
I think he is from the Mental Retardation affiliation
I am experiencing High Concentration of Mental Retardation around you kid

If you can't feed all of them, then feed just one.

Most of us live and learn. You just live.

When you go to the mind reader, do you get half price?

You're as useless as the G in Lasagna if you keep continuing

You're as useless as an ashtray on a motorcycle at this point.

"I don't have the time or crayons to explain it to you."

You're just unlovable. You know this and that's why you're so lonely.

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you

I sometimes wonder ties your shoes for you in the morning

Hahah you die so often

It's almost like you are here, this aram on Howling Abyss, but for some reason you've
convinced yourself 100% that you are playing darts anyways and then instead of standard
arrows you got this spaghetti to throw.

Like wtf dude

Do you call this ... shit. Come on, remain being worse then sucking ding and you would be
rank Bronze 500

Painful to see this shit happening

It's almost like you are currently here, but you somehow decided to stop playing League as
League and it was fine for you to continue to treat it as playing darts anyways and then
instead of standard dart arrows you got spaghetti to throw.
Like wtf dude
Do you even?
Dry pasta, no sauce? Come on man, there are kids in this game watching you right now
Filthy animal. Jees, literally first time ever to report anyone. This is un-acceptable and straight
up a emberassing performance.

and thought you could continue as if it were playing darts and then instead of standard dart
arrows you got spaghetti to throw.

Like wtf dude

Do you even?

playing ARAM on League of Legends

Almost emberassing

I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.

I like you. You remind me of when I was young and stupid.
You sound reasonable...Time to up my medication.
I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself again.
Hey, your village called - they want their idiot back.
Dude, earth is full. Go home
I can see your point, but I still think you're full of shit.
Do you hear that? It's the sound of no one caring you go retard.
Oh darling, please tell more about how this 'Elohell' works
Don't mind him. He has a soft heart and a head to match.
Don't you need a license to be that giving us all this crap? You might think someone would

You using chat is giving me nightmares

How big is your dick?

As my friend always would say: 'The Small Wee Wee Syndrome is very strong with this one!'

Can you please not show yourself in ranked game? Its embarrassing.
"There's a tree somewhere producing oxygen for you. You should go apologize to it."
"No one is this stupid on purpose!"
"I wish you were retarded, because then you'd at least have an excuse."
You are a walking vomit

The wheels on the bus go FUCK YOURSELF.

His vocabulary was as bad as, like, whatever, noob, anyways.

I used to hate people like you
If you were a potato, you would be a bad potato.
You are making a lot of noise for someone who says nothing
You should try eating some makeup so atleast you can be prettty on the inside.
You're so bad at League, you could get killed by a Zilean ult.

download free virus - please go to:

D4ear diary. It was only a brief moment before this guy decided for all of us to stopped having
fun instantly
People try to avoid you

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

Wow somebody here needs a happy meal.

You didn't have enough mana to right click?

"Er mer gerd! U a le n00b! Le n00bie n00bur!"

"I stuck le Bronzareenie hellareena! All my le teem a le n00bz."

Deja Poo - The feeling of having heard this crap before.

'1vs1 me in club Pengiun fgt'

"You suck more than a suck machine set on suck a lot'"

My team is so bad.. They can't even win a surrender vote

'GG, 5 retards in my team'

A wise man once said... Nothing, he just shuts up and does what's best for the team.

Sit down, give your mind a rest - it obviously needs it.

Everyone has a right to be mad, but you abuse the privilege.

Before you start pointing fingers make sure your hands are clean.

Go ahead, tell them everything you know. It'll only take 10 seconds.

Why is it that the people with the smallest minds always have the biggest mouths?

Did your parents ever ask you to run away from home?

I like the sound of you not talking.

I'd call you a dick, but you lack both size and strength.

I run faster horny than you do scared kiddo.

You're about as useless as Anne Frank's drum set.

How can I keep a major nerd like you in suspense for 24 hours? I'll tell you tomorrow.ith

Damn when did they make bots easier.

I don't mind that you are talking, so long as you don't mind that I'm not listening.

I feel you man. You started at the bottom and it's been downhill ever since.

Remember when I asked for your opinion. Me neither!

Im sorry you got offended that one time you were treated the way you treat everyone all the

I'm jealous of all the people that haven't met you!

You have the right to remain silent because whatever you say will probably be stupid.

How many times do I have to flush before you go away?

Keep talking, someday you'll say something intelligent!

You inspire my inner serial killer

G3T dUnK3D n00bl0rd!!11!1!

this isn't even my best game and I still beat you at it HAHA LOL FAIL XDD

"Bottom lane is feeding so hard even the minions are about to start building items"

Oh, what? Sorry. I was trying to imagine you with a personality.

It's scary to think that people like you are graduating from college.

Did something bad happen to you today or are you just naturally not-likeable?

Just because you have one doesn't mean you have to act like one.

I like you. You remind me of when I was young, and stubborn and lamebrained

I don't think you act stupid, I'm sure it's the real thing.

Your opinion is very important to me, please remain on the line until it goes to voicemail.

I'm not trying to boss you around just do what I say.

See no evil, hear no evil and hug the mute button next to this loser's name

Hi there, I'm a human being! What are you?

Sorry I missed/ignored your toxic behaviour, I was busy seeing how long it would
take for you to stop being a whining little top laner.

This isn't working out. I think you should should start making other people miserable.

I don't think you are stupid. You just have a bad luck when thinking

Toxic Flame - Offensive/Brutal

Fact is I bukakke on your dad

These are the moments, I treasure the time I don't spend with you.

Were you always this stupid and annoying or did you take lessons?

You need to get your finger out of your butt so your brain can get oxygen, you filthy scrub

You should be very proud of yourself. You seemed so normal. I couldnt tell
youre Autistic.

"If you weren't abused as a child, you should have been."

/all "sorry about your feeder"

Hehe these games now
when starting:
'Bonus Quest for free very large RP (no joke!),


: tilt the enemy with your most 13yearish cancer'

Rule 1 : Act like your birthyear Autism

Rule 2 Dont be retarded

I hope the rest of your day is as pleasant as you are.

"You make sunny days less bright."
You look like you struggle with simple tasks.
"Its cute when you get all mad like this"
"Brush your teeth boy"
Your tries to 'communicate' with us are unwanted and horrible to handle.
You bring everyone a lot of joy, when you stop using your keyboard to type.

You're a fool dude. It's pathetic, even bronze 5 look down on you
This behaviour you are showing. It's sad as fuck. You seem totally clueless coward.

Youre a legend in your own mind. Right here? You are just another toxic kid who
has no chill.
You are a sad, sorry little man and you have my pity.
Youll never need birth control with a personality like that.
"This is why people hate to play with you, don't you ever learn anything?
"Youre so dumb, your dog teaches you tricks. Right?
Are you always an idiot, or just when you play a game in the Rift?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you
I sometimes wonder ties your shoes for you in the morning

You, the stubborn toxic 16 years old! Off my planet! Atleast go away from my chat

Slit your wrists, it will lower your blood pressure.

On your mark, get set, go fuck yourself.

You should turn the game off. Just walk outside and find the nearest tree, then
apologise to it for wasting so much oxygen.

I can feel my braincells dying just from being in the same server as you

The only positive thing you are showing us is your HIV status.

The inbreeding is certainly obvious in your family.

I'd rather stick my dick in a blender than take you seriously

The only thing lower than your k/d ratio is your I.Q.

You're the type of player to get 3rd place in a 1v1 match

Stephen Hawking has better hand-eye coordination than you.

Would you like some fries with that salt?

I'm okay with this team. I work in the city as a garbage collector. I'm used to
carrying trash.

You didn't make a mistake. Your parents did.

I'm surprised that you were able hit the 'Install' button

You're the reason they need to put instructions on Bleach bottles

players like you should come with a handicap sticker

I've seen you die more times than I've seen my dad in my whole life.

A million years of evolution and we get you.

I'd I fucked your Mom, but somebody already made that mistake

I bet if you would go afk, you would play better

If there would be a loser contest you'd win a second place. Because you are a

Shut up, you'll never be the man your mother is.

If I wanted to kill myself I'd climb your ego and jump to your IQ.

I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it really works.

If at first you don't succeed, you just blame someone else and seek for the
capslock button. That's how it works for people like you work, right? Pathetic

Ordinarily people live and learn. You just waste oxygen and flame.

Wanna bet he has mastery level 7 on being a cunt in chat?

Report Ashe for installing the game

"Report Blitz's mother. She was clearly trolling when she decided not to get an

"I hope Santa brings your family cancer for Christmas."

Aww my middlefinger likes you

Thanks for your complaint. I will file it right between Dont give a flying f*ck,
and sucks to be you.

Since you know it all, you should know when to shut the f**k up.

I'm not saying I hate you, but I would unplug your life support to charge my

I'd like to see things from your point of view but I can't seem to get my head that
far up my ass.

Calling you an idiot would be an insult to all stupid people.

Are your parents siblings?

How to lose an argument vs a hopeless toxic fuck: 1) tell them to stop flaming.

I'm already visualising the duct tape across your mouth.

Hello, you've reached 1800--#FLAMEON, how can you help me today kid?

Everyone can be dick but you are an art form of a dick.

You know, you're not even that toxic -- for a relentless flaming cunt

If you look over here you can see a feeder in his natural habitat. I think now he's
busy with slowly draining/leeching all life and fun out of the game

Suicide is always an option.

Kiss my butt nooblord ( Y )

He is so dumb, he thinks Taco Bell is a Mexican phone company

Absolutely no way youre not a virgin.

Your arms must be so strong from pushing yourself around in that wheelchair all day.

I hope you and your whole family get diamond
I hope you get terminal diamond

Sniff sniff I smell bullshit

Me riding away from your bullshit - *Yippee Ki-Yay motherfucker see ya*
I'm calling this team 'Your dad.' Because it gives no support and keeps vanishing.

"You worthless, lying sack of ****. You hypocritical, self-centered pile of human waste. You
have nothing of value to contribute to anything or anyone. Leave."
Oh, your not feeding on purpose your just actually that bad, ok."

I got so much swag I got cancer

Toxic Flame - Edgy or rasict

What do you call a black guy with half a brain?

How do parents in Africa celebrate their kid's first birthday?
They bring flowers to his grave.
What did the rapist say to their victim?
Go ahead, call the police, we'll see who comes first.
My first high-school football game was a lot like my first time having sex...
I was bloody and sore at the end, but at least my dad came.

Losing my virginity was a lot like how I learned to ride a bike.

My dad having a firm grip on my shoulders.
Whats the difference between children and ISIS?
Drones can't tell either.
Why do black people drive with the windows closed?
They think the smell is coming from outside

You know the girl you're dating is too young if you have to make the airplane noise to get your
cock in her mouth

What's the best reason to have children? You don't have to pay to have sex with them!

before I rekt dat bitch and permaban this noob lolclient.exe

How do parents in Africa celebrate their kid's first birthday?

They bring flowers to his grave.

A man walks up to a woman in a bar and says, "You're going to get laid tonight".
A bit surprised, she asks, "Really? How do you know that? Are you psychic?"
"No, I'm just stronger than you."

Whats the hardest part about being a pedophile?

Fitting in.

You know she's too young when her dad tells you to get out of the crib

Toxic Flame - Shorts

Cum freak Fuck hole Eat a dick Fuck Puppet Cum
twat, waste of life, loser, bitch, fuck up, kid, thrash, piece of aids, dickhead, tard/retard,
degenerate, shit cunt, whore, douche, nemesis, nerd, pussy, faggot, rat, autist, skank, downie,
cock juggling thunder cunt
40-watt club
imbecile dimwit dummy
lamebrain airhead weirdo
you six-piece chicken mcnobody
You cotton-headed ninny muggins!
u bronze nooblord
The end of the universe due to the Nooblord rising from noobtopia and noobifying everyone.
brain on cooldown?
badgeless noob
ya cumwipe!
fucking offensive u bronzemeiser69 scrub
A nooblord can't call an other one nooblord, fool. <.<
you fedora-wearing scrubs
cheater fuckhead dimwit silly goose jackass moron
got lost

See you space edgelord
You should be apologizing for that hungry-ass whore of a mother not swallowing you
Just emo as fuck
Waste of jizz/sperm
fick dich, du drecksfotze!
German expression, literally means "Fuck you, you dirty cunt"
Ta gueule connard!
French for shut your trap, asshole

Stop being so radioactive.

Stop fucking around and let's get to work.
What a dumb fuck.
Fuckstick boosted animal
Ya pansy
Mister Drama Queen
Stupid infidels
Fuck pipe
cock pocket
One hit wheelchair weed
tig ol bitties
baby dick
hope u get cancebolaids
Go fuk a peneis"

Go fuk a peneis" you radioactive one-hit-wheeltard, I hope u get cancebolaids, ya permavirgin


twat, waste of life, loser, bitch, fuck up, kid, thrash, piece of aids, dickhead, tard/retard,
degenerate, shit cunt, whore, douche, nemesis, nerd, pussy, faggot, rat, autist, skank, downie,
cock juggling thunder cunt

Inspiring/Motivational Quotes/Oneliners

Tough times don't last, tough people do.

1. Quotes Win
The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
If you fell down last game, stand up now. LET'S GO BOYS. SHOW 'M WHAT WE GOT
I am not afraid.. I was born to do this
The will to conquer is the first condition of victory.
When you think positive, good things happen.
At the end of the day, if I can say I had fun, it was a good day.
Lighten up, just enjoy life, smile more, laugh more, and don't get so worked up about things.
Life is all about having a good time.
I don't want to miss out on the chance of having a good time.
Teamwork makes the dream work
The team which handles the pressure best, carries the day.
Make calls on movement, keep proper vision, communicate with pings and have fun!!
Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress and working together is success.
Great leaders dont tell you what to do, they show you how its done.
*A true leader will not easily get discouraged.
*Leadership is not a position or title, it is action and example.

2. inspire/motivate
Winning isn't everything--but wanting to win is.
Winning isn't everything. Wanting to win is.
Go for it now. The future is promised to no one
We are going to make it happen!
Where there is unity there is always victory
Our victory is right behind that inhibitor. Never give up.
Leadership demands that we make tough choices.
I'm for whatever gets you through the night.
I'm a true believer in karma. You get what you give, whether it's bad or good.

Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.
Whatever you are, be a good one.
When a team outgrows individual performance and learns team confidence, excellence becomes a
There is no 'i' in team but there is in win.
Stay positive! We can do this! Focus on the battle!
A diamond player once told me, "It does you no good to be 10/0/0 from lane, and having done nothing
for your team. You will win more games supporting your team than being the only one doing anything."
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
Work together not against.
We all can work; but together we win.

3. When behind quotes:

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.
You will never win if you never begin
Go big or go home
A champion is someone who gets up when he can't.
My dear friend, clear your mind of 'cant' thoughts.
Winning the peace is harder than winning the war.
A champion is afraid of losing. Everyone else is afraid of winning.
Every moment of resistance to temptation is a victory.
In the time of darkest defeat, victory may be nearest.
If you're not making mistakes, then you're not doing anything.
If you care enough for a result, you will most certainly attain it.
We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.
Keep moving forward. The only thing that can stop you is yourself.
Anyone can have a good day, but you have to be able to perform on a bad day.
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
You become a champion by fighting one more round. When things are tough, you fight one
more round.
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me.
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect.

The real glory is being knocked to your knees and then coming back. That's real glory. Thats the
essence of it.
This is not the end, this is not even the beginning of the end, this is just perhaps the end of the

"Never explain yourself. Your friends don't need it and your enemies won't believe it."

The unspoken rules of League

Always tell someone they are REPORTED, otherwise how would they KNOW?
You are MID, why should you GANK OTHER LANES?
You will receive the SS call from mid about A SECOND after 5-0 Ahri WALKS into your lane.
When HECARIM steals Baron, blame your JUNGLER for not smiting while FEARED.
KILL that last MINION, even if it means you wil DIE FOR IT.
Every CHAMPION you don't know how to play is a NOOB champion.
If you offer advice about WHAT TO BUILD, you will be SHOUTED at for flaming and muted.
POSSIBLY reported.
Remember, a SKIN improves your chances to win the lane by 85%
If you don't make ANY calls, you can't be BLAMED for any mistakes!
If 4/5 members of your team have SKINS. The 5th must be REPORTED.
If it takes LEE SIN more then 0.5 seconds to place & jump to his ward, YOU CAN take him.
If you get 4 man GANKED you always have to type '4v1 noob'
If you get FIRST BLOODED, your opponent is a no-lifer', if you get FIRST BLOOD, your opponent
is a total noob.
It is SORAKA's fault for being unable to heal every 4 seconds.
Not RAGING is considered rude and a REPORTABLE action
If you are TOP lane and you're getting GANKED 3 minutes in the game it's the SUPPORT'S fault
for not WARDING your lane.
Focusing TANK WINS you the game
Always remember that BABYSITTING is a valid reason to report.
If you THINK it's warded, its warded. If you DON'T THINK it's warded, it's warded
BLUE BUFF belongs to your mid whether the jungler knows it OR not.
Unless YOUR support is soloing their team, you can still LOSE.
Unless THEIR support is soloing your team, you can still WIN.
AMUMU always wants to give you a HUG. Don't let him.
If people really insist on flaming you, pretent to be Brazillian. HUEHUEHUEHE
If your Sona told you the KS was an accident, she LIED.
Summoner spells were made to be USED.

If you do not build AD as Ahri you are terrible and will be REPORTED 9x

Pep Talk For A Bro

Sometimes you just have to give yourself the pep talks. Like hello you are a bad ass bitch don't
be sad you're doing great love u

Hello. I'm the fitness/happiness? Fairy. I just sprinkled motiviation dust on you. Now go and
move your ass. This shit is expensive.

pep talk Xx Bounty xX

Experiment.. Get creative..
Start that DIE-Hard carry project you have been thinking about.
The only thing standing between you and what you want to be doing ..
..Is DOING IT. SO LETS GO Xx BOUNTY11 Xx, to their Nexus and beyond! You sexy silver beast,
you big trouble monster!
Show them some real cancer in chat, show them how a king sits in his throne. Make them suffer
and focus on what you love, winning, saying GG EZ in all chat. Try to enjoy every minute of it.
Express yourself. Let people know there is a new god in town. Build dat dank toaster item build,
show them what you are proud of. ++++++++

You know what, babe? Sometimes, life gets really weird. You think you have your shit on lock
and you're cruising to your own song but then the song changes and you're left trying to take
steps in the dark. This will happen to you at the worst of times and you'll grapple with what you
want and maybe even who you are! And babe, that's okay. The movement will shift you into a
better position to become the self you seek to be. Just remember to be patient and hold on to
the best parts, surround yourself in good things and let the song change. Maybe it was just time
for a new tune. <3

If Legend Leaguerino is a game, arent we all on the same adventure? I mean really, right?
Im on your team. Be on my team, you sexy beast. I need you. This is ranked, people. Youve
got precious LP coming through. Pure elo skipping. Its in your heartbeat. That means its time
to do something! Get fed and get gud. Control ward, check. Can of ass whoopin, gotchu fam,


Dude, 10 people can ban nowadays. Yasuo's career is over.

You don't know? It's ranked dude, not normal or custom.
Please practice more for the good of your teammates.

Why play a difficult champion, when you can pick a easy one who deals the same amount of
My previous games with him in my team gave me nasty diseases (read: stage4cancer)

"Hosakei the fuck down"

Less gold than the support, less gold then the support. It's standard in these ranked games with
Yasuo. Sorry but I'm not dealing with that.

Maybe you can pretend I didn't see you were gonna pick him and it was a mistake.

Stop ruining other people's games by playing a champ you clearly don't have the mechanics and
game knowledge for to play

after banning teammate pick

I don't care if I made you upset. It's my promo game, can't let this happen. -Sincerely League
Community [Gold-]

"I will change your experience on Yasuo as a teammate''

Yea I won't fall for that

>Hit yasuo.
>H A S A K I
>S O R I E K E T O N

>S O R I E K E T O N

Egei Ton!!
Sorye / Igei Ton / Sorye Ge Ton

Face the wind!
First I was like .. But then I went
Keep calm and SPAM mastery emote
Siege minions are worth more gold than the Yasuo/Yi on your team

Official Yasuo League Quotes

"One blade, one purpose."

Death is like the wind - always by my side."
"No cure for fools."
"It's just death. Nothing serious."
"Don't start what I'll finish."
"Some mistakes you can't make twice."
My honor left a long time ago."
"Justice. That's a pretty word."
"Honor is in the heart, not the name."
"Hmph... dying's the easy part."

"Yasuo is hard to play"

"His 3rd q is hard to hit"
"And Yasuo is weak early/mid and late game"
"When I dash through every minion in the laning phase, that means I am outplaying my


... sighs "Well, no cure for fools" he says as he requeues.
Within seconds the next queue pops, but the yasuo main was prepared. With the unrivaled
dexterity of a monkey, his mouse speeds over accept.

His greasy index finger slipped once onto the right click, but nothing a Yasuo main couldn't
recover from, as he confidently slammed down the left click to enter champion select.

First game of the day was just a warm up. Time to get serious. But first, he needed a boost.
Opening his mouth wide, he poured the remainder of the doritos into his mouth, chomping as
they fell, allowing lost crumbs to cascade down his chin as the air willed. "I alone decide my

fate," he whispered to himself as his teammates pre-selected their picks.

Unpredictable as the wind, the Yasuo main calmly refrained from preselecting a champion. He
squeezed his eyes shut, praying no one would his account.

If there's one thing a Yasuo main knows, it's that gold players hate being carried. The moment
he reveals he's a Yasuo main, the goldies would jealously ban it.

Of course, that's not a problem as like any skilled player he has a back up choice, but he just
wasn't in the mood today for Riven.
No Yasuo ban. He leans back from the bright monitor and smiles to himself in the darkness of
his basement. Distracted by thoughts of glory to come, his hand instinctively reaches for
another Dorito bag, chair teetering back in the process.
His second chair breaks under his weight. Opening the bag of doritos and cramming them into
his mouth, he stands in front his computer at the ready, looming over his keyboard a backlit
silhouette of a smiling Yasuo main...

Some AFK / BRB jukes to impress your dank meme teammates

Brb, cat got launch codes again
Brb, pool's on fire
Brb my turtle is running away
Brb gotta pee. Back in 3040- minutes
Brb need to walk my goldfish
Brb girlfriend isn't in the kitchen
Brb I smell pussy
Brb boss is coming to my desk
Brb grandma's naked again
Brb grandma died again
Brb Morgana snared me 2 games ago
Brb dick caught in ceiling fan
Brb for some reason my keyboard stopped working
Brb changing runes & masteries
Brb refrigerator is on the loose again
Brb going to attempt suicide .... Never mind, I fucked up.
Brb have to gank my toilet
Brb I feel like League is gonna cras-
Brb meteor hit the house
Brb upcoming 'Viet'-Nam flashback
Brb grandma died again
Brb wrong mouse, this one one bites
Brb ran out of time at the internetcafe

Brb waiting for lategame
BRB batsignal
Aww sh*t, I got pulled over. BRB

Reasons for 'random' AFK's :

Fuck, sorry local militia opened fire at village
Girlfriend going into labor, good luck team
Wait, damn cat on keyboardwqsqwe11112`1w

No pun inteded, it's a daily struggle.

Damn, there we go again. He is so damn fast

gg, the computer store is was closing anyways

isdpgvnspginpqgnqaefcjmkwek sorry there was a spider on my keyboard

AFK for 3-5, ice cream truck outside

Damn it my power went out. I'll let you guys know when it comes back

Copypasta's #Copypastapocalypse
Just wanted to say hi as bot lane is like being married. There will be good times and bad times.
Sometimes you love each other, sometimes you hate each other. No matter what, you're stuck
together for a length of time so you might as well try to make the best of it. :3

Gr8 b8, m8. I rel8, str8 appreci8, and congratul8. I r8 this b8 an 8/8. Plz no h8, Im str8 ir8. Cre8
more, cant w8. We should convers8, I wont ber8, my number is 8888888, ask for N8. No calls
l8 or out of st8. If on a d8, ask K8 to loc8. Even with a full pl8, I always have time to communic8
so dont hesit8

Hello am 48 year man from somalia. Sorry for my bed england. I selled my wife for internet
connection to play "league leginds" and I want to become the goodest player like you I play with
400 ping on brazil server and I am diamond 2. pls no copy pasterino my story.

how do i get out of elo hell ive been bronze 5 for 3 years now i main janna adc and i build 5
spirit visages but i keep dying to the golems even when i use smite i know i deserve challenjour
so pls help me out senpai masteronii

hey i just want to let you guys know i really want to win and if i say something about your skill
its just because im frustrated and i dont want any of you guys to take it personally but ive been
having some rough games

Yo momma jokes

Urban Dictionarys:
Yo mama so fat she sat on a rainbow and skittles popped out.
Yo mama so fat she jumped up in the air and got stuck.
Yo mama so black when someone hit her the mouth they struck oil.
Yo mama so ugly when she stuck her head out the window she got a ticket for mooning.
Yo mama's teeth so yellow when she smiles cars slow down.
Yo mama so fat when she sees a school bus she yells "Stop that twinkie!!!"
Yo mama so fat she steped on a dollar and made change.
Yo mama so poor I saw her kicking a can and I asked her what she was doing she replied
Yo mama so poor when I rung the door bell she stuck her head out the window and yelled
Yo mama so black she got marked absent from night school.
Yo mama so tall that when she did a cart wheel she kickes Jesus.
Yo mama so fat she got baptised at seaworld.
Yo mama's teeth so nasty she uses a toilet brush.
Yo mama so dirty she just looks black.
yo mama is yo daddy.
Yo mama so stupid she stared at orange juice cause it said "concentrate."
Yo mama so short she commited suicide by jumping off the crub.
Yo mama so tiny she hoola-hoops with a cheerio.
Yo mama so old her social security number is 1.
Yo mama so old her breasts only make powdered milk.
Yo mama so old she farts dist.
yo mama so fat hens she wears red kids start dancing around her singing "Kool-Aid,
Yo mama's boobs sag so low her nipples scrape on the concreat.
Yo mama so old in the second grade she sat next to Moses.
Yo mama so old she don't wear bifocals she wears octofocals.
Yo mama so ugly she went to a plastic surgeon he said "I'm sorry, I don't preform miricles."
Yo mama so ugly she don't need a mask on Halloween.
yo mama so poor I went into her house and steped on a cigarette and she asked "Who turned
off the heat?"
Yo mama is yo mama, nuf said.
Yo mama so stupid she went to Dr. Dre for a papsmear.
Yo mama so stupid she thought a quartedback was a refund.
Yo mama so fat and so black she jumped in the ocean and someone yelled "Oil spill!!!"
Yo mama's like a shot gun: one cock and she blows.
Yo mama's like a roller coaster: everone geta a ride. so easy yo mama can use it.

Yo momma is so fat when she got on the scale it said, "I need your weight not your phone
Yo momma is so fat the scale screamed "Get the fuck off me".
Yo momma is so ugly when she tried to join an ugly contest they said, "Sorry, no professionals."
Yo momma is so ugly she made One Direction go another direction.
Yo momma is so fat her bellybutton gets home 15 minutes before she does.
Yo momma is so stupid, she thought you were smart.
Gay? I'm straighter than the pole your mom dances on
Yo momma's so fat, she's got more chins than a Chinese phone book
Yo momma is so fat, she could sell shade.
Yo momma is so stupid, she thought Nickleback was a pawn shop
Yo momma is so ugly, she makes onions cry.
Yo momma is so fat, her weight is the measurement for neutron stars
Yo momma is so hairy, big foot takes pictures of her
Yo momma is so old, her first Christmas WAS the first Christmas
Yo momma is so fake, Barbie is jealous
Yo momma is so fat, she takes selfies with Google Earth
Yo momma, is so ugly she scared the crap out of the damn toilet
Whats the difference between yo momma and a walrus?
One has a moustache and smells of fish and the other is a walrus.
Yo momma is so fat, she eats melon yoghurt with whole fruits
Yo momma is so fat, she brought a spoon to the super bowl
Which sexual position produces the ugliest children? Ask your mother
Looking at you and yo momma, makes me understand why some animals eat their own youngs.
Yo momma so old, when she was a kid rainbows were black and white.
Yo momma is so fat, she played the Death Star in Star Wars
I was going to give her a nasty look, but she already had one.
Yo momma is so hairy, she had to shave before playing Chewbacca
Yo momma is so ugly, she needs a weapon license for her face
Yo momma is so ugly, she turns Medusa to stone
Every time someone calls her fat, she gets so depressed, she cuts herself..
......a piece of cake.
Yo momma so ugly, on Halloween someone said 'Damn, scary costume!

Place internetfist here, bro
Whats up bromosapien?
Brotality restored, here take some BROrito's and smoke a Tabascbro

Broly moley! UnBROlievable! Brah! Brome wasn't built in a day!

If you were a teacher, you were a BROfessor
Bro, I hereby give you the sticker of approval for BROfessional League Players

Gotta think about the Bro zone layer.. It's easy Bro Science.
Brochacho, come on. Bro bro bro your broat!
You can call me Broseidon, king of the brocean and all of its brohabitants.
Bro, we have to draw the line somewhere.
Otherwise we have to do a brobortion, you know stopping the friendship with a fellow bro.

In the heat of the broment, bro's do weird stuff

I think you need to be more bropen-minded

I am a Brotivational Speaker for the Broman Empire.

Double Bro 7
U gotta be Brolling with the Bromies.
Everything is A-Bro-K
Bro My God BROMG!
Bropologize or Apol-bro-gize?
Please accept my bropology, I was wrong.
Don't stop Brolieving
BROLO (You only bro once)
Brozilla Bigger than life bro, out of control bro, mutant bro
Bromigo Brombre Broda
That gave me a broner
Broku. See what I'm saiyan?
360 broscope
A bromance is developing here.
Guys, don't start a brodown please
The bro gods: Brah, god of Sun and Tan
Brodin - Leader of the Bros
He sits atop Mount Brolympus judging us.
Marlbroro A smoker bro
Super Brorio Bros... Derrrrrrrrrr
Brotential - Showing one's potential of being a true bro
No Bromo
Nintenbro 64
A brotastic action
Brottle Bropener - For cracking a cold one bropen with the broys.
EmbryBro (male twins in earliest stages of development)
Brolaf, King of Bromacia
Google Bhrome
Broccoli - The broest of vegetables.
Film it - with the GoBro
Bro Your Own Way - When bros disagree on how to do things, or must part ways.
What to call a fake/false bro? - Bro-ser. Noun. One who pretends to brofriend a true bro but
then fails to show at the gym repeatedly. Or Imbroster?
Broship Brotherhood

League Of Legends - Guide like improvement

What exactly is the difference between a Bronze player and a
Diamond player?
Basic Stuff
Diamond players win more.
Diamond players play more.
Diamond players CS better.
Diamond players die less.
Diamond players hit more skillshots.
Diamond players dodge more skillshots.

Advanced Stuff
Diamond players use summoners better. (especially flash)
Diamond players lane better.
Diamond players ward more.
Diamond players understand towers better.
Diamond players prepare for objectives sooner.
Diamond players understand match-ups better.

Easy Things to Get From Bronze to Diamond

Get good at support.
Get a better internet connection.
Pick a strong hero with a low ban rate and main that champion.
Don't tower dive.
Concentrate on CS over harass (unless you're support).
Follow the solo queue tier list for good META picks.

In the end, play more, play consistently, and don't do dumb things, dumb being defined as dying
or getting your teammates killed. If you do something dumb, write it down. By writing your
thoughts down you tend to remember. Learn from your mistakes and reread the list you are
creating once every month.

copypasta stackexchange
Playing other champions really gives you a feel for how to handle situations. It is
important to know what your champion is capapable of and what they are capable
of. I can offer some tips though.

Watch your map: This one is the most important, always watch your map. When
more than one person is missing on the enemy team you should be moving to a
safe position. Make sure you know where your enemies are or where they were
heading last seen. Keep the map scouted and when 3+ people are missing you
should be trying to bunch up aswell. If theres 3or more people missing and
you're pushing a lane deep then most likely they are coming to kill you.
Know your role: If you're the tank, be the tank. Protect your squishies, stay close
to them and protect them. They are usually your carries and thats how you will
win the teamfights. Rally your team, don't be afraid to boss them around. "All
push mid" "Group up". Late game power is all yours as the tank, you engage, you
chose where and when to engage and where to push. Without you your team is
pretty useless. If you're the carry, stick to the tank farm within moderation and
keep an eye on the map. You're who they're disappearing to come kill. Stick to the
brush when teamfights engage so they can't come in and just ice you and run
away. Don't reveal yourself till some spells have been cast and they have already
begun focusing another less squishy player. If you're support, keep the tank alive

and watch your squishys.
Don't wander: If its late game and you're all level 18its time to be a team, move
together, stay close. Don't over extend and wandering also involves watching the
maps. If the enemy team is pushed into their base and fending off super mionons
go steal their camps, but just always farm in moderation and never over extend.
Know your enemy: Once again coming back to knowing the champions. If you're
the tank and the majority of the enemy team damage dealers are ability power
then stack magic resist, if you're a carry and a majority of the enemies are tanky
high health grab a madreds and tear them down. Don't trust mobafire 100%. No
build is gaurenteed every time. I say this all the time, LoL is dynamic and should be
played as such. Build your build around the enemy team and what your team
needs from you.

Here are some other miscellaneous tips from a strategy/tactical perspective:

Have an objective: If your team spends the whole game reacting to the other
team, you're not going to succeed. Properly communicating so that your whole
team is on the same page is important here. What lane are you going to push
next? When are you going to grab dragon or Baron? Knowing what you're doing
next saves time when you win a teamfight, which leads me to...
Maximize teamfight wins: Many times I've seen a team engage in a nice big 5v5
teamfight and come out with an advantage, then merely return to their lanes to
farm. In the late game, if you get a 2 or 3 person advantage coming out of a
teamfight, you should be accomplishing an objective! Any imbalance should be
exploited - push down some turrets, grab dragon or Baron, or at LEAST steal some
jungle buffs! Returning to farming in this case just wastes your advantage.
Baron is risky: Teams, especially in solo queue, have a tendency to immediately
choose Baron as their objective any time they win a teamfight or even just when
the other team is out of position. But it's risky - even a very fed team will take a
while to kill Baron, and you're sitting ducks the whole time. On top of this,
sometimes Baron is just the wrong objective - Baron doesn't directly win you
games. Pushing some towers to get control of the map, or pushing an inhibitor to
get a 5 minute advantage, is often a much better strategic choice than grabbing
the Baron buff.
Wards!!! It's been said over and over on every LoL community, but wards are
invaluable, particularly during the end teamfight phase. Having consistent visibility
of the enemy team is a HUGE tactical advantage - being able to see that their
team is split and attack with odds in your favor can easily lead to an ace. One
75-gold ward can directly contribute to a win.
Minions not required: By the end of the game (assuming a decent composition)
your team will easily be able to tank the inhibitor turrets and even the Nexus
turrets of the enemy base. Don't fall into the habit of always requiring a minion
wave - 3 champions (or even 2 if they're tanky enough or put out enough AD) can
tank a turret down quickly, saving TONS of time compared to the time required to
push a minion wave all the way to a turret.

Little Verses/Rhymes
You tried your hardest
You lost your lane
Now do me a favor
Uninstall the game

Mid lane Riven

Top lane Vayne
"Surrender at 20"
Yasuo left the game

Rank 7 Riven
And Yasuo too
This is all normal
In Bronze SoloQ

Their mid lane is fed

And my top lane has left
It's at times like these
I wish I did meth.

The Vayne flames Blitz

For the CS he took
He just used his relic shield stacks
But never landed a hook

Roses Are grey
Violets grey too
My screen is always grey
Who fed Darius, who.

Announcer cries "ACE";

we murdered them all!
Screw Baron Nashor,
it's time to recall.

League of Legions related pick-up lines.

Hey girl, you dont require 1600g for my Needlessly Large Rod.
Are you Cassiopeia? Because when I stare at you I get hard.

Are you an AD carry? Because I'm fired up and ready to serve.

Are you Cassiopeia? Because when I stare at you I get hard.
Are you Orianna? Because you can play with my balls.
Can I invade your jungle?
Can I put my doran blade in your doran ring?
Can I tap your dark spheres?
Damn, if being sexy was a crime, I'd have to call Sherif Caitlyn because you're guilty as charged.
Did I mention its mating season?
Do you main Ahri? Because I find you charming.
Even if you were Singed I would still chase after you.
Fear not im coming.
For only $2.95 a minute I will leave you breathless.
Girl you turn my blasting wand into a needlessly large rod.
Girl you're like draven - spinning me around town.
Girl, are you Irelia? Because I want to nerf you so hard.
Girl, are you Nunu? Because on a scale of one to ten, you're an ABSOLUTE ZERO.
Girl, is your name Ashe? Because your beauty stunned me from a distance!
Girl, your body is OP.
Hello dere.
Hey babe, lemme destroy your inhibitor.
Hey babe. I bought the double penetration runes.
Hey baby is your name Taric because you stunned me from a mile away.
Hey baby, I'm always on duty.
Hey girl, wanna come back to my base and check out my Needlessly Large Rod?
Hey girl, you must be Ahri because you charmed me over here.
I wish I'd worn my Mercury's Treads, because you just stunned me.
I'd like to put my mushroom in your bush.
I'm not sorry that I left my fuzzy cuffs at home
If you were a Tidecaller I'd be your blessing.

If you're Nannie I'll be your tribbers.
Is your father Ziggs? Because you are a bomb.
Is your name Janna? Because you blow me away.
Is your name yorick? Because Evanescence isn't the only one who brings me to life
It's not fun unless you run.
Lemme show you a double rainbow.
Once you go Demacian you never go back, I Garen - tee it.
Wanna fiddle my stick?
Wanna know why me roger's all jolly?
Wanna solo my Baron?
Will you be the Ezreal to my Taric
You know, if Ezreal saw you, he'd need a map. He'd get lost in your eyes.
You make me feel like cho. I just want to feast in your bush.
You must be used to stealing souls, because you're fully stacked.
Your name must be Sona, because you just made me Crescendo.

Emoticons or Smileys in text symbols

From sites like and

Runes pages ++ Emoticons show @

1 AD [Scaling] Top
2 Git Gud Thrsh
3 Lulu [Coin]
4 ADC [+AS+1%M]
5 Tank [+%REG+%1.5MSPEED]
6 AP Mage vs AP Armor
7 AP vs AD [+] 0MR

League only supports Unicode Version 4.1 emoji's?




Lulu page name:

Special letters: ctrl 4 annoying af

Lol this guy-dude made a LOL Board post whining and crying about him wanting to
change his League Club Tag after it has been created. And how it's not possbile atm and
hurr durr ..

<more of him QQ'ing> - alongside his reasoning for it, ending with the words: Damn I'm
stuck with /ogpg now :(


You can join up to 3 clubs, but you can only be the owner of one of them.

EUW Thresh clubs:

Im The Chainwarden owner: Hi Im Yasaki TAG: To be determined
FlayClub owner: Zeiko D Raven / I Love Thresh Tag: Flay! requir. 200k
................ owner: Fractionate Tag: Flay/
Thresh gottheit Fly owner: RotteBengi Tag: ?????


Club transfer for a moment

EUW Herby J - Account name: abed***
other info: yazan
Reinvite all members
Possible new TAG 2-5 char



Damn Daniel back at it again with white Vans

Damn Daniel back at it again with nice stuff

Flayboy magazine?
Captain Hook
Always Click The Lantern :
420 Flay It!
Thresh Express

I feed... My ADC
You Carry I Supp
I gottu fam
First aid kit

I just sit here
Focus me pls
fake adc
Suck at support
Lemme penta
Im so thresh
thresh and fruity
flay and slay
ward your lanes
Pull My Lantern
Off the Hook
Chains of Flay
Oh my Soul
Thresh Till Death
Support & Co
Left Hand of Blitz
You Carry I Supp
Heal and Protect
I Carry My Carry
Not Ward Monkey
My Adc Supports
1 v 1 me support
Watch you farm
Hook me UP

Cant Dodge this
Hook Central
No CS No Problem
0 CS Carry
Flay and Pray
Blind Hooks
Flay Em' All
Dies for Souls
Hook n Carry
Off da' Hook
Make hook not war
I will Q you will QQ

Ward The River

Summoner names for ADCS

Ctrl Ult Delete
Best Crit Somalia
AFK Farm Only
I Crit My Pants
Hit Tower Pls
I Duck Sicks
Let haters be motivators

Very Thresh related names

Brother Thresh
HookedOnYou, GrabTheLantern, DarkPassenger, LanternsLight, TheDarkStar, DragonFlayer,
Flayvorful, HookLineAndSinker, AnyLastWords, NoEscape, SoulCollector
Thresh Airlines
Get Outflayed
Flay or Feed Flaytastic Hooktastic
Beautiful Soul Flaymaker
Get Flaymed
Get Outflayed
Adolf Ragequitler

Hold My Hand

Funny duo names

ILoveHer / HesAlrightIGuess
Never one / Without the other
YankMyAnchor / AintTouchingThat?
I Hug Dogs / I am a Dog AMA
Lamb Calls/Wolf Strikes!
Every life/Ends with us.
Lamb Calls/Wolf Strikes!
Taric's Explorer / Ezreal's Gem


Personal message League

- god* kleine letters

Spongebob gangplank parody lyrics
Who lives in top bushes in low elo queue
Crit runes Gangplank!
Whos sharpened and ready and coming for you
Crit runes Gangplank!
If one hitting minions is something you wish
Crit runes Gangplank!
Immune to CC cause my citrus' delish
Crit runes Gangplank!

Crit runes gangplank is love, crit runes ganplank is life

Ya har fiddle dee dee

Being a pirate is fucking OP
Critting all day ignoring CC
I am a pirate.

What's the Difference Between a Riot Employee and a Jg Main?

Nothing - Players expect them to fix everything while insulting their efforts at every corner.

Sorry for taking so long bro.xxxxxxxxxxxx

Fuck me, finally. Praise the lord, silence and all tabs saved. I had this tab open somewhere,
playing some League video(again?) but a lot of them crashed this afternoon (heat?).. So my PC
was laggy all day long as I couldn't ctrl alt delete it and lose it all.. and I couldn't find that tab
making sound (the audio crashed too, creating this this annoying audio loop of +- 15 seconds)
which played all day long (legit last 4-5 hours for sure).. so I couldn't listen to music normally
every-fuck-ing-10-seconds. Damn hypnotysing/brainwashing stuff for real

Haha ready.

Havent restarted my pc for longer then 3/4 months. I forgot I have PlaysTV automaticly running
when windows boots

Why don't you Google it?

See my friend over there? He wants to know if you think Im cute.
Everyone who ever loved you was wrong.
What have clouds and Yasuo players got in common?
When they finally fuck off, its a very nice day!
Killing for peace is like fucking for virginity.
Whats the difference between being hungry and being horny?
Where you put the cucumber.
I called your boyfriend gay and he hit me with his purse!


You know the drill! You leave a message.and we ignore it!

Why dont you go outside any play, hide and go f**k yourself
FOR THE LAST TIME! Your mother left here at 9 this morning Leave me alone!
I wish you no harm, but it would have been much better if you had never lived.
Do you ever wonder what life would be like if youd had enough oxygen at birth?
Its kinda sad watching you attempt to fit your entire vocabulary into a sentence.

Poof be gone, your breath is too strong, I dont wanna be mean, but you need Listerine, not a sip, not a
swallow, but the whole frigging bottle.

List of words containing "meow": meow, meowed, meowing, meows,




How can you tell if your wife is dead?

The sex is the same but the dishes pile up.


Your words are as empty as your future.

Damn not you again.
Your brain must be made out of rocking horse shit.
Smile bitch. It's the second best thing you can do with your lips.
Yo mama is so dumb she booked the tickets to Xbox Live
The game is fine. The people are fucked.

Want to come see my HARD DRIVE? I promise it isnt 3.5 inches and it aint floppy.


Yasuo roast
"Is a leaf's only purpose to fall?"
No you dumb idiot, it's used to aid in photosynthesis and regulate the amount of water in the plant.
Maybe if Yasuo would pick up a book and get educated, he'd be able to

I'll consider the shots fired, prepare the nukes boys.

Story time with le babysitter.

I was thinking about this one. So obviously I don't have kids right, 0.
Me, random evening of the week, mm no kids (duh). Sipping casually at my le expensiverino
exclusive champagnerino, reading scrublords 3. When all at the sudden I get this idea. No kids?
Fuck it yolo, lets hire a babysitter tonight anyways (10/10dayumn).

When she arrives I'll tell her my kiddo is asleep upstairs and must not be disturbed in his beauty

Leave. Go drink beer at bar till clock hits 12

Go home. On my grand entree (so when I come back home) I walk in casually as always. I walk
up le upstairs and then come back again. Then I ask her, all worried as fuck, where the hell my
child is she was babysitting last few hours

.. enjoy dat short but very special moment of powerful-yet-painful brainlag 404, as she realises
what is happening and I see her whole world crumbling down in a sec by just looking at her face.

The look in her eyes of pure panic, realising 'the baby is gone (_) and it's her fault and drama
and more drama

Yesss it would be incredible! Grandiose! Will probably remember that facial expression for
years to come from that moment on ...

.. And then I spank dat jailbait booty and check for her ID card with my free hand and then
proceed to bang her energetically

Moral of the story: 'Git carried, GiT Gud, Life is good, stay bronze.' - 99l9 EUW


():* AP
(_) Thresuru Poweru
() Y U Do Dis?

Hook ( ) Him!
Just A \_()_/ Hook!
()* It's A Prank Bro!
It's A Prank Bro! ()

() touchy
('-') AD
[$(5 ] ( )


[-] zombie
( )

) (''9
() ( )

() butthurt!

(*) xtc dance


( )
>)_ (-

| l (Im on vacation!) l* |


'\'\=( )=/' /
():* : *R()
( )
( )
( )
[$( )$]

( |( |))
() OOQ
() ()
( )

/\/( )\/\
~ ( )

( )
( \/ )
(._.) ( L: ) ( .-. ) ( :L ) (._.)

>)_ ( )_(- (_)



( )
( .O.)
m( K-Km)


( )
( _ )

( )
m( _ m)


( )

() _(==)_

( )
/(. .


(/) (,,) (/)




Fuck this shit, I'm outta here .*... ( ) ( )

( ) Swiggity swooty, I'm coming for that booty
( ) Fight me! ( )
( _) Yeah come get some you wuss ( _)
(*)O-(Q) punch thrown
Looks like it really hurts - Here have a bandaid (::[]::)

)-_-( )-_-( (_) t(.t) Fuck you. t(.t)

w( ^o^)m(^_^ ) good job, OP!

When I weak up I probably don't remember this
Going for a walk ( )

,.-~*''*~-.-(_ Buy Duskblade <3 _)-,.-~*''*~-.

,.-~*''*~-.-(_ le Duskblade _)-,.-~*''*~-.

bar code


(_) [$( ) $


( ).*



() facepalm
(^._.^) cat

( )
,.-~*''*~-.-(_ Word _)-,.-~*''*~-.

( ):*E wizard/caster

U( )



Thresh T
Thrsh MR
Thresh MR
Thresh MR
Get Outflayed Thrsh

Thresh MR

Thr sh MR


c E & #


Random text art

Capital YASUO

Lower case


Hasaki! ( )'
GG EZ FF@15 m( _ m)

Min- - - - - - - - - - - -Max
Play. Pause.

Music Volume: % 100

A Thousand Miles - A Thousand Miles - A Thousand Miles - A Thousand Miles - A

Playing Vanessa Carlton Lyrics

"A Thousand Emoji Miles"

*Pushes '' into audio speaker system '' and presses button ' *'
*Music Volume: ' '% 0 100' %'*
*Out of the blue a heavy piano '' intro starts playing this tune '*'
'Huh '' I.. I recognize this.. but - '
GRASS '', I'M A COW NOW ' "'

COW NOW ' "'


*Click ..' ' *'


And I need you

And I miss you
And now I wonder

A Thousand Miles - A Thousand Miles - A Thousand Miles - A Thousand Miles - A

League Of Legends- Summoner Names (NON-account name)

Summoner names for Supports

Captain Hook
Always Click The Lantern :
420 Flay It!
Thresh Express


I feed... My ADC
You Carry I Supp
I gottu fam

First aid kit
I just sit here
Focus me pls
fake adc
Suck at support
Lemme penta
Im so thresh
thresh and fruity
flay and slay
ward your lanes
Pull My Lantern
Off the Hook

Chains of Flay
Oh my Soul
Thresh Till Death
Support & Co
Left Hand of Blitz
You Carry I Supp
Heal and Protect
I Carry My Carry
Not Ward Monkey
My Adc Supports
1 v 1 me support
Watch you farm
Hook me UP
Cant Dodge this
Hook Central
No CS No Problem
0 CS Carry

Flay and Pray
Blind Hooks
Flay Em' All
Dies for Souls
Hook n Carry
Off da' Hook
Make hook not war
I will Q you will QQ
Ward The River

Summoner names for ADCS

Ctrl Ult Delete

Best Crit Somalia
AFK Farm Only
I Crit My Pants
Hit Tower Pls
I Duck Sicks
Let haters be motivators

Very Thresh related names

Brother Thresh
HookedOnYou, GrabTheLantern, DarkPassenger, LanternsLight, TheDarkStar,
DragonFlayer, Flayvorful, HookLineAndSinker, AnyLastWords, NoEscape, SoulCollector
Thresh Airlines
Get Outflayed

Flay or Feed Flaytastic Hooktastic
Beautiful Soul Flaymaker
Get Flaymed
Get Outflayed
Adolf Ragequitler

Hold My Hand

Funny duo names

ILoveHer / HesAlrightIGuess
Never one / Without the other
YankMyAnchor / AintTouchingThat?
I Hug Dogs / I am a Dog AMA
Lamb Calls/Wolf Strikes!
Every life/Ends with us.
Lamb Calls/Wolf Strikes!
Taric's Explorer / Ezreal's Gem

Shit that needs to be categorized still

"Jax is like alcohol, if you don't pay attention he will mess you up"


"I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member."


Blumpkin - The delicately balanced art of getting your cock sucked while taking a dump.

Spastic Eagle - When a person receives anal, gives head and gives 2 handjobs at the
same time. If you can picture in your head the head and arm movements, you'll
understand why it was given the name Spastic Eagle.

Atomic bomb - An atomic bomb is performed by climbing to the top of the stall and
shitting (or attempting to shit) into the toilet from about 5 to 6 feet above the bowl

'OMG NOOB CANCEFGRE-'When your mom slaps your hand away from the keyboard,

The definition of Keyboard - 1: the only thing, besides your penis, that's in your hands
right now
2: Apperently it is a weapon and some of them have stickey keys

Thank you

Be the shiny beacon of hope they need

********* Be the shiny beacon of hope they need ****************

There seems to be a curse ruling over the ranked division in the range of Silver 5 to Gold 1
'lately'. Where the meaning of 'having fun' is forgotten long ago and doesn't seem to be a part
of the game. I find that tragic. Please continue to look at the following questions and try to see if
you can relate to any of it.

Do you experience the feeling of getting these AWFUL/INFERIOR teammates in your promo
series, AGAIN?
Not being able to get a grip over the outcome of the match, no matter how hard you try
(solo)carrying your team to victory?
The feeling of bumping into this problem more then just once every few games?
Getting the impression that Riot doesn't want you to have any fun at all?
Can you say without doubt almost every game gets ruined a bit - or in worst case scenario in
total because of this 'troll' player?

tldr thoughts/reality check
grow over it, it just seems to be like this way at the moment in the rift. every one tilts sometimes so u are
part of the problem too, dont deny it. but, for some reason ppl have the thought wow guys, im having
soooo much unlucky troll matches... "like way more then you". no, you don't. we just don't talk about it as
much as you, cause we know if we keep talking about, it still remains a thing. we are trying to get over it it.
it doenst help to get mad about it, vs them, vs us, vs yourself. if you do this crap, you are holding yourself
back in the process of 'getting over it, move on, suck it up, there is no other way. (also if you are reading
this, you are already busy working on that with stated process, don't anyone hold you back) feel more
then welcomed to continue playing, but if u can't hanlde it, just quit? and again you are not the only one
experiencing this. also people don't seem to understand that climbing from B1 to S1 involves a lot of
damn games. it's a long magical damn journey, get your head out of the clouds. you cant make it in 30
games. go count to atleast 200.

Well, there appears to be a very large amount of unmanageble randomness that happens during
these particular games**. They might feel very disorganized and are most of time unpredictable.
Leaving you as a humble Summoner -who rather enjoys and wins games at a understandable
consistent rate- feel uncontrollable, helpless and left behind . Resulting in a lot frustration,
annoyance and dissatisfaction.

- **Source:

My goal here is to 1) give you a new refreshing perspective on the game, where I might even
teach you a few valuable lessons in general (which you later use when leveled up in Real Life).
Followed by hopefully noticing a %increase in the amount of games getting won soon after.
And 2) -not being less important- bringing back the good old 'having fun' in the majority of your


Time for some talk.

If I told you about an ability which could transform your teammate into exactly the same
teammate BUT.. now with twice the power he originally had. A 100% increase in strength. You
could hypothetically say he has now twice the carry capacity as 1 of the members of the team. Or
he could fight off two enemies as being alone himself.

We would be talking about a pretty strong ability. Maybe we even spoke about a
game-changing ability as I told you the duration of the buff can be up to 5 minutes. Easily.

I hope we can agree on the fact that it becomes crucial to the game to keep track on it because
of his potential to made or break game.

Well at this point I am glad to inform you, the abililty doesn't exist. So it won't be used any time
soon near you.. Keep the above in mind and continue.

If we would talk about the teammates playing in your game. Seeing them in the same division as
you, sometimes a rank higher, sometimes a rank beneath you. We could with some uncertainty
in mind ofcourse, still say you both understand the game and have around the same skill level,
being it fair match.. In reality most people can't peform their highest level of gameplay/being
top-notch all the time. For comfort we use 90% to tell that a player
having a skill If they would manage to play at their very top, bringing their best A+ game they
would at 100% of what is possible

We could use skill, and their skill and capabilities performing in a game. I could give a teammate
a 0% whereas he it's worth nothing. 10% performing pathatic 20% bit better, but still super bad
30% mom just died-gameplay 40% douchy personallity+trying new champ in ranked first time
and 50% plays at half of his skillcap up to 100% where he has a perfect(ly satisfying) game

It is next to impossible to positively change your teammates skill level beyond with a %
improvement of more 110-%. You just don't have the right tools within reach to make a
teammate perform and play at 2x his original competency level throughout a match. Maybe if
you gave him 100 euro's by PayPal, just being friendly out of nowhere, he would go trihard. And
will play his very very best. He still gets a maximum increase in skil of 110-% and will not be the
instant Faker, Bjergsen, Siv HD or Sjokz player you dream of. You can't make him play beyond his

But, however, you do have the opportunity to prevent him from performing twice as BAD for an
extended period of time. As in maintaining -or even better- beforehand-improving the present,
but also the future state of mind of your teammat-. My bad, I mean: your just newly become
'best friends'.

So, are you playing ranked or are you playing ranked? The gamemode where the damn
precious LP is at stake? The gamemode you initially entered to whoop some good ol' enemy ass
and promised yourself you would only ever leave that Rift if you had that victory in your pocket?

Suck it up, be mature. He said something about fucking your mom? Well care, you don't even
respond on it. You might even start thinking about a way, to get him on your friendly side again.
He's doing pretty annoying stuff, yet you bring him that extra blue buff. If you really want to win

the game this is the way to go. If your true intentions are winning then it's not about you feeling
offended, acting like it and giving opinions. Maybe even 'stealing' some minions of him. Because
deep inside you thing, fuck you troll kiddo, I speak up for myself and have to punish you in some
way. It's about that team, that team needs growing. Everything you do has to be something that
makes you as a team (indirectly) closer to the goal you have. People know there are 10 players in
a game total and it's camp Blue 5 vs camp Purple 5, but still don't seem to understand it's a
teamgame. If someone trolls he ruins it for 4 other teammates. But you responding to him is
damn selfish too, because you, with your reply, ruin it for 3 other innocent players. And probably
if you reply, saying the guy is not right or you disagreeing, you ruin his game too. Just try to look
at them as your own kid acting damn difficult again. You can't lower to yourself to his level and
say anything offensive back, like which dad would curse at his 9 years old kid in public and make
him cry? No one, so suck it up and be mature about it. You know you don't make it worse (if
that's to only thing the situation let's you do) if you for example use the mute button. Or try to
solve the manner by giving him some get-back-up-boost quotes. Anyone can have a good day,
but you have to be able to perform on a bad day. You become a champion by fighting one more
round. When things are tough, you fight one more round. A champion is someone who gets up
when he can't. If that is what he needs, you just give him that. He said something like "I hate you
dad" when he ran of to his room. Do you get offended by that? No. You don't because you are
mature. You understand that in the heat of the moment, some people might say things they later
regret of. It's just League of Legends, you never see them again, so the apology will never come
like it would in real life. But just feed yourself with the feeling of satisfaction of doing the right
thing. It seemed impossible at first, but someway you made it work. Damn, you are a 10/10 dad.
Wish I had one.

And as developed person you know you can't have 100% winrate on all games. That means
throughout the game there will be bad and rough times, but you will try to create a band of trust
and respect while you keep moving forward aiming at the enemies Nexus till the damn hell
freezes over or the cows come home! Your mindset must be somewhere near this level of
guidance: "If I win or lose, I will show my deepest and most beloved effort to give it all I got,
even if the enemy support 1v5's us, I do whatever it takes."

Practical example:
What I would do if my Mid player -who plays the champion I passionately hate, wearing the
XxYASSIUO4LYFE-2011xX as nickname, losing us all our mappressure, makes a kill some how,
even though he's burned all his summoner's, ulimate and walks back from deep jungle full
danger, that I might start to think that maybe it wasn't really #worth???

You are damn right - I'm already rolling my face furiously over my keyboard letting him and my

teammates know - that I just received the good news from the announcer that we officially got
another kill for the team - which benefits us with 1 more death on the other side by sending the
following message: 'Damn, that is some impressive stuff. Really good job and well done on using
the heal too!'

Even though I didn't have my camera there, as I was lasthitting in lane and just legit didn't see
anything of that fight or the kill at all. Just hearing 'An enemy has been slain'. makes me give that
man, or hero, or whatever you wanna call him (even tho he's 9 years old) a compliment for his
excellent effort. Bringing the team closer to the goal of winning the match. I don't even know or
care at that point if that champion even has the option to do some kind of heal or not. I just suck
his his mf d!ck (Sky Williams technique, big fan, big fan!). You just give that him respect and
honor for his deeds. He's a human player, he will appreciate you telling that. He is now more
likely to probably think about it first before calling you 'noob' in chat when you made a fatal
mistake close to him. You are working on building a team, so whenever possible or a situation
appears you give him a that feel good compliment, no questions asked.

What does it mean to make your teammates better?

It means you help them with whatever they need, no question asked. Situation: He's upset cause
someone stole his Blue buff? 2 Minutes later, still going on it? Ofcourse. As a teammate you help
him. At this point he is distracted and needs get back to his A+ game gameplay. Tell him it's
okay, you will help him on getting some sweet revenge. You add a little joke afterwards to clear
the air.. He liked it. Your teammate all read the joke too, finding it hilarious. Free improvement
on the go. It is important that you do that little extra step of effort when possible to make him
feel good again. Getting him back on track. So your team will fully function 100% again as soon
as possible. Instead of the 90-95% from before with blue buff issue.

Politeness is critical to collaboration. If the people you work with are impolite, rude, and harsh in
their way of speaking and collaborating, then it can lead to the termination of collaboration.
Respect is essential. Trust is essential.


Act like your doing everything with the thought of my team must win in your head.
If you play it well, convincing, its more likely to succeed. You don't want to be this copy-pasta
fake basic bitch. See the power of silence.

If I did any good work at sharing my thoughts, you won't be having any trouble in your first
game after reading this, being honestly optimistic, wanting to have a good time and conclusively

closing the match as a win, despite the fact of how many 'trolls' there are.

The hard part is maintaining this level of sanity. For the sharp readers amoung us, I did say we all
tilt some time. It's true, it's the human brain you can't manipulate ultimately. So try to focus to
avoid that and if it's not, play another mode then ranked. In the end you won't notice any won
or lost LP anymore once you deal with real life again. At best you remember the negative player,
saying something brutal about your mom but it was kinda funny. But that's right, no LP. The
times you should avoid playing ranked is when drinking alcohol, making you vulnerable to
emotional chattery, making over-hasty decisions and -if you have enough- not remembering
anything about the shitty match anyways. Oh wait, you do get rememberd, it's when you wake
up and see you lowered a division (or 2/3..).


Warning long but very good read +++

] The Mechanics of Winning, The Secret to Why You Lost.

Getting your real life stats straight and positive first before you even Rift.

Wanna have your winrate up with 60%?

Don't type in chat (easier said then done) and put 'gj buddy' on your CTRL + V to use

The difficult part is not to reach that moment of enlightment, but stay that way.

Change your mindset, change your playstyle, get control.

'Racing' to a high rank. You don't race, think realistically. It's a long journey.

How to snowball > Gold and experience points.

High CS > High KDR.

Creepscore is a fundamental part. You heard people say: go training mode without
runes, get all cs, if you don't you try again. Yes we all did this. NOT. No1 did it, but you
tell yourself you did it.

Don't lose hope.



99l9 - EUW production - Might not have been sober while making this. Sorry for typo's,
you nazi. Have a good one! Enjoy!

Lulz hahaha check m

So I was outside in the neighbourhood right, walking around a few blocks? Whatever the saying
is, dunno u got me right, just getting some fresh air blablabla.

So me just casually while walking having these random thoughts. Spontaneous trivial stuff ez gg..
When all of sudden I just noticed. Oh fwait.

So euh relevant first: I really like cats. Just cats. Cool shit yes. Check this list of just words
containing the word "MEOW.":

meow, meowed, meowing, meows, homeowner

Haha herp derp. I think I might have 404'ed my brain here hahah-like instant brainlag. Any1?




Making my way downtown, walking fast, eat some grass, I'm a cow now


How can you tell if your wife is dead?

The sex is the same but the dishes pile up.

Add onder aan de list op datum dus weer, meer naar onder hoe recenter

Champion select
"Common no flaming"
"Ping when ganking"
"Don't lose your manliness with a few minions
"Concentrate next 40+ minutes.
Invading enemy jungle

"Let's invade!"
"Don't AFK or delayed after the game starts"
"INVADE! Let's go! "
"Good luck"
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pinterest motivational/positive quotes
"Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people. "
"Make it happen. Shock everyone. "
"Be good to people for no reason. "
"Be the reason someone smiles today. "
"Be kind. It's gangster"
"The game is tough, my darling, but so are you. "
"Don't stop until you're proud. "
"Don't let idiots ruin your day."
"If you can not be positive, then at least be quiet.
"If you can't be kind, be quiet."
"Today I will not stress over things I can't control."
"Classy is when you have a lot to say but you choose to remain silent
in front of fools."
"The world is filled with nice people, if you can't find one be one. "
"When life puts you In tough situations, don't say "why me" say "try
"Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn."
"Dear toxic teammate, let's break up. "
"Being happy never goes out of style. "
"No matter how you feel. Get up, dress up, show up, and never give
"It's never too late to get your shit together. "

"You will never regret being kind. "
"Be kind to unkind people.They need it the most. "
"I didn't come this far to only come this far. "
"I have no time tol fight with egos and small minds. "
"Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you"
"You don't need a new day to start over. You only need a new
"Never put the key to your happiness in somebody else's pocket "
"Whatever happens, happens. Dont stress."
"Being negative only makes a difficult journey more difficult. You may
be given a cactus, but you don't have to sit on it "
"You are amazing. Remember that "
"It's okay to be scared. Being scared means you're about to do
something really, really brave. "
"The mouth should have three gatekeepers. Is It true? Is it kind? And
is it necessary? "
"Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen "
"The only way you see results is if you stay consistent "
"Don't give your energy away to toxic people "
"Forget your past, forgive yourself and begin again right now "
"Every fight is a second chance "
"The true mark of maturity is when somebody hurts you and you try
to understand their situation instead of trying to hurt them back "
"When you can't find the sunshine, be the sunshine "
"The comeback is always stronger than the setbac. "
"Put on your positive pants. "
"Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from negativity "
"Maybe it won't work out. But maybe seeing if it does will be the best
adventure ever "
"Your potential is endless. Go do what you were created to do. "

"I think you should just go for it "
"Kind people are my kinda people"
"Be the type of person that you want to meet "
"Compliment people. Magnify their strengths, not their weaknesses "
"It's not what happens to you, it's how you handle it"
"If the plan doesnt work, change the plan but never the goal "
"The best is yet to come"
"Be a warrior. - Not a worrior "
"Every time you judge someone, you reveal a part of yourself that
needs healing "
"I want to see what happens if I don't give up
"I like you more than pizza and I really like pizza"
"Supporting another's success won't ever dampen yours "
Be a nice human

+ Open saved tabs 25/26 September 26, 2017

+Pinterest / Imgur voor extra quotes

S0me people will hurt you and then act like you hurt them

Supporting others


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positive teamwork quotes
positive motivational quotes inspiration

Hey teammate in trouble. I think if dscgfsdfg rIt's very easy to solve this



Fnatic Yellowstar Thresh fail

- Keep calm and rush Ardent Censer

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars

- My mind is like a spaceship.
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Be a nice human

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