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By : Daniela Daullja IXC

Types of Adaptation
■ Anything that helps an organism survive in
its environment 
■ Adaptations are inherited from their parents
■ It also refers to the ability of living things to
adjust to different conditions within their
■ Structural adaptation
■ Behavioral adaptations
Structural adaptations
■ A structural adaptation involves
some part of an organism's body.
■ Teeth
■ Body coverings
■ Shells
■ Quills
■ Scales  
■ Camouflage
■ Mimicry
Example of Adaptation
■ The shape of an
animal’s teeth is
related to its diet.
■ Herbivores, such as
deer, have many
molars for chewing
tough grass and
■ Carnivores, such as
lions, have sharp
canines to kill and tear
■ Camouflage allows
an animal to blend
into its environment. 
■ Makes it hard for
enemies to single out
■ Mimicry allows one
animal to look,
sound, or act like
another animal to fool
predators into
thinking it is
poisonous or
Behavioral adaptations
■ Behavior adaptations
include activities or
behaviors that help an
animal survive. 
1. Innate
2. Learned
3. Survival
4. Seasonal
Innate vs. Learned
Innate Learned
■ Inherited through the ■ Learned from
genes experience or from
■ Examples observing other
■ Flying for bees, birds animals
■ Swimming for fish ■ Examples
■ Walking for humans ■ Type of language
■ Speaking for humans spoken for humans
■ Riding a bicycle
Survival Behavior
I can explain how an adaptation helps an
organism survive in a particular
1. Finding food environment.
■ Predator-Prey adaptations
■ Predator-animals that eat other animals
■ Prey-animal being eaten
2. Marking Territory
■ Way that animals inform other animals that an area is
3. Defensive Action
■ Protect resources, themselves, food, mates, offspring
4. Courtship
■ Behaviors used to find a mate
5. Parenting
■ Depend on parents for survival
Animal Defense
■ Some animals use these
methods of defense to
protect themselves:
■ Camouflage
■ Snake
■ Mimicry
■ Mexican Milk Snake
■ Bright colors
■ Skunk and Poison
Arrow Frog
■ “Hair” projections
■ Hedgehog quills
■ Deer Antlers

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