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Science 10 Quarter 3 Week 5 and 6

Name: ___________________________________________ Date: _____________

Section: ________________ _________________ Score: ____________

In this activity sheets, you will learn the different sources of possible evidence for evolution such as fossil records, anatomy and morphology and
developmental and molecular biology which gave way to the different concepts about the origin of life.
MELC: Explain how fossil records, comparative anatomy and genetic information provide evidence for evolution.
1.Explain how fossil records and comparative anatomy are used as evidence of evolution.
2.Distinguish homologous structure from analogous structure
Activity 1.
Direction: Identify techniques by placing the corresponding letter in the box according to its order in the alphabet to reveal how you and your team will
figure out it’s age.

18 5 12 1 20 9 22 5 4 1 20 9 14 7
- used to determine the age of the rocks by comparing them with the rocks in the other layer.


3 1 18 2 15 14 4 1 20 9 14 7
- used to tell the age of organic materials


18 1 4 9 25 13 5 20 18 9 3

4 1 20 9 14 7
- used to determine the age of rocks using the decay of radioactive isotopes present in rocks.

How fossil records and comparative anatomy are used as evidence of evolution?

Paleontologist makes initial estimates of the age through the position in the sedimentary rocks. Fossils found in the bottom layer are much older
than those found in the upper layer of the rocks. Relative dating is a method used to determine the age of the rocks by comparing them with the rocks in
the other layer. The younger sedimentary rock layer is assumed to be found on top and the older rock is found at the bottom layer. Fossils found at the
bottom layer are assumed to be older than those on the upper layer. The fossils of invertebrates found at the bottom part of the rock layer suggest that
invertebrates are probably the first and oldest organisms that lived on earth. Another method is through the use of radioactive isotopes such as carbon-14.
Radiometric dating is a method used to determine the age of rocks using the decay of radioactive isotopes present in rocks. All organisms have decaying
carbon-14 in it. Plants and animals that are still alive constantly replace the supply of carbon in their body and the amount of carbon-14 in their body stays
the same. When an organism dies, carbon-14 starts to decay. Carbon dating is used to tell the age of organic materials. Art collectors use carbon dating to
determine if a piece of artwork is genuine or not. A type of fossil is an imprint or impression. Imprints are shallow external molds left by animal or plant
tissues with little or no organic materials present. Compression is the other side with more organic material.

What are the differences between homologous structure and analogous structure?
Another hint of evolutionary concept is from the comparative anatomy. Structures from different species which have similar internal framework,
position, and embryonic development are considered to be homologous. Homologous structures may perform different functions in the species living in the
different environment, or it may have the same origin but different functions. Here are some examples of homologous structures: forelimbs of dog, bird,
lizard, and whale, which are structurally the same but functionally different. Structures of unrelated species may evolve to look alike, because the structure
is adapted to similar function. These are called analogous structures. Analogous structures have similar function but different origin. Front limbs of man,
cat, horse, bat, whales, and other mammals are made up of same kinds of bones, they just vary only in size and function differently. The presence of
homologous structures is a strong indicator that the organisms evolved from common ancestors. This type of evolution is called divergent evolution.
Divergent evolution is the splitting of an ancestral population into two or more sub population that are geographically isolated from one another.
Convergence is an increase in similarities among species derived from different ancestors as a result of similar adaptation to similar environment.
Examples are wings of birds, bats, and insects that have the same function but different in origin.

Hint of Evolution of Comparative Anatomy

Another hint of evolutionary concept is from the comparative anatomy. Structures from the different species which have similar internal
framework, position, and embryonic development are considered homologous.
Comparison between Homologous and Analogous Structure
Basis of Comparison Homologous Structure Analogous Structure
Origin Have the same ancestor Have different ancestors
Function Modified to perform different Adapted to similar functions
Example Forelimbs of bat and whale Wings of birds , bat and butterfly

Activity 2
Directions: Write in the space provided H f the structures below are homologous and A if they are analogous. Briefly answer the questions below.



Activity 3.

In a graphing paper, plot the information on Table 2 and 3 in a bar graph, and use different colors to represent each pairing of species.

Activity 4

Answer the questions below.

1. What organism appears to be least related to humans?

2. In Tables 2 and 3, which pair of organism appears to be related to each other? Which pair of organism is least related to each other?

3. If amino acids sequence of the two organisms are similar, would their DNA be also similar? Why?


1. Compose a short poem about the importance of studying evolution. Write it in a space provided below. Outputs will be graded
using the given rubrics.


Content/Main Idea - 50%
Organization - 30%
Creativity - 20%
Total: 100%
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT: Exercise: Circle the letter of the best answer.
1.Where can most of the fossils be found?
A. Sedimentary rock B. Lava flows C. Granite rock D. Black soil
2. Which of the following statements DOES NOT describe evolution?
A. Evolution is continuous. C. Evolution refers to change.
B. The world is stable and unchanging. D.If there is mutation, there is evolution.
3. In what era can the oldest fossils be found?
A. Cenozoic B. Mesozoic C. Paleozoic D. Pre Cambrian
4. Based on the number of differences amino sequence, which pair of organisms is least related to each other?
A. Fruit fly - wheat C. Human - horse
B. Fruit fly - pigeon D. Human - wheat
5. According to evolutionists, which is the best test to show the relatedness of two organisms?
A. Similarity in development. C. Similarity in counting behavior.
B. Similarity in structure. D. Similarity in genomic DNA.
6. Which pair of animals shows a correct example of homologous structures?
A. Wings of butterfly and wings of bat. C. Fingers of human and arms of starfish
B. Flipper of whale and forelimb of cat. D. Tongue of frog and proboscis of mosquito.
7. What does a paleontologist do?
A. A person who studies animals. C. A person who studies fossils.
B. A person who studies plants. D. A person who studies rocks.
8. The preserved remains on ancient organisms are called ____________.
A. Bones B. Rocks C. Fossils D. Soil
9. Which of the following pieces of evolution evidence deals with comparing similar sturctures in various species?
A. Fossil record B. Comparing biochemistryC. Comparing embroyology D. Comparing anatomy
10. It refers to the time scale that shows the major events in the Earth’s history.
A. Geologic Time Scale B. Periodic Time Scale C. History Time Scale D. Astronomical Time Scale

Write 10 terms that you have learned in module 6 and module 7.

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

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