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Underlying criteria

This is for someone thnking of SEN but maybe can adapt this for EAL

How the school identifies the students that require extra support
Why early interventions are important for the pupil(s)
Initial assessments how assessed, why put into the program
Standards by which the students are assessed
Management and structure of the program
The continuum used and how this supports the pupil & teachers
Type of support tools used to progress the pupil(s) learning
how progress is being assessed
What can be done to enhance the development of this program in future(?)
What is the aim and procedure of the program
How caters for students with different needs
What the program achieves within the school
How beneficial to the school as an academic tool
What tools used to identify students
Why the program is in place
Who involved in the program, i.e. specialist teachers, headteacher etc not
individual names
How is the decision taken to offer additional support
What are the techniques used
How effective the program is (results, progress etc)
Different types of support in the program and how they all work together
Is there a limit to the number of children?

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