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China Geography

China is a popular nation in Southeast Asia whose vase landscape encompasses

grassland, desert, mountains, lakes, rivers and more than 14000km of coastline.
China is the third largest country, after Russia and Canada. Its shape on the map
is like a Rooster. The eastern plain and the southern coasts of the country consists
of fertile lowlands and foothills and is the location of most chinas agriculture
output and human population. The southern areas of the country consists of hilly
and mountainous terrain. The west and north of the country is dominated by
sunken basins such as Gobi and Taklamakan, rolling plateaus and towering
massifs. It contains part of the highest tableland on earth, the Tibetan Plateaus
and has lower agricultural potential and population.

Overview of China
Continent Asia
National Flag
National Symbol
National Anthem
Capital Beijing (Peking)
Largest City Shanghai
Form of Government Single-party people republic with one
legislative house (National Peoples
Official Name Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo
(peoples republic of china)
Head of State President: - Xi Jinping
Vice President: - Li Yuanchao

Head of Government Li Keqiang

Official Language Mandarin Chinese
Regional Languages Mongolian, Tibetan, Uyghur, Zhuang,
various others
Currency Renminbi (Yuan)(Y)
Exchange Rate 9.82 Indian Rupee
Population 1,377,380,000 (2016 est.)
Urban Rural Population Urban 54.4% (2014)
Rural 45.6% (2014)
Total Area (SQ KM) 9,572,900
Religions Taoism, Buddhism, Islamism,
Protestantism and Christianity
Life expectancy at Birth Male 73.4years (2015)
Female 77.7years (2015)
National Animal Giant Panda (unofficial)
Chinese Dragon
National Bird Golden Pheasant(unofficial)
Crowned Crane
Share border Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Burma, India,
(neighbours) Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan,
Nepal, Bhutan, Kyrgyzstan,
Kazakstan, Mongolia and Russia.
Marine side (neighbours) North Korea, Japan, Indonesia,
Korea, Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia
and Vietnam
Longest river Yangtze River
Largest lake Qinghai Lake
Natural Resources Coal, iron ore, petroleum, tin, natural
gas, lead, zinc, manganese,
aluminium, mercury, hydropower
potential, uranium, tungsten,
antimony and rare earth elements.
Natural Hazards Droughts, Earthquakes, Typhoons,
Land Subsidence
Environmental Issues Air pollution, Water pollution, Water
Shortages, Deforestation, Soil
erosion, Desertification, Trade in
endangered species

Physical Features
The vast land expanses of china include plateaus, plains, basins, foothill
and mountains. Defining rugged plateaus, foothills and mountains they
occupy nearly two- thirds of the land higher in the West and lower in
the East like a three-step ladder.
The highest step of the typical ladder topography is formed by the
Qinghai-Tibet Plateau at the average height of over 4000 meters, with
the Kunlunshan range, Qilianshan range and Hengduan Mountain chain
as the division between this step and the second one.
Economy of China
Fiscal year Calendar year
Per capita
GDP by sector
Foreign reserves
Export goods
Import goods

Current Affairs
1) India-china have jointly submitted proposal to world trade
organisation(WTO) calling for elimination of most trade
distorting farm subsidies by developed countries. These farm
subsidies are known as Aggregate Measurement of Support
(AMS) or Amber Box support

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