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Antoniea Prologo

Praxis Core Analysis

Exam Requirements

The first level of the Praxis Core Exam must be taken and passed before being accepted

into any Bachelor's level Education program at University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV),

Nevada State College (NSC), or University of Nevada, Reno (UNR). Without a sufficient

passing score, the student is to continue taking the Praxis Core exam until a suitable score is met.

Students may retake any section of the Praxis Core exams every 21 days. The passing scores for

the math portion is 150, reading 156, and writing 162. Students may be licensed to substitute

teach up to three years prior to passing the exams; after this time students must pass the exams

before being licensed to substitute teach.

Exam Preparation

In preparation for the exam, I used every free option at my disposal available of the

websites provided. I imagine I would have done better if I were able to purchase the other study

guides available on the testing site but simply did not have the finances at the time of taking the

practice exams. I definitely plan to purchase all the practice options given as to provide me more

of a higher ground when taking the actual exams. I studied for roughly two hours per exam, and

now realize I should have studied for longer and reread more of the material.

Exam Results

In the Math portion I scored a 91%, which means that I am very likely to pass the Praxis

Core Math Exam. In the Writing portion I scored 68%, which means I need improve my skills in

the subject matter before taking the Praxis Core Writing Exam. In the Reading portion I scored

54%, which means I need significant improvement before taking the Praxis Core Reading Exam.

Future Exam Preparation

In the future I plan to purchase or register for any class or study guides available given I

have the funds to do so before taking the Praxis Core Exam. If I am able to see a tutor, I would

greatly appreciate it as well as any study groups initiated by other students in preparation of the

exam. I plan to study for longer periods of time weeks before my exam date and take heavy

notes. I am a visual and hands on type of learner that learns better when the subject material is

written down or projected in front of me in which I can replicate it. I work best in a classroom

setting as opposed to an online environment and would prefer to attend study groups, courses,

and tutoring sessions in order to prepare for these exams.

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