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Write sentences about each character using the first singular person present simple


Yes No
Cycle in the afternoon Do judo
Do archery at school Play football
Do gymnastics Dive
Play golf Ski
Play tennis surf
Billy: I cycle my bike in the afternoon. I do archery.

I dont do judo. I dont play football.


Yes No
Play basketball Play folf
Play tennis Cicle
Do archery Do gymnastics
Play football Waterski
Raft dive
Swim surf

Make questions to Billy and Hatty

Do you cycle in the afternoon? Yes, I do

Do you do archery at school? Yes, I do

Do you do judo? No, I dont

Billy Hatty
Diving Yes No
Kayaking No No
Rafting No yes
Surfing Yes Yes
Swimming Yes No
Waterskiing No yes


Are you good at diving? Yes, I am

Are you good at kayaking? No, Im not.

Yes, of Folder Pencils Ball Skateboard Trainers Pencil Rubber Headphones Scissors
course sharpener
Sorry I Laptop Mobile Book Notebook Activity Highlighter Box Umbrella airplane
havent phone book

Yo monto en bici pero no esquo.

Yo juego al tenis pero no juego al ftbol.

Yo practico el arco pero no practico el judo.

Yo hago gimnasia pero no juego al golf.

Yo hago descenso por ros pero no nado en el mar.

Yo practico esqu acutico pero no hago surf.

Yo buceo pero no juego al tenis.

Yo monto en bici pero no monto a caballo.

Do you play tennis at school?
Do you do archery at weekends?
Do you waterski in summer?
Do you raflt with your family?
Do you swim in the sea?
Do you do judo in the afternoons?
Do you play golf?
Do you ski in winter?

Does your mother play tennis?

Does your father do archery?
Does your cousin raft?
Does she swim well?
Does she play golf?
Does she ski in Granada?
Does she ride bike in the park?
Does he ride a horse?


Song unit 2

Do you do archery and judo?

Do you play basketball?

Yes, I do archery and judo

And I play basketball too.

But my favourite sport is gymnastics

Its so fantastic to me

My favourite sport is gymnastics

Fantastic gymnastics for me!

Do you ski? Do you skateboard?

Do you play tennis and golf?

No, I dont. I dont ski. I dont skateboard.

I dont play tennis or golf.

But my favourite sport is gymnastics

Its so fantastic to me

My favourite sport is gymnastics

Fantastic gymnastics for me!

Do you run? Do you cycle?

Do you play football too?

Yes, I do. Yes, I run and I cycle.

And yes, I play football too.

But my favourite sport is gymnastics

Its so fantastic to me
My favourite sport is gymnastics

Fantastic gymnastics for me!

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