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To run a successful organisation the company management has to set their objectives and

strategies in such a way that company constantly improve and increase its productivity

profitability and also cope up with the advanced technology and develop new methods or

systems for such changes.

Going through the seminar 6, Article 3 Hard Facts, Dangerous Half Truth, and Total Nonsense:

Profiting from Evidenced- Based Management article, we came across 9 principles which we

can use to create methodology used in organisation for improving the function and achieve the

strategic objectives, I have considered 5 principles which I think will be best suited for the

organisation I work for:

1) Treat the organisation as unfinished prototype:

Basically here we have to conduct a proper research before implementing any strategic

objective because it is risky if we didnt get the desired result. We have to take help from

internal and external sources and take expertise help to make decision and strategic for

future company growth. So it is suggested to develop a prototype which is required to be

checked before implemented to see the results and feedback from various subordinates

and peers and from all those who is going to get affected from those changes. So it helps

in preparing the manager to perform its tasks as desired and to get required results.

2) See your organisation and yourself as outsiders do:

As a manager it is also required to see the organisation from outsiders point of view

which in turn helps the manager and organisation to know there errors or mistakes where

they should make changes to achieve their strategic objectives. Looking at the company

as outsider helps us to find the areas of improvement and also the areas where we are
achieving success and then how we can work on the areas which need to be change so

that company should expand its business accordingly.

3) Evidence based Management is just not for Seniors:

Success of any company is not just in hands of senior level management rather it a

success of the company as whole. The subordinates at all the levels plays a vital role for

the success of companys goals and objectives as they also think and share their views to

improve on line of work and also helps the senior level to make improvements in the new

methods. So the workers should be given responsibility and also should be allowed to

keep their view in front of management.

4) Master the obvious and mundane:

It is basically a benchmarking process. Here as a new technology which needs to be

implemented in the organisation, we can measure the success rate of it by comparing it

with other organisation who are already using it or have used in past to achieve the goals

and targets, on this basis we can get idea as how long such practices will be take to

implement and whether it is effective or not? When and at what stage it should be

implemented and for how long it should be implemented?

5) What happens when people fail?

Everyone is not perfect, while working on accomplish the objectives there might be a

chances of failure and thus we need to create an environment where subordinates are

motivated and work with enthusiasm towards the strategic objectives. We already

discussed above that to create a more value we have to motivate the employees by asking

to them to participate and take their ideas for growth and we should not blame anyone for
the failure rather we should learn something from it and work more hard to achieve the

strategic objectives.

6) Perspective on Leadership:

The best leaders are lifelong students because they are curious and driven to keep

learning what works best for their companies and also motivates their peers and

subordinates to work towards the goal in order to achieve success all together.

This principles are both quantitative and qualitative because to run a success management and

achieve our objective we need both of them. Qualitative methods generally deal with to access

the performance of the organisation and also can measure the performance of the employees and

provide them training wherever required. Quantitative methods generally deals with taking the

decision required for changing the staff or replacing them with new or old projects and also

recruiting the new employees etc.

Thus after going through these principles we can say that there should be a systematic

hierarchical method which every company has to follow, which means every activity should be

done according to the prescribed procedure and the work should be divided at all different levels

so that the deviations are avoided and the strategic objectives can be achieved easily. By doing

this the organisation can access their strategic objectives easily and can also establish different

techniques to achieve those objectives.

So by applying all these principles we can reduce the chances of erros and all the person are

liable for their own work. Moreover, this method leads to positive performance of an

organization and the employees. And can also be used as the feedback process to see if the

company is successfully meeting its strategic mandates (goals and objectives).

Assignment 3

MGMT 704- Management and Leadership


Karan Gupta

Submitted to:
Prof. James Farmer

19th November 2015.

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