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Kieran belongs to DarkFigure and his Alpha Seraph no one but they may change or edit him

Name: Kieran Pierce / Dark Elxonal

Age: 17
Sex: Male
Species: Silver Fox/Gray Wolf (Vulpes vulpes/Canis lupus)
Sexual Orientation: Bi-sexual
Appearance: His footpaws, tail tip, and ears are dipped in black marks, smokey-like in style. Fingertips
are the same. His footpaws are plantigade, with soles on his heel, balls and toes; they are a light pink
color. Other than that, he has light grey fur, with his belly being white. Eye color is hazel. Hair is black,
length is about medium, shaggy. Dark weighs roughly 130 lbs and his height is about 5'6 ft tall.
Personality: Dark tends be shy, not much of a talker, the type of person to hang around in the back of the
room or in some corner. Isn't social either; has bad social skills, however, he'll open up once you get to
know him, acting very childish and silly, much like a puppy. His moods typically change randomly, from
being happy to sad the next moment, and so on. Has been known to be mean and hurtful, but this is
mostly how he acts; he has no ill intentions most of the time.
Background: Dark was born in 1994, the only son to two parents, the dad a wolf, the mother a fox.
However, the father ran off, abandoning the two, leaving the mother to take care of her son alone, who
barely could due to financial problems. At the time, she was studying magic, the dark arts, and wished to
use this to give her son a better life, if not her own. Studying even before he was born, around Dark's age,
about 3, she figured it was time to practice what she learned.

Taking a purple wizard hat she had sewed herself, a bat from a cave, a bat den, and her son, she used
her magic, enchanting all three. The hat would stay on or near her child, an access point to the home of
the bat who was now his advisor, his guardian, and the wolf pup, who would never age to be an adult,
wanting him to see the world, to be curious and explore, as she personally believed growing up corrupted
the mind over-time; she also did the same age spell for the bat, as someone had to be there for her child
at all times if possible. Having believed she did the right thing after succeeding, she took them to the
nearest orphanage, as money was a major concern and she couldn't care for the pup anymore, nor did
she want him to be homeless with her.

At the orphanage, about the age of 5, Dark met the bat, and they got along quite well, if not for Dizzy's
strict attitude, but only doing so for Dark's well being, needing to be his advisor. Dark stayed there until he
was about 7 years of age before finally being adopted by a fox named Barry Nexus. Barry took in the poor
pup and cared for him throughout his life, and Dark was and is happy to have someone as loving as him.
Dark doesn't remember his parents, barely recalling his mother's face, and only remembering the odd
purple and magical wizard hat she gave him as a departing gift.

So it would be till the pup reached the ripe age of 19 where he found himself led by some hidden
urge to wander into the forest. Perhaps his own curiosity perhaps some call from his father's lupine
ancestry. Regardless the pup found himself in the forest outside of town where he was approached by a
larger grey wolf. The male introduced himself as Seraph, and after questioning the dark furred puppy wolf
of his motives, enticed the smaller male wolf to join his pack. Through a combination of guile, dominance
and lust Seraph was able to convince the puppy to stay and become part of the pack. Burning the pup's
city clothes and giving him the traditional garb of a tribal pack wolf. Seraph would keep Kieran's hat
however and return it to him also giving him a feather to place into the brim of it .With this mark Kieran
had become Omega of pack Burning Angel and was welcomed into his new family and home.

Hobbies: Reading, writing, gaming, music, photo editing, and swimming!

Dislikes: Socializing, change, criticism, and conflicts between others.
Fav. Species: Dragons, Kangaroos, Bats, Mice, Bunnies, Wolves, Felines, and Foxes
Outfit: DarkFigure usually wears a light purple, loose t-shirt, along with a black collar featuring a silver tag
displaying his name upon it. On his head rests his magical wizard hat. The wolf wears, mostly, some
slacks, sweats, biege shorts, and at times blue jeans when he goes out somewhere nice. He usually
wears nothing on his hindpaws, feeling more comfortable without anything on them, but does have a vine
wrapped around his left ankle, bearing a single green leaf with curved cloud like edges on it, a dark green
paw print in the middle. However, under all this, the pup wears panties, the color often black with some
purple lacing.

The wolf's odd hat can teleport back upon his head if someone takes it off, duplicate itself if destroyed,
using either small strings nearby or ashes, and of course, hides the critter inside of it.

Another note is that DarkFigure is weak against hypnosis, for his mind is fragile and easy to influence.
Another weakness of his is scent, usually that of musk. This triggers a smaller, lighter stage of hypnosis
upon him. He also can't have peanut butter, for he is allergic to it, and if eaten, he'll begin to sneeze a lot
and have a runny nose, as well as watery eyes due to the re-action.

Reference Picture:

Name: Dizzy
Age: Unknown, young; aging slowed
Sex: Male
Species: Little Brown Bat (Myotis lucifugus)
Sexual Orientation: Bi-sexual
Appearance: Dizzy's body has very light brown fur, as well as the skin of the inside of his ears and wing
membranes, which are slightly transparent. His legs and 'arms' are a darker shade of brown. Eye color is
black. Height is roughly about 4 or so inches, weight is around 13 grams. Wing-span is about 6 inches
Personality: Dizzy is more out going than the puppy Dark, loving to have a nice conversation every now
and then. He mostly hides during the day in his 'bedroom', under the hat. Usually peeks out at around
dusk and midnight. Tends to be somewhat firm towards Dark, trying to give advice every now and then,
mostly just looking over the wolf. However, the two do play time to time, and both act quite childish when
doing so, having a blast with one another.
Background: Dizzy was part of a bat den, living in a cave near by Dark's home. He, like all other feral
bats, flew about at night, gathering food, and sleeping during the day. A typical life for the young male
flying rodent. However, one day, his life was about to change. He was randomly chosen by Dark's mother,
who took the bat back home with her, resting him on a table and beginning an enchanting process upon
him. Staying the same shape and size, he was given the knowledge and mind-power of that of an normal
anthro, the ability to speak as well. He also wouldn't age either! The fox mother of the wolf who was near
by, sleeping, told him he needed to care for the pup, begging him to just about, as he needed an advisor,
an guardian angel so to speak, and that she was unable to do so anymore. Dizzy agreed, but asked her
where he'd live at, and she pointed at the hat, saying that was his new home. Confused, he went inside of
it and disappeared into a new world... only to come out once again, after having spent an entire day there,
and find his original setting different, with the pup having grown by two years and now in a smaller,
different room. From that day forth, Dizzy took care of the pup to the best of his abilities, giving advice,
lessons and general knowledge, almost always by his side, and if not, hiding in that silly hat the pup wore.

Dizzy's 'room' is inside the hat, and only he can access it. The wolf doesn't even know what is in there,
nor will he ever most likely. This is because of Dizzy's unique key signature which is the bat's
bioelectromagnetism, which is found in his cells, that, when detected by the magical hat, opens up a small
and partial dimensional portal that Dizzy can only go through, and closes as soon as he flies within. It is
rumored that Dizzy's room could be an entire world, or an entire house, or just simply a bedroom or cage
of some sorts. Nothing goes in and nothing comes out but the bat.

Reference Picture: None

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