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Base Adjectives Strong Adjectives

(very) (absolutely)
The judge was furious when the attorney asked
angry Furious /fjrs/
for another delay.
bad Terrible /terbl/ The weather was terrible the whole week.
beautiful Gorgeous /gds/ She is such a gorgeous girl.
Huge /hjud/, The huge balloon is bigger than she is.
enormous /nms/ There was an enormous spider in the bath.
Sarah was freezing in the rain and hurried to get
cold Freezing /friz/
The pig was filthy after rolling around in the
dirty Filthy /fl/
mud and manure.

fat Obese /bis/

Jim thought that Dana was hilarious, and laughed

funny Hilarious /hlrs/
at all of her jokes.

superb, [sup3b] James served a superb bottle of wine with dinner.

great, /gret/ There was a great crowd outside the door.
Tomorrow night's gala promises to be a fantastic
fantastic /fntstk/
Thrilled viewers were on the edge of their seats
happy Thrilled /rld/ during Saturday night's finale of this popular
crime drama.
hot Boiling /bl/ I'm boiling! Can't we open a window?
Televised images of starving children led to a
hungry Starving /stv/
flood of donations.
The children were so terrified they wouldn't go
scared Terrified /terfad/
back to sleep

Tiny /tan/ Alice lived in a tiny studio flat, with barely

enough room to walk around the bed
Karen had been for a long run and she was
tired exhausted

ugly Awful /fl/

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