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1. There are 100 questions.

2. Answer all the questions.

3. Write the answers to the questions only in the space provided.

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Multiple choice questions:-

1. Steppe grassland is found in

A. Africa

B. Australia

C. Central Asia

D. India

2. The purest form of natural water is______

A. Rain
B. Sea water
C. Mineral water
D. None

3 Mosses and Lichens are found in:

A. Desertic Vegetation

B. Tropical evergreen forest

C. Tundra Vegetation

D. Cedar

4. Water covers about what part of the earths surface?

A. one-third
B. two-third
C. one-fourth
D. two-fourth

5. The water reservoir present above the rocks is called

A. Rain water
B. Lake Water
C. Water cycle
D. Pond

6. Land breeze occurs at ________

A. Night
B. Day
C. Evening
D. Noon

7.One important variety of coniferous forest is:

A. Rosewood

B. Pine

C. Teak

D. Neem

8. The major cause of pollution in cities is _________

A. Car
B. Buses
C. Trucks
D. All of the above

9. Loam is the mixture of

A. clay, sand
B. sand, humus
C. clay, humus
D. clay, sand, humus

10. Which is the smallest micro-organism in the soil?

A. Fungi
B. Bacteria
C. Insects
D. Worms
11. The solid form, snow and ice, is present ___________of the earth ( )

A. At the poles

B. At the equator

C. Present in the atmosphere of the earth

D. In the oceans

12. The plants can store, convert and stablise some contaminates in the soil .This concept is known as

A. Photosynthesis
B. Phytoremediation
C. Transpiration
D. Condensation

13. About what part of total land surface is covered with forests?

A. One-fourth
B. One-third
C. Two-third
D. Three-fourth

14. A special characteristic that enables plants and animals to survive comfortably in a particular
environment is called __________.

A. Habitat
B. Survival
C. Comoflague
D. Adaptation

15. Water plants are called _____________.

A. Mesophytes
B. Xerophytes
C. Hydrophytes
D. None

16. The coniferous forest comprises of mainly which type of trees

A. Decidous
B. Evergreen
C. Cactus
D. Neem
17. To reduce the body weight, the bones of birds are---

A. Solid
B. Filled
C. Hollow
D. Heavy

18. The ability to change colour to blend with their surroundings is known as

A. Comouflage
B. Chameleon
C. Survival
D. Habitat

19. The broad leaved trees like oak and teak are found in _______ forests.

A. Evergreen
B. Dry
C. Deciduous
D. Coniferous

20. Xerophytes are mainly found in

A. Water
B. Mountains
C. Dry habitat
D. Forests

21. An effective way to check soil erosion is

A. Deforestation
B. Farming
C. Overgrazing
D. Afforestation

22. Leaves are reduced to spines in

A. Mesophytes
B. Xerophytes
C. Hydrophytes
D. Evergreen

23. Forest is a very important natural resource because

A. Check soil erosion

B. Provide food and shelter
C. Cause rain
D. All of the above

24. Which among the following tree provides soft wood?

A. Neem
B. Banayan
C. Poplar
D. Pine

25. Forests are which kind of natural resources?

A. Renewable
B. Non-renewable
C. Both
D. None

26. In the dry regions leaves are modified into spines to reduce_____

A. Oxygen
B. Humidity
C. Soil
D. Rate of transpiration

27. As human beings breathe through lungs, fishes breathe through which organ?

A. Nose
B. Gills
C. Skin
D. Lungs

28. In which of the following processes water from earths surface goes to atmosphere and comes back

A. Photosynthesis
B. Condensation
C. Water cycle
D. Evaporation

29. Which is the main characteristic of loamy soil which is best suitable for soil fertility?

A. Sand
B. Manure
C. Humus
D. Urea

30. Wasting of paper will lead to the destruction of __________

A. Soil
B. Water
C. Air
D. Forest

31 Main constituent in air is:

A. nitrogen

B. oxygen

C. argon

D. water vapor

32. As we go up the layers of the atmosphere, the pressure

A. Increases

B. Decreases

C. Remains the same.

D. None of these.

33) When precipitation comes down to the earth in the liquid form, it is called

A) Cloud

B) Rain

C) Snow

D) Land

34) The most important layer of the atmosphere is

A. Troposphere

B. Thermosphere

C. Mesosphere
D. Stratosphere

35) Which of the following gases protects us from harmful sun rays?

A. Carbon dioxide

B. Nitrogen

C. Ozone

D. Oxygen

36) Which is not a natural ecosystem?

A. Desert

B. Aquarium

C. Forest

D. Land

37) Which is a human made environment?

A. Mountain

B. Sea

C. Road

D. Forest

38) The rock which is made up of molten magma is

A. Igneous

B. Sedimentary

C. Metamorphic

D. None of these

39) The innermost layer of the earth is

A. Crust

B. Core

C. Mantle
D. Clay

40) Rocks are used for

A. Roads and buildings

B. Making furniture

C. Making thinner layer of the earth

D. None of these

41) Fossils are

A. Any natural mass of mineral matter that makes up the earth

B. The remains of the dead plants and animals trapped in the layers of rocks

C. Narrow zone where land water and air interact

D. None of these

42) We cannot go to the center of the earth because

A. It has very high temperature and pressure

B. Of extreme compression and hardening of the particles

C. Extreme heat and pressure as it is a sedimentary rock

D. None of these

43) Ox bow lakes are found in:

A. Glaciers

B. River valleys

C. Deserts

D. Sea cave

44) Mushroom rocks are found in:

A. Deserts

B. Sea cave

C. River valleys
D. Glaciers

45) The depositional feature of a glacier is:

A. Food plain

B. Beach

C. Moraine

D. Cliff

46) Which is caused by the sudden movements of thye earth?

A. Volcano

B. Folding

C. Flood plain

D. Beach

47) What is erosion?

A. The wearing away of the landscape by different agents like water, wind and ice

B. Vibration of earth

C. River of ice

D. Hard bed rock

48) The process by which water continually changes its form and circulates between oceans,
atmosphere and land

A. Water cycle

B. Tides

C. Ocean currents

D. Poles

49. Generally the warm ocean currents originate near

A. Poles

B. Equator

C. Tides
D. None of these

50. The rhythmic rise and fall of ocean water twice in a day is called

A. Tide

B. Ocean current

C. Wave

D. None of these


51. The salinity of sea water is due to the Salt dissolved in it. T/F

52. The first layer of atmosphere close to the earth is called Troposphere. T/F

53. Soil is the Upper layer of earths surface. T/F

54. The dead remains of plants and animals, that makes soil fertile is called Humus. T/F

55. Temperature change is caused by weather patterns. T/F

56. Leaves of free floating plants like lotus are smooth, shining and coated with wax to make them
Waterproof. T/F

57. Camels can survive in Dry climate. T/F

58. The word Erosion means wearing away. T/F

59. The Sandy soil is found in Thar desert region. T/F

60. Air, water, plants, living organisms etc. around us forms our environment. T/F

61. Green plants use carbon dioxide to make their food and release oxygen. T/F

62. The degree of hotness and coldness of the air is known as atmosphere. T/F

63. Stratosphere contains a layer of ozone gas. T/F

64. The wind blowing from the west is called westerly. T/F

65. Cold air is denser and heavy. T/F

66. Lithosphere is the solid crust or the hard top layer of the earth. T/F

67. World Environment Day is celebrated on 15 june. T/F

68. The atmosphere is the thin layer of air that surrounds the earth. T/F
69. Gold, petroleum and coal are examples of minerals. T/F

70. Rocks which contain fossils are igneous rocks. T/F

71. The thinnest layer of the earth is crust. T/F

72. Sial is made of silicon and alumina. T/F

73. Clay has made of minerals and rocks. T/F

74. Beach is not an erosional feature of sea waves. T/F

75. There are three types of earthquake waves. T/F

76. The steep rocky coast rising almost vertically above sea water is called sea arches. T/F

77. Erosion is the breaking up of the rocks on the earths surface. T/F

78. Flood plains are very fertile because floods deposit layers of fine soil. T/F

79. People obtain ground water through tube wells and hand pumps. T/F

80. Tsunami is periodic rise and fall of water. T/F

81. Caspian Sea is the largest lake in the world. T/F

82. Anaconda, one of the worlds largest snakes is found in the tropical rainforest. T/F

83. Temperate grasslands are found in the mid- logitute zones. T/F

84. The domain of water is referred to as hydrosphere T/F

85. The deepest mine in the world, is in South Africa. T/F

86. The radius of the earth is 3761 km. T/F

87. The place in the crust where the movement starts is called the focus. T/F

88. Earthquake is measured on the Richter scale. T/F

89. Mesosphere is the last layer of the atmosphere. T/F

90. Our atmosphere is divided into eight layers starting from the earths surface. T/F

91. The movement of air from high pressure area to low pressure areas is called wind. T/F

92. March 22 is celebrated as World Day. T/F

93. The rhythmic rise and fall of ocean water twice in a day is called a tide. T/F
94. Mediterranean region are known as Orchards of the world for their fruit cultivation. T/F

95. Thorny bushes are found in the dry desert like regions. T/F

96. Waves are formed when gentle winds scrape across the ocean surface. T/F

97. Permanent winds change their direction in different seasons. T/F

98. When air is heated, it expands becomes heaver and goes up. T /F

99. The collection of sediments from all the mouth forms a delta. T/F

100. The place on the surface above the focus is called the epicenter. T/F78. The water bearing layer of
the earth is aquifer. T/F


1 Africa 26 Rate of transpiration

2 Rain 27 Gills

3 Tundra vegetation 28 Water cycle

4 Two-third 29 Humus

5 Water cycle 30 Forest

6 Night 31 Nitrogen

7 Pine 32 Decreases

8 All of the above 33 Rain

9 Clay, sand, humus 34 Troposphere

10 Bacteria 35 Ozone

11 At the poles 36 Aquarium

12 Phytoremediation 37 Road
13 One- third 38 Igneous

14 Adaptation 39 Core

15 Hydrophytes 40 Roads and buildings

16 Evergreen 41 dead plants and animals trapped in the layers of rocks

17 Hollow 42 It has very high temperature and pressure.

18 Camouflage 43 River valleys

19 Deciduous 44 Deserts

20 Dry habitat 45 Moraine

21 Afforestation 46 Volcano

22 Xerophytes 47 The wearing away of the landscape by different agents

23 All of the above 48 Water cycle

24 Poplar 49 Equator

25 Renewable 50 Tide

51 True 76 False

52 True 77 False

53 True 78 True

54 True 79 True

55 True 80 True

56 True 81 True

57 True 82 True

58 True 83 False

59 True 84 True

60 True 85 True

61 True 86 False

62 False 87 True
63 True 88 True

64 True 89 False

64 True 90 False

65 False 91 True

66 True 92 True

67 False 93 True

68 False 94 True

69 True 95 True

70 False 96 True

71 True 97 False

72 True 98 False

73 False 99 True

74 False 100 True

75 True.



1 26 51 76

2 27 52 77

3 28 53 78

4 29 54 79

5 30 55 80

6 31 56 81

7 32 57 82

8 33 58 83

9 34 59 84

10 35 60 85

11 36 61 86

12 37 62 87

13 38 63 88

14 39 64 89

15 40 65 90

16 41 66 91

17 42 67 92

18 43 68 93

19 44 69 94

20 45 70 95

21 46 71 96

22 47 72 97

23 48 73 98

24 49 74 99

25 50 75 100

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