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Advent Coming

Juxtaposing to place together in order to create an interesting effect or show the similarity or differences
between them
Resilient Elastic, ability to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions. Djokovic launched a
resilient revolt in the second set
Petulance Unreasonably ill-behaved or ill-tempered, Djokovic showed this petulance by tossing his
Treacherous Hazardous because of presenting hidden or unpredictable danger
Underfoot Under the foot especially against ground. Persistent rain made visibility poor and condition
treacherous underfoot.
Scant Barely sufficient or adequate. Pausing the game was a scant consolation to fans who had
travelled from abroad to see the match.
Grating A barrier that has parallel or crossed bars blocking passage but admitting air
Harsh rasping or annoying voice.
Rasping Uttering in irritated tone
Unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound
Scrape To remove from surface by forceful strokes. Scrape the wallpaper off before painting the
Grim Sinister character: grim laughter,
Stern and admitting of no compromise. Grim determination
fierce savage or cruel: war is a grim business
Sinister Threatening or portending evil, inauspicious unlucky
Portending To signify, to indicate in advance
Grin A broad smile
Scamper To run nimbly(in playful mood); children were scampering around the yard
Impetus Impelling movement, impulse, stimulus
Nimble Quick and light in motion
Ad hominem Attacking an opponents character, rather than answering his argument
Eulogy praise
Statuesque Strikingly beautiful
Disinterment The act of digging up
Stanchion A support
Simulacrum An image
topography Precise description of a place or region
desolation ruin
Tenacious Holding persistently, Holding together firmly, cohesive,
anagogy Mystical interpretation
Topiary The art of shaping buses in garden
Intaglios Figures covered in metal
Symposium Presentation, display
Shibboleths Outdated principles
Itineration Travel
Peregrination Travel
Panoply Display, a cover
Ratiocination Logical
Theurgy Belief that mans action are controlled by divine powers
Inundated Flooded, overwhelmed
Salvage To save something
Oppugn To oppose
Piquant Spicy
trammel Something that restricts progress, activity
Placid Tranquil, peaceful
Incendiary A person who illegally sets fire to property, goods; a person who stirs up civil stride, violence
Nuance A subtle difference in expression meaning or response. A very slight diff
Subtle Thin, very difficult to observe
Chuckling Laugh quietly
Likened To see or show as similar
Pauper A very poor person, mendicant, beggar
Frenzy Mania
Whipped Beaten, totally controlled by bf/gf
Whipped up Strike with repeated strokes
precipitate To be separated from solution as a solid, bring about prematurely, reckless
hitherto So far, until now
hoodlums A gangster, a tough violent youth
Spade Kudal. Hindi
Silhouette An outline of a solid figure as cast by its shadow,
Sacrosanct Scared, too valuable to be interfered with
Diaspora Scattering dispersion, migration of people away from established or ancestral home
Emigration Going out of native land
Immigration Coming to new land
Perverse Contrary to accepted or expected standard and practice. perverted
Vicious Deliberately cruel and violent
To the hilt Completely, to the limit
Hilt Hable of the weapon
Encomiums A speech or writing that praises sm1 highly
Stellar Consisting of stars,
Impecunious Having little or no money
Sepulchral Funeral, mortuary, gloomy
Shroud A cloth used to wrap a body for burial
Dank Damp, wet, moist
Pall Cover for coffin
Plummet Fall straight at high speed
Gaudy Extravagantly bright or showy
Quotidian Ordinary, everyday
Mundane Lacking interest, dull
Tepid Lukewarm, only slightly warm
Languish Grow weak, fail to make progress
Coalesce Come together and form one mass or whole
gurgling Sound made by water running out of a bottle
brook A small natural stream of fresh water | to bear, suffer
Slit Fine sand
Sediment Mineral deposited by water, The matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid,
Myriad ten thousand, very great number of person or things, countless
Desecrate To divert from sacred to profane use or purpose
Profane To treat with abuse
unwittingly Not intended
Squandered Waste in reckless and foolish manner
Eke out With difficulty and effort
Quixotic Exceeding idealistic, unreal and impractical
Incongruous Incompatible, lacking in harmony
Maudlin Self pityingly sentimental as when drunk0
Effusive Excessive in display of emotions
Erudite Learned, having/showing great knowledge or learning
Timid Shy, no self-confidence; like our PM
pirouette Full turn of body on toe
Vitriolic Hate and anger expressed through harsh criticism
Ferment Agitation and excitement among a group of people, typically concerning major changes and
leading to trouble or violence
Cudgels A short stick used as a weapon
Take up the To argue strongly in support of sm1 or smthing
cudgels for
Abhorrent Strongly opposed, Inspiring disgust, odious, repellent
Vehement Characterized by the forcefulness of emotion or conviction; a vehement denial
Brooding Cast in studied light so as to convey a somewhat threatening atmosphere: Dusk fell on the
brooding hills.
Dusk Partial darkness; the dark part of twilight
Rumpus A noisy commotion/clamor
Commotion Agitation, turmoil, a state of confused and noisy disturbance
Repugnant Text so repugnant, arousing distaste or aversion, logically contradictory , inconsistent
Deft Characterized by facility and skills
pathology Study of origin nature and course of diseases, any deviant condition from normal
Unrepentant Having or exhibiting no remorse, impenitent
Perspire To emit through skin
Tickle Reduce to a tickle
Deluge A Large downpour of rain, a severe flood
colossus A person or thing of enormous size; A statue that is much bigger than life size
Bland Mild, tender, lacking strong features.
Truism A claim so obvious as to be hardly worth mentioning
fallibility Capable of making error, humans are only fallible
Tendentious Intending to promote a particular cause or point of view, esp. a controversial one: a
tendentious reading of history
Confer Grant, bestow
Ex ante Before the event
Ex post facto After the fact
Ingenuous Free from reserve, innocent, sincere
Disingenuous Lacking in sincerity, false, devious, hollow-harted
recuperate Recover from illness, recover or regain
Stalemate A situation in chess where the player is not in check but has no legal moves; deadlock
Polyglot Able to speak or write several languages
Recalcitrant Having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority, disobedient, contumacious
Conjugal Pertaining to husband and wife, characteristics of marriage, conjugal vows
Chaste Sexual behavior acceptable to moral standards and guidelines of a culture
Obfuscate Bewildering, confusing, to obscure(ambiguous)
Incessant Continuing w/o interruptions
perennial Present all season of years, continuing/o interruption
Avuncular Characteristic of an uncle,
oeuvre A work of art music or literature
Protean Able to do many thing, versatile,
Nefarious Wicked, infamous, evil
Overhaul Examine thoroughly, to renovate or revise thoroughly, restore to serviceable condition
Cesspool a pit for receiving drainage from a house, a filthy morally corrupt place
emanate Originate from, produced by
Wallowing roll about or lie relaxed in mud or water
Drivel Silly Nonsense
Odious Extremely unpleasant
Repugnant Extremely distasteful, repulsive
Sophistry A plausible but misleading or fallacious argument
Hustling Force someone to move hurriedly in a specified direction
Hustings A place where political campaign speeches are being made
Nigh Near in time place or relationship; an old word for near
To draw nigh To approach near
Sheeple a portmanteau of sheep and people, those who voluntarily acquiesce to a suggestion
without critically analyzing it
Portmanteau combination of two or more words; Wikipedia, Theosophical
Farrago A confused mixture; Without resorting to a farrago of legalese
Legalese A special language for legal profession
Perjury Willful act of swearing a false oath; Willful giving of false or misleading information
Trenchant incisive or sharp in expression or style
Carping Continuously finding out error specially in trivial matters
Gobbledygook Wordy and intelligible jargon
Poppycock British term for bullshit
Ameliorate Make something better
Prudent Having a good sense
Proscribe to forbid
Abatement instigation
magniloque nt High-flown or bombastic language

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