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Bidirectional communication between the neuroendocrine system

and the immune system: relevance to health and diseases
Srinivasan ThyagaRajan and Hannah P. Priyanka
Integrative Medicine Laboratory, Department of Biotechnology, School of Bioengineering, SRM University, Kattankulathur 603203, Tamil Nadu


In the past century, physiological, molecular, and cellular-based studies have proved that the functions of the nervous system, endocrine system, and immune
system are dependent upon each other and that this interaction among these systems determines the maintenance of health or susceptibility to infections. The
release of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides from the brain is a response to external environmental stimuli that influences the release of hormones from the
pituitary in order to regulate the functions such as metabolism and growth, reproduction, etc. In addition, there are direct sympathetic noradrenergic and pep-
tidergic innervations of primary (bone marrow and thymus) and secondary (spleen, lymph nodes, and lymphoid tissues) lymphoid organs. The neurotransmitters
and neuropeptides released in these lymphoid organs then bind to specific receptors on the cells of the immune system to modulate their functions. Another
circuit in this bidirectional communication involves the products of the immune system, for e.g., cytokines that can cross the blood-brain barrier to alter the
activities of the neuronal function in the central nervous system especially during fever and inflammation in infectious diseases and cancer. Dysregulation of the
interactions between the neuroendocrine and immune system due to alterations in the neural activity, secretion of hormones and cytokines, and synthesis of
growth factors has been demonstrated to promote the pathogenesis and progression of infectious and autoimmune diseases, cancer, and neurodegenerative
diseases. It is imperative that further research is carried out to understand the mechanisms of neuroendocrine-immune interactions to facilitate development of
better treatment strategies for neurodegenerative diseases.

Keywords: Neurotransmitter, Hormone, Cytokine, Brain, Lymphoid organs

Corresponding Author: ThyagaRajan, Ph.D, SRM University, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu, Tel: +91-9940201794, E-mail:
doi : 10.5214/ans.0972.7531.180410

Introduction hormones and neurochemicals. Behav- terations in the hypothalamic and limbic
ioral and pharmacological manipulation areas as well as endocrine functions, in-
The influence of mind over body
of the neuroendocrine-immune signaling dicating that the CNS is responsive to the
in maintaining health, susceptibility to
has been known to alter immunity, auto- products of the immune system.1 Early ev-
diseases, and ability to recover from ill-
immunity, and immunosenescence. This idence demonstrated that the administra-
nesses has been acknowledged in the
altered neural-immune signaling may de- tion of antigen increased neuronal firing
field of medicine. The current system has
termine the course of infectious diseases rates in the hypothalamic ventromedial
focused on the reductionist approach
and also, response of the individuals to nucleus and sympathetic noradrenergic
while Eastern medicine (Ayurveda, Tradi-
therapeutic strategies. activity in the spleen, and elevated the
tional Chinese Medicine) have attempted
levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone
to understand disease pathogenesis and In this review, we describe how both the
(ACTH) and corticosterone.1 Immune sig-
treat individuals as a whole including the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and the
naling of the CNS is achieved through
state of mind. However, recent therapeu- central nervous system (CNS) function
release of peripheral soluble factors like
tic strategies in modern medicine have in response to products of immune sys-
cytokines, by the cells of the immune sys-
examined the role of psychological, emo- tem, and how neurotransmitter-specific
tem and of non-immune origin especially
tional, and spiritual factors in controlling innervation of lymphoid tissue impacts
the glial cells, astrocytes.2 Cytokines are
health and disease progression to provide immune processes. We also describe neu-
low molecular weight proteins that not
integrated care. ral-immune signaling under normal con-
only facilitate communication between
ditions and in disease. Immune system
Recent studies have investigated the the lymphoid cells but also between the
along with the neuroendocrine system is
mechanisms through which the products cells of the central nervous and endocrine
responsible for the maintenance of ho-
of the immune system, cytokines, influ- systems. A number of cytokines, like IL-1,
meostasis that is critical to the health of
ence the functions of the nervous system IL-2, IL-3, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12, IFN- and TNF-,
an individual. Many argue that diseases
within the brain (Figure 1). Reports on are reported to be expressed in the brain.
progress due to the inability of the im-
neuronal innervation of the organs of the Also, the peripheral administration of
mune system to mount a proper response
immune system especially, sympathetic lipopolysaccharides (LPS) promotes syn-
to pathogens is partly due to deficits in
noradrenergic and peptidergic neuronal thesis of cytokines in the brain. Peripheral
neural signaling at the site of antigen
fibers that innervate the lymphoid or- immunocytes and phagocytes are the
processing leading to breakdown of ho-
gans, bone marrow, thymus, spleen, and major sources of cytokines and they gain
lymph nodes demonstrate the network entry into the brain either through poorly
between nervous system and immune developed blood-brain barrier or by ac-
system. In these organs, neurotransmit- tive transport.3
interactions in the Brain
ters and neuropeptides released from
the nerve endings of these neurons al- Evidence gathered over the past 40 years Of the various cytokines, IL-1 has been
ter the functions of the immune system of research has shown that activation of studied extensively as a possible immu-
as the lymphoid cells have receptors for the immune system is accompanied by al- notransmitter that communicates with



Fig. 1: Bidirectional communication between the neuroendocrine system and immune system.
(A)The bidirectional interaction is mainly through neurotransmitter-, hormonal-, and cytokine-specific pathways. The CNS influences the immune
system via neuroendocrine outflow, and autonomic and sensory nerves that innervate lymphoid tissue. Peripherally, cytokines produced by the
immune cells under the influence of neuronal activity cross the blood-brain barrier to influence CNS functions. There is a great complexity in
neural-immune interactions.
(B)Neurotransmitter-specific and neuropeptidergic nerves are distributed in the rostral sections of the brain arising from the cell bodies located in
the caudal portions of the brain. The neuroglial cells, astrocytes and microglia, regulate the neuronal survival through the release of cytokines and
growth factors while the oligodendrocytes are critical to myelin formation. The neuroendocrine systems in the hypothalamus control metabolism
and growth by influencing the release of hormones from the pituitary.
(C)Noradrenergic nerves originate from ganglia and are distributed to specific lymphoid compartments in lymphoid organs and the effects are medi-
ated through the receptors for neurotransmitters on the cells of the immune system. The presence of 2-adrenergic receptors (AR) on the subpopu-
lations of lymphoid cells facilitates the binding of norepinephrine (NE) to alter the release of cytokines, growth factors, and immune molecules that
cross the blood-brain barrier to alter brain functions.

the CNS in infectious diseases. It serves as pituitary provides evidence for cytokines release of central neurochemicals. In ad-
an endogenous pyrogen and can directly actions in the brain.6 dition, cytokines modulate peripheral af-
stimulate the release of corticotrophin ferent neurons to alter brain functions
releasing hormone (CRH) from the hypo- In addition to IL-1, other proinflamma- especially during sickness behavior.8 The
thalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) tory cytokines such as IL-6 and TNF- are vagus nerve is another important pathway
directly by acting on PVN neurons, or in- also expressed in the brain and pituitary that serves as a conduit for the cytokines
directly by enhancing NE and dopamine where they influence neural function by produced in the periphery or cytokine-
release.1,4,5 Demonstration of the pres- modulating each others release.7 Effects mediated signals that reach the CNS areas
ence of IL-1 receptors in the hypothala- of peripheral cytokines on CNS functions such as nucleus of the solitary tract.9 Other
mus and other regions of the brain such are also facilitated by binding to vascular pathways and mediators for transmission
as the hippocampus, dorsal raphe, and endothelium in the brain which stimulates of peripheral immune signals to the CNS ANNALS OF NEUROSCIENCES VOLUME 19 NUMBER 1 JANUARY 2012


are affected by conditioning of the im- In addition to its role in inflammation, in- bers branch out into the surrounding pa-
mune system.10 jury, and the response to bacterial infec- renchyma among hemopoietic cells in the
tions, the immune to brain communica- marrow and modulate the functions of
Cytokines and their related members, such
tion route can also drive sickness behaviors granulocyte-macrophage progenitor cells
as chemokines, influence the functions of
and pain responses.8,16 From a plausible and primitive progenitor cells by bind-
CNS through a number of ways includ-
protective effect in acute cases to prevent ing to the adrenergic receptors on these
ing trafficking and recruitment of leuko-
disease progression, cytokines may also cells.23 The functional significance of sym-
cytes into the brain across the blood-brain
promote disease process in chronic dis- pathetic nerve fibers in the bone marrow
barrier.11 These molecules are involved in
ease states. Hopefully, improved under- is yet to be defined. Multiple functions
defence against the spread of infection
standing of the inflammatory processes have been assigned to them such as regu-
inside the brain and arresting the inflam-
in this neural-immune cross-talk, will lead lating blood flow and volume within the
matory processes in neurodegenerative
to more effective therapies. bone marrow and serving as a source of
diseases.12 Such defensive mechanisms in-
growth factors and adhesion molecules
clude the induction of selectins, important
Neural-Immune interactions because of close apposition between
cell adhesion molecules in inflammatory
in the periphery nerve terminals and stromal cells.24
process, and chemokines which then may
attract leukocytes to the site of inflamma- The vital organs of the immune system, pri- Thymus: Thymus is innervated by NA
tion. Infusion of IL-1 elevates the expres- mary and secondary lymphoid organs, are nerve fibers originating from postgan-
sion of P-selectin on brain endothelial cells innervated by postganglionic sympathetic glionic cell bodies in the upper paraver-
and also, leads to disruption of cadherin/ noradrenergic (NA) nerve fibers that are in tebral ganglia of the sympathetic chain,
catenin complex, tight junctions of vascu- close proximity to the cells of the immune primarily the superior cervical and stellate
lar endothelial cells that facilitate the entry system, lymphocytes and macrophages.1720 ganglia.25 Similar to the bone marrow, NA
of leukocytes.13,14 Subsequently, the inter- In addition to sympathetic nerve fibers, nerve fibers enter the thymus adjacent to
action between the endothelial cells and there are several peptidergic (neuropep- large blood vessels and course into the
microglia results in increased stimulation tide-Y, substance-P, vasoactive intestinal cortical regions in close proximity with
of endothelial cells in a positive feedback peptide, calcitonin gene-related peptide, the thymoctyes. In the capsule and in-
manner and thus, promotes increased ac- opioid peptides, corticotrophin-releasing terlobular septa, NA nerve fibers course
cessibility of leukocytes to the site of in- hormone) nerve fibers that also innervate adjacent to mast cells, corticotrophin re-
flammation in the brain. the lymphoid organs. The neurochemicals leasing hormone immunoreactive cells,
that are released from these nerve fibers and macrophages.1819 In addition to
Cytokines regulate important properties
diffuse to distant areas in the lymphoid or- these cells, NA nerve fibers are found in
of neurons such as apoptosis and sur-
gans and bind to respective receptors on close apposition to thymic epithelial cells
vival in addition to stimulating neuronal
the lymphoid cells to modulate immune and possessing 1- and 2- adrenergic re-
cells to release neuropeptides and neu-
responses. The most widely studied neu- ceptors. The functional significance of NA
rotransmitters. In acute (stroke and head
ronal innervation of lymphoid organs are innervation of the thymus is not clear but
injury) and chronic (multiple sclerosis
the NA nerve fibers in the bone marrow, evidence is available for its effect on mat-
and Alzheimers disease) diseases of the
thymus, spleen, lymph nodes and other uration of thymocytes demonstrated by
brain, cytokines produced by infiltrat-
lymphoid tissues and the effect of their inhibition of proliferation and enhance-
ing macrophages result in inflammatory
neurotransmitter, norepinephrine (NE), on ment of differentiation of thymocytes
processes in the brain. A delicate bal-
the cells of the immune system. Initially, in vitro through the activation of -AR
ance between the proinflammatory and
NA sympathetic innervation of lymphoid through cAMP release.18,26
anti-inflammatory cytokines determine
organs was considered to mediate its ef-
whether their effects will be neurotoxic Spleen: NA nerve fibers present in the
fects on vascular functions such as regula-
or neuroprotective. The process of neu- spleen are derived from postganglionic cell
tion of blood flow and to contract capsular
rodegeneration is initiated when there is bodies, mostly in the superior mesenteric-
and trabecular smooth muscles. Subse-
a shift to more proinflammatory cytokine celiac ganglionic complex and to a lesser
quent studies have provided evidence for
production such as IL-1 and TNF- while extent, the sympathetic trunk.1721 These
the development-, age, and disease-relat-
neuroprotective effects are exerted by nerves enter the spleen as a dense plex-
ed changes in the immune system by NA
anti-inflammatory cytokines through the us associated with the splenic artery and
nerve fibers in the lymphoid organs. 1721
inhibition of inflammatory responses. branch beneath the capsule of the spleen.
The cross-regulation between these two After coursing along the trabeculae and its
Noradrenergic innervation
classes of cytokines is mediated through associated vasculature, NA plexuses follow
of lymphoid organs
indirect inhibition of their synthesis. In the central arterioles and branch into the
addition to this mechanism, their actions Bone Marrow: Histological studies have white pulp of the spleen. From the central
may also be determined by receptor-re- revealed nerve bundles of myelinated and arteriole, the NA nerves travel into the sur-
ceptor and cell-cell interactions. Follow- non-myelinated nerve fibers first supply rounding periarteriolar lymphatic sheath
ing injury, microglial cells are the primary periosteum before entering the interior (PALS), a region that is rich in T lympho-
source of cytokines such as IL-1 and TNF-a structures through nutrient foramina. In cytes of both the T-helper and T-cytotoxic/
but other glial cells, astrocytes and oligo- young rats, NA sympathetic nerve fibers suppressor subset. Sympathetic NA nerve
dendrocytes, also produce these cytok- travel with the appropriate spinal nerve fibers also course along the areas of the
ines and other mediators and thus, ulti- before entering the bone through nutri- white pulp such as marginal sinus and
mately decide the course of neurotoxic or ent foramina.22 These fibers form dense marginal zone rich in macrophages and
neuroprotective actions.1,2,8,9,11,12,15 plexuses from which numerous nerve fi- B lymphocytes. Very few nerve fibers are



found in follicular areas of white pulp cholinergic innervation, are non-neuronal responsiveness of target cells by altering
that are composed primarily of B lympho- in nature that may be derived from sym- receptor expression.
cytes. Electron microscopic studies have pathetic NA nerves as well as non-NA and
Numerous studies have demonstrated
revealed that these NA nerve terminals non-vagal nerves. There is no conclusive
that the adrenergic agonists act on lym-
also are found in direct contact with the evidence for the localization of cholin-
phoid cells to influence induction, prolifer-
lymphocytes in PALS separated by as little ergic nerve fibers in the lymph nodes al-
ation, and effector phases of the immune
as 6 nm.1721 Similar close appositions are though there are non-NA nerve fibers in
responses in vitro. T and B lymphocytes
present at the marginal sinus and margin- the lymph nodes as observed with elec-
express 2- adrenoceptors (AR) while NK
al zone between NA nerve terminals and tron microscopy.1721
cells express 2-AR and 1- and 2-AR and
lymphocytes and macrophages.
Bone marrow is innervated by a number of macrophages have 2-and 2-AR.18 Stimu-
Lymph Nodes: The origin of sympathetic neuropeptides including neuropeptides-Y lation of - or 2- AR resulted in the inhibi-
NA enervation of lymph nodes is uncer- (NPY), Substance-P (SP), calcitonin gene- tion of T cell proliferation may be medi-
tain but believed to be regionally sup- related peptide (CGRP), and vasoactive in- ated, in part, by its ability to inhibit IL-2 R
plied because removal of superior cervical testinal peptide (VIP). NPY has been found expression and IL-2 production by activat-
ganglia results in loss of NA nerve fibers to colocalize with NA nerve fibers and ed T cells.2830 In addition to their effects
in the cervical lymph nodes.27 Following its concentration is also higher than the on IL-2, stimulation of 2- AR modulates
entry into the lymph nodes along with other neuropeptides. A dense innervation IFN- production. Prior treatment of Th1
the blood vessels, they travel in subcap- of NPY is found in the corticomedullary cells with terbutaline or agents that stimu-
sular plexus or continue in vascular plex- junction in the thymus that is associated late cAMP production before antigen chal-
uses and individual fibers in the medul- closely with macrophages and mast cells. lenge inhibits IFN- synthesis.30 Studies
lary cords. After coursing adjacent to Similar to the primary lymphoid organs, have demonstrated a dichotomous nature
many lymphoid cell types in the medulla, NPY nerve fibers colocalize with the NA of 2-AR effects on Th1 and Th2 cells such
NA nerve fibers continue along small ves- nerve fibers and are in close contact with that their activation modulates Th1 dif-
sels that course from the medulla into the the lymphocytes in the spleen while they ferentiation and cytokine production but
paracortical regions that are rich in T lym- extend into the various compartments of does not alter Th2 effector cells.
phocytes. Linear fibers that enter into T the lymph nodes forming varicose profiles
In vivo studies have demonstrated that
lymphocyte compartments of the cortex among macrophages. SP and CGRP nerve
-AR stimulation modulates Th1 effector
and paracortex do not travel into the ad- fibers are present in the thymus among
cell-driven responses, including delayed-
jacent nodular regions and germinal cen- mast cells and are believed to play a sen-
type hypersensitivity. Chemical sympath-
ters where B lymphocytes dominate.1718 sory function. Spleen is densely innervated
ectomy-induced depletion of NE prior
The distribution of NA nerves in lymph by CGRP nerve fibers than SP fibers but
to hapten sensitization reduces hapten-
node has many similarities with NA in- their roles are unclear. Lymph nodes from
specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte produc-
nervation in the spleen, indicating a com- a number of mammalian species have
tion indicating the importance of NE in
mon functional role for such innervation been reported to possess SP and CGRP
mediating the Th1 cell-mediated immune
in secondary lymphoid organs. A major nerve fibers that travel as individual fibers
responses.20 Enhancement or suppression
role of antigen processing is ascribed to in the parenchyma of the cortex and me-
of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced B cell
NE as reduced primary antibody respons- dulla among lymphocytes.1721
proliferation and antibody production has
es in spleen and lymph nodes following
been observed following -AR stimula-
sympathectomy. Also, infusion of cat- Physiological significance of sympathetic
tion.31 This dual effect may have been due
echolamines leads to efflux of activated innervation of Spleen and Lymph nodes
to differences in signaling pathways in B
lymphocytes into the circulation from
The cells of the immune system residing in cells induced by LPS and that these path-
spleen and lymph nodes.1721
secondary lymphoid organs are responsible ways are modulated differently by cAMP.
Although NA innervation is widely in- for trapping antigens and induction of im- Depending on the presence of Th domi-
vestigated, its functional significance in mune responses including cytokine produc- nance (C57Bl/6 mice with a predominant
neuroimmunomodulation is variable and tion. Foreign substances are engulfed by Th1 antibody profile while BALB/c mice
multifaceted depending on the type of the macrophages in the splenic white pulp has a preference towards Th2 profile), NE
lymphoid organs, cell types, age, and the in order for them to be phagocytozed and depletion has been shown to differentially
presence of other neurochemicals such as eliminated as metabolites. Similarly, lymph regulate Th1 and Th2-dependent antibody
peptides, cytokines, and hormones. nodes filter regionally draining lymph with production indicating that intact NA inner-
the sole purpose of removing pathogens vation in the spleen inhibits the immune
Innervation of lymphoid organs
and foreign materials. The elimination of response to an antigen.32 The number of
with other Neurotransmitter and
foreign substances is achieved by activat- IgM-secreting cells increases following NE
ing the immune responses by mobilizing treatment of murine spleens cells cultured
Cholinergic innervation of bone mar- lymphoid cells and their mediators to sites with Th cell-dependent antigen, an effect
row is limited to passage of nerve fibers of injury or infection. Subsequently, clonal- blocked by the addition of -AR antago-
through the area without any neuroef- ly expanded sets of lymphocytes enter the nist indicating that the augmentation of
fector junctions with hemopoietic cells blood stream from the spleen and lymph IgM production by NE is mediated through
while its presence in the thymus is mini- nodes. Sympathetic signaling within lym- -AR stimulation.2830 These actions of -AR
mal compared to that of NA innervation. phoid compartments modulates immune on immune cells are dependent upon the
Majority of splenic nerves that stain for responses to antigens by affecting clonal timing of -AR stimulation along with tim-
acetylcholinesterase (AChE), a marker for expansion, cytokine production, and/or ing of antigen challenge. ANNALS OF NEUROSCIENCES VOLUME 19 NUMBER 1 JANUARY 2012


Production of hormones cascade. A similar mechanism is utilized AD patients.44 Basic research has revealed
by Lymphoid cells by a synthetic, immunosuppressive retro- that estrogen enhances BDNF expression
viral envelope peptide that induces cAMP in various areas of the brain through spe-
The intricate nature of neuroendocrine-im-
production to shift the cytokine balance cific neurotrophin receptor complex sug-
mune interactions is further compounded
towards Th2 profile.37 Infection of mouse gesting that the interactions between
by the production of hormones by the
with a mixture of murine retroviruses, LP- estrogen, BDNF, and immune cells and
cells of the immune system. A number of
BM5, depletes splenic NE concentration molecules can be used to develop strate-
hormones (prolactin, growth hormone,
due to the destruction of sympathetic gies for neuroprotection in AD.
luteinizing hormone, adrenocorticotro-
innervation within 2 weeks.38,39 In this
pic hormone, corticotrophin releasing The etiology and pathogenesis of cancer
mouse model of acquired immunodefi-
hormone), neuropeptides (enkephalins, is complex and is the result of combina-
ciency syndrome (MAIDS), administration
endorphins) and neurotransmitters (NE, tion of genetic predisposition, diet, en-
of NE uptake blocker, desipramine, does
epinephrine) are released by the immuno- vironmental factors, and exercise status,
not prevent LP-BM5-induced NE depletion
cytes to regulate the immune reactivity in to mention a few. These factors through
indicating that loss of splenic NA nerves is
the local milieu of the lymphoid organs.33 a combination of physical, biochemical,
not mediated by NE. Enhanced pain sen-
Evidence exists for the production of opi- and genetic damage to the involved cells,
sation is associated with most of the dis-
oid peptides, NE, and epinephrine by the influence the process of carcinogenesis.
eases including HIV/AIDS and cancer and
lymphocytes and macrophages.34 Human A variety of psychological and environ-
a strong therapeutic tool to deal with this
lymphocytes release growth hormone mental factors influence the ability of
persistent problem has remained elusive.
and peripheral blood monocytes secrete the immune system to react to various
Intrathecal infusion of HIV1 envelope gly-
growth factors such as brain-derived neu- stimuli, and the magnitude of these re-
coprotein, gp120, into the rat meninges
rotrophic factor that are up-regulated by sponse assist in determining the extent
increased the production of proinflam-
proinflammatory cytokines, TNF and IL-6.35 of carcinogenesis. Both specific and non-
matory cytokines, TNF-, IL-1, and IL-6,
These factors may regulate the functions of specific effectors of immune responses
that may serve as a source of heightened
cells of the immune system locally in an au- are important in cytostatic and/or cyto-
pain states.40 Neuronal and glial functions
tocrine and paracrine manner determining cidal actions on tumors. Administration
are significantly affected by HIV1 in the
proliferation, production of immune me- of deprenyl, a monoamine oxidase in-
CNS leading to several pathological and
diators, trafficking of immunocytes, etc. hibitor, to rats with carcinogen-induced
cognitive disturbances such as neurode-
generation and HIV1-associated demen- and spontaneously developing mammary
Relevance of Neuroendocrine-
tia (HAD) for which no known therapy tumors suppressed tumor growth, en-
Immune interactions in aging,
is available.41 A number of strategies to hanced sympathetic noradrenergic (NA)
diseases, and Cancer
counter this neurodegenerative process activity and cell-mediated immune re-
Several lines of evidence exist for the in- in HIV/AIDS have been tried including the activity in the spleen, reduced prolactin
fluence of the neuroendocrine system use of deprenyl, a monoamine oxidase secretion indicating that restoration of
and immune system on aging, and the inhibitor, which has immunomodulatory sympathetic NA activity in tumor-bearing
pathogenesis of infectious diseases, au- and neuroregenerative properties.21 How- rats would reverse immunosuppression
toimmune diseases, neurodegenerative ever, deprenyls therapeutic value in the commonly observed in cancer.21 In con-
diseases, and cancer. treatment of HAD has been inconclusive trast, growth of mammary tumor in sym-
that may be dependent on the dosage, pathetically denervated ear was attenu-
Age-associated decline in neuroendo-
route and duration of administration, ated in comparison to sympathetically
crine-immune system has been well-
and stage of disease progression in pa- intact ear on the contralateral side and
documented in rodents and humans
tients chosen for the study.42,43 chemical sympathectomy before injec-
predisposing them to the development
tion of alveolar carcinoma cells increased
of infectious diseases, autoimmune dis-
Inflammation is a common feature in the pulmonary metastases.45,46 Preliminary
eases, and cancer.19,21 Our laboratory
central neurodegenerative diseases such data from our laboratory has shown that
has preliminary evidence that estrogen
as multiple sclerosis (MS), Alzheimers dis- terbutaline (selective 2-AR agonist) in-
may be responsible for the rapid decline
ease (AD), and amyotrophic lateral sclero- duces cellular proliferation of estrogen
in sympathetic innervation of secondary
sis (ALS). Bone marrow-derived microglia receptor-positive T47D breast cancer cells
lymphoid organs in female rats that may
infiltration into the brain is markedly en- which can be inhibited by -AR blocker,
be mediated through alterations in anti-
hanced around amyloid plaques so that propranolol, suggesting the modulatory
oxidant enzyme activities and growth fac-
these cells can effectively remove the am- role of NE in breast cancer. Ben-Eliyahu
tor biosynthesis (unpublished data).
yloid beta (A) from the brain. Enhancing and his coworkers have demonstrated
In HIV/AIDS infection, sympathetic in- the levels of macrophage-colony stimulat- that sympathetic ganglionic blockade,
nervation of lymphoid organs is relevant ing factor (M-CSF) has been demonstrated adrenal demedullation, or administra-
as these are the primary sites of HIV-1 to reverse the cognitive decline in a mouse tion of a non-selective -AR blocker either
pathogenesis. HIV-1 disease is marked model of AD.12 Additional factors such as meliorated or attenuated swim stress-
by a shift to Th2 profile with reduced IL- brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) induced increases in MADB106 tumor
12 and increased IL-10 production that and estrogen influence the progression metastases compared with non-stressed
promoted the viral replication by up of AD. Hormone replacement therapy animals.47 Similarly, adrenal medullation
to 11-fold in human peripheral blood with estrogen has been demonstrated to and -AR blocker prevented the tumor-
mononuclear cell culture.36 The mecha- reduce cognitive decline in aged women promoting effects of social confronta-
nism of viral replication is mediated via and BDNF protein expression is reduced tion and hypothermic stress suggesting
-AR-cAMP-protein kinase A signaling in cortical and hippocampal areas of the that adrenal catecholamines promote



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