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Euglent Zeqaj

Eng 280- Literature

Feb 4th 2015
The interpretation of Drite qe vjen nga humnera

The poem to be studied is Drite qe vjen nga humnera written by Drita Como.

The plot
She writes here about her bad conditions that she is forced to pass during the dictatorial time. She
is ill and she is about to die. She decides to remember what she had passed in her past and all
those things were rememberd there at the bed of Onkologjik hospital in Tirana. She remembers
how her family was masacred by the Envers party , the power of Enver Hoxha and its devices
upon the society, her entire life at the hospital and the last less admirable thing, how she goes
through the death.

The Perspective
I have decided to comment that poem by Gerald Gennete s interpretation model known as
Narratology which consists of three phases 1)tThe chronological order of events 2)Duration
3)Frequency and 4) Point of view.

The comment of poem

a)Chronological order of events

According to the order of events we can say that it is synchronic with the order of narration in
the sense that she is writing her diary and everyday she had to write those events that went step
by step and in a simultanious way with narration. That is easily understood even when she writes
the dates of everyday and what happens.

When we talk about the duration of actions we can say that they take more time in reality than in
the real life so here we can say that the events take more time in reality rather than in fiction.
Because she passes some unimportant actions and those actions would need more time in reality.

I can say that the events are somehow streched because she can merge a week in only one head
and that means the reduce of repetition of events as was the case when she goes to the city twice
in two days and she merges them into one. So we can say that events are more repeated in the
real life rather than in the fiction time.

d)Point of view
There is always an I that tells the story and that one is the author itself Drita Como. Genette
would call that homdiegetic narrator. So it is that kind of narrator who is first-person singular
and tells the story as an insider as someone who takes part in the action.

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