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Journal of the American College of Cardiology Vol. 43, No.

4, 2004
2004 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation ISSN 0735-1097/04/$30.00
Published by Elsevier Inc. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2003.11.018

EDITORIAL COMMENT formation of epi-PGF2 with increased thromboxane activ-

ity may be induced by COX-2, which could bypass TXA2
Cyclooxygenase Inhibition formed by COX-1. Therefore, a drug such as aspirin, which
in Patients With inhibits platelet TXA2, might not be effective as an antico-
agulant in all patients.
Coronary Artery Disease* Aspirin has been shown to be beneficial in reducing the
risk of myocardial infarction and stroke in patients with
William H. Frishman, MD, FACC atherosclerosis (8). The critical action of aspirin on platelets
Valhalla, New York is the inhibition of PGH2 production by COX-1 because
The prostanoids are receptor-activating lipid mediators that PGH2 is the obligatory precursor of TXA2, the final
exert a pervasive influence on body functioning because they product of platelet metabolism of arachidonic acid via
involve all organ systems and their effects can be heightened COX-1 and TXA2 synthetase activity (8).
by various disease states and pathophysiologic conditions In patients with unstable angina, another factor, one that
(1). The enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX) catalyzes the intra- is not attributable to platelets, appears to be operative and
cellular rate-limiting step in the formation of various pro- responsible for TXA2 production by both COX-1 and
stanoids from arachidonic acid. These prostanoids include COX-2 that is associated with atherosclerotic plaques (9).
the prostaglandins PGD2, PGE2, PGF2, PGF2, and PGI2 In a significant number of patients, thromboxane produc-
(prostacyclin) and the procoagulant thromboxane (TXA2), tion is only partially inhibited by aspirin, as reflected by the
found in blood platelets (2). The multiplicity of prostaglan- urinary excretion of thromboxane metabolites despite com-
din and TXA2 receptors and their signaling systems has plete suppression of TXA2 formation by aspirin in platelets
yielded a combined molecular biologic, biochemical, and (10). Atherosclerotic plaques and contiguous tissue of the
pharmacologic-physiologic approach that has defined their diseased arteries are the presumed source of aspirin-
structures, distribution, properties, and function (1). insensitive TXA2. Aspirin also inhibits prostacyclin forma-
tion from endothelial cells (8). Prostacyclin has vascular
See page 526 protective action (vasodilator, inhibitor of platelet aggrega-
tion, and mesenchymal proliferation); however, the con-
comitant suppression of TXA2 predominates, and the func-
There are also two known isoforms of the COX enzyme,
tional consequence is cardioprotection (8).
COX-1 and COX-2. Cyclooxygenase-1 is expressed in
Traditional nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs also
most body tissues and is the only COX isoform present in
inhibit COX-1-derived TXA2 and COX-derived prostacy-
blood platelets. In platelets, it converts arachidonic acid into
clin. However, the effect is reversible during the dosing
TXA2 and is the main isoform found in the gastric mucosa,
interval, and this transient effect would not be expected to
where it catalyzes the cytoprotective prostaglandins (1,2).
provide cardioprotection (2). There are also recent data to
Unlike COX-1, COX-2 appears to be less involved in
suggest that the use of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
normal physiologic activity but is expressed more promi-
drug might inhibit the benefits of aspirin (11).
nently with active inflammation and other pathophysiologic
The selective COX-2 inhibitors can inhibit prostacyclin
processes (2,3). It was this latter observation that led to the
formation in atherosclerotic blood vessels, while having no
clinical development of selective COX-2 inhibitors that
effects on COX-1-derived TXA2. The net effect would be a
would provide clinical anti-inflammatory activity while
potentiation of thrombotic activity (3). However, COX-2
sparing the cytoprotective prostaglandins produced by the
inhibition might also inhibit the formation of prothrom-
gastric mucosa (4).
botic isoprostanes, such as 8-epi-PGF2.
In addition to the prostanoids produced by COX activity,
The study by Kearney et al. (12) in this issue of the
there are analogs of prostaglandins known as isoprostanes
Journal sought out to test the hypothesis that the addition of
that can be formed by oxygen-derived free radical attack on
the COX-2 inhibitor nimesulide would provide an addi-
arachidonic acid as well as by COX (5,6). Some of these
tional antiplatelet effect over that of concomitant aspirin use
isoprostanes, such as 8-epi-PGF2, have biologic activities
in patients undergoing coronary angioplasty. However, the
similar to TXA2 (7). In human atherosclerosis, there is a
results of the study showed no additional effect of adding
marked elevation in both TXA2 and epi-PGF2, which may
nimesulide to aspirin on TXA2 levels and no effect of the
be contributing to the increased risk of thrombosis and
aspirin-nimesulide combination on the levels of the isopros-
restenosis in patients undergoing coronary angioplasty. The
tane 8-epi-PGF2 (12). The addition of nimesulide to
aspirin did cause a reduction in prostacyclin production
*Editorials published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology reflect the (12).
views of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of JACC or the This important study confirms past observations regard-
American College of Cardiology.
From the Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, New York Medical ing the effects of aspirin and selective COX-2 inhibitors on
College/Westchester Medical Center, Valhalla, New York. TXA2 and prostacyclin production while showing that the
JACC Vol. 43, No. 4, 2004 Frishman 533
February 18, 2004:5323 Editorial Comment

production of 8-epi-PGF2 is not enzymatically derived Reprint requests and correspondence: Dr. William H. Frish-
through COX activity (1,8). Optimal suppression of TXA2 man, Department of Medicine, New York Medical College,
is achieved by the use of aspirin alone; however, in patients Munger Pavilion 263, Valhalla, New York 10595. E-mail:
with atherosclerosis, not all thromboxane-like activity is
inhibited by aspirin (e.g., 8-epi-PGF2) (12).
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