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Movie Trailers - Coyote Ugly

I'm the parent. You're the child running away to live by herself. I should be telling you how to live.
How should I live? -Simple. Don't go. Good luck. There, I said it. I love you. -I put some pepper
spray in your purse. Even if you're not sure, just start spraying. Tell me that isn't yours. -Of course
not. It's a two bedroom. I heard that there might be a job opening? You start Friday night. -You're
giving me a job? Coyote Ugly. Why would you name your bar that? Because Cheers was taken.
That's Rachel. You can take some lessons from her. She just cut some guy's ponytail off. I'd like you
to meet my new bartender. Um, Violet. -Jersey. This is just to get you started, okay? Not a
problem. Oops. -Jersey! Okay, I've never had anyone stare at my ass for half an hour, so I'm gonna
say good night. Just for the record, I was only staring for the first fifteen minutes. Is this a church
meeting, or is this a bar? Make some noise. So, I'm a coyote? -Five nights a week. -Now shake it!
Okay, give me a glass of water. Do we serve water in this bar? -Hell, no, H-Two-O! This is the
greatest party I've ever been to. You're unbelievable.

Movie Trailers - Valentine's Day

The stewardess seems to like you. She looks over here every five seconds. No. -Five, four... -All
right, stop it. Can I get you anything? -Um... -Maybe a bag of pretzels. Last night... -Was... -
Amazing. -Thank you. -Oh, my God, well, I used to be a gymnast. Did I hurt you? It's not like I'm
gonna sleep with one person for the rest of my life, right? I mean, who does that? Crazy people
like us. Checking in for two? -Okay. -I mean one and a dog. Oh, great. Happy Valentine's Day. -You
too. Love is the only shocking act left on the planet. I can't eat, Grandpa. -What's the matter, are
you sick? -Love sick. You're gonna miss a good time tonight. Valentine's Day is about love. It's
about romance. It's about.. Valentine's Day. It's my fault that I'm alone on Valentine's Day. My
closest relationship is with my Blackberry. Right. -Thank God it vibrates.

Movie Trailers - Grown Ups

In nineteen seventy-eight, they were the best of friends. -Everybody say "championship!" Now,
they're getting back together for the first time in over thirty years. Higgy! -Hey, what's up, buddy?
Buddy, I thought you were gonna start working out. What does that mean? -Um, you're fat. -No!
Next summer, they're meeting each other's families. -Oh, and this must be your mother. My wife. -
I'm sorry. -I'm not. Oh, grody! Learning about their kids. -Mommy, I want some milk. -Come here,
we'll give you a little something. Your son is so cute! How old is he? -Forty-eight months. That's
four! -Yeah. And reliving their past. -Rope on a tree, baby! -Class is in session! -Go, baby! Weeee...
too high! -Now drop! -Definitely a mistake! -Let go! -I can't let go! Just can't! Adam Sandler. Kevin
James. Chris Rock. Rob Schneider. And David Spade. "Grown Ups."
Job interviews - How to get that job - Part 1
Hi, I'm Bob Parsons here with Brenna and Riva. Welcome to episode thirty of my video blog.
Understanding how to interview is crucial to landing a new or better job or getting an
important promotion. An individual who does not interview well can have outstanding
credentials, but often won't get the job. After being interviewed and interviewing hundreds of
perspective employees over the years, I've learned a few things about what makes a candidate
memorable and ultimately what it takes to get the job. So how do we make ourselves
memorable? Bob? Great question, Riva. Here are my rules for successful interviewing. Understand
the purpose of the interview. Number one and most important: you gotta get it through your
head that the interview is not about you, it's about selling yourself as the best person for the job.
It's your one chance to impress the interviewer and show them that your skills and
experience are a perfect match for the opportunity at hand. Understand what makes an
applicant... you... stand out. You'd be surprised how many people come to my office for an
interview without doing their homework. US Americans are unable to do so and, uh, I believe
that our ad... education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as...
There's no excuse for not having a good understanding of the company you want to work for.
So before the interview, go to their website, read and remember the company history, check out
recent press releases, Google company executives and the person you're interviewing with,
and be sure to reference what you've learned. Your preparation will inspire confidence in the
people you meet with and will show that you're truly interested in being a valuable employee.


Job interviews - How to get that job - Part 2

Be energetic during your interview. Sounds obvious, but if you're not excited about the job
and the company how can the hiring manager be excited about you? Be positive during the entire
interview. Avoid talking negatively about anything, any previous employer or anybody. Be excited
about the prospect of getting the job. Show your future employer that you'll tackle everything
with enthusiasm. Enthusiasm sells! And don't let nerves get the best of you. It's important that you
believe that you are the best person for the job. When you come in there and you actually
believe you're the best person for the job and you're willing to fight for yourself during the
interview that will come across to the interviewer and that confidence will go a long way in
getting you a job offer. Be inquisitive. When the interviewer asks if you have any questions be
ready! Have some good questions prepared in advance about the future of the company or
what you could do, to do a good job. Your questions should always deal about the company
and have nothing to do about what's in it for you. Employers want employees to solve problems.
So... be a problem solver. Go into your interview with some understanding of the challenges the
company faces. Better yet, make it a point to ask your interviewer what those challenges are. Be
prepared with some thoughtful solutions, brainstorm ideas! Even if the employer has been
down that road it'll make them think that you're invested and already thinking like one of
their team members and that goes a long, long way. For me, problem solvers are always the
people who get the job and move up the ladder quickly.t

Movie Trailers - Good Luck Chuck

I'd like to propose a toast. To Charlie, for being my lucky charm. Women call him... -You're that
Charlie? -What Charlie? Good Luck Chuck. Whoa, whoa, whoa! -You're a lucky charm. You have sex
with someone and then they find their true love? Isn't that how it works? Has everybody lost their
minds? That's ridiculous. I guess you are a lucky charm. Do you want to have sex before or after
dinner? Actually, I have dinner plans. Buddy, you got the ticket to the big show. You have a
hundred and eight messages. Yeah, I don't do that with men. -This is Molly. Danielle -Stacey. -This
is Bob. Just hear me out. But now... -I'm Kim. -I'm Charlie, I... Sorry, sorry... -Yesssss! Fess up about
this charm. It's quite a scam you got going. No, it's nothing. People will believe whatever they
want to believe. What seems like a blessing... Kim's the one, man. What makes you think I'll be
kissing you, huh? Are you alright? ... feels like a curse. If you sleep with her, she's gonna marry the
next guy she dates. Hey, that's not true. Started calling all your exes. They're married. It's real. -I
really hate you. I gotta go. You look great. I had a good time. I gotta go. To get the girl of his
dreams, Chuck will do anything... I've got to put the curse to the test. -...with anyone. Eleanor
Skepple. This chick ain't never getting married. I actually thought that maybe we could get
physical. I'm gonna ride you 'till you die! This summer... -Argh! -True love... Now? -Not now. Wait
'till I get the... ... has never been so hard. Come over. -I want to, I just don't think that we should...
Does you phone receive pictures? Dane Cook. Jessica Alba. 'Good Luck Chuck'. What's sex without
love? Sex! It's still... sex!

Job interviews - How to get that job - Part 3

Spend no time... talking about what's in it for you. Employers believe if you truly want the job
because you're excited about the opportunity and really want to work there you won't ask
about salary or vacation time or bonuses or health insurance during the initial interviews. If you
do, it shows that you're in it just for a paycheck and that's not what an employer wants to
hear. So practice patience. Prove you're the right person for the job first and the rewards will
soon follow. You'll get plenty of time to talk about what you need to come to work for the
employer after you get an offer. Use good old fashioned sales techniques! Use the principle of
exclusivity. Let the interviewer know that you have other options you're considering
that you are not going to always be around but that the opportunity in front of you is special.
Give reasons why the job you're interviewing for is perfect for you and why you're excited
about working for the company. Follow up to close the deal! A quick thank-you email or
handwritten note goes a long way. Make sure you reinforce how excited you are about the
opportunity. Use these techniques in your next interview and watch your stock rise.
Remember, your goal is to convince your future employer that if they don't hire you, it'll be
one of the biggest mistakes they've ever made. Well, that's a wrap for this episode. If you have any
comments or questions, please post them here. I'm always interested in what you have to say.
Riva, Breta and myself... thanks for watching. See you next time! During my life, I've assembled
a collection of sixteen rules most of them I learned the hard way. These rules helped me in
business and in my personal life hopefully they will help you too. Today's rule is number
thirteen: Never expect life to be fair. Life isn't fair. You make your own breaks. You'll be doing
good, if the only meaning "fair" [fare, play on words] has to you is what you pay when you
get on a bus.

Adam Sandler - interviewed by Jimmy Carter

But let's go back to Adam Sandler's youth. We find he was not a very dynamic child. In fact, he was
quite shy. I ran home... I used to run home a lot when I was a kid. I would go to school and my
mom would drop me off I'd go in and I'd ask to go to the bathroom and I would, I would... I'd
run home, 'cause I lived up the street, I couldn't... I didn't like being away from home. Were you a
discipline problem in school, I mean did you get in trouble for talking out loud or singing
"Opera Man" or anything like that? I... I... I definitely, uh, the old man the old man didn't
wanna hear about any problems in school so I, uh, I wasn't that rude, I wasn't that out of
control, but, um... Yeah my problems in school never made it home, I mean, I spent a lot of time
going to the principal, taking little visits and sitting with time-out in the hall that... I used to like
to do that. -Yes. Yes, that... I think that started with me in junior high and high school. When I was
a little kid there was, uh,... uh, I... I... I just was more heartbroken being away from, uh, my
mommy and daddy so I... I didn't... I didn't bother, uh, starting trouble, I was just sitting there
sad: "When's two thirty coming so I can see Mommy?" Mama, som'... something bad happened
today. -Did somebody hurt you, my boy? This is the most comedic role she's ever done and she is
just hilarious. The onliest woman in my boy's life is me, nobody's gonna take him away
especially not some godless Jezebel like you. When... when Kathy read... read the description of
the character she wasn't... she was, like: "I don't wanna do anything like that!" And then her, uh,
niece read it and said: "You gotta read it, you could have fun doing this"and Kathy read it, um, uh,
apparently had fun... And she got into it, didn't she? Yes, she got into it and on the set, it was cool,
it was cool. I think Kathy shot for, like, eight or ten days and every time she'd show up, like
day to day it got stronger and stronger... her... her being Mama all day long like we're around
the set, when I would say: "Hey, how ya doing?" She'd go: "Hey Bobby!" She would just talk to me
as Bobby Boucher all the time. I'm quite disturbed to see that you're so interested in my boy. I'm
very, very interested in your boy, Mrs. Boucher. -Really? -Mh. Well, did he tell you about how
much his feet smell? Mama! -He have [sic] to wear two pair [sic] of socks. All men are supposed to
have stinky feet. Well, are men supposed to wear pajamas featuring a cartoon character by the
name of Deputy Dog? Mama, please! -Well, you know what? I happen to find Deputy Dog to be
very, very se

Bob Parsons - Internet Know How - Part 2

Hello, I'm Charlie Sheen and this is Charlie's Sheen's "Winning Recipes".Yes, I'm doing a cooking
show. Why? Because, if you haven't noticed, I'm winning television right now. My plan is to be the
first person to have made an appearance on every television network. Just like I was the first
person to get one million Twitter followers in twenty-four hours. Like I was the first to build
my own rocket ship to Cassiopeia using only... my mind tools. Here I come, Food Network!
Face it, I am living the life of a rock-star Vatican assassin and if you eat like me, you can be
like me. If you aren't thinkin' about what you're puttin' in your body, plan better. The first decision
you have to make is which kitchen to use: the indoor kitchen, so it's in the "comfort zone"or the
outdoor kitchen, because the spirits of my Adonis ancestors can fly above me and breathe
fire onto the meal. Outdoor wins! I just teleported myself here. I did it again. Now that you're in
the right kitchen, you need to have the right tools. This is not a spatula. It's a cooking wand for a
warlock. This is not a bowl. It is a cauldron... of awesomeness. All green things must die. So, I'm
gonna start off by makin' a salad. I got this tomato from my garden. I grew this. My fingertips
radiate sunshine and I water them with the tears of a jaguar. I will rinse off any nymphs or
demons that got on it while in my garden. Salad is done. Some troll is gonna say: "That's not a
salad!" Oh, really? Looks like a tomato-winning salad to me. This won't be a kosher meal, not
because I'm anti-Semitic, but because my tiger blood... needs meat. I killed this cow myself.
Winners stalk and kill their own food without earthly weapons. I'm not some mouth-breather in
a drive-thru gorging my pie-hole on mass-produced monkey grub. My body is a lock box of
diamonds, uranium and assassin nobility. The best way to cook a steak... is with moderate... to
intense observation. Duh... winning steak is done. There's only one thing you can drink with a meal
like this. No wine in Sober Valley Lodge. This is tea made from ground dinosaur fossils. Now for a
couple more finishing touches. I don't cook food. I will it. My hands are rated by Zagats. Who am I?
Now garnish it with a secret ingredient... Charlie Sheen. Mm... [It] tastes like winning. Warning:
the taste of Charlie Sheen has the potential to cause your soul to weep and forfeit.
Genesis Inc. - The Mikeasaur Part 1

[Genesis one: twenty-four. On the sixth day God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures,
according to their various kinds: cattle, creeping things and wild animals."] Hey! Hey. You waitin'
for Brad? Yeah. Yeah. I made a few changes on this guy and I just want to get a sign-off before I
move ahead. So... This guy... is brand new! Oh, yeah? -Yeah. Ah, he's cute. He'...yeah. You're, um...
-"Things that creepeth". Right... right. Uh, "land and water"... "eggs instead of womb." The womb.
-Right. -Yeah. That's good. Very technical... very exciting. Yeah, that's great! So, what's his defense
rating? -Three point five. -Really! -Yeah. For something that small? -Yeah, well he's really fast! I'll
bet! In fact, we're workin' on a version that's smaller than this. He's stronger, he's lighter. He can...
he can run on water. Aah! Unbelievable! -Wow! -Yeah. That's great! Yeah. Yeah. It would be a
shame if these two met up at the mall... It'd be curtains for your... What does he eat? What is he
called? Bear. Yeah, no, this is actually just a demo model. -Oh! Yeah, he's gonna stand like... this
tall... on all fours. He's got a forty-eight point eight defense rating. So... Forty-eight? Well,
eventually I'm gonna give him much bigger fangs... like... that. Well, maybe you might be overdoin'
it just a bit! No. It's pretty awesome! Oh, sure, you know. Sure, if that's what you're goin' for. You
know, if you want to do "the size" and the, you know, "the brute strength"...instead of "the
finesse." -Hey, guys... uh, Paul, do you mind, if I see Mike first? -No problem. -Okay. Oh, is that the
bear? -Yeah! Oh! I love the bear! Buddy, you seen the bear? Oh, he's great! He's like seven feet,
o'... on his hind legs, right, when he... when he goes... Right. He'... well, he doesn't do that all the
time, but, when he does do it... -Ah... -it is really awesome! That's great! And Mike, you have
another green thing? -Okay, great, let's see him. Uh, Paul, thanks. -Sure. You're okay. Good luck,
man. -Thanks. -'kay. Ugh... this thing goes crazy! He [goes]: "Ra' ra... ra ra!"... and he eats
everything in sight... and he tears the tree off! Raa! Right? -I'll buy this! Great! I love it! What's his
defensive rating? Hundred and twenty-five point five! Ah... that's fantastic! Forty-two feet of egg-
laying, meat-eating fury! Oh, that's good! What's... uh... what's his name? "Mikeasaur." You know,
w'... we'll work on the name. We'll work on it! -Yeah! That's great, that's super! Thank you, Mike. -
Okay, thank you. Paul, let's see the little bear. Okay, alright. Let's go. Thank you. Thanks for havin'
me. [Genesis, Inc. to be continued...]

Between Two Ferns - Tila Tequila

Hello! Welcome to another edition of "Between Two Ferns." I'm your host... uh... I'm your host,
Zach. My guest, um, today is Tila Tequila. Welcome Tila. -Thank you. You have three point six
million, uh, friends on MySpace. -Yes. -Who's Darryl? Darryl? -I'm just kidding along with... I'm just
kidding. -OK. Maybe you and I could, maybe you and I could be friends and we could, um,
hang out and stuff. Yeah, absolutely! -Do you jet ski? -Oh my gosh, I love jet skiing. It's always been
my dream to jet ski around the world... Yeah... -Maybe we could do that... Yeah, we could... we
could totally do that. Yeah, it's been really, um, enlightening, and amazing to talk to you... -Thank
you. Um, unfortunately, I have another guest. Oh, well, I had a great time. -Yeah, will you stick
around, though? Oh yeah! -OK, cool. -Absolutely! Thank you. Um, please welcome my next guest,
uh... Jennifer Aniston. [Jennifer Anderson. Second guest.] Hi. -Hi. -How are you? -Hello! -Nice to
meet you. -Nice to meet you. Should I...? Is there a... -Could you move that over for T'... Tila? Just
move the fern over? This fern? -Yeah, would you mind? -Uh, no! Oh my, oh God, OK. Oh, look, it's
a chair! Do you want, you're going to sit here? Up! -OK. -No problem. -Oh, thank you. -Thank you. -
Sit there. -Thank you, Tila. -Thanks, Tila. Nice to meet you. -Oh, good to meet you too. -Thank you.
Uh, so welcome, uh, Jennifer. -Thanks, happy to be here. Tila, tell Jennifer a little bit about
yourself. Oh, well, um... I sing, and I did reality shows, as actually, I have my own reality show. You
had a reality show? -Yeah. What she would do, is she would have a lot of people to... to fight all
over her... to like, um, maybe get in bed with her. Did... -Uh, well... -how did... did... how did that
go? -Sound familiar, Jennifer? Sorry? Sorry? -Uh, so you're, you're, you're Greek... -Yeah! -and I'm
Greek. -I know. And um, you changed your last name for show business? But you kept it! You were
committed to the... -No, my... my name is shortened. It was? -It was Galifianakisberg. What stuff
do you have working on... uh, Jenny? Well, I... this movie, that we're tal'... supposed to talk about,
which is Just Go With It, with Adam Sandler. I've also worked with Adam Sandler too, on a film. -
Oh, really? -Yeah! -What's he like? Really nice, and he's just... uh, right? Isn't he a really ni'... -
Extre'... yeah! -nice guy... -he was one of the nicest! Did you guys hang out a lot? -Yeah. -Tila?
Yeah, absolutely! Afterwards, we'd go hit the trailer and, you know, snack on a bunch of food...
You know, he's a lot of fun, he's a great guy. -That's a great story! -Yeah! If you were forced to
choose one state in the US to be struck with a nuclear weapon. One state, or else the entire
country would be destroyed. Which state would you choose to annihilate? That's just... not... I'm
not gonna do that. Oh, so the whole country's going to be destroyed by a nuclear weapon. I don't
think... well, that's not going to happen. Tila, who would you... -I don't think... -who would you... -
Rhode Island! -Rhode Island! OK... -Wait, hold on! Go ahead! -Oh, geez... -Speed Stick, deodorant
for your be-odorant! That's so cute! Tila, you probably have had a lot of wild adventures, like, uh...
Oh, yes, absolutely! -as far as, like, romance is involved, you ever done anything like in a car, or
anything? Oh, the cars, the airplanes... -You know what? Let me... Can I get... I'm so sorry, I don't
mean to... I got a... -And, and, and this week-end... -I got a blow job once on a motorcycle. I'm
gonna let you guys finish, because I think you are actually... This... this is unfinished business. So
why don't I come back... I'm going to go and hit the green room. Um, sure. We're all up for that. -
Did you get enough questions out of...? Um, well I had a little... another question, if you don't
mind. Well, were you... -No, it's for Tila. Yeah. You know what, Zach? ... fact!

Genesis Inc. - The Mikeasaur Part 2

Ha ha... ha ha ha And uh... -He's got little pleats in his sleeves. I have no idea what to do. I have
no solution for this problem. I feel like, "Why am I even working on this? This is not my problem,"
right? No. -I mean it is my problem, but it's not my fault. It shouldn't have been. -Right. It shouldn't
have... it shouldn't have. Somebody... -Yes. -should have caught it before this. Right. Hey! Hey,
Mike. What are you workin' on? Upgrades... for... beasts of the Earth. -Oh, yeah? How's that goin'?
-It's complicated. I'm tryin' to come up with ways to keep them alive. So... Oh... well, what's the
problem? Maybe I can help. Well, they seem to all be getting eaten by the Mikeasaur... and the
Giganticasaur... -Mm. and the Hugeasaur... -Mm. -So... Well, maybe you could make them better
at hiding. Yeah, well, it's kinda hard to find food and water when you're hiding all the time! Well,
they don't have to hide all the time! They can come out every now and then. Well, then there's
also the, uh, the added problem of, uh, lack of available vegetation because everything has been
eaten... Well... -by the Mikeasaur. -survival of the fittest! Uh... how's your Brenda B. [a brand of
teddy bear] doin'? It's a bear. Bear. -He's fine! I have him hibernating three months out of the
year. So, I'm sort of hoping he can ride this whole thing out. That's great! -Thanks. Listen, good
luck. Thank you. You know, the plants... all of the vegetation has been destroyed. I'm thinking that
we need to increase the growth rate. U'... um, Evon... -Hey! I need assistance... critical... that work
on this as a growth mechanism that has speed... It's just like... we have to figure out the
construction, uh... Ellen, is it just me? -Um... I really... Or... -it's not... -is [sic] there, like, people
plotting against me here? It's, um... Whew! -And tha'... that... I can't help it if I have the best ideas!
It's not my fault! See, I get so worked up by all of this! I couldn't do it without you, Ellen. I couldn't
do it without you! His things that creapeth don't really... creapeth anymore. They more... are
things that devastate and destroy and permanently alter the vegetative infra-structure! They're
totally out of control! The thing is that the'... there's no way that First Man is ever going to be
able to handle all these things. Okay. Um... How about solutions... to this? Well, it is possible
that it could take care of itself because the Giganticasaur is now eating the Mikeasaur... and
everything else. -Oh, yeah... We could... contact... the weather department. Weather? Extreme
temperatures... flood... You're talkin' about extinction. Huh... let's do it!

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